Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Sister in Trouble
Evening came and morning followed, Sunday. The night before, at first, was filled with nightmares and just overall uncomfortableness. But, the second half, after I woke up, felt like I was safer, and was dreamless.
The sounds. Bed springs creaking, soft breathing, birds chirping outside, signaling the presence of morning. I sighed contently for once, it felt a lot better.
I knew I wasn't alone, seeing that I could remember why I felt so much better: I had gone to the man inside the house, the person that would attempt to help but I would deny him ninety-eight percent of the time.
Garroth. I quietly laid there, rethinking everything. He's not that bad of a guy. He has put his feelings aside to help me. And... last night... I could tell that he stepped out of his comfort zone to help... but... why would he do that for me?
My head shifted, not by my own muscle source. It startled me, but I quickly realized that I was still laying in the crook of his arm, just like I had fallen asleep.
"You awake, (y/n)?" Garroth's voice sleepily mumbled, his chest slightly vibrating when he did, that feeling slightly scaring me.
"Yes..." I said gently, sitting up, looking at him softly. He had his eyes lightly open, although his baby blue eyes were slightly darker from him being asleep. I smiled gently at him.
He chuckled sleepily, lightly shifting, his arm slipping off me, "Morning..."
"Morning to you too." I said softly before I softly sat up. It was, once again, silent. He shifted onto his side, facing away from me. I turned around and looked at him softly.
He honestly... was sort of cute. His hair was a soft sandy blonde color, his face calm, even though it seemed like he had gone through a lot. He looked like someone who could take care of himself... I sighed quietly, curling my knees up to my chest. I didn't want anything to do with him... it still is too soon. He feels like a big brother to me; how could I love someone more than that when... it would seem wrong?
The bed creaked and shifted again before his hand gently, but firmly, held onto my shoulder. I flinched lightly, the touch foreign since I had been zoned away from reality. I turned my head lightly, looking at him.
"You alright, "(y/n)?" He gently asked, his eyes focusing on my face.
"I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I softly said, looking at him softly. He sighed with a small chuckle, "You just seemed lost in thought."
I giggled quietly, looking down, "I kinda was..."
He gently tilted his head, lightly shifting to more face me, his hand sliding down to on the bed, "What about?"
I stopped myself from talking. How do you tell someone that the thing you were thinking about was them!? In my mind, I just went to the next best thing: "Just my dad's work..."
He nodded gently, his head still tilted, "Where does your father work again?"
I shrugged as I looked down, "That pizzeria that, well, we basically got stuck in..."
Garroth nodded gently, "Oh yeah. You told me that before."
I giggled quietly, "You forgetful or somethin?" He shrugged, his head tilting more before it went straight up again, "You could say that."
I lightly smiled, looking down softly, my fingers in the bed. The wraps around my arms were slightly on my palms. I bit my lip, my hair sliding down around my face.
Should he know that I did that to myself...? I don't want to tell him the truth... not after telling him the lie...
"You hungry or anything?" He asked gently. I noticed his tone was tinted with the awkwardness.
"Kinda..." I looked back up, "Just... don't know any food to eat."
He smiled softly, "Well, there's..." He paused, as if at a loss for words suddenly.
I smiled lightly, holding in my laugh, "there's... what?"
"There is... um..." He slightly started to lean towards me, it super slowly as he tried to form words.
My stomach sucked in, my chest starting to ache in nervousness. What was he doing...?!
Is he trying to kiss me? Why would he be doing this...
His eyes began to close before he fully slumped, hitting my shoulder, him instantly flying his head back up, "Uh... Pancakes... Bacon... Eggs..."
I snorted at that, realizing that he was drifting off to sleep. I mentally sighed in relief, almost about to slap him if he tried anything. "Well, what about quesadillas?"
"What type then?" He asked, looking at me.
"I dunno. Just try to shake it up instead of having conventional breakfast food... so... bean and cheese?" I ranted at first before answering his question, which made him laugh.
We both got up before walking into the kitchen, the two of us finding a way to work together on attempting to make food.
I sighed quietly when I stood by the counter, closing my eyes before instantly opening them again. I felt like something was going on... but... I didn't know what it was... My gut ached, it felt horrible. The pain started to become so unbearable, tears rushed to my eyes, me grabbing the counter so hard, my knuckles began to turn white.
"(y/n)? What's going on?" His voice showed that he had turned.
I just whimpered, closing my eyes tighter. "It just hurts..."
He bit his lip, "Maybe you just need to sit down for a few minutes..."
I didn't budge, it hurting to breathe. Garroth gently walked over, pulling me up and basically cradling me as he walked over to the living room and set me down. I bit my lip, burying my head into a pillow he gave me. He sighed softly.
"Just relax and sit here... okay? It'll go away in a few minutes... I promise."
"Do not go up there, Sara. I'll be back in a few minutes." Father looked at me sternly before he walked off, walking towards men with suits.
I quietly sighed, looking around at my friend's birthday party. Her 10th birthday... I'm only five...
The other people ran around playing with her, all of them taller and older than me, it kind of scary to look at them and be me...
I watched one room before giggling, running over to the window with the seat, watching inside of it. I smiled softly before seeing the huge animatronic. Daddy calls her Baby.
The children ran in an' out.
I wanted to join them. I wanted to smile and run around with a toy. I wanted to sing and dance and play with others. But... no one wanted me around... Daddy was still talking to someone...
Baby. Baby was singing now, her bowing down to my friend and her friend beside her.
I wanted to go and play with the two. I giggled before getting down and running in. But... I was the only one... they had run out...
My eyes watered as I sat down in the middle of the room, starting to cry. I looked at the reflection the floor gave off to look at me. My green eyes were emeralds, as mommy would say, even if I was crying. My strawberry blonde hair shadowed my face.
"Why are you crying?" A gentle, though happy voice said across the room.
I looked up to see who it was. I wiped my face, "Hello?"
Then a giggle followed, "Hello, sweet cheeks!"
"Who are you?" I asked, standing up, the voice starting to be soothing and making me smile.
"I'm Baby, silly." She smiled.
I noticed the animatronic face moved as the voice came out. I gasped in surprise and shock, starting to smile as I started to walk towards her.
"Would you like to sing?" She asked with a tune to her voice. I nodded vigorously, smiling brightly as she had a tune to a nursery rhyme, which she taught me the words to.
It was amazing and so much fun. I giggled before looking up at her, my stomach beginning to growl.
Her head lightly tilted, her small ears parallel to her eyes listened to the sound, "Are you hungry?"
I softly nodded, "Yeah..."
"Sara? Where are you sweetheart?" Father's faint voice said outside the room. I ignored it, intrigued by Baby.
She smiled as she gently twirled around. "Come on over."
I smiled before coming over to her slowly. I wanted to be there. She is amazing.
She's so beautiful and shiny.
Just made for me it seemed.
I saw the ice cream. It was amazing. It smelled like strawberries. It looked like chocolate. It was everything.
I giggled as I walked up to it. "For me?"
She giggled as her violet eyes suddenly had the black dots her smaller. "Just for you on your happiest day."
I smiled before noticing the eyes... Suddenly, her stomach opened completely and I shrieked. A mechanical arm dragged me quickly into Baby. I shut my eyes tightly and quickly before everything went dark. And my whole body was suddenly covered in a thick wetness.
"Daddy..." I whimpered, my fingers weakly curling together and hitting the outside of that cramped area, the darkness not changing, my head hurting like someone pounded into it.
"Sara Anne!?" Dad's voice shouted, fear in his voice.
"DADDY!?" I screamed, but it sounded faint to me.
There was a distant banging, small cracks of light in the background before the lightstreaks slanted, a sharp pain in my head as everything started to fade...
(n/n)... I'm scared... I'm scared Mommy...
To be Continued.
I openly cried in the end and part of the second area with Sara. ;( I feel bad but nah. :3
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