Chapter 9
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry I'm late, Virge."
Virgil didn't look up from the pennies at the bottom of the fountain. "It's fine, Princey."
"No, no it's not. I promised that I wouldn't be late this time and I am and-"
"Princey." Virgil said sharply, cutting Roman's rambling off. "I said it's fine. That means I'm not bothered. Which means it's fine. Okay?" Roman sighed and nodded. "Let me guess, rehearsal ran overtime?"
"More or less."
Virgil nodded and stood up. "Well, I'd better go."
"What, why?"
"It's nothing to do with you, Princey, trust me." Roman thought that it was a little ironic that Virgil was saying that, after everything. "It's just that Annie's coming over for a play date with Issac and guess who skived out on Big Brother Duty to go hang out with Emile?" Virgil sighed. "So I'm the one taking the fall."
"Sorry I missed our time together, Virge. I did try to get away."
Virgil kissed Roman's cheek and smiled. "I know you did. See you on Monday?"
"Yeah, bye."
"Bye Princey."
Roman put his hands over his eyes and shook his head. Memories weren't welcome at this point in time.
"Virgil you fucking idiot." He muttered. "Why'd you have to go and say..." Roman didn't finish his sentence and instead let out an annoyed sigh. Just when he'd thought the never-ending thoughts about Virgil Summers had ended as high school did, he had to run into Virgil. Of course.
"Why can't life just be fair? I get it. I fucked up in high school. You don't need to remind me every damn day."
Roman ran his hands through his hair and his eyes fell on Virgil's book, which was lying half-open and probably breaking the spine on the floor. Roman aimed a kick at it and it skid about half-way across the room.
Roman groaned, annoyed. "Why can't anything just go decent in my life?"
"Roman!" Ace clapped their hands twice in front of Roman's face, making him jump. "Jesus, what is it with my leads this week? Always zoning out."
"Sorry, sorry. Um, what is it?"
"Get your script and move your ass." Ace's annoyance at Roman couldn't stop an excited grin spreading across their face. They turned and addressed the whole cast. "We're going to the stage, everyone!"
Virgil's face went pale. He'd heard off of stolen snippets of the crew's conversations that they were going to build a tall structure on the stage, similar to the one in Newsies. A structure he, as the lead, would definitely have to climb and act or sing on at one point. He hadn't been too worried, it was far in the future when he'd first heard about it, but now they were going down to the stage.
"Shit." He hissed under his breath.
"You okay, Virgil?"
"I'm fine." He snapped. Aaron stepped back a little.
"Okay. Sorry. I just... you looked like you were going to faint."
Virgil took a deep breath and glared at Aaron. "I'm fine." He repeated.
"Taking slights at Aaron now, are we?" Virgil took another breath. Dealing with Roman was the last thing he needed to do right now.
"I wasn't taking slights at him, Princey. He was in my business, I telling him to mind his own."
"First of all, I am worthy of a nickname once more!" Roman's tone was so triumphant it seemed slightly fake. "Second of all, be nice to people, Sunshine, when they're being nice to you. Might get you places."
I don't know if anything of what I just wrote made any sense. My brain is broken and the space behind my eyes is dizzy. I'm just mostly confused, help. On a better note, when I started writing this, I was listening to I Don't Love You by MCR which is just so fitting for this fic.
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