Chapter 22
"The man of the hour finally decides to show up." Remy declared, making Virgil leap about a foot in the air.
"Jesus fucking Christ, what are you doing in my house? Scratch that, how did you even get into my house?"
"I called you, said I was coming. Did you not get my call or-?"
"Remy, you know I never turn off do-not-disturb." Virgil rolled his eyes and tried to slow his heart down. "Now, get out of my house."
"I wouldn't really call this a house." Remy said, resting his feet on the table and looking around. "More a room and a half."
"Get out."
"Aw, you not happy to see your brother?" Remy pushed his glasses down his nose and looked at Virgil. "I'm hurt, Virge. Deeply hurt."
Virgil sighed. "Just get out."
"Or what?" Remy grinned and stood up. He pushed his glasses up his nose with the hilt of a fake knife. "You'll... stab me?"
Virgil stormed up to him and made a grab for the fake knife. "Give me my knife."
"Mhm, your..." Remy pulled down the top of the knife and watched it ping back into place, "knife."
"How did you even get in here? I locked the door. Didn't I?"
Remy shrugged and handed Virgil back the prop. "Back door."
"Back do- I live on the fifth floor!"
"Fire escape, then. Come on, gurl, aren't you at least a little happy to see me?"
"No." Virgil said, glaring at his brother. "It's been, what, eleven years? And now you just show up all of a sudden and-" Virgil's face dropped as something clicked in his head and he gave Remy a death stare. "Is this because me and Roman are in the same show?"
"Ding, he's got it." Remy said, clicking his fingers and pointing at Virgil. "Hallelujah."
Virgil sighed. "You know, I think I liked it better when you were out to kill Roman. Now, before you ask anything, there is nothing between me and Princey. Never will be. I'm completely over him."
"You think."
"I know."
"You think." Remy said, smirking. Virgil glared at him.
"I will steal your sunglasses if you don't get out."
"Puh-lease, you couldn't even reach my face if you tried." Remy said, laughing.
"Does Emile even know about you coming here?"
Remy opened his mouth and pointed at Virgil. He closed his mouth again.
"What Em doesn't know can't hurt him?"
"Get out." Virgil said, dead-pan. "Or I'll call Emile."
"One question, though-"
"No. Out."
"I won't leave until you answer my question." Remy said, crossing his arms. Virgil mirrored his action.
"And I won't answer your question until you leave."
"That doesn't even make sense."
Virgil sighed. "Look, Coffee Addict, you need to leave. I've got stuff to do."
"Like what? Mope? Brood?"
"Go over lines."
"Speaking of which-"
"I'll text Emile the details as soon as I know what's going on." Virgil raised his eyebrow. "Was that your question?"
"I'm gonna say no so I can stay here longer and I will get back to you on that."
Virgil sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Just get out! Or I'll push you out a window."
Remy pushed his sunglasses down his nose and looked at Virgil sceptically.
"I'm stronger than I look." Virgil tilted his head slightly and glared at Remy. "Don't test me."
"Okay, I pissed Em off by saying that the live action was better than the cartoon, please let me stay here for an hour or something. Please! I'm going to die otherwise." Virgil raised an eyebrow. "Wow. Stone cold bitch. I taught you well." Remy said, his tone changing from pleading to proud.
"You didn't teach me shit."
"Watch the potty language, gurl."
"As if you didn't swear around everyone but dad." Virgil said, rolling his eyes. He grabbed Remy's sleeve and pulled him over to the front door. "Now, get out."
"Em's gonna kill me, Virge."
"Good." Virgil pushed Remy over the thresh-hold and shut the door. "I'll text him when you can get tickets. Should be a day or two." He said through the door. He got no reply.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "That was way harder than it should've been."
I was bored and I had Writer's Block. Also, MY FAKE RUBBER KNIFE CAME IN THE POST TODAY! Sorry, that was loud. But it's cool, right? I'm not going insane, right?
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