Chapter 16
Virgil brightened up as the stage door opened. Roman came up, laughing and talking with some of his cast members.
Virgil smiled and waved shyly, trying to get his attention. Roman looked over and grinned at him.
"Hey, I'll catch you up." He said to his cast member before jogging over to Virgil.
Virgil grinned and kissed him. "You were really good, Princey."
Roman smiled a little bashfully. "Thanks. I couldn't see you when I looked around."
"I wasn't as close to the stage as I thought I would be. I was there, though." Virgil assured. "I've got a free evening until... I think ten. I told mum and dad that your show was running late and they believed it completely."
"My boyfriend, the pathological liar." Roman said, putting his hand over his heart dramatically. Virgil laughed and elbowed him.
"Oh shut up."
"Promise you'd never lie to me like that?" Roman asked, holding Virgil closer to him. Virgil smiled and kissed him gently.
"Promise. Long as you don't."
"Never again, pinkie swear." Roman promised. Virgil smiled and buried his head in Roman's shoulder, grinning bashfully.
"Anyway, I'm free until ten if you want to go somewhere."
"Oh, I can't."
"You can't?" Virgil's tone and face fell. "Why?"
"I said I'd go with the cast. We're going to see a film at the cinema. They're showing Singin' In The Rain and we thought it'd be appropriate since that's what we did as well." Roman's smile fell slightly. "I'm sorry, Sunshine. I just... can't cancel on them again."
"No it's, um, it's fine. Just kinda hoped that... nevermind." Virgil looked down and wriggled out of Roman's arms. "See you around, yeah?"
"Yeah. I, um, I really am sorry-"
"I said it's fine, Roman." Virgil said, a sharper edge to his voice. He sighed and smiled at Roman. "Yeah, see you around."
"I just don't get it, Re!"
"Oh, Jesus Christ." Roman heard Remus sigh. "I thought that getting out of the same house that you live in would end my suffering. But nope. So come on, what don't you get?"
"Jan! I called it!" Remus yelled, apparently either across the room or down the corridor. "Anyway, what about Virgil do you not get? And be specific, this isn't a guessing game and I've not got much time."
"He was perfectly fine talking to me and then the next second he's all hostile and I just don't get it!"
"Oh God. Ro, I'm not your personal therapist, write in a fucking diary or something! But you did Virgil dirty twice-"
"You're not helping, Re."
"I never said I was going to help. Anyway, yeah you did Virgil dirty twice and obviously he's not gonna be happy about that. If he's being your friend, he's not gonna be happy about that either and hence the reason he's pushed you away."
"Hence?" Roman repeated, swallowing down a laugh.
"I've been living with Jan for just over a decade, don't judge me, Ro."
"Oh, I'm judging."
"Shut up. Anyway, yeah, I'm not your personal therapist, don't call me again unless it's to tell me something actually important."
"Hey, this is important!"
"To you, maybe. But it doesn't mean shit to me, Ro."
This is a shit-post chapter and I had way too much fun writing it. Also, I have gotten into a huge Disney vibe or something. I just... I'm drawing the Disney princesses as couples (you'll probably be getting a book of that sometime), I've found my old Disney CD to listen too, I'm listening to Disney songs on Spotify AND I've been watching at least one Disney film a week. Life is good, life is really good. Also, when in doubt, go for flashbacks. They're really fun to write, gives you a little insight into the past.
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