This Seems Fun
The two of them had quickly headed towards where they had spotted the person. When they met up with each other everyone practically collided. They all landed on the soft grass and chuckled. Skeppy quickly got up and launched at the newcomer tackling him in a hug. The newcomer wore a black and white headband with a black shirt and jeans. Skeppy had recognised his French friend immediately. It had been a bit and Skeppy still hadn't let go.
"You can let go of me," A6D muttered in his regular thick French accent. "It's not like I'm going anywhere."
"Right, right," Skeppy murmured slowly letting go of his friend.
"Alright now that's over," Techno smirked. "Interrogation."
"Yeah," Skeppy smiled. "Do you have any clue to where the others are and what to do?"
"I only know what I've found out," the French man replied. "I have no clue about where anyone else is, but I do have this." He then unfolded a piece of paper. He then proceeded to read it out for the three of them.
"On this note your first challenge will be explained. You must find the dark story and fight the overlord. Once that is complete collect what is most valuable. Only one each or death. All team members must complete this challenge."
The three looked up in shock but decided to head to the plains to make a base. It was a long trek, but the undergrowth was stunning to look at. Soon the three had made it to the open space with some of there gathered materials and noticed there was already a base there. No one knew where it came from cause Techno and Skeppy didn't see it from the mountain but still set up inside it. It was maybe midday and they were all looking for their friends. They hadn't really spoken much to each other because no one really knew what to say. When everyone regrouped at the house there were new faces. Techno had found Zelk and Spifey in the southern part of the plains. A6D had found Dream near the west side. The only person missing was Bad. Still nobody spoke a word. Night soon dawned (jokes). Luckily, they had made enough beds for everyone. Majority of the youtubers managed to sleep but Skeppy couldn't. He was super worried for his friend. Then he heard some loud banging on the door. He shot right up out of his bed and grabbed his sword. The others started to wake up too and they all grabbed weapons. Skeppy was the first to the door.
"Skeppy get away from there!" Techno yelled at him, but the fluffy haired boy didn't move. The banging continued and then Skeppy did something strange. He threw his weapon away and opened the door. Everyone else was supremely concerned but saw that it wasn't a mob of any kind. Skeppy dragged in a guy wearing a black and red hoodie. A6D then hurried over to help too. Everyone else put down their weapons and joined the three near the door. Their friend was only semi-conscious, and it didn't take him long to lose his consciousness completely. There wasn't enough beds for everyone to sleep so A6D decided to sleep on the floor so that Bad could rest properly. They then awkwardly managed to get Bad into a bed as everyone got back into their own. Skeppy was now fully able to sleep. Everyone was exhausted in general and slept easily.
The very next morning people started to wake up. A6D was first and decided to make a nice breakfast for everyone. He was soon joined by Techno who also helped out. Spifey was next because he fell out of his bed. Zelk woke up to the loud bang Spifey caused. Dream woke up on his own terms thankfully. Skeppy was next and he seemed much livelier than the day before. Bad was last to wake up and was greeted with the smells of bacon. As everyone was eating, they began to discuss they challenge they had before them.
"To fill you all in," Techno started finishing his mouthful. "We have to go to this place and fight something and collect items."
"Wow," Skeppy smirked. "Nice explaining Techno."
"Why thank you."
"And do we know where to do this stuff?" Zelk questioned looking at Dream's bacon greedily. Dream gave in and threw a piece at his face. It slapped him in the face, but he couldn't care less where it hit him. He got free bacon.
"Well no," A6D replied trying not to laugh.
"I can help with that," Bad grabbed something out his pocket and unfolded some paper. "It's a map!" He was so proud he could finally contribute to his friends and everyone just lost their minds at how adorable he was.
"Nice!" Spifey replied enthusiastically. This made Bad sigh noticing what he did, and the others glared at Spifey.
"What's that darker spot on the map with the number one on it?" Dream asked switching everyone's attention back to the map.
"Maybe it's where we have to go," Techno replied standing up from his seat at the table. "Whatever it is it should be worth checking out." Everyone else agreed with him and stood from their seats preparing to leave for the mountain. Skeppy and A6D gave Bad some materials to survive the long journey. But what nobody knew was how dangerous and life threatening the first and easiest challenge would be.
Word count: 917
Sorry for how rushed this chapter is but i just wanna get to the juicy stuff XD
Right now i'm on a roll so maybe the next chapter will be uploaded today too
I hope you are all enjoying this so far
Might also write some other stories like this one and some oc shit
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