This is Just the FIRST Challenge?!
They had soon reached the forest and decided to hold a race.
"So, first one to get to the other side wins," Skeppy explains. "There will be no prices but just the fun!"
"Ugh," Bad mumbled. "Why do we have to do this?"
"Because it will be fun!" Dream responded enthusiastically.
"You don't have to participate if you don't want to," Techno told Bad. "But most of us surely will be racing."
"Fiiiiinnnnnneeee," Bad rolled his eyes.
"Three, two, one," Skeppy smiled at his teammates. "GO!" Everyone then raced off into the forest. Skeppy skilfully weaved through the beautiful undergrowth. Yet he wasn't coming first. Techno was obviously in the lead Naruto running. Skeppy smirked and positioned himself into the running style and magically got faster. Beside him Zelkam and A6D were doing the same thing. Then something overtook him, and he only just noticed the green hooded person.
"NOOOO!" Techno yelled as Dream overtook him swiftly. Skeppy raced faster nearly beating Techno as the pvp lord was too focused on Dream. But then the end of the forest came into view and everyone slowed down. Dream was first then Techno, Skeppy, A6D, Zelk, Spifey and lastly Bad. They all panted loudly as Dream smiled over at Techno.
"You may be the god of pvp," he whispered. "But I am the god of Naruto running!"
"I don't know if that's an achievement," Bad commented. "Like-"
"CONGRATS DREAM!!" Skeppy cut him off simply and patted the masked boy on the back.
"Maybe we shouldn't have wasted all that energy running," A6D started looking at the mountain. "That looks like hell."
"Oh well," Zelk sighed. "We can try."
Slowly everyone had pulled their shit together and had begun to climb. Techno was obviously leading them and Skeppy was helping people because he had a bit of experience with climbing mountains. No one really struggled until the temperature began to drop quickly. Some people did spawn in with reasonably warm clothes, but others weren't as lucky. Spifey was protected the best because he had a fluffy onesie for gods sake. The two who got cold first was Techno and A6D. Everyone had hoodies and they just had a fluffy coat and long sleeves. The two of them huddled up in Techno's cloak and were slowly falling behind the group. Skeppy was the first to notice this. He looked at the back of the group and saw the freezing people.
"Guys stop," he yelled over the raging wind and they all turned to look at what he was looking at. Zelk who was the closest to the back helped them into a sheltered spot they had just passed. Everyone looked worriedly at their friends. Skeppy crouched beside Techno because he wasn't shivering too much.
"S-Sorry," he muttered.
"Hey man its fine," Skeppy reassured his friend. "We will rest here for the time being." The group nodded in agreement and started looking for a place to light a few torches. Skeppy quickly scouted the track they were taking to make sure it was all clear from enemies. It would be too cold for mobs to spawn here hopefully. As he made his way back, he could smell soup coming from the little camp. As he approached the whole in the mountain there was some dim light coming from it and lots of people talking in concerned tones. It was too quiet for him to hear but he crept into the hole and saw the little camp everyone had set up. Zelk was cooking some soup for everyone and Techno was already drinking some of it. Spifey and Dream were rummaging through their bags for blankets. Bad was cuddling A6D who was shivering less than before. Skeppy had to reluctantly take control of the mission. He then sat beside where Bad was warming A6D up as he looked at everyone with a very concerned gaze. After a while everyone had gotten soup and were now sharing blankets. Spifey was sharing with Zelk whilst Dream shared with Techno which left the trio to share. Skeppy found it really difficult to go to sleep like everyone else for a few reasons. A6D was ice cold which just made Skeppy continuously check if his French friend was alive. The other reason was that he felt responsible for looking after everybody. He never knew what it was like to lose someone really close to him, but it never seemed nice. Soon all his stress just made him tired and he ended up just like the rest of them. Sleeping peacefully. Then next morning wasn't as cold as the night before and everyone was well rested. One by one they all woke up and started to get their things ready to finish their journey. Today Skeppy was lucky enough to have Techno help him lead the others. Once they were all ready, they got back out onto the snowy path they had to follow.
"I have an idea!" Skeppy then nearly yelled at everyone.
"And what would that be my friend?" Techno responded.
"Everyone should have a partner to go up the mountain."
"But we have an odd number," A6D pointed out.
"I can deal on my own," Spifey suggested. "I honestly am already warm enough."
"Okay then," Techno nodded. "Everyone get yourself a partner!" Bad basically threw himself at A6D.
"I'm not letting you out of my sight you muffin!" he smiled. A6D smiled too and Dream partnered up with Zelk which left Skeppy and Techno to be partners. The journey in the morning was very easy. It wasn't too cold but as it got into the afternoon everyone had started feeling the cold. Even Spifey was shivering this time. The small groups had gone from walking side by side to leaning on each other for support. As Skeppy was about to call it a day he noticed a big hole in the side of the mountain ahead of them. He decided to keep going even though he didn't want to. Soon they were at the gap Skeppy had seen. Right there was a massive door made of stone with swirly markings on it. Skeppy internally gave himself a pat on the back as everyone celebrated. After they had finished everyone stood in silence looking at the great door. Skeppy stood forward with Techno and the two of them pushed the door open. It swung back and shook the mountain when it opened fully. For some reason it felt much colder than walking to the very peak of the mountain for Bad. He internally would rather stay out in the blizzard then go in there. Everyone else felt this too but with courage they all entered before the door slammed shut.
Word count: 1121
Wow so this chapter was a little bit dramatic but it was all good
This has been the most regular update so far
Everyone thank the school holidays!!!
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