We are friends
Some of y'all haven't felt an emotion since 2016 and it shows.
"So and for the end, I'll cancel all the small tests. This semester I want to focus on studying. You'll have all a big exam at the end like planned though" Aizawa looked down at his papers "Mainly repeat what we did last semester, and you should be fine. When you go out, take this list with you. I listed everything you need to know by then" he made a short pause and looked up "Questions?"
One student raised their head and after Aizawa nodded at him, he started talking "But we will still have lectures right?"
He nods "Yeah. We will go through some new stuff, but there won't be much"
"So just what we did last semester and a little from now?" the same student asked again
"Yes. I don't have much motivation this time, so that will be it. Now get out of here and don't forget the paper" he said and started to pack his things.
After Midoriya and Todoroki got their paper, they went out and headed to the cafe they usually go.
"This is a lot" Todoroki said. The list was two sides long
Midoriya took a look at it "Don't worry. It's mostly from last semester like he said. You took a test on that, remember? I tutored you"
Todoroki smiles at the memories. The funny ass days when he annoyed Midoriya, called him 7am, practically begged for a date. It was funny.
"Don't worry about it. I know you can do it" Midoriya cheered him up "Wanna grab coffee and go to my dorm?"
Todoroki nods "I have to go to baseball practise later though"
"Can I tag along?"
He smiles "Sure. Make sure not to freak out like you did the first time"
Midoriya instantly turned red, remembering the embarrassing moment.
He was thinking a lot about what Uraraka and Iida said last time while they were "sleeping".
It hurt. And he wasn't offended that they though he chose an idiot. But that they insulted Todoroki like that.
They know he likes him, so why say that stuff. Especially behind his back.
"You okay?" at the time they arrived at the cafe "My treat okay" he smiles and orders their usual "You seem a bit out of it today" he said in a concerned voice
Midoriya look up to him. Touched that he noticed and cares "Yeah, I didn't get much sleep, so i guess that's it"
He took their drinks and they walked out "I don't believe you, and I guess you don't want to talk about it, so I won't pressure you to tell me anything"
Midoriya was ready to cry. Todoroki was so soft, and kind, he doesn't deserve him.
He grabbed Todorki by his arm and stopped him.
"Mh? Why'd you stop?" Midoriya hugs him and hurries his face in his chest "Careful, careful, I'm holding two cups of coffee!" Midoriya only tightened his grip "I'll hug you once I put the coffee down"
Midoriya smiles and let's go, even though he instantly wants to buy him again "Deal" he smiles, his mood a little better now "Now GIMME my coffee or I'll pass out"
Todoroki laughs and hands him his coffee "You're adorable" he outs his free arm around the smaller one
Once they got to Midoriya's dorm, they out their things down and sat down on the bed.
"When do you want to start to study?" Midoriya asks, leaning on the others shoulder
That small move made Todoroki happy "Lets do Thursdays and Fridays"
"Alright" they stayed silent for some time, just enjoying each other's presence, until he broke it "Todoroki, do you want-" he got cut off by the door opening and two very loud people walk in
"So now I'm banned from Ikea" Uraraka finished her sentence and after that she and Iida noticed the other two in the room.
Uraraka was looking a little bit uncomfortable, everyone noticed, but they ignored it. Iida was usual as ever.
"Hi" Iida greeted them to break this time, the awkward silence
"Hi. What are you guys doing here? I thought you went to the library?" Midoriya was a little annoyed, he wanted to he alone with Todoroki
"Uraraka's laptop won't function. So we wanted to drop it off here and take mine" Iida explained
"Oh what happened?" It got Todoroki's interest
The short girl took out her laptop and put it on the table "Ehm, we got on the wrong site and now it just won't do what I want it to do"
"Can I see?"
Uraraka raised a brow, but then handed him the laptop "Sure, here. I doubt I can fix it somehow, so I probably will buy a new one"
Todorki turned on the laptop and we all looked over his shoulder. Once it turned on, multiple windows opened and it went crazy.
He pushed some buttons and this time multiple stereotypical hacker tabs opened. He pushed lots of buttons, really fast. And just more tabs like that kept opening, he didn't stop to type though.
After some time, the tabs got less until one was left, but after a second he also closed that one too.
"Should be fine now" he handed it her back
She tried it and it indeed was working again "What did you do?"she was taken aback a bit. After all she though, he was an idiot.
"Checked what was wrong, then fixed it. It's not that hard"
Midoriya looked wide eyed at him "You're a whole ass hacker. Why didn't you tell me you could do that?"
He scratched the back of his head "You never asked?" he looked back at Uraraka "Is it fine?"
She nods "Yeah, thanks"
Iida fixed his glasses "I guess we can go back now?" she nods and they walk out again "He doesn't seem as dumb as you said" he says once they were away from the dorm.
"Seriously, why didn't you tell me?" Midoriya put his coffee on his desk and then hopped back on the bed
"There wasn't a situation where I'd need to show or tell you I guess" he looked at Midoriya and he was overly exited
"That's so cool. But somethingdoesn't make sense" he crosses his arms like a toddler
Todoroki chuckles "And what is it?"
"You can't do math but are some high level hacker"
The smile on his face won't go away "How do you know that I'm a 'high lever hacker'"
Midoriya shrugs "I don't know, it just seems like you are"
Something about the compliments made him really happy. People often told him some hurtful stuff. You're just here because of your dad's money, you may be popular but I'm sure he's dumb. You get the idea.
"You make me happy, Midoriya" he says after they were silent for a minute or two
Midoriya looked up at him and smiled brightly. He then moves forward to Todoroki and makes himself comfortable in the others arms.
Todoroki blushed at that movement. Sure they got closer again after the incident, the party and what not, but now it feels more like he is trusting Todorki.
"Well I'm glad that I make you happy, because you also make me happy"
The half and half boy hugs Midoriya tighter at that and rolls them both down on the bed "What did I do to deserve you?"
It was a rhetorical question, Midoriya knew, but he responded anyway "I don't know either, you be done so much shit, it's surprising"
"That's one way to ruin a moment"
"Oh so we had a moment?" he asks playfully
Todorki furrows his eyebrows and looks down at the boy in his arms "Yes? We had a bonding moment! I cradled you in my arms!" he says in a cracking, dramatical voice
Midoriya was silent for a second "That is one way of reminding me of the heartbreaking time of season 8" he wipes away an invisible tear
"What are you talking about?"
The broccoli boy turns around to face the one Katy Perry song "You want to tell me, you haven't seen Voltron and made a whole ass reference?"
"What's a Voltron?"
"That hurts, Todo" he looks over at the clock at the wall "Also, didn't you say, you have practise?"
His eyes widen "Fuck" he sits up "Shit"
"Its not like you need an hour to the field"
Todoroki's face expression went back to normal "Oh yeah, you're right"
So after their little dumb talk, they both went to the field. Todorkoi went to change, and Midoriya sat down, where he always sits down.
Todoroki was training, Midoriya was watching him and reading a bit, Uraraka was standing behind Midoriya and it took him a second to notice.
"Holy mother of quirks" he almost hit her with his book though
"Watcha doing?" she sits down besides him
"Playing ice hockey- waiting for Todo obviously"
They both sit there looking at Todoroki "So, how is math going?"
Midoriya irritated this question. He knew that she has something against him, and that makes him think that she wants to make Todoroki more of a fool.
"Okay I guess. Why are you asking?" he didn't like where this was going
She also knew "I mean, y'all need to start from the very beginn-"
"Okay no" he cut her off, already really mad "We just need to repeat some things, and that's it"
She sighs "Deku, you know he's an id-"
"Wow okay" he stopped her again from talking "Are you really going there? You know not everyone is perfect at math. He just needs a little push, but he got this"
She shakes her head "You know that's not true. You know you deserve be-"
"Don't!" Uraraka was his friend, she should support him, right? Why is she acting like a bitch "Why do you think he is such a bad person? You were friends with him, no? One of the 'popular kids' so why are you like this? You once thought all this is totally okay. You supported us!"
"I just know what's good for you!" she raised her voice a bit
"Do you? Who are you to know that, or to decide that?" He also raised his voice
"I'm- are you serious? I'm you're friend! I know you deserve someone smart"
Midoriya stands up, cause she just let him down "He is smart! Just not the best at math, just how you are not the best at history, or Iida good at art!"
Uraraka knew he had a point, she just didn't want to admin that she started to dislike Todoroki "Oh my God, I wish Shigaraki was- wait no" she regretted saying it right after those words left her mouth
"Wow" he got quiet again "Are you serious? Do you think this is fun?" He just shakes h8s head, gets his things, and walks down the stairs finding somewhere else to sit
"Come one Deku, we are friends!" she shouts after him
He told up his middle finger and just keeps walking.
Once the got down the stairs, what only took like one minute, Todoroki came up running to him "Hey, what happened?" He was out of his breath
Midoriya's eyes were filled with tears, which didn't run down his cheeks yet. He let's his head fall in the others chest. Todorki hugs him at that.
"Did you hear us?" he was looking down
Todoroki turns his head back to his teammates and moths them that it's okay and he will be going. It was totally okay because training would be over soon anyway.
"Lets just say we all heard your muffled screaming" Midoriya didn't answer "Do you wanna leave?" he slowly nods
The two of them went to the changing room and Todorki quickly changed. He didn't take a shower, so he felt a little gross, but that didn't matter at the time.
After that, they went for a walk in the more quiet part of town.
"Wanna talk about what happened?"
Midoriya's eyes were red from trying to hold his tears back "Uraraka is being weird"
"She is suddenly talking so bad about you, telling me how I deserve better. She fucking wishes that's Shigaraki was here. The one and only who almost fucking killed me!" at this point the tears started running "I thought she was my friend" he just broke out in tears
"Hey come here" he takes the smallers hand and pulls him to himself to hug the cinnamon roll "It will be okay"
"Will it?"
"I promise" they stayed like that for a while, Todoroki comforting him, Midoriya crying out all the pain.
Maybe after about five minutes, Midoriya looks up at Todoroki "Just to clarify, I want to stay with you" he said that in a concerning voice
"I know, I didn't doubt that for a second, if that was what you were worried about" he sighs and cups Midoriya's face "Listen here, you cute, adorable, human being. You deserve the world. If you want me to talk to her, I will. If you want me just to support you, I will. If you want me to help you, I will, even though I would have done it either way. And that ugly excuse of a human, Shigaraki, just needs to rot in hell. I won't let him hurt you, okay?"
Midoriya stopped crying and just looks up at the older one.
"I love you" Todoroki's heart began to beat faster "I know I have done some unacceptable shit, I hurt you, and there is nothing I regret more than doing that. I want you to know that. And I'm so thankful that you gave me more chances, that you even forgave me. Midoriya, I just, I want to protect you"
Midoriya was at a loss of words "Todoroki I- ehm-"
"You don't have to say anything back. I just wanted you to know that"
"Thank you"
Later that evening, they decided that they don't want to go back to the dorms. Uraraka and others are probably waiting. So they're going to visit Inko.
It didn't really happen much. Inko and Toshinori moved in together, after she lived a little with Nana.
So they went there, explained a little of the situation, and went to sleep in the guestroom.
They need the silence and presence of each other for now.
Say 'rest in peace' instead of 'good night'. It's more fun.
I'm only writing when I'm pulling all nighters, and I think I'm slowly turning into either Aizawa or Shinsou.
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