Lovey dovey idiots
Y'all are going to horny jail
"You got hard"
Midoriya turns his head to Todoroki "Of course. Did you think I'll start reading the bible, while you're sucking on my skin?"
Todoroki laughs "The bible?"
Midoriya smiles "Oh sky daddy please forgive me for my sins"
"Sky daddy?"
"Yeah. So now, who told you, you could stop? Continue, you can't just leave me like this"
Todoroki sits up and looks down on the flustered boy "I can't?"
"Oh no, you ain't playing that hard to get game" he pushes himself up and swings his hand around Todorokis neck, to bring him down with him once again "And don't you dare to pull away again"
"As you say your majesty. Would you like me to kiss you, or keep on sucking on your skin near your private area?" He looks down on Midoriya, who was only wearing his boxers, and starts to play on said boxers, teasing the short one.
"I like how you switched from '7am' to 'Midoriya' to 'darling' and now 'majesty'"
"You say I should continue, yet you're the one who keeps changing the subject"
"Then shut me up" he says with a smirk on his face "Or I could talk about math again-"
With that, Todoroki cut him off with a kiss and then pulled away for a second "Never bring math up, while I'm on top of you. Do you want to make me cry?" Todoroki lowers himself again "So, where did we stop?"
Thinking about it, every time, or well almost every time, they got close someone interrupted them. But Todoroki made sure to lock the door, the only one who could open it, is either Todoroki and Midoriya, or Kaminari, Kirishima and Bakugou, who would simply break the door.
Todoroki is praying to all the gods he could think of, to no one to interrupt them.
Todoroki got back to leaving purple marks on Midoriyas hips, hands gripping on the other thighs.
After a while Midoriya lifts his hips, getting really desperate "Can you stop teasing me?" He groans
Todoroki stops, looks up and smirks "Am I teasing you?" his voice was deep, almost similar to corpses, still no one can top corpse. He slowly reaches to his private part "Answer me"
"Todoroki stop"
"Oh now you want me to stop?"
"I mean" he quickly became frustrated "Continue, but make it faster already"
And so both of Todoroki's hands pull down Midoriyas boxers faster than the small one could realize "This fast, or would you like it faster my darling"
"Stop making fun of me"
Meanwhile on the other side of the dorm door "Are they fucking?" Kaminari crosses his arms
"Seems like it" Kirishima leans on Bakugou "Talking about fucking, are you and Shinsou a thing again?" Kirishima and Bakugou exchange looks
"Shinsou?" He shakes his head "We wanted to take a break, but seems like he and Ojiro are getting along really, really well, so" he shrugs "But I guess we weren't supposed to be, so I'm just letting go"
Kirishima looks back at Bakugou and Bakugou nods "Hey Kaminari, we wanted to ask you"
"Sure shoot"
While Kaminari was just vibing with the Wii music playing in his head, Kirishima and Bakugou were nervous as fuck. There has been a little something on their mind.
"Do you wanna" he was too nervous to even finish
Bakugou finishes Kirishimas sentence "Go on a date?"
Kamianris eyes widen a bit, in a curious way "With?"
Bakugou chokes on air "Us?"
"Bakugou and I really like you"
"And I for sure know that you probably have some Wii music playing in your brain, thinking it is all a joke, but we are serious"
A smile slowly forms on Kaminari's lips "Sure. Yeah, I would like to go with you two" The two other idiots sigh in relive "Wait that means no bromance?"
Kirishima walks over to him and puts his arm around him "Kaminari, romance is where the bromance ends"
"Okay, okay I understand" he chuckles "But I have" he makes a short pause "Two conditions. One, I want Bakugou to stop calling me dunce face"
"Alright I'll stop" he looks down on Kaminari "And start with" he walks closer to him "Darling? Honey? Hun? My dear?" He corners him, and for a second Kaminari thought he was in some kind of manga or fanfic "What is the second condition?"
"Oh my fuck, I just died ten times" Kaminari was almost as red as Kirishimas hair "No, nope, the second condition is trash. I just know both of you will laugh"
"We would never" Kirishima says
"No, he's right. I'd totally make fun of him" Bakugou says
"Disappointed but not surprised" Kaminari sighs "Anyways, when are we gonna tell these two idiots" he points at the door, remembering why they came there in the first place
"Right, I forgot about that" Kirishima scratches his neck "Should we break the door?"
"Again?" Kaminari asks
"What do you mean 'again'?" Bakugou couldn't believe that he like a such idiots
"The past" Kaminari looks at a imaginary camera,like in the office "A dark place"
Kirishima nods "Yeah. Anygay, wait or break?"
"I mean the news are kind of urged, I think" Kaminari answers "About the date, what did you two plan?"
"You like the arcade, right?" Bakugou was a little bit ashamed that he knew so much about these two morons, because he always acts as if he hates everything that breathes
"Like? The Arcade is my second home"
"Not surprised" Kirishima smiles, a somewhat cute memory came to his mind "Ey, remember in high school, we went with some other friends to the arcade and Bakugou was really bad at it. And Kaminari, like the pro he is, followed you everywhere and showed you how to play these games? It was dark, but not even that could safe your blushing face"
"I remember that, yea. I didn't expect you to let me help you"
"He's just gay"
"Shut up, you're gay too"
"Can't argue with that"
They stood there in silence for a couple of minutes, until Kaminari broke it "Should we really tell them after they had sex?"
"Since when do you care for someone's privacy?" Bakugou asks
"Yeah you're right" Kaminari goes in position
"I can't believe we like this idiot" Bakugou shakes his head
"You're forgetting something" Kirishima Kai goes in position
"And that is?"
"We are also idiots" and then both him and Kaminari run at the door and easily break it down
"I prayed to all the gods there is, and you're still here" Todoroki groans annoyed
Todoroki and Midoriya were already finished for a while and was just lying there, waiting for the bad luck that follows them.
"Damn Todoroki, didn't know you were religious" Kaminari looks back at the door "And sorry about this, but I'm not paying for a new door. Say it was Mineta"
It took Todoroki everything not to start to cry, because of frustration.
"What are you two doing here?" Bakugou also walks in after that "You three" Midoriya corrects himself.
"We have some news"
"Not good one" Kirishima adds
"I don't have my gun with me"
"Not what I meant, Kacchan"
Kaminari clears his throat "Anyways" he looks back at Bakugou and Kirishima, being a little nervous, and then looks back at Midoriya and Todoroki "We just saw Uraraka with this crusty dude, I think his name is Shigaraki"
"We know you all had some bad shit going on, and we don't know how he got out of jail" Kirishima plays around with Bakugou's hand while talking "But we thought you should know"
Midoriya sits up, blanket still covering his lower half "Where?"
"At the cafe where we always go"
After a little bit of explaining, the three morons left and Midoriya and Todoroki slowly hot dressed.
"What are you gonna do?"
"Ima beat the crust out of him" he was mad "And the pink cheeks out of Uraraka" mad mad
"Okay hun, calm down" Todoroki walks up to him and pulls him closer to himself "How about you calm down first, we go eat or drink something, and after that we can go and clear up some things. Cause a little chaos if you want, okay?"
Midoriya sighs "Okay, okay, thank you"
"No problem" he watches the smaller one for some time "I love you"
Midoriya stops picking up his socks and smiles at the taller one "I love you too"
The fluff filler before the chaos.
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