Part 10 - Truth revealed?
Hey! I hope you liked that last part. This story won't be that long how you may think it will. 2-3 part left max. Enjoy ^.^
(Vanoss POV)
After our panel, we decided to eat some lunch and celebrate our success. I was filled with excitement and joy from meeting fans, but at the same time I missed Delirious so much.
That fan, Charles, wrote about no being sad. He was right. Delirious wouldn't want me to be sad. But what to do? I don't think I'm able to think or live same as this for much longer. I have to tell him about my dreams, about how I feel. Wait... how I feel? He's my best friend. So I like him that way, do I? Or is it more? Did I really fall in love with him? That's bullshit. It's only a side effect from our fight.
"Earth call Vanoss!" I snapped out of my thoughts to reality. All my friends were staring right at me.
"Sorry! What was it your were saying?" I asked Nogla and the conversation continued. I caught that Lui was still scanning me. I rose my eyebrows and nod my head at him in the sentence: what?. He just shook his head and joined the conversation. I sighed.
I should text him. What's he doing and how's he? Is it too early? I texted him like a hour ago on the way to restaurant. No. I'll text him in the evening. That's ok.
"For fuck sake, Evan!" I looked around me. Everybody was again staring at me and I felt guilty that I'm not listening to them.
"I'm sorry," I said again and hoped they'll passed it.
"We should go to the club in the night," suggested Marcel and with smile I nod my head.
Sweet. I'll ask Cartoonz about Delirious once he will be drunk.
We spent the rest of the day walking from panel to panel, meeting fans or playing games and it helped me from thoughts about my best friend.
We arrived at the club around 10 pm. We had a few drinks and we all felt a bit drunk. I still
had in mind my plan.
"Let's call Delirious!" yelled Mini and others agreed.
"Now? It's nearly 1 am!" objected Cartoonz.
"Cmon... he is not asleep," said Tyler. Cartoonz was too drunk to argue with others. So we went to the hall, where we could better hear him. He dialed his number and set a speaker on.
"Hi, Cartoonz. You free yet?" We all attacked Delirious with our greetings and I heard his laugh.
"Sup, bitches."
"Hey Delirious... why didn't you come? It's so fun here." I noticed that Mini has little problems with talking, which made us laugh.
"I can tell. How many shots have you had, Mini?" Delirious asked. Mini rose his hand and tried to count.
"He's so wasted," whispered Brock and we all laughed again.
"I'm gonna get him to his room. Luke would you mind giving me hand?" said Tyler and with that all three left. It was just me, Brock and Lui.
"So what are you doing, man?" asked Lui.
"You know... editing video, thinking about you guys. Regular stuff. How was your panel?"
"It was amazing!" yelled Brock with joy.
"Cool! Guys I'm gonna go. Is there Cartoonz somewhere?" asked Delirious.
Why do he want Cartoonz! He's always talking about him. Why did he let Cartoonz see him, but he isn't allowing me? Fuck! Am I jealous?
"He and Tyler went get Mini to bed," answered Lui.
"Oh, ok. Well tell him to call me, ok? And have fun there!" And with that he hung up. Brock left us after the call and it was only me and Lui. We were sitting on the sofa drinking some beers.
"You like him, don't you?" he asked and I frowned.
"What are you talking about?" Lui smiled.
"Listen... You remember that time I went afk and you asked Delirious if it's ok to have gay sexual dreams?" My heart was beating so fast.
"I forgot to stop recording so I caught that while editing that video. And I figured out you're are talking about dreams with him."
Shit! What should I say? Should I lie? Lui is my friend.
"Would it be bad, if that's true?" I asked to find out what he was thinking about this.
"Bad? Not at all! I'm having a crush on Nogla, to be fair. It rose up after that Fanfiction video." In that moment I felt, like I'm not alone in this situation anymore.
"I don't know what to do though. I said that it was my friend from hockey and from that moment he's still teasing me about it." Lui put his hand on my shoulder.
"You should tell him, trust me." I glanced over him.
"Have you told Nogla?" He giggled.
"Yes. And he confessed that he's feeling the same." I blinked couple of times to consume that information.
"So you're dating?" Lui sighed.
"Well... kind a yeah. But nobody knows yet. I'm off, man. See you tomorrow. And tell him."
"I won't tell anybody about you two, I promise. Thank you, Lui." I watched as left and I didn't know what to do.
I still have Cartoonz phone and he isn't coming. I'll wait till he return and then ask him about Delirious.
My eyes fell on Cartoonzs phone. My heart was beating super fast and I knew it's not right. But Cartoonz wasn't there and I just had to know.
I opened his phone and went straight into the gallery. I felt so bad from doing it. I saw a picture of Charles from today. It made me smile just thinking about things he said to me. I scrolled up. Charles was on a some pictures. With Cartoonz or just himself. My heart skipped a beat and I gasped for air.
Oh my god... can this be Delirious?
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