The Beginning
*Troye POV*
Playlist Live 2013
He texted me. I must be dreaming. I pinched myself cautiously, wincing before opening my eyes again and checking the screen yet again. Still there! I smiled so big I thought for sure my jaw was going to unhinge. I re-read the text a few more times in an effort to think of what to reply, biting my lip in concentration.
"Hey, I know it's late but we never got a picture together or anything. You wanna come over and chill for a little bit?" I ran my finger over my phone's screen before a little squeal escaped my lips. Tyler freaking Oakley was asking me to hang-out! I started to roll around in my bed before realizing that I was, in fact, in bed.
"I look like crap!" I shouted, cursing under my breath for talking to myself. I jumped out of bed and rushed to the washroom. After wrestling with my hair for a good ten minutes I realized there was no hope for it. I grabbed a beanie in a last effort and sighed. Better than nothing. I grabbed my phone off the bed where I left it to see another text from Tyler.
"You know if you didn't want to you could have just said so." I fumbled to text back quickly and dropped my phone in the commotion. I retrieved it off the floor and quickly replied.
"No! I want to hang-out, I was just in the middle of something!" I punched in quickly before stripping my shirt off and searching around for a new one. The phone buzzed again before I could even choose a shirt and I dropped everything to answer it.
"Well hurry up!" I smirked at the phone and pulled the first shirt I seen over my head. I wanted to look good for him but at the same time the quicker I got there the more time we'd have together. I paused before heading out the door and debated grabbing condoms. Nah, that's definitely not going to happen. I hurried out the door and toward Tyler's room with a cheeky smile painted on my face.
*Tyler POV*
I was trying to concentrate on the reality TV show that was playing on the screen across the room but something was bugging me. Or more-so lack of something. My mind kept running back to the fact Troye and I had barely had a second to speak all of Playlist. I grabbed my phone for a third time and typed the text. I frowned and exited out of it. What if Troye took it wrong? I didn't want him to think I was just looking for a hook-up or something, I genuinely wanted to just chill with him. I knew he had a crush on me, he'd made that absolutely obvious long before we even met. I smiled remembering that first time I'd noticed him tag me on Tumblr. He really was something else, but he was too young for me. But that didn't stop me from fantasizing. I pictured him underneath me, moaning as I kissed at his neck and I had to shake my head to get the image out of my head. I grabbed the phone before I had time to think it through and sent a text. I had to keep mentally reminding myself all the reasons it would never work out between us while I waited for a reply.
Nearly ten minutes later and the little twink still hadn't replied. I kept picking up my phone and throwing it back down on the bed with a snort. The nerve. To let on like he liked me and then leave me hanging like this. The rational side of my brain tried to remind me it was near midnight and he may be asleep, but I wasn't hearing it. I grit my teeth as I hastily typed another text. He replied almost immediately.
"No! I want to hang-out, I just was in the middle of something!" I giggled and typed in another message quickly. I jumped out of bed and ran to fix my hair in the mirror. I hurriedly fixed my quiff and jumped when the doorbell rang. Troye. I ran to answer it and slid across the floor. I grabbed the handle and opened it at an inhuman speed and grinned up at him.
"Hi!" I gushed, hugging him to me. He didn't say anything until after we'd separated.
"Sorry I look like a mess, this was sort of short notice." He chuckled nervously, walking in and leaning against the wall. I just nodded, but truth be told I kind of liked the messy condition of his hair. Not just because it proved he was indeed a human being and not an angel, but it also looked like someone had entangled their fingers in his hair while they were kissing which led me to think of kissing him. I shook the flirty thoughts out of my head and crawled back onto my bed, patting beside me for him to join. He obliged but I noticed the space he left between us.
"You can come closer, I don't bite... Unless you're into that." Troye blushed but crawled closer to me.
"So what do you wanna do?" Troye asked shyly. It was adorable how nervous he was around me. I could definitely think of a few indecent things I wanted to do with him but I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind yet again, willing my thirsty self to calm the hell down.
"I was thinking we could just watch tv, that works for you right?" He nodded quickly but part of me wished he'd objected and asked for a little more. I flicked to the best show I could find and grabbed my phone.
"Selfie!" I said, snapping a photo of us before he had time to prepare.
"You can not put that online! Delete it right now!" He shouted and jumped on top of me, reaching for my phone. It seemed his nervousness had flown out the window at the risk of him looking like an idiot online.
"Or what?" I say, licking my lips. He froze and looked down at me questioningly. He wrinkled his brows, practically begging me to be more straightforward. I couldn't be though, I already regretted saying this. I got halfway through the reasons not to hook up with him when he regained his confidence and pressed his lips to mine. Why must I be perpetually thirsty? I kissed him back hungrily, my hands desperately running up and down his back, occasionally digging my nails in to tell him he'd done something good. Eventually though, his tentative slow pace was beginning to annoy me, but that was a problem easily fixed. I pushed him suddenly, rolling us so I could be on top. I ground down against him now, enjoying the moans it solicited from him. I smiled when he started to move his hips in time with mine, obviously catching on to the pattern of things. I knew it was probably wrong to assume things, but my mind kept drifting to the condoms sitting in my bag.
"You don't know, uh oh, you don't know you're beautiful!" I jumped in shock, immediately hearing Troye's head smack against the headboard afterward. Oops.
"Fuck." He groaned, rubbing against the back of his head as he reached in his pocket. I rolled off him and laid on my back looking at the ceiling, twiddling my thumbs awkwardly.
"You have 'That's What Makes you Beautiful' as your ringtone?" I chuckled quietly, deciding the silence was just too much to bear. My plan to lessen the tension didn't really help though, considering he was too busy on the phone to actually reply.
"Hey, Mom. I'm fine, just tired. I'm out of breath because I just ran up the stairs to my room, the elevator's broken. I'm about to head to bed though, can I call you in the morning? Listen, I promise..." I stopped listening and sighed. I couldn't possibly hook-up with him after this. His mother checking in on him brought back the reality of how much younger than me he really was. I watched him hang up the phone and look over at me hopefully.
"You know, we should probably just watch the show." I said, biting down on my tongue at the end to keep from saying anything else. I watched his expression fall and he nodded slowly.
"Definitely, that's cool." He mumbled. It tore away at me inside to see hear the disappointment in his voice. I'd never had anyone actually like me that much before and definitely not someone that hooking up with wasn't an option. I slowly grabbed the remote and flicked the show back on. I snuck a few glances in Troye's direction but he didn't attempt to make another move all night. I still can't decide if I'm relieved or upset about that.
A/n: Hey lovelies! So here is chapter numero uno (that means one, I think). The chapters do get longer the further you read. Alright, COMMENT AND VOTE because it means a lot to me and I don't know, it just does. Kay, love youu
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