Suggestion Box
*Troye's POV*
Tyler was right, he most definitely should have gone easy on me. The more we flirted the more my heart grew heavy with the realization that that was all it was, flirting. I'd go back to Australia in a little over a week and there'd be nothing there any more. I needed a way out. I needed him to be as hopelessly in love with me as I was with him. I would do whatever it took the next week to try and make my dreams a reality. If there was even a chance I could make him change his mind I had to try.
So therefore, when we inspected the lights and found it to be a tunnel of love of course I jumped on the idea. Obviously it isn't like television where two people in the tunnel just fall head over heels for each other, but who knows, maybe all Tyler needs to come around is a dark room and the sound of running water. Wait, that sounded off, I meant that in the most innocent way possible.
Though originally I'd only bought the stupid tickets in an effort to capture Tyler's heart I found myself more interested in the experience itself than the lilac haired boy to my left.
"This is so cool!" I blurted without thinking. God, I am a royal disappointment to myself. How am I supposed to make Tyler fall for me if I'm more interested in shitty painting than I am him?
"You're a loser, have I ever told you that?"
"Sorry I made you come on this with me, I just didn't know if I'd ever get the chance again. I mean, I could go my whole life without it sure, but it's the little things that matter, huh?" Truthfully I did feel horrible about dragging the exhausted Tyler onto the ride, but not enough to regret my decision. Now that I was staring at him I realized I'd been an idiot to preoccupy my time with the paintings. The little bit of lighting there was in the cave reflected off the water and made waves of light caress Tyler's face beautifully.
"You know, you don't really get the full experience unless you kiss someone... Just saying." Did he just suggest a kiss? That was definitely not normal friends with benefits behaviour. He genuinely wanted to kiss me! Maybe my plans to capture his heart aren't so far off, maybe if I really pull my stuff together I can-
My thoughts were interrupted when I felt his thumb gently running over my cheekbone. I watched him leaning toward me but it felt distant, like background music. All that I could concentrate on were his full pink lips moving toward mine at increasing speed. Then he stopped short and I had to practically hold back a groan of displeasure. I rolled my eyes, faking careless about the situation, then jolted forward eagerly to start the kiss. I hadn't thought it possible to improve on our kiss from earlier, but boy, was I ever wrong. The caring and gentle kiss we were sharing now was so much better. It wasn't just lust, there was more to this kiss. It was like his underlying feelings were seeping through his lips, giving him away. I don't care what anyone says, my love for him is most definitely not a lost cause.
When we stumbled back into the bright pink and red lights my head hurt from the sudden dark to bright collision. I started rubbing my eyes while walking and evidently tripped. But luckily Tyler caught me mid-fall by snaking an arm around my stomach.
"What am I going to do with you?" He laughed, dragging me off before the ticket holder could eye us any longer. Neither of us talked, I imagined we were both playing back the events that took place inside the tunnel in our minds. I know I was. All I could think about was how loving that kiss had been. You don't just kiss people you don't love lovingly. I looked over at him sneakily, not wanting to alert him of how my mind was overflowing with thoughts of him. He was oblivious though, walking along by my side with his hands shoved in his pockets and a concentrated expression. I wonder what he's thinking about? A slither of me still believed it might be me, but that was foolish, right?
When we reached the apartment Tyler was still in his lost state and I was amazed at how well he could navigate whilst staring at the ground.
"Ty? What's on your mind?" His face zips up and his tight lined lips are quickly replaced with a smile.
"Oh nothing, just planning what we're going to do in LA."
"You know you don't have to plan everything out. We could just see where life takes us." I offered, entering the small elevator with him. He shook his head vigorously before replying.
"No, if we did that we might... Well, we'd probably end up doing something we'd regret." We already planned to sleep together, what else was there for us to do?
"Like?" He shrugged like there wasn't one thing in particular on his mind, but I noticed the way a vibrant blush invaded his cheeks a moment later. I knew better than to ask him though. If he didn't want to tell me there'd be no getting it out of him.
He shoved the key into the door and turned it. I didn't like the grim expression on his face. Had I done something wrong? Leave it to me to mess it up and not even realize. The door flew open to reveal a snoring Connor on the tiny couch and a television blaring the news. Poor ConCon, it looked like he'd really fought to wait up for us. So much for Tyler's impromptu party. We were both nearly passed out ourselves.
"Come on, let's go into my room." He said, even in his tired state I could hear the nervous excitement in his voice. He just wants to hang-out, Troye, you aren't doing anything until LA. Though, as many times as I repeated that thought to myself, my heart continued beating like a jack-hammer in my chest.
Once we'd reached his room I fell onto the bed without even waiting to see what his plans were. When he hadn't said anything or joined me after about a minute curiosity got the better of me and I looked up. He was undressing? I watched him slip out of his jacket and toss it to the floor, then his shirt. I couldn't held but scan his back seeing as he was turned around. The two dimples on his lower back made my heart skip a beat. He was absolutely flawless. And he was absolutely mine for the next week.
I watched him lazily turn around then his eyes go wide when he noticed me staring.
"I thought you were asleep?"
"No. I thought you were undressing?"
"Yeah, for bed... But what did you have in mind?" He said, crawling up the bed to sit beside me. A lump suddenly formed in my throat. He waited patiently though, looking up at me expectantly. He was going to make me say exactly what I wanted wasn't he?
"Hmm?" He purred throatily, batting his eyelashes femininely.
"Nothing in particular-"
"Okay then." He said, hurriedly hopping under the covers and closing his eyes.
"But, I'm open to suggestions." He opened one eye to stare at me and then a cheeky smile crept across his face.
"Well, my little suggestion box, let me think." He said, sitting back up. He then moved closer to me and ran a single finger across my bottom lip. The fact that little touches like that could drive me wild was concerning. I just wanted to kiss him, more than anything else.
"Go brush your teeth first, but hurry back." Tyler cooed, biting at his lip afterwards and giving me a wink. How could I possibly be so lucky? I jumped up and ran to the living room where I'd dropped my bags that I'd picked up at the front desk. I rummaged through a pulled out the zip-lock baggie that held my toothbrush and toothpaste. I then made a beeline for the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and then fussed over my hair for a minute. When it finally looked semi-presentable again I ran back to Tyler's room. The light was off and he was under the covers again, facing away from me. I heard his shallow breathing and sighed loudly. He fell asleep on me. I crawled into bed with a sour expression and stared at the back of his head angrily. To fall asleep after getting me all excited and flustered, tomorrow morning he was going to get a talking to and-
"Why are you still fully clothed? At least take the shirt off." Tyler whined, rolling over to face me. He had a cheeky smile on and I felt bashful knowing I'd fallen for his trick. He just wanted to hear my disappointment if he had of fallen asleep, that cocky little shit.
"You're in trouble." I growl, pulling my shirt over my head then crawling over to where he laid. He was still smiling contentedly but I noticed the flicker of nervousness that enveloped his face when I first crawled on top of him. I bent over him and planted fluttery kisses all over his chest, so light he could barely feel them. I knew if there was one thing that drove Tyler mad was having to wait for what he wanted.
"Troye." He said blandly, shoving my head away. I nodded into his hands.
"Yes, Tyler?"
"Fuck off and kiss me. Like really kiss me." I ran a finger down his chest, stopping to pinch one of his nipples playfully. He giggled and squirmed to get away from my touch.
"I'm serious!" He was giggling as he said it which really contradicted his words, but I gave in and gave him a quick peck on the lips only to back away quickly.
"Troye Sivan, I am just going to have to-" Then I crashed my lips against his, not being able to wait any longer myself. I felt his lips vibrate with a content hum against mine, obviously satisfied that I'd given in. We kissed roughly in that same position for a good five minutes before I felt him squirming underneath me again. I backed away with a sigh.
"Yes, Queen?"
"Take your pants off." It wasn't a question, it was a direct order. I wonder what happens when one ignores a direct order from Tyler Oakley?
"I didn't hear the magic words." I said in a sassy tone, running my hands down his bare chest. He grabbed my hands in his to cut my action short and squeezed them tightly. He looked like it physically hurt him that we weren't doing something more sexual.
"Please." He begged in a rough and raspy voice I'd never heard him use before. It was so raw and demanding I automatically found myself shimmying out of my pants a moment later.
"That's better." He growled, his voice so silky smooth it sent shivers down my spine. I crawled back into bed and crawled on top of him in a half push up so our bodies weren't completely touching. He didn't seem to like this though because a second later he rolled us so he could be on top. The only thing keeping us from being fully naked was our boxers, and judging by what I felt pressing against my stomach that was still too much separation for Tyler. His mouth found mine again and I was suddenly distracted from the pressure on my stomach. I got lost in the kiss to the point that I didn't even feel Tyler's hand sliding down my torso and into my boxers. I pulled away from the kiss suddenly, my breathing so irregular I sounded like I was having asthma attack. Tyler froze and our eyes met. There was the glint of a question in his eyes and without him having to ask it, I nodded. He smiled at my permission granting and then wrapped his fingers around my shaft. I'd only been with one guy before Tyler, but three seconds in it was already apparent Tyler's skills would put his to shame.
"Tyler." I panted, digging my nails into either side of his hips instinctively. He flinched in pain but didn't stop the quick and precise hand movements. I felt my climax building, a familiar tightening feeling in my lower stomach. But like clockwork Tyler stopped the second I was sure I was about to burst.
"Tyler!" I nearly screamed at him, propping myself up on my elbows to lock eyes with him. His hair was a total mess and he had on a sickeningly mischievous lopsided grin.
"Tyler," I started in the most level voice I could manage, "Why the fuck did you stop?"
"Well, I did say we withheld the right to call it off at any point in time. Did I not?"
"If you don't finish what you started I will not hesitate to tweet the photos I've screenshotted of you on Skype."
"You what?! Troye! You've been taking screenshots of me? I don't know if I can ever trust you again after this, you realize that right? I-"
"Tyler. Please." I whispered, giving my best puppy dog face. The emotion wiped from his face and he swallowed. Hard.
"Kay." He said it casually but I noticed the way he was biting at the side of his cheek and not making eye contact. Did my puppy dog face really work that well? I'd have to remember that for future reference.
A minute later my heart was pounding in my chest and I was back to digging my nails into Tyler. Not just his hips this time though, I was running my hands along his entire body, unable to control when I'd get a jolt of pleasure and dig my nails into him again. He didn't seem to mind it though, even going so far as to moan a couple of times.
"Tyler!" I gasped, my stomach tightening up for what I knew was sure to be the last time before I came. I panted a couple more times before finally climax came to me. I moaned loudly, probably too loud considering Connor was asleep in only the next room over, and gripped the sheets while my mind flooded with pure bliss. When I'd finally returned to Earth I opened my eyes back up and the first thing I seen was Tyler's piercing stare.
"Yes?" I laughed throatily, curious why he was staring at me so intently. He blushed and looked to the other side of the room.
"Nothing, it was just a lot to take in that's all."
"What do you mean?"
"I've never witnessed something so incredibly arousing as watching you cum before, that's all." Now it was my turn to blush. He'd been watching me that closely the entire time? If I hadn't of been out of my mind with pleasure I might have worried about what I looked like. Hopefully it wasn't too derailing, but considering his mesmerized reaction he must have liked whatever it was he seen.
"Well, if it was that arousing I imagine it's your turn then, huh?" I said, teasing him through the last piece of fabric that separated us. He nodded eagerly, looking almost excited as I had on the bridge today. I smirk and place a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose.
"Take the shorts off, babe." He tensed up when I said babe like it was some sort of derogative term. Surely he didn't have anything against the word babe? But he did listen to my request because he was now standing beside the bed dropping the shorts. I crawled to the edge of the bed and smiled up at him. This was going to be fun, teasing him the way he had me.
A/n: Hello my people, care to drop a vote and/or comment? Sorry if this chapter is butt, I wrote it really late and you know how that is. (this is Kali from the end of the book and I am laughing at my own indirect attempt at smut before I was ballsy enough to actually write legit smut)
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