I Love Youtube
*Troye's POV*
"Troye, your boy-toy is here." I let my suitcase fall to the floor with a thump and turned around to glare at Sage. She was leaning against the door frame, a mischievous smile playing on her features. Ever since I brought Wyatt home for the first time last week she'd been finding endless ways to put him down. I'm still not sure what she has against him, but it's bothering me. Worst yet, she's brought up Tyler at least three times, completely oblivious to how much it hurts me to hear his name.
"He's not a boy-toy, he's my boyfriend. What's so hard to understand about that?" I asked, dragging my suitcase along behind us as we made our way down the hall.
"He just doesn't seem like your type, you know?"
"Oh, and seeing as you know so much about me, what exactly is my type?"
"Well, for starters he has to be able to keep a conversation that does not include his deceased cats."
"Okay, I guess I do prefer guys with a wider array of conversational topics, but you have to admit other than how boring he is, he's not a bad guy." She let out an animal-like snort and I looked to her in disbelief, surprised she'd broken her usual dainty persona over something so small.
"That's really how you want to refer to your boyfriend? Troye, you shouldn't be dating a 'not bad' guy, you should be dating an amazing guy. Someone you're not only proud to be with, but also proud to show off." I sighed and stopped walking, just before entering the living room where Wyatt would most likely be sitting. I definitely did not want him to overhear our conversation. I still planned to dump him, but not until after Playlist. I'd wait until a week or so after we got back and cut it off. I didn't want to hurt him any more than necessary. Besides, my happiness was currently far from attainable, so at least this way one of us could remain happy.
"Why did you have to go off and become so smart? I don't like it." I concluded after a short pause for thoughts. She smiled and reached over, squeezing my hand lightly before letting it fall back to my side.
"I know you've had more than enough of siblings looking out for you, especially after Steele, but can I give you some advice?"
"Granted it doesn't include calling me stupid, I don't see why not." I said, grimacing just remembering Steele's crude speech from a few weeks ago. Sage smiled sweetly and shook her head.
"Nope, no name-calling."
"Okay, go for it."
"I know everyone is telling you to get over Tyler and basically give up on him, but I don't think you should. I mean, you've already been through so much for that boy, why is this the final straw?" I took a deep breath and fell back against the wall, using it for support. It was so strange to have someone trying to talk me into loving Tyler.
"You see, I agree with you on some aspects, but not all. I love him, no amount of lecturing or heartbreak will ever change that and I'd move mountains to be able to call him mine, but if he doesn't even want me to try, than what am I supposed to do? I can't be both sides of the relationship!" I huff, exasperated with my own thoughts.
"Troye, I don't think even he knows what he wants for certain right now, much less you. Maybe all he needs is a push in the right direction." I pondered her words over in my mind, biting down on my lip like it was my passion. Was it possible I'd already stopped trying without even realizing it? Sure, I said I would do anything to make it work for us, but what had I really been doing? I'd been fooling around with someone else and shoving thoughts of him to the back of my mind. If I really wanted things to work out you'd think I would have at the very least contacted him. Whether he's in love with someone else or not there's no guarantee they'll even get together, much less end up married.
I was scared. I was scared to put myself out there again after getting hurt, and I hadn't even realized it. I'm not a quitter, not when it comes to love. I'm not going to worry about seeming obsessive or crazy any more, because frankly, I am both of those things. When I see Tyler I'm going to run up to him and pull him into a big hug, and I'm going to try my very best to make him change his mind, because there's nothing-
"Babe?" I jumped nearly a foot in the air, clearing my throat to hide the fact I'd begun choking on my own spittle. I held a hand to my chest and looked up, locking eyes with Wyatt. Okay, so I may have rushed into things a bit. I'm still dating Wyatt. Which ultimately means there will be no trying to persuade Tyler Oakley into falling in love with me this event. But every one after that would be fair game. Besides, hadn't I promised this to myself before? That I was going to get Tyler to confess, regardless of what obstacles plagued me?
"Troye." I blinked, Sage elbowing me in the rib had been just enough to break me out of my thoughts of Tyler. For now anyway, they'd return soon enough, they always did.
"Sorry, I'm just worried about the flight." I lied, flashing a quick smile at Wyatt. He just nodded, believing in me blindly. He grabbed my hand and began dragging me toward the front door a second later.
"Don't worry about it, I'll be right there beside you helping you through it." He cooed, pausing only to grab my suitcase from me. He really is such a gentleman, it's such a shame that I'm not.
We stopped in the living room only to grab my shoes and then we continued out into the yard. My family was surrounding the car, stuffing boxes into it hurriedly. This year Tyde had begged them to go to Playlist with me, which I'd had no problem with, but they had. They spurted some mumbo-jumbo about how I wasn't trustworthy enough to watch him in a different country, despite the fact I was fine watching out for myself. Eventually the disagreement had led to the conclusion we would all go together, minus Sage who had somehow found her way out of it and was being left to watch the house. We hadn't decided on this until just four days ago, so it was pretty last minute. Which also meant I had to break the news to Wyatt. He didn't have a mean bone in his body, but when I told him we would not be making the trip alone he made something very close to a menacing scowl which had sent me into a fit of laughter at the time. It just looked so out of place on his face, considering how gentle and nice he always was.
You'd never be able to tell it had ever disappointed him now though, watching him buzz around the yard helping each family member pack their things into the vehicle individually. I wonder how much he's hidden from me this way, faking enthusiasm and acting like some sort of saint. I shook my head lightly. Like I had any room to talk, the amount of things I've kept from him is unfathomable.
"Troye? Are you trying to miss our flight?" I looked up and blushed profoundly upon seeing Steele's annoyed stare. We hadn't talked much since I came back, not that it was surprising after that fight. I couldn't get his words out of my head. He'd called me stupid and really meant it. I mean, sure I could be a little bit less trusting but isn't it part of being human to give everyone an equal chance and not let past experiences affect it? At least that's what I'd always believed.
When Steele had announced he wanted to come with us I was definitely far from happy, but of course I didn't say anything, not wanting to start another fight. It's not like him tagging along would really change anything. I mean, it might be a problem if I had actually planned on getting back with Tyler this trip, but that was not going to happen considering the fact I was taking my boyfriend with me. As you can tell, I'm positively thrilled to be going on this trip. I haven't even arrived at the airport yet and I'm already waiting for it to be over. It's going to consist of watching Tyler be happy without me and forcing a fake smile on my face for the sake of my 'boyfriend'.
"Troye!" I snapped back to reality just as I fell onto my butt in the grass. Steele had pushed me! I may have been zoned out but there was no call for that! He'd been even more on edge than I was since the fight, when I hadn't even really said anything mean to him. Definitely nothing that compared to what he'd said to me. I got back up and shoulder-checked him as I walked past, joining Wyatt inside the back of the SUV with an annoyed scoff. Wyatt put a supportive hand on my thigh and flashed me an understanding smile. I tried to smile back, I truly did, but I just couldn't twist my mouth up into some false show of emotion when all I could think about was what a horrible person I am. I should never have pursued a relationship with him, not a romantic one anyway. Why couldn't I have been smart and just went for a platonic relationship? He'd make an amazing best friend, I really didn't want to lose him as a friend when I ultimately left him. Then again, I didn't want to risk losing Tyler as a lover due to being entangled with someone I didn't even care about. Not that there was really any risk of that happening right now, considering he not only doesn't love me, but is also in love with someone else.
"I'm so glad you agreed to take me with you. I was going to go regardless, but I'm thrilled I get to experience it with you at my side." Wyatt whispered into my ear, entangling or fingers and looking up at me in a swoon-like manner. I felt like groaning out loud, what had I gotten myself into?
"Yeah, me too." I mumbled meekly, looking out the window to distract myself from the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. What kind of man am I, to hurt another person in this way?
After countless amounts of bickering and debate on whether or not we would miss our flight on the way there, we were finally boarding the plane. I really hoped it wouldn't be like my last plane experience, where I'd wept the entire way and not gotten a single wink of sleep. I sat down in my designated seat next to Wyatt and took a deep breath, sinking down so I could be more comfortable. Wyatt was lazily flipping through a magazine, seemingly not phased by the rough take-off.
Once we were in the air I was much better, even sitting up straight in my seat to peek over at what he was looking at in the magazine. Ew, just boring stuff about trucks. Though, it could be worse, he could be reading a magazine about cats. I laid back in my seat, uninterested in what he was doing, and closed my eyes, praying sleep would come to me soon.
"I love you, Troye." The words kept echoing in my mind. Similar to my last flight I hadn't gotten a bit of sleep yet, and it was bordering halfway over. But, unlike my last flight, this time it had nothing to do with Tyler.
Everything had been going fine, well, as fine as it can be on a flight of screaming children sitting next to a man obsessed with cats. I'd given up on sleeping during the day about an hour beforehand, deciding instead to attempt it later when most of the kids would have drifted off. I was listening to music on my phone when I noticed Wyatt shifting positions next to me. At first, I'd paid no attention to it, but when I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder I couldn't very well ignore it. I shifted slightly so I could look down at him and was surprised to find him smiling back up.
"Hey?" I mumbled, raising an eyebrow in question.
"What's up?"
"Just sitting here thinking about how lucky I am to have run into you that day." He said, batting his eyelashes in what I could only assume he found an attractive manner. This was so uncomfortable. I really just wanted to spit it out that I didn't like him that way, but I still had nearly seven hours left of sitting next to him thousands of feet above the Earth, so now probably wasn't the best time.
"That's... Sweet?"
"I love you, Troye." I tensed up at the words. We'd only been dating a couple weeks, he couldn't actually love me, could he? I really hope not, I don't want to hurt him any more than necessary. What do I say? You don't just tell someone you love them if you don't, and definitely not when you have absolutely no romantic attraction toward them whatsoever.
"Yeah, I love youtube." I sped through the words so fast it was impossible for anyone to differentiate between 'youtube' and 'you too'. I mean, sure it wasn't exactly a foolproof plan, but technically I wasn't lying this way. Though, it definitely still felt like I was. Thankfully he hadn't pressed on about it any further and had just drifted off into a peaceful sleep with his head resting on my shoulder and a smile etched across his features. Peaceful had been the furthest word possible from what I was feeling since his confession. It was night now and the majority of the plane was fast asleep, but I was still sitting straight up and fretting about what was going to happen after Playlist. What if I couldn't bring myself to leave him and I missed out on my chance with Tyler a second time around? I mentally slapped myself. Why was I still thinking about Tyler at a time like this? Should I not be more worried that I'm more than likely going to shatter this poor man's heart into a thousand pieces?
A/n: YOO, how was that? Good stuff? Wow, I am so weird literally disregard everything I ever say in Author's notes. Actually don't, because I put them here for a reason even if it's pointless most of the time. AH, ANYWAY, I originally wanted to use this to make a deal with you lovely readers. My sister recently posted a new story on HER Wattpad called Taming the Familiar and I was hoping all of you would be kind enough to check it out! It's not fanfiction, no, so I understand if it's not what you're into. It's about witches/familiars. Anyway, it'd only take a minute to check it out and it'd make her day! I'm going to dedicate the chapter to her so just creep her from there. If you guys check it out and vote etc, I WILL UPDATE THE NEXT CHAPTER TODAY. I know, crazy. Call me crazy. Oh, and if for some reason you need it her name's CourtneyClark061
I'm kind of hoping to get her to 100 reads for sibling day, even though I'm not sure if it was yesterday or today... Oops. Oh, also comment/vote this chapter up thanks boos. Sorry for asking so much of you, I totally understand if you don't want to!
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