No way
I almost killed him.
With my pen.
Of course it only made sense that the a-level student who would be helping me in English would be none other than Brecken freaking Davis, who not once, but twice brought up my hand me down boys gym shorts in front of the near silent, but very full library. I was mortified and tried hiding my shorts with my satchel bag, only causing Brecken to laugh harder.
I am currently sat on a table in the corner of the study part of the library, clicking my pen furiously as I watch Brecken text the unlucky soul who's number he has. I know I'm scowling again, but couldn't care less. Now and then Brecken will laugh at whatever said person texts, and every time I asked 'what?" his reply is 'none of your damn business dirt stain.'
Did I mention I hate him?
Having had enough, I do the only thing there is left to do. I throw a paper airplane at him. Now I admit, it's not one of my proudest moments, however it does hit him straight in the eye.
Brecken yelps, dropping his phone onto the table with a clatter.
"What the hell!" He yells, bringing his hand to his eye and glaring at me furiously out of the other.
I shrug innocently. "I need help."
"Then freaking ask!" He yells.
I drop the act and roll my eyes. "I did, genius. But you were too absorbed in whatever you were texting about. You know there was a glorious time, long ago, where there was such thing as physical interaction?"
Brecken's eyebrows shoot skywards. "Physical interaction, huh? Well, if your so interested-"
I cut him off with my hand. "Gross. You know what I mean."
Brecken leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his broad chest as he does so. "You know you want me."
I roll my eyes again. "Bite me."
"Just tell me where babe."
"You make me sick."
"Love sick."
"Shut up Brecken." I whisper yell-Brecken may not remember or even care, but we are still in a library and I will not risk the wrath of Miss Pilgrim. "Flirt with someone who cares."
Brecken gives me a smug look that just makes me even angrier. This time I don't bother making a paper airplane, I just screw up a ball and chuck it at his face. He's quick (of course he is) and catches it inches away from his face before chucking it back, hitting me squarely on the nose.
"Pay back is a bitch."
"That makes two of you." I mutter under my breath, bringing my knees to my chest on the plastic chair.
God I hate him.
What did I ever go to deserve this torture? I do all my homework, well except the incident in maths which wasn't my fault! I pray for the sick, I donate three pounds a month out of my own pocket money to water aid, I even visit the freaking pet centre in my local neighbourhood once a week! And this is my reward?!
"Go on dirt stain, what was your question?" Brecken says after a moment.
I look up through my vail of pale hair. I suddenly feel very tired and...shy? I know what your thing, Tegan! Shy?! Pffff. Well I'll have you know witty girls cry too! Just on the inside when no ones looking. Why do you think we are always so quick to answer?
"I do have a name you know." I say quietly.
Brecken frowns. He's probably panicking because he actually doesn't know my name. Why should he? He only knows me as dirt stain and the girl who can't seem to stop falling in front of him.
Surprisingly Brecken smiles. Not a cheeky smile, not an amused or mocking smile. I genuine smile. I could have sworn my heart skipped a beat at the sight.
Ugh, what am I turning into? Damn you Brecken Davis!
"Your right, what's your question Teegy?"
The kind smile turns into an evil one and I just sigh.
Anything is better than dirt stain. Teegy will just have to do.
It's concert time! Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen, I Tegan Lynn Blair is going to her first ever concert! Now, don't get too excited. The band isn't well known, just three guys who's music I discovered through a friend who are traveling around Europe and have two decent albums. It's also in my local park, but what does that matter? There will still be people and food and of course the music.
I'm going with a group of friends from school. It was Maisy's idea, the friend who showed me their album to begin with. She showed up at my house wearing a black large shirt that read:
Tickle me belly for life
Yep, that's the name of the band. I never said they were very creative.
"You ready to go?" I ask her, clutching my house keys in my right hand and my phone in my left.
Maisy beams, going into full on fangirl mode. "Oh my gosh yes! I can't wait! Do you think they will look as cute as they do on film, or cuter?"
I just roll my eyes and send a quick text to lily who will be meeting us with the others later.
To:LILIFER 🦁 from:Tegan
Leaving house now, see you all there in five? Xx
To:TEGAN 👓 from:Lily
Yeah, see you soon. So excited! Xx
I shove my phone into my back pocket. "Let's get going then."
I step through the park gates with 'squad' following closely behind. There's six of us in total. It seems we have all decided to dress in black for the occasion. Me a black mini skirt with a white shirt of a girl holding a microphone and black suspenders. That with my black geek glasses and black converse make me look cool. At least I hope it does.
"The concert doesn't actually start until fifteen minutes." Laurie says with a frown, looking down at her phone.
"Everyone know their jobs?"
Everyone nods, including me. Let's just say Laurie is very prepared when it comes to these things. My job this evening is finding somewhere to camp out for the night.
I set off, blanket under arm and flashlight mode on my phone. It's too dark to really see. I walk around the park for a while until I find the perfect spot. I lay down the blanket and turn to find the others. When I don't see them, I decide I'll just ring Maisy or someone.
When I turn back around a scream erupts from my chest.
"Hey Teegy."
No. Way.
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