Chapter 9: Wish upon a Fountain
Note: All the attention is on the wolf book, but I will be updating this book frequently as well. I've decided on an updating schedule!
Teencast: Updated on Friday's.
Mobcast: Updated on Sunday's and Tuesday's
Wolfie book: Updated on Saturday's
Insanity (book 3): Made/updated on Wednesday's
Martyn's POV
Barreling down the motorway at 100 miles per hour, we hoot with laughter as the police cars try and catch us. They never do, and they knew it. Though the police sirens were whirring and the cars were swerving and spinning behind us, the people sat inside had been here too many times before to know that they would not catch us.
The car we had picked up was from a petrol station, the kind where you have to go inside to pay. It was simple enough to sneak into the open car and drive it away.
This was the fifth car we had stolen today, and it was amazing. Sleek, new, incredibly fast. It took diesel, and the inside was black leather, so smooth you could slide off it. There was a tobacco smell inside, which we would clear out with some good old air freshener. The outside had obviously been cleaned, the black shining brightly in the sunlight. The windows weren't tinted, but we knew we could change that.
When we had finally lost the police, we spun round in an 180 degree angle and roared off to Toby's garage. This was where the real work began.
Opening the car door, Toby jogged over to the closed shutters of his garage. Pinned to it, in neat handwriting, was a note.
I need that car by tomorrow, afternoon if it pleases you.
Preferably tinted windows, though it doesn't matter. Has to be black, and make sure the steering wheel isn't stiff-that happens too much for my liking.
Remember, good money if you get me the car I need.
-Ridgedog <3
Somehow, the heart written in red 'ink' made the letter that much more frightening.
We got to work, washing the car to make it even more sleek, fitting the new tyres to make it a smoother ride, filling it with diesel. Toby sprayed away the smell of tobacco, letting a floral scent envelop the car.
By the end, it looked like a brand new car. We removed the license plate and made a new one, and got rid of all the items we found; a small wallet containing a few twenty pound notes and pictures of children in it, a sausage roll, some music CD's by Justin Bieber which we immediately burned, a small, cheap camera and a weird note:
How endings likely please my enemy.
We puzzled over what the note meant until we turned it over and saw an address at the back.
32 Valley Road, Mistral City, 9:00am.
Underneath that was another sentence.
My uncle Riley died eating rabbits.
"What the hell does this mean?" Toby wonders, about to scrunch the note up.
"I don-" I start, before pausing. Snatching the note out of his hand, I read it again, this time picking out every first letter.
My heart stops.
"Help me. 32 Valley Road, Mistral City, 9:00am. Murder."
We both pause, and simultaneously look at the clock.
Both of us scramble up, me going over to the car, and unlocking it, getting into the front.
Toby goes over to the laptop, slams it shut and hops into the passenger seat.
Whilst I speed out of the garage and roar onto the main road, Toby taps out the license plate of the car.
"William Strife's car" Toby mutters, before typing in the address.
"M-Martyn" Toby squeaks.
"What?" I demand, speeding past the traffic lights.
"T-there's someone in the car!" he squeals, and as I glance in the rear view mirror, my heart freezes.
I don't have time to see their face before everything suddenly goes black.
Rythian's POV
The morning was clear, and crisp, a slight breeze in the air whipping up my hair. Tucking my hands in my pockets, I trudge through the park that I always cut through to get to work. There were a few joggers out, some people were walking dogs, others sat on benches, smoking or eating their breakfast. In the middle was a large fountain, which used to be white but was now grey and cracking from age. Weeds grew at the bottom, and water weakly spewed from the top.
I stare at the fountain longer than normal. That was where I met Zoey...
The fountain had been a lot more active back then. A social meeting place. It used to be pure white stone, with crystal clear water spurting out of the top. It was a wish fountain. I remember, that same day that I met Zoey, I had been sitting on it, regarding the world in a calm gaze. A child skipped up to it, a young, happy child with long blonde hair and a blue flower skirt. She had looked into the fountain, squeezed her eyes shut and dropped a pound coin in.
She glanced up at me. "What are you going to wish for, mister?" she grins. I had raised my eyebrow but had pretended to play along.
"What did you wish for?" I had asked back, trying not to look too intimidating with my mask on. She didn't seem to mind.
"Ice cream!" she had squealed, and I had chuckled. As if by magic, an ice cream van had pulled up nearby.
Her face had lit up, and then dropped when she realized she had dropped her money into the fountain. I found it in my heart to give her a two pound coin and she had rushed off to buy one.
She had come back, with one pound and an ice cream in her hand. "You can use this coin mister. Make a wish!" she grinned, before thanking me and skipping off happily back off to her family having a picnic in the park that summers day.
I had sighed and glanced at the fountain, before shrugging to myself, muttering how it wouldn't hurt, and I had dropped the coin into the fountain. "I wish...I wish for a friend" I had whispered, glancing around self consciously.
It was at that moment that I heard a scream. A man had hold of the little girl with her ice cream. He began to run off with her, and I teleported instinctively, ramming my fist into his face. He had fallen to the ground in shock, and I picked up the girl, escorting her back to her family. One of the security guards in the park saw what happened, and called for back up, holding the man down firmly and hand cuffing him.
The family had thanked me, and I had smiled back, even though they could not see it, and I departed quickly-I wasn't used to social situations.
That was when Zoey came, tugging on my arm. She was wearing black clothes, and had a "Detective Inspector" badge on her coat.
"Hey, I'm Detective Zoey, how did you do that?" she grinned. She was warm, bubbly and had flaming red hair, and somehow, I had relaxed easily in her presence. That was the start of my detective career. The wishing fountain had worked.
Whilst I was thinking about this, I had found myself walking to the old fountain, glancing down at the shimmering water. It wasn't exactly crystal clear anymore, though it still had a few pound coins in.
I shut my eyes, slipping my hand into my pocket.
"Why not?" I sigh, taking out my last pound coin. Rolling it around in my fingers, it didn't take me long to realize what I wanted to wish for.
"I wish...that Zoey could come back. I wish that I could hold her in my arms again, and tell her how much I love her. I wish...I wish I could tell her how much I need her. I need her. Please" I whisper, tears brimming in my eyelids. One of them dripped down into the water causing ripples, and I threw the coin in.
"I wish for Zoey to come back" I repeat, and, taking one last glance at the water, I turned on my heel and walked away.
It took me ten minutes to get back to work. Slipping through the door, I take the lift up to the 12th floor where I worked as the lead detective.
"Detective Rythian" the call taker, Nilesy greeted me. He took the calls that were directed to us. He was brilliant at his job, and was incredibly funny. When he wanted to be. The raven haired boy with brown square rimmed glasses was Scottish, and could get incredibly angry quickly, but was an amazing colleague.
"Nilesy" I half smile, heading straight towards the coffee machine, passing my friends (well, I wouldn't say friends, more like acquaintances) as I slip into the coffee room.
Minty was at her desk too, taking the emails. She owned her own pub, and worked there at night, but in the daytime, she took emails. I sometimes asked her why she stayed doing this job when she could be running a pub, and she always answered the same-she loved this job. God knows why-it must be boring taking emails twelve hours a day.
I rarely went to her pub, choosing to go to Ravs instead-Sips and Sjin were weekly visiters, and she knew how much I hated them, and understood my reasons completely.
Advancing towards the coffee cupboard, I took my plain white mug out, heading lazily over to the coffee machine. Pouring out my usual cappucino, I filled it up, and sipped it, wincing slightly as the hot taste scalds my tongue, leaving that really weird taste on your tongue that stays there for ages.
Leaving the room, I spot Nilesy, frowning into a call. Shuffling towards my desk, he abruptly stands up. I glance at him in surprise when I see pale faced, hands trembling. He was almost dropping the phone and I raise an eyebrow at him.
He stares directly at me. "A-are you sure? Are you absolutely sure?" Nilesy demands into the phone, staring at me with wide eyes.
It was something to do with Zoey. My entire body, my gut feeling, my brain, my very soul knew it was something to do with Zoey. I start towards him, hands trembling. Hot coffee spills onto my hand but I don't care.
Nilesy, with trembling fingers, presses the loud speaker button and holds it out.
"R-Rythian?" a voice says from one end. It was Duncan's voice, and I swallow, trying not to hope too much. It was probably nothing, nothing at all, he probably had some way of making my black skin go away...
"Duncan? What is it?" I say loudly.
"It's Zoey, Rythian. We know where she is-Ridgedog has her!"
My entire body froze to the spot. The coffee mug fell out of my hand, shattering into a million shards onto the floor, covering the carpet with the hot liquid. My hand reached out, the phone zipping into my hand with magic.
"H-how do you know? Are you tricking me?" I demand into the speaker, daring to hope that it was true.
"No! Why would I trick you? It's a bit obvious that he would have her-Ridge always knows everything!" Duncan says angrily on the other end, probably pissed that I didn't believe him.
I go quiet for a while, the entire room watching me in silence.
"Get everyone you know and get them to your place within an hour. Take them by force if we have to. It's time to wipe that demigod scum off the earth once and for all!" I snap down the phone, determination filling my body as adrenaline started to pump.
"Finally!" the scientist laughs, "Something we can agree on!"
I can barely hold in my grin as I turn the phone off and look around the waiting room.
"Get all the best officers in the area to Duncan's place-you know where it is. Minty, you go get Sips and Sjin, Nilesy, go get Martyn and Toby. Time to kill the Dog Father" I smirk, and the waiting room cheers as we prepare for battle.
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