Chapter 27: I'm Yours
Note: HEY GUYS, I've got an idea for a new book but I want your thoughts on about a book where, instead of the setting being Tekkitopia (so, the universe in Apprentice with Sipsco and the Jaffa Factory) it will be set in the Modded Madness world (with Kirin's base, and Ridge's giant tower thing, and Bebop's cool base)? Of course Tia will be there too, don't worry! It can be sort of the aftermath of the survival games and the bomb Sips and Sjin set off caused a lot of radiation so the Yogscast had to move homes, and now they had set up new bases (YogLabs etc...). But Ridge is rejected by everyone, and is so lonely he makes a robot friend (Bebop). And then Tia shows up (woo!) and you'll get to see loads of conflict, including Kirin vs Ridge vs Tia fights! HOW ABOUT IT? Let me know in the comments, and post your ideas for the plot, as it is still undecided! Also, can everyone please send their support Simon's way as he has been ill recently if you didn't know, and he had an operation last week sometime. (Get well soon Simon, I hope you have a speedy recovery!). Anyway, on with the story! WARNING: Feels ahead!
Rythian's POV
The park is still and silent at this hour at night, and though some may think it is eerie, I find it strangely peaceful. No tree rustles, no twigs crack, no fountain water splashes and no footsteps are heard along the little stone path which meanders through the grass.
So when a branch snaps right behind me, I act before I think.
My Enderman powers force me to teleport 10 feet away from the bench, and I whirl round, fists balled.
"So insecure" the familiar hooded figure murmurs. He lifts his head, showing the glimmer of a smirk. "Greetings, friend."
"Kirin" I snap, my hands still trembling from the sudden surprise. "What do you want?"
He tilts his head, the material of his black coat shifting with the action. "I'm here to discuss the deal we made..." Slowly, his smirk grows wider as he advances towards me, not pausing even as magic crackles between my fingertips.
"Have you forgotten already?" he sighs sarcastically.
"I already told you my answer. I'm not going to be part of this...this...stupid offer!"
The hooded man sighs again, opening his arms in an almost inviting manner. "Still concerned over your red headed girlfriend, I see. Well, that's disappointing..." He moves closer and I don't even realize until I look down that I am trembling. "I thought that my...proposition went down quite well."
"You were mistaken."
He closes the distance between us until I can feel his cold breath prickling my skin, and for some reason, the mutilated flesh under my mask begins to itch uncontrollably.
"Tell me" Kirin breathes, "what is more important? Saving the lives of thousands, perhaps millions of innocents from that...mutt? Or protecting one, insignificant little girl?"
"Zoey is everything to me" I hiss, finally meeting the taller man's eyes. "I will not use her as bait to destroy Ridgedog. I will find my own way."
Kirin chuckles, backing away slightly. "Is that your final decision?"
"It is" I say coldly, before continuing. "If I ever see you anywhere near Zoey, I will not hesitate to eradicate you from this life, and the next."
He is quiet for a moment, weighing up his options before he shuts his eyes. "Very well."
I exhale as he slips from my view, and I almost jump in shock as the man disappears in a puff of blue dust.
Motionlessly, I stand in the same place for a while, before my thoughs trail to Zoey, alone in her flat, and I begin to briskly walk in the direction of the exit of the park.
Note: And now...what you've ALL BEEN WAITING FOR...
Tia's POV
My hands clasp the cold metal balcony rail tightly, ignoring the many droplets of rain landing on my skin. I have already shut the glass doors leading from the balcony into the apartment so that I didn't accidentally flood it, but at this point I didn't really care. My hair is soaked and is hanging heavily, and my body is trembling, partly from cold and partly from the anger swirling inside me, a volcano of emotion threatening to erupt at any moment.
It was incredibly early in the morning, and the streets were pretty much devoid of life, so spotting the swirling black and gold coat rapidly making its way towards me is easy. He looks up at me, and I pretend to have not noticed him, instead staring out at the city, my anger only doubling in size.
The hotel doors open, and close, and I breathe heavily, preparing myself for the confrontation.
I didn't know how to react to what Sjin had said. And I don't know what Ridge will say either. Will he deny it? Come up with an elaborate speech about how Sjin was lying to me and he was just trying to break us up?
I didn't trust Sjin. At all. And I found it weird that not only did he like me, but he decided to tell me that stuff. Part of me is trying to dismiss the statements, telling me that he's making it up, he can't be trusted. I had fallen for those innocent, honest eyes before, the softness of his tone, the reassurance of his personality. But at the same time, I felt like he was truly being sincere, and if what Deamon had said was true, it would make sense if he was looking out for me in his own way.
Was he lying to me? Or did Ridgedog actually arrange for me to be stabbed? And if he did-
The muffled noise of our hotel door opening breaks my thoughts off, and I can feel my heart pounding. An uneasy feeling settles down on me, and my stomach feels like it is flipping. Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen?
For a few seconds, I gather my thoughts and inhale deeply, calming myself before turning to the glass doors and opening them, before quickly shutting them and turning to Ridge.
He is as soaked as I am, his usually spiky hair flat and dripping with rain. Part of me wants him to shake it, like a dog, but now is not the time for joking around.
We stand in this awkward silence for a moment, listening to the pattering of rain on the balcony floor and the sound the droplets make as they hit the carpet.
"Is it true?"
He's going to deny it, I think, he's going to lie to me-
"Yes" he replies quietly, and I swear my heart stopped for a moment.
"You..." I struggle to find the words, "...arranged for me to be stabbed. So you me?"
He stares at me for a few seconds before nodding.
"Why?" I whisper, starting to tremble again. The strong facade is beginning to break, and I know it will only be a matter of time before I crumble into tears.
"It's...complicated" he sighs, half-smiling as he says it.
"I think I can handle it" I hiss, glaring at him as he smiles. Why is he acting like this is one big joke?
"Ever since that happened to me, I've vowed never to trust anyone. I became...a...a-a shell of what I used to be!" The words are pouring off my tongue, and I am starting to lose control. "And...and I actually started to trust you...but...but now I find out that you did that to me?"
He is quiet throughout the speech, and he has the decency to look guilty.
"Tell me why" I demand, my voice turning from the high pitch of my speech to a more low, threatening tone. "I deserve to know why."
Ridge looks at the floor, occasionally opening his mouth and then closing it again like a goldfish. He stands there, swaying slightly for about two minutes before my patience snaps like a pencil being bent.
"Tell me!"
At the sound of my yell, his eyes snap back to me. "I..."
I wait impatiently, my jaw locked tightly as I continue to glare at him furiously.
"I...can't tell you."
My hands ball into fists, and I struggle to contain the frustration writhing inside me. "If you can't tell me then I'm gone. Forever."
That catches his attention. "I won't let you leave."
"Is that a threat?" I laugh bitterly.
Ridge goes quiet again, not meeting my eyes.
"It's been nice knowing you" I try to say sarcastically, but my voice breaks and it turns into a whisper halfway through. Swallowing, I start to walk slowly towards the door, passing by him without a look in his direction.
I don't stop.
I reach the door.
"I need you."
I pause for a moment, inhaling slowly.
I reach for the door handle and my hand closes around the metal.
"I love you."
I freeze.
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