Chapter 24: Business and Entertainment
Note: SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG, school drains you ;-; not to mention I've got SOOO much revision for my GCSE's which we're doing a year or so, so you know...pressure xD. Oh, and my laptop was killed by coffee and I had to wait to get a new one D: SO the majority of votes wanted to see more Deamon, and some of Bebop and Verbal, and also Hatfilms! SO I have decided to combine them up and yeah...enjoy!
Deamon's POV
Well, Cisco left a long time ago, and I've just been sat here twiddling my thumbs at Ridge's desk whilst he's off on a honeymoon with his mortal bed buddy, and all I can do is sit and stare at a pencil pot wondering how hard I would have to throw one of those for it to impale Ridge's eye.
The sun came up a while ago, and I didn't get to sleep. Technically we immortals don't need to sleep at all, but it's nice to get some rest once in a while to recharge your batteries. But even now I kinda did want to-it would pass the time, after all, which was dragging on....
And on...
And on...
And on...
Ring Ring.
My head snapped out of the trance and I fumble for my pocket a little too excitedly.
"Hey, Ridgedog!" I greet the phone, a smile rising onto my face. Something to do!
"Having fun down there?" The familiar low voice melts through the phone into my ears, and I can't resist my grin at it.
So shoot me. I like my best friend. It's not as if he doesn't know.
"Is that what you said to Tia last night?" I chuckle, and I grimace when he chuckles back in response, not even trying to defend himself.
"So, you having fun?"
"Is that-"
"Deamon I swear to-"
"No, I'm not" I snap into the phone, scowling. "Bored as hell now Cisco is gone. Why'd you have to ruin everything?" I whine, spinning round in his swivel chair.
"Because that's what I like to do. Anyway...I've sent someone else to take care of the house for a while so you're off duty."
My ears practically prick up, and a grin stretches across my face. "Really? Who?"
"An old friend of mine. So..." he carries on.
"You gonna sit there and do nothing, or are you going to come down here and have some fun?"
"Sure, I'll be there in half an hour tops. Text me the address. Oh, and Ridge?" I smirk into the phone, already flinging open a window to kick off into the cool morning air.
"That's what she said"
"Mother fu-"
Hanging up the phone, I give a hoot of delight and activate my invisibilty before jetting off into the sky.
Ross's POV
The loud bleeping and ringing of arcade machines surrounded us, and a loud cheer from the people in front of us sounded.
"Hell yeah! Drinks on me boys!" Alsmiffy grins, his hands in the air.
"No way! I should of won that!" Trott scowled, but lightened up when Smiffy slapped him hard on the back.
"A pint for me, mate" I chuckle, squinting into the dimly lit area. A girl, barely dressed at all in a slim tank top and mini shorts with high heels winks at me, and I wink back. But I wasn't looking for a good time in that way. Not today, anyway.
My eyes finally meet the person I had been waiting for a smirk twitches onto my lips.
"Trott, Smiffy, with me boys. We have company" I grin, and the two lads stand from their chairs, congratulating the other participants of the poker game, before moving to a more secluded table in the corner.
A man dressed in a fancy suit takes a seat.
"Sips, my good man!" I exclaim, my arms wide out in a greeting. The Canadian business man rolls his eyes and slaps my hand with his own.
"Hey guys, long time no see. And since drinks are on you, Smiffy, I don't mind if I do. Pint for me, of course."
Smiffy nods, taking Trott's order before disappearing to the bar, his eyes eagerly fixated on a blonde who was staring back at his tight, expensive suit.
"So" I ask, glancing over at the man. "What brings you to London?"
"Business" Sips shrugs, accepting a pint as it was placed on the mat in front of him and sipping it hesitantly. He wiped the froth from his mouth, his eyes nervously flitting around. Leaning backwards, I gaze towards where he was looking to see his assassin buddy, Sjin, watching us intently from a slot machine.
"Dangerous?" Smiffy muses, taking his seat after getting the rest of the drinks.
"For me, not for you" Sips replies stiffly.
"Sounds ominous" Trott chuckles. "What's the problem?"
The Canadian takes another gulp of his drink. "Ever heard of the Dog Father?"
The three of us stiffen, a silence stretching over us at the words.
"Of course you do, he's been on the news lately. Anyway, I need money to...conduct an experiment. And I'm not getting any in at the moment."
I mull it over. "What's this got to do with you-know-who?"
"He's in London at the moment, and if he finds out about this experiment I'm thinking of doing he'll hunt me to the ends of the earth to get me. And I need money. Badly." Sips sighs.
"Hmm. What's in it for us?" Smiffy squints, leaning forward, interested.
"If I succeed, then the Dog Father will be no more. And neither will his new accomplice." Sips glances around. "If I fail, I'll pay you back. With interest."
Leaning back from his chair, Smiffy surveys us both. Trott shrugs, more interested in his drink. I stare back at Smiffy when he meets my gaze, the same question echoing in our eyes.
"How much, exactly?" I ask, not taking my eyes off Smiffy. "How much do you need?"
"Couple of million" Sips says with a brief swallow of his drink.
Smiffy tuts, his eyes narrow. "That's a hell of a lot of money to be using on some dumb experiment."
"Trust me, it'll be worth it. It'll give us the power to be immortal" Sips hints, and my ears prick up.
The three of us glance at each other.
"We need more time to think. We'll get back to you in a few days. In the mean time...go with your little assassin buddy back to Mistral. We'll send you the money if we agree to this deal. Usual place, right?"
And so the deal was set.
Tia's POV
"So what exactly" I begin, picking at the bed covers. "Are we doing now?"
"Waiting." Ridge chuckles.
"No shit Sherlock" I sigh. "Waiting for what exactly?"
The demigod leaned back in his wooden chair near the desk. Night had fallen once more, and the apartment room was lit with a yellow light radiating from a chandelier above the bed. Reading glasses were perched on his nose, and I found it oddly adorable.
"Well" Ridge starts, pushing the glasses up slightly as he turns to me. "The work we came here to do has been completed faster than I thought. I've finished up all my files, and we could leave now if we wanted to."
"But we aren't?"
"No. We're waiting for someone." Ridge smirks, getting up off his chair and cracking his back noisily. Taking the reading glasses off his head, he lays them softly onto the desk before advancing towards me, sat up in bed with a hot chocolate.
"Dangerous?" I ask, sipping the hot beverage.
"Yes, but not to us."
"That doesn't make any sen-"
"HI GUYS!" A ridiculously loud voice shouts from the door. Jumping violently at the noise, hot chocolate spills down my clothes.
"Bebop. Verbal" Ridge grins, taking the cup from my hand and tossing me some tissues. Sighing and cursing, I mop myself up, embarrassed. Well, this was a nice first impression.
Looking up, I take in the new people. Obviously demigods. One was quite small, and I noticed right away what was weird about him. Half of him, all the way from his head to his feet on the left side was human (well, demigod), with blonde, curvy hair forming a small quif at the top, He was very pale with shockingly light blue eyes. He wore a long, light blue coat with silver edges, the exact same pattern as Ridge's.
On the other side of him, he was a robot. His face was just a grey shield with a pink square where his mouth and eyes are supposed to be. His hand on the right side was long, metal fingers with flashing lights and buttons. But other than that, he looked...normal. Normal-ish.
The other one, Verbal, he was a lot more normal. He looked slightly geeky, with a bowl haircut, his hair short, straight and brown. He had light brown freckles and thick, black rimmed glasses. His coat was black, too, but with red edges.
"Who's the chick in your bed?" Bebop grins. He had a high, fast paced voice. His grin was half lips, and half lights-flashing. I tried not to stare.
"Tia, my partner" Ridge smiles, and I hear just a hint of pride in his voice. Or was it just smugness? It was hard to tell.
"Cool!" he grins again (he never stopped grinning), staring at me and waving. I raise my eyebrows and nod awkwardly, a half smile on my face.
"Ah, I knew there'd be a day when Ridge found himself a play mate" Verbal grinned. His voice reminded me of Munching Brotato's, almost rough and gritty, but hilariously funny at the same time.
"Go fuck yourself" Ridge retorts, and I neatly chuck my tissue in the bin, There was no way I was getting this drink off me.
"Hey, am I late for the party?" a very, VERY familiar voice drifted in. I groan loudly, and Ridge laughs as Deamon flies in, hi fiving Bebop and Verbal and going to hi five Ridge but instead slaps him in the face.
Four male demigods. One female mortal, sat in a bed. Let's see what is going to happen.
"Oh hey Tia! Looking a bit wet there" Deamon smirks, and they all start laughing manically.
"What are we all doing?" I ask Ridge quietly, as he was the first to stop laughing.
"Doing what Deamon said" he chuckles.
A party? This was going to be a long night.
"Sure Ridge, stick your mortal girlfriend in a room with four drunk horny demigods, let's see what happens" Verbal grins and they all laugh again.
My thoughts exactly.
As the other three file out of the room, yelling about "parties" and "strip clubs", Ridge stands me up, smiling at me apologetically.
"Don't worry" he chuckles. "I'll protect you."
"You sure? You seemed like you were considering it" I retort back.
"I wasn't considering it!" he protests quickly, before turning to grin at me. "Besides, you didn't deny you were my girlfriend, so...this ones on you!"
Well damn.
"Wait are know..." I frown as we walk out of the hotel room, Ridge locking it.
"Do you want to be?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know, aren't you supposed to take me on a date or something?" I shrug. Oh God, why was I doing this?
"I already did, didn't I?" he fires back.
"Oh yeah, raiding the police station." I laugh, and he grins as he takes my hand softly.
"So" he murmurs. "Do you want me to take you out on a date or what?"
Was he asking me out? My school education never prepared me for this.
"Your choice" I choose my words carefully.
He chuckles. "No, this time, YOU choose."
Again, the pros and cons list popped up in my head. Remembering about Duncan, still at home. Remembering about all my friends (what little friends I had). Remembering about my brother.
My brother. Where the hell was he anyway?
"Tia?" he asks, waving a hand in front of my face.
"Sure what the hell" I answer. Hell, he'd already seen me naked, it can't go any worse than this.
"I CALL SHOTGUN!" A voice screams next to me.
I almost leap five metres into the air.
"Let's take you to a bar!"
"No, fuck that, stripper clubs all the way!"
"Deamon, you're just horny, leave the god be damned stripper clubs alone!"
"Um" was all I said as the voices once again drifted down the corridor. Looking up at Ridge, he rolled his eyes and began walking forward again. I inhaled heavily.
Time for a date with a demigod.
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