Chapter 23: Immortal Enemy
Note: I have a small announcement at the end, so stay tuned!
Tia's POV
"Alright. Thanks for the coffee" I smile, and he nods back, vanishing into the crowd.
What a nice guy, I though as I carried the steaming hot cups upstairs.
Knocking on our door, I push it open and Ridge turns from his desk, smiling as he sees me. He had shut the curtains as the sun went down, so the room had an amber glow coming from the lamp. I placed the coffee on his desk, muttering complaints as he pulled me onto his lap, practically holding me captive as he puts his head on my shoulder and begins to jot stuff down.
"Did you steal the coffee?" he murmurs close to my ear, making me jump and almost slosh coffee down my sleeve, and he chuckles lightly.
"No, why?" I ask, sipping the coffee lightly.
"Your money was still here when I got up so unless you managed to sneak back in through the balcony and grab it..." he trails off, pausing his writing.
"Some guy bought it for me" I shrug, and he sits back so he can meet my eye.
"Oh yeah?" he questions me, and I nod.
"Yeah, he was probably just some reporter dude, he just started asking me what it was like to be your 'partner' now and stuff, he was nice" I smile.
"Hmm" Ridge hums, tucking his head into my neck.
"He looked weird to. He said he knew you, and you didn't like him." I continued, and he pulls away again.
"Oh yeah?" he repeats again, and I smile-he was definitely tired.
"Yeah, he said his name was Mexxy then he left" I tell him.
I know something is wrong when he instantly freezes, eyes wide as he stares at me.
"...silver hair? Green eyes, like a snakes?" he asks, still staring at me (slightly creepily, like he was possessed or something).
"...Yeah, so you do know him?" I frown, and he swallows, pulling me off his knee and beginning to pace around the room before scrambling in his pockets and pulling out his phone, dialing a number. When I gesture to the phone with a frown, he holds up a finger, shaking his head, so I sigh and sit on the bed, sipping my coffee.
"...Deamon?" Ridge says into the phone, staring at me all the while.
"Oh hey honey-boo, how was-" came the answer, but Ridge cut him off.
"Deamon is Cisco still there?"
"Oh for God's sake Ridge, let it go!"
"Deamon, Mexxy is in London."
The phone went silent for a moment.
"How do you know?" came the other voice, Cisco's voice no doubt.
"He was talking to Tia, asking her about me. She gave me the exact description of him, he even told her his name."
"Pass me on" he orders him, and he holds the phone out to me.
"Tia? Are you there?" his voice said, clearer in my ear now.
"Yeah" I answer, and he goes on.
"Tell me everything he said, everything he did, as exact as possible please. Where did you meet him?"
"The coffee shop, it's right next to our hotel. I went in, and I didn't have any money to pay, so I was going to leave but he payed for them instead. He knew my name, and I thought he was a reporter or something, or undercover, but he just said "I'm not going to hand you in, the world needs criminals, doesn't it?" or something like that...I agreed with him, then he asked if I was partners with Ridge, saying he couldn't imagine what it was like, so I just said I was never bored. He asked if we were partners again like he didn't believe it, so I told him I just kind of recently got upgraded."
I stopped to roll my eyes at Ridge before carrying on. "He said that Ridge was the impatient type, so I asked if he knew him, and he said yes but he didn't like him, and he doesn't really like anyone...then he started wondering why he liked me so much. I said..." I stop, smirking at Ridge, trying to make a joke out of it, "that if I knew, I would stop doing it and run for the hills."
I could hear Deamon snickering in the background, and even Cisco chuckled a little. Ridge just glowered at me, and I half smile before carrying on.
"He said he can see why he likes me...he started complimenting me actually" I laugh.
"What did he say?" Ridge and Cisco ask in unison which makes me smirk again.
"He said I was sarcastic, funny, beautiful and talented with a knife and a gun" I say proudly. Ridge scowls, and I could barely keep the smirk off my face.
"What then?" Cisco asks.
"Then he said he had to go, and then I asked him for his name, then he said "My name is Mexxy I'll see you later" then he went. And I went upstairs to Ridge and here I am." I end finally.
"Alright, thank you, pass the phone back to Ridge please, Tia."
Holding the phone out, Ridge snatches it out of my hand and I flinch-looks like someone had a bad case of PMS.
"It doesn't sound like he knows me and Deamon are here. I better go back up just in case" Cisco says on the other side.
"Yeah you do that" Ridge snaps before hanging up the phone.
He stands in silence for a while, his phone leaning on his bottom lip as he stared into space.
"Are you mad at me?" I ask curiously, shuffling to the other side of the bed to put my coffee down that I forgot I was holding.
"Bit" was the only reply I got back.
"I didn't know who he was" I grumble, tossing my shoes and socks off before crawling into bed.
He just grunts in reply, going over to the desk and beginning to jot more stuff down.
"So is that it then" I sigh, propping up the pillow so I could watch him work and drink coffee.
"Is what it" he replies flatly.
"You're not going to tell me who it was I was speaking to or what they want, and you're just going to give me the silent treatment because I did something you didn't want me to yet I didn't know I couldn't do because I didn't know who it was I was doing it to" I manage to say-wow, what a tongue twister!
He sighs, putting his pen down before coming over to me, sitting down next to me on the bed, sipping his coffee.
"That" he says, "was the King of demigods."
"....Oh" I blink. "You mean the guy you really really hate?"
"Yes" he sighs, pulling me onto his lap (seriously, I was getting sick of sitting on his knees like I was some sort of baby and he was going to burp me or something) and cuddling me close. "I don't know why he's down here, or why he's talking to you. He hates me, so I'm wondering if he's going to use you to get to me. After all, you're mortal, and he's the most powerful man in the universe."
Damn, I think, I should of gotten his autograph.
"Uh, sorry" I apologize, even though I didn't do anything wrong, really.
"It's not your fault. I should of known he'd start sticking his nose in as soon as I got attached to someone" he sighs again, kissing my neck softly. Oh boy, I thought, here we go again.
"You're attached to me?" I ask, and he pulls away to roll his eyes.
"What was your first guess?" he chuckles.
"I don't know" I sigh, shutting my eyes and curling up close to him. "I wanna sleep."
"Hmm, me too" he chuckles, letting me slide onto the covers.
"Just to be clear, sleep sleep. Not 'lie down for five minutes before ripping my clothes off' sleep." I grumble into a pillow and he smirks as he pulls out of the bed to take his coat off along with the rest of his clothes (apart from his underpants of course, I glared at him from the pillow until he gave up trying to take them off) before turning the light off and slipping under the bed covers next to me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight against him.
Five minutes went by.
"Can we-"
Rythian's POV
The glaring light of my computer screen burned into my eyes and I rubbed them tiredly, squinting at the font on the screen. I knew I could just turn a light on, but I didn't want to draw attention to the work building which should have been empty at this time. But I was still here, doing some vital research all by myself.
Well, not entirely.
"Here" Zoey murmurs, setting down a steaming cup of coffee next to me.
"Thank you" I sigh, picking it up before pausing, turning away, lifting my mask up and taking a gulp. Swallowing the hot, caffeine filled liquid down my throat, I slip my mask back down and place the cup back on a mat.
"Rythian...can't you do this tomorrow? You'll be too tired for work" she points out, her hand on my arm. It had been a few days since Zoey had gotten back for the second time and I'd kept my eye on her ever since then, never letting her out of my sight. Especially because this time, she was badly injured from whippings, with cuts and slices and gashes up and down her body.
"Mmm" I hum, shutting my eyes and rubbing them with my thumbs. I was pretty tired; it was 1 in the morning and the city was asleep, apart from all the criminals lurking in the streets. Which, I was still ashamed to admit, I had teamed up with temporarily to get Zoey back.
I let Zoey tug me out of the office after I had finished my cup of coffee. We walked together slowly in the night, our arms intertwined. Despite all that I had done, I had still not mustered up the courage to admit to Zoey how I felt about her.
How could she love someone who had a mask covering half his face?
As I mull it over in my head, I see a very, very familiar silhouette.
I freeze.
"Rythian? What's wrong?" Zoey asks, frowning at me.
"Wait here" I murmur, pulling away from her.
"But-" she starts, but she gives in, putting her trust in me.
Slowly making my way to the figure, I swallow. I knew who this was and I knew why he was here. He looked like a wraith in the darkness, with his jet black hooded cloak, save for the neon blue stripes that made him glow in the darkness. As I neared closer to him, he raised the hood slightly so I could see his menacing smirk.
He was the magical version of Duncan, but crazier and a hell of a lot more powerful.
His voice pierced the darkness like a knife and I paused in front of him.
"I see you are still denying your magical potential. What a pity" he sighs, slipping off his hood to reveal short blonde hair lightly blowing in the night breeze. His piercing blue eyes dig into mine, seeking something out. Shifting uncomfortably, I think out my response-you have to tread carefully where Kirin is concerned.
Note: KirinDave is an enemy of Ridgedog's on his series with Bebop-Kirin uses Voodoo and other magic to stop Ridge from flying and stuff, whereas Ridge just kills him when he finds him hiding invisible in his base, or catches his cat familiar and clones her to kill her over and over again xD
"You and I could be partners, Rythian, if circumstances were different. Now I've been hearing that you partnered up with some criminals to get your precious little Zoeya back?" Kirin shakes his head, glancing over in Zoey's direction who was frowning at the scene from the pavement.
"Are you sure she's worth it?" he murmurs, and I instantly snap forward to punch him but he waves a hand and I freeze where I'm stood. I could feel the "other side" of me growling and lurching forward, begging to be free to take care of this monster who was holding me captive but I fought it down. It was what Kirin wanted, to harness the energy inside of me and use it for himself. And I would not give him that satisfaction.
"Yes" I reply through gritted teeth. "What do you want, Kirin?"
The wizard smiled a devious smile, his eyes glinting in the darkness.
"I want to make you a deal" he starts, raising his arms out slightly as if in greeting.
"And it involves you, your little girlfriend, and the Ridgedog."
Note: Alright for the announcement!
There are going to be a few changes to the book to make it feel a bit more interactive with you guys! But first of all, I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos lately, and I have discovered that I am leaving out a lot of amazing potential characters, for example Bebopvox, Verbal Processing, KirinDave (who, I'm sorry to say, is a way better mage/wizard than Rythian xD), and Will Strife. SO if you guys feel like there is anyone in the Yogscast and Team Crafted who I am missing out, please feel free to point them out.
Now for the changes!
Every chapter I'm going to ask you for TWO POV's that YOU want to see, for example...
Martyn's POV and Sjin's POV?
I will then add an additional few POV's of my choice to make the plot run smoothly. I will pick one person's suggestion each chapter who I think will fit in with the plot. I'm doing this because I feel like I'm focusing so much on Tia's plot that I am not including everyone else, including the O.C characters (which you will see very soon in upcoming chapters...).
Feel free to comment plot ideas that you have-I may just include them in the story :D
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