Chapter 20: Plane Journey, London and Big Decisions
Note: HAPPY 3,000 READS! Longer chapter to say THANK YOU! Tidgedog fans? You're going to LOVE the ending... ;) WARNING: This chapter will contain sexual content...xD
Tia's POV
The rumbling of the vehicle beneath me made me pause, the steaming hot chocolate china mug pressed to my lips. When it had stopped, I sip the liquid, sighing loudly in content as it slid down my throat. Leaning my head onto the soft pillow arm rest, I relax.
Five star plane journeys really were very, very good.
"Enjoying yourself?" Ridge chuckles beside me. He'd given me the window seat on the left, and I was gazing out at the British countryside-there were barely any clouds. I'd never been on a plane before, and even as a child I loved rollercoasters, so this was all pretty exciting for me.
"Yep" I smile, placing the cup in a small cup holder next to me. The seats were comfy, completely covered with soft, velvet like pillows, and a small table separated us from two empty chairs opposite us.
"Good. I didn't need to fork out thousands of doll-I mean pounds," he corrects himself, grinning sheepishly-he was from an American background, or so he told me, so he slipped up sometimes, " cater for the queen of England, but I did."
"I didn't know the queen was on board" I muse.
"Hmm" he hummed, sipping tea from his own cup.
"Why did you let Deamon keep the house safe? Do you really trust him?" I snicker, remembering him dressing up in one of my dresses. When Ridge had finally coaxed him away from my bedroom, I had packed some clothes and basic sanitary needs in a small black suitcase Ridge had provided for me.
"Not at all" he replies simply, and I look up at him, confused.
"He's a general of the main demigod planet" he begins to explain, and I settle down in my seat, snuggling into the pillows-story time!
"I might as well tell you" he chuckles. "Basically, the main planet for demigods is called Voxeltopia, and the main attraction is the castle. There are small cities around that of course, but the castle is huge. Inside of that is the King-"
"There's a King?" I grin, imagining Ridge bowing before someone else.
He scowls. "Unfortunately yes. Anyway, he hates my guts, pretty much, so...well I won't go into too much detail, but he spread a lot of rumours about me that made every demigod also hate me" he sighs.
"So...Deamon is my only friend that is immortal, and therefore I have to trust him" he shrugs, gulping his tea down and sighing in content.
"So he's closest to the King? If he's a general?" I ask and he nods after a while.
"Of course the King has close friends, but Deamon is the King's most loyal servant. It's bad enough him sneaking down to my planet-he's off duty, but it's worse that he's visiting me."
"Not exactly loyal then" I mutter, and he smirks at me.
"He likes you" he chuckles.
"I've only known him five minutes" I sigh.
"He says you are, to quote, a "sexier, female version of me'" he snorts, using air quotation marks.
"I should take that as a compliment I suppose" I mumble, not liking the fact that I was being compared to him.
"He's dangerous, Deamon." Ridge tells me, and I glance up at him, reaching for my hot chocolate.
"How?" I ask curiously.
"He has better powers than me, and he has more experience fighting other immortals. He OWNS a demigod army, and he's one of the most powerful people in Voxeltopia." he lists out.
"Oh" I reply.
"Also, he's a whore" he adds, and I almost splutter on my hot chocolate.
"Wait, what?" I exclaim, wiping a bit of dribbled chocolate from my chin before placing the cup back down.
Note: KIDS BEWARE THESE NEXT FEW PAGES MAY BE A BIT ICK-wait, you shouldn't even be reading this! NAUGHTY!
"He has women cueing up for him around the block. Some PAY him to take them for one night." Ridge smirks.
"Why?" I ask, wrinkling my nose at the thought of girls jumping up and down on his lap, and not getting anything out of it.
Note: Yes, kids, that's how babies are made, people do special dances on peoples laps xD
"What's more satisfying than being claimed by one of the most powerful men on the planet?" he murmurs, looking at me directly now. I look away, pretending to find the chair in front of us incredibly interesting.
"He's bisexual too, though he never admits it. He's had a few guys in his bed" Ridge chuckles, clapping his hands and ordering some food for us.
"What about you? Have you ever had any...girls? Or guys, 'cause, you know, that's fine too" I laugh lightly, though my cheeks were turning a stupid shade of pink. God damn you body, I think, why must you betray me?
"I've been both ways, though it was a long time ago. I can barely remember the last time I've had someone..." he trails off, squinting at the ceiling as if there was a magical label with the exact date and time on it.
"'re bisexual too?" I ask, and he shrugs.
"If it's on the menu, why not try it" he chuckles.
It was then that I put two and two together.
A bisexual Deamon, one of the most powerful people on that planet plus Ridgedog, a bisexual friend of that powerful person who is willing to try it. And has no one other than Deamon to-
A laugh bursts from my mouth and I clamp a hand over it to shut it out, and he looks at me with annoyed eyes.
"No, we didn't have sex" he spits out quickly, and I reclaim my laugh, though the hints of a smile were still dancing on my face.
"Wow." I chuckle, and he glares at me.
"To this bloody day he's still trying to convince me to go all the way" he sighs, leaning his head back, seemingly grateful for a platter of all sorts of exotic fruits appearing on the table.
Note: I'm just including the above to let everyone know, I do support homosexual relationships and you will be seeing more in the future with certain people. If anyone has a problem with that, I'm sorry but that's your opinion :) No homophobic comments please!
"How long since you've been with someone?" I ask, picking up a piece of pineapple and chucking it into my mouth.
"Is that an offer?" he grins coyly, and I choke on my pineapple piece.
"No!" I manage to cough out and he laughs quietly, tossing a grape into his mouth and chewing on it absentmindedly.
A bit of turbulence shakes the plane and I quickly refasten my seatbelt as the announcement rings over the speaker.
"How long?" I ask again.
"Oh, I don't know, 1,500 years I think" he sighs, waving the question away.
"I thought know...crave that sort of stuff" I stutter, blushing slightly. Well this conversation was escalating quickly.
"We do" he muses, winking at me, and I smile shakily back, almost recoiling into my seat. There was NO WAY-
"But I suppress my desire. Most of the time anyway" he shrugs.
"How?" I ask stupidly, and he raises an eyebrow.
"Oh" I snicker, before frowning. "I'm not going to be going in that shower for a very long time now" I shudder.
He rolls his eyes, relaxing back into his chair as the announcement rings that we can unfasten our seatbelts again. She informs us that we had twenty minutes before we land.
"Recently it has been getting harder to control" he tells me, and I raise a questioning eyebrow at him.
"Why?" I ask, wondering how many times I was going to say the word "why" today.
He extends a hand and tucks a bit of my hair behind my ear.
"You tempt me" he murmurs, and I swear I got goosebumps.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I ask nervously, his hand wandering to my neck, one finger tracing my veins.
"Depends on how you look at it" he muses, his eyes focused on my pulse as it seems to speed up-I curse my body once more for betraying me.
"Which way should I look at it?" I murmur, looking up at him now, trying not to be so scared. Was it fear I was feeling? There was no way this was...exciting me. No way.
I knew I liked scary stuff like scary movies and roller coasters, but having the world's most dangerous person do the dirty with me in the bedroom?
"Would you ever let me have you?" he asks, and I blink slowly, thinking of my answer. I was slightly scared of the fact that I couldn't come to a conclusion.
"I don't know" I shrug, pretending it's not big deal.
He gazes at me quietly for a few more seconds, before smiling and leaning forward, kissing me softly on the cheek.
"Think about it" he urges me quietly, before standing up and patting his coat down, withdrawing his hand from my neck.
"We will be landing soon. I'll just go to the toilet" he announces.
"Can't you wait until you get to the showers?" I joke and he smirks at me before disappearing to the back of the plane.
Leaning back in my seat, I exhale the breath I didn't know I was holding, gripping the sides of the seat tightly. That was...a bit too much.
Why did I say I didn't know?
Alright, I thought, trying to calm my breathing down, let's weigh up the pros and cons here.
Cons...he tortures people for fun. He's a sick, twisted murderer, a cannibal, a psycopath. Everyone will refuse me, and Duncan...
I shut my eyes, lowering my head. Ridge was a sneaky, sneaky bastard.
That was why he released those girls. That was why he locked me up with them to watch me snap. They'd go blabbing to everyone who would listen, Lewis, Simon, Duncan, my friends, telling them what I had said, and everyone, by now, will have turned against me. I had no one, except him.
What a dick.
Now onto the pros...
I liked the idea of...power. That much was evident. Being Ridge's frightened me but it excited me too. He hadn't said "be my partner" but I knew after...if we actually did decide to go that far, he wouldn't just leave me alone.
My thoughts drifted back to Duncan. Wasn't I waiting to be rescued? Wasn't I supposed to be a victim of a terrible kidnapping?
He was my partner but...these few months I felt more like his roommate. I just sat at home, shovelling popcorn and pizza into my mouth whilst watching funny cat videos on YouTube and browsing Facebook to see what my old "friends" from school had become now (most of them drug addicts and/or pregnant) and laugh.
And even Ridge had said, barely a few minutes ago...
"What's more satisfying than being claimed by one of the most powerful men on the planet?"
"Please, ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts as the plane will be landing shortly" a voice on the speaker crackles, and I reach over, fastening the belt quickly with one, shaky hand. I hadn't come to a conclusion yet.
"Sorry that took so long...there was no toilet paper. I'll have to complain" Ridge's voice drifts into my ears and I chuckle.
"Oh yeah, there was 'no toilet paper'" I snort, and he raises an eyebrow at me as we fasten in.
"Wait a minute" I demand, turning to him, watching the food platter being taken away and my hand shoots out and grabs a grape, and I pop it into my mouth, savouring the flavour as it bursts into my mouth.
"What?" he asks smoothly, peering outside the window as the ground got closer and closer.
"You can fly, can't you? Why can't you just fly here?" I ask, curious now. I kinda wanted to fly with him, to feel what it felt like.
"I didn't want to hear you complaining about being cold and hungry all the time and we certainly weren't going to stop in the middle of the sea for a toilet break" he smirks and I grin at him, surprised that it came so easily.
He leans over suddenly and my heart stops in surprise, but instead of doing what I thought he was going to do he gazes out of the window, scowling.
"What's wrong?" I ask, trying not to react to a demigod practically lying on my lap. The phrase "lap dog" came to mind, and I barely hold back a snicker.
"The British Government are here to greet us. They know who I am, they want to ensure I don't do anything drastic whilst I'm here" he sighs, leaning away from me and I let out a sigh, a bit too loud and he winks at me coyly.
"You're going to have to stay absolutely quiet, and not answer any question they ask you, do you understand?" he demands, eyes suddenly hard, and I nod, bouncing suddenly as the plane hits the runway.
As the plane comes to a stop we unfasten our seatbelts, and he takes my hand, and I raise an eyebrow.
"What? Crime lord's can be gentlemen too, you know" Ridge grins, and I roll my eyes, letting him escort me down the narrow plane center, down the stairs. He drops my hand before we get to the door, and I follow him quietly down the rickety metal staircase to the bottom, where men in black suits and black glasses stand waiting.
"Ah, if it isn't the Dog Father, showing his face at last in the heart of the British nation" a posh voice, coming from one of the men.
Ridge does not say a word, just tilts his head curiously. He suddenly looked incredibly menacing, and even the men were tense.
One of the men peers at me, and I can see behind his sun glasses he does not like what he sees, which I should take offence at but I didn't care.
"And who," he continues, "is this?"
"She is none of your concern" Ridge replies coolly, his voice deeper than usual, with a sting in its tone. The man visibly flinches, and I can barely hold back a smirk. Power was emanating from his body, and I added it to the list of pros that I would never be in danger. Not with my guard dog...
"If she has come to take part in your business here then you will find she is our concern. What is your name, girl?"
I stay silent, as commanded, taking on a slightly bored look as I squint around, looking at the runways.
"Is she some sort of whore?" one of them has the nerve to ask, and my hand is on the hilt of my knife immediately, and I shoot him a glare. He steps backwards, and I see men in the background take some paces forward.
"She is none of your concern. Now if you'll excuse me, I have important business to attend to, and you are delaying me" Ridge snaps, glaring heavily at the two men like they had just stolen his dog or something.
I imagined that would be a very bad crime in his book.
"We will be watching you, Ridgedog." The man spits out his name like it is some vulgar word and Ridge takes a step closer, looking down at the man-Ridge stood a head taller than him and the man backs away slightly.
"I think you will find, we will be the ones watching you. One wrong move, and I'll bring this country crashing down around you. Do you understand me?" Ridge says quietly.
The man is silent for a while, weighing up the options before, smartly, nodding and moving out of his way. Ridge nods at me, and there is a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. I follow him wordlessly, and the men study me with suspicious eyes. Sneering at them, I follow Ridge until we get round the corner and begin to giggle like two teenage girls talking about boys.
"You just owned the British government" I laugh and he smirks.
"I know. Feels good" he chuckles and he takes my hand again, leading me to a roadway. A taxi is already parked there and he opens the door for me. I clamber in in a very unladylike fashion, sighing in content as I click my seatbelt on.
He gives the name of a hotel to the taxi driver who seemed taken aback.
"That place? It costs thousands to have a room there!" he exclaims, but drives off anyway.
The car journey was mostly quiet, and I peer outside most of the time, taking in all of London's glory. We pass the Thames and I can see the big London Eye in the distance.
"We'll visit everything. We have three weeks here" Ridge murmurs quietly, causing me to momentarily tear my gaze from the beautiful city back to him. He stares back intently, trying to read my expression, but at that moment, we pull up at a hotel. A five star hotel.
My eyes widen. How loaded WAS this guy!
It looked beautiful, the walls marble, and it looked out over the River Thames, with a lovely cafe nearby-
My eyes impossibly widen and I clamber over to see the sign.
"The Coffee Cafe-specialising in the best coffee from all over the world"
"I have a feeling I'm going to be spending a lot of time there" I grin, feeling excitement bubble up within me.
Ridge laughs quietly, helping me out with his hand and he pays the taxi driver a decent amount before leading me inside.
It was just as beautiful on the inside as on the out. A gorgeous water fountain was in the centre with black leather sofas with animal print cushions dotted around the room with a MASSIVE television screen.
"Hello and welcome to the Thames Hotel, how may I help you?" a woman at the counter smiles, mostly at Ridge. I notice as she puffs her chest up slightly, flicking hair out of her eyes and raking her eyes up and down his body. Ridge didn't seem to notice, though he glanced in my direction a couple of times, eyes alight with amusement.
I wasn't jealous. If someone like her could get to him then my life would make no sense anymore. So I simply grinned and enjoyed the show.
"I believe we are in Room 32?" he asks smoothly, and she taps something into her computer, and I hold back a smirk. I was still a faster typer than most people, a skill I valued more than my knife throwing skills.
She looked disappointed at something and Ridge tried to disguise a snicker as a cough, and my smirk faded. What was going on?
She hands us the keys silently, her eyes slightly sad.
"We hope you both have a wonderful stay here at the Thames hotel" she smiles thinly, before reading a magazine on her desk.
"Our suitcases will be arriving in ten minutes" he explains as we ascend upwards.
"Why did she look so sad? And why did you laugh?" I ask suspiciously, and he smirks again, shrugging. I narrow my eyes suspiciously, and when I finally open the door I gasp in surprise.
It was gorgeous, with a marble balcony so you could see the river, white and blue walls with a maroon red fluff carpet underneath. I explore around, looking into the bathroom, ensuite, with one toilet, a bath and a shower (uh oh), a storage room, a walk in wardrobe, a living area with a television, a kitchenette with tables and chairs and a large fridge freezer.
Then I realized the problem. Why the girl was so disappointed, why Ridge laughed.
"Ridge, why is there only one bed?" I demand and he opens his eyes wide, feigning innocence.
"I'm not sure, oh well, too late to change it now" he shrugs, and I am all set to row with him when a knock came at the door-our suitcases were here.
"Looks like I'm sleeping on the floor then" I mutter stiffly, and he grins at me, putting a strong arm round my shoulders.
"Oh don't be like that" he laughs, throwing us backwards onto the bed. I squeak, trying to scramble away from him, but he wraps me up in the duvet so I was stuck in the middle of a big swiss roll of covers.
"Lemme out!" I shout, him preventing me from unrolling the covers.
"You look adorable" he purrs, bending down to my level so he could examine me, and I huff furiously, unrolling myself, laughing slightly. I must look like some sort of seal, rolling around everywhere.
"We top and tail" I suggest and he splutters into laughter, the noise booming off the walls.
"It's not some sort of sexual advance, it means I sleep one way, you sleep the other. My head on the pillow, your head at the bottom of the bed. Simple" I sigh, only making him laugh harder.
"So...69?" he chuckles and yells when I mess his hair up by throwing a pillow at his hair.
When we had finally calmed down, he went to do his hair and freshen up a bit. I went onto the balcony, and gazed out. It was getting late now, the sun setting behind the London eye, making a lovely sight.
Something hits me in the back of the head, and I snap my head round furiously to see a MASSIVE stack of fifty pound notes tied together with an elastic band.
"Go out into the town whilst I do my business" he smiles, looking a lot better. We had already unpacked our things, and he literally had no other clothes other than his coat. He did however have black boxer shorts which he told me were his pyjamas-that was something I was not looking forward to.
"You trust me to go into London?" I question him, raising an eyebrow as I pick up the money and tuck it into a small black shoulder bag.
He shrugs. "I'll just hunt you down if you leave" he smirks.
"What time should I be back?" I ask, pulling on a black hoodie.
He checks the clock. "Be at the coffee cafe at 8 O'clock." That gave me two hours of freedom. I scowl, and he smirks, tucking my hair behind my ear. "We'll be going out a lot in the next few weeks, no need to rush."
I bid him farewell and practically bound down the stairs like a rabbit on steroids. A night in London with tons of cash? Yes please!
I'd never been the shopping kind of girl who goes into clothes shops, but with this much money...I was feeling a bit giddy.
Two hours later and I was bursting with bags of books and games and a new laptop and an Ipad and random junk. People eyed me as I darted from shop to shop-I was in luck to find a Pokemon shop, a franchise in which I had loved as a child, and I bought a plushie of my all time favourite before departing back to the hotel.
I quickly jog up the stairs, finding our room again and letting myself in with the key I had picked up. Ridge wasn't in, and one glance at the clock confirmed that I had five minutes to go down to the coffee shop.
There was a note on the bed, and I toss my bags aside, sighing in relief as the weight is lifted from my shoulders, before picking it up and scanning it.
Bring a gun with you-you'll need it-Ridgedog x
I was more concerned about the kiss at the end than the implication of violence ahead. Bringing my trusty gun with me and attaching it to my belt, I quietly lock the door behind me, tucking the keys into the pockets of my black jeans before departing downstairs and into the cafe.
Ridge was already waiting, sat at a small table at the back. He looked deep in thought, hunched over slightly in the tiny chairs. A steaming cup of coffee was in his hands, and one was already waiting for me, so I head towards him.
He looks up at my advance. "8 O'clock. Right on time" he smiles and I smile easily back, tucking myself into the small wooden stool opposite him. Staring down at the coffee in my hands, it didn't look any different to normal coffee, but when I sipped it, I swear I saw stars.
"Wow, wow, easy there!" he laughs as I gulp half of it down with two large gulps. A satisfied grin rises onto my face.
"It's like heaven in a cup" I chuckle, sipping it again, my mouth warm and tasting of the familiar caffeine taste.
He smiles lightly, sipping his own cup. "It is rather good" he agrees, licking his lips quickly.
"So" I continue, warming my hands on the steaming cup. "How did the business go?"
He shrugs, looking away for a moment. "A dead end. I swear the mortals in this world are all dumb" he sighs, glancing at me. "No offence."
I raise an eyebrow, but decide to change the topic instead of listening to him questioning my intelligence.
"Why'd I have to bring a gun?" I ask curiously, finishing off my cup.
"Oh, yeah, forgot about that" he grins, sitting up and leaning forward.
"I need to get some records on a few people, and the police station near here has them. We need to break in and grab them" he smirks.
I blink at him a few times, wondering if he actually did have some sort of mental disorder.
"They'll just track us right back to the hotel" I attempt to argue.
He shakes his head. "The British government have ordered them not to follow us if we do something, they'll deal with it when we go back" he tells me, finishing his own cup off before standing.
"Wait, we're doing it now? You just want to walk in, grab the papers and walk back out again?" I demand, stumbling after him.
"Yes" he grins, hailing for a taxi. "I hope you can run fast because I'm not carrying you."
"Hello, Mr Demigod! Not everyone is immortal, you know!" I snap.
"You'll be safe with me" he promises, climbing into the taxi and practically yanking me inside.
He gives the driver a destination which is definitely not the police station and he puts his finger to his lips to me. No discussing it in front of people.
Adrenaline was already pulsing in my veins and I fidget in my seat not bothering with a seatbelt (such a rebel!). Break into a police station? In London? I knew all along he was insane...
We pull up in a side street, and we get out, him handing the taxi driver a tip before the guy drives away. Ridge tugs on my sleeve and we walk for a while to the station. It wasn't on a main road, thank God, and he sits me down on a bench.
"I'm assuming you have a plan?" I sigh, stretching out. Maybe gulping down coffee wasn't the best idea in the world...
"We're going to hand ourselves in" he grins.
I stare at him. "Have you been having magic mushrooms or something?"
He chuckles lightly, before leaning over, making my heart stop as he whispers into my ear, his lips so close to my skin I could feel his breath.
"Do you trust me?" he murmurs, hand reaching to tuck a strand of my hair behind my head.
"Depends on the situation" I tell him truthfully.
He chuckles breathlessly, tracing the ridge on my neck (pun intended) with one finger.
"I'll keep you safe, at all times. Trust me on that."
I nod silently, and he smiles, kissing me softly on the cheek.
Wow, I thought as we stand, that escalated quickly!
"Ridge?" I ask quietly, my stomach doing flips as we head towards the station.
"Yes?" he asks smoothly.
"If this is supposed to be a date then...please can you warn me next time you want to break into a police station?" I ask wearily.
"Next time? Sure" he grins, and I pause, rethinking what I had said.
He puts his finger to his lips, silencing me again, and I follow him nervously as we enter the station.
The receptionist at the front takes two glances, the first brief, the second with her eyes wide. She backs away, her hands up already.
"Please don't hurt us!" she squeaks, and I spot her fingers lingering on the emergency button under a desk.
"Actually I'm here to hand myself in, with my partner here" Ridge declares, turning several heads. I feel a strange sense of pride being called his partner but do not show it.
" please?" she asks, stumbling as she fumbles for a pen.
"You know who I am. They call me the Dog Father" Ridge smirks, and she swallows heavily, glancing at me.
"She's known as the Valleycat" Ridge informs her, and my hand twitches. Lovely, now I was his partner in crime AND his secret mistress!
If only Duncan could see me now.
"T-the Valleycat? The real Valleycat? I thought she wasn't real" the woman stutters, several police officers already marching in with handcuffs, looking taken aback by us stood there, openly declaring ourselves.
"Well, she is" Ridge grins at me, and I shake my head back, making him grin even wider.
Handcuffs were on me within seconds and I stiffen, not liking the feeling of being trapped. Ridge got handcuffs too, which were MASSIVE. He winks at me as we are led away when I remember they didn't even look for weapons. Smart...
When we get into a corridor away from everyone else, Ridge spins round, breaking his cuffs like he was breaking paper chains before slamming his fist into one of the officer's face, killing him immediately. Slightly stunned, I spin round just in time for Ridge to break off my chains. My hand was on my knife in an instant, withdrawing it from its sheath-the gun could wait.
Holding the hilt tightly, I slit one of the officers' throats, making him gargle as he drops to the floor, spouting a scarlet fountain of blood. A man grabs Ridge by his throat, making him stagger as he was at an awkward angle, and my five inch blade was no trouble cutting through his throat and severing his head so that it bounced onto the floor as his body flopped down too, joining the growing puddle of blood.
"Come on, let's grab these records and get out of here" he snaps, leading me down twists and turns. I could hear a helicopter overhead, and police cars whirring outside, and my adrenaline levels were off the charts, my heart pounding so hard I could feel the beat throbbing in my head.
Everything was going so quickly....
I loved it.
We finally reach a room where the records were stored. The door had a password protected lock but Ridge just threw himself once at it and it gave way instantly.
He was a LOT stronger than I thought he was.
"Cover me" was all he said as he began to rummage through boxes full of files.
I spin round just in time for officers to come hurtling round the corner. My hand slams the knife back down into my sheath with unnecessary force before pulling out my gun. There was no time for my blade, bullets would do a better job.
Shot after shot echoed down the corridor. It was like playing one of those zombie games in the arcade where you stand on a platform and get a plastic gun, and you aim at the screen and blow up every zombie that comes near you. Except they don't come near you and it's just a game. Here, it's dangerously real, and if they come near you, you're screwed.
I felt no regret as I calmly harvest the lives of police officers-they should of known they would have died when they joined this job.
"Got it. Let's go" Ridge snaps close to my ear, making me jump. I fire one last shot into someone's head-head shot!-before sprinting after Ridge back down the corridor.
"This is the police, drop your weapons and put your hands in the air!" came the yell, and Ridge spun round, his coat tails swirling out behind him.
"Back door" he grunts, grabbing my shirt as he yanked me along. I lurch forward, not noticing the police man right behind the doo-
The loudest gunshot I had ever heard blasted my ear drums at such a close range. The poor guys head had completely shattered into billions of pieces, and he slumped to the floor.
Note: Bit like my appendix xD
My ears still ringing, I see Ridge with a golden gun in his hand. He smirks at me, gingerly rummaging through the remains of the guys head to pull out a golden bullet, before tucking it into his jacket and continuing.
"Why grab the bullet?" I pant, my head still pounding.
"They're expensive" he murmurs half-heartedly, literally flying out of the door.
He began to hover, and he turned his back to me.
"Grab on" he orders me. I don't even begin to question what's going on and leap through the air, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly. I was worried about cutting off his oxygen supply but he seemed fine.
And then suddenly I couldn't see him.
My arms were wrapped around nothing and I began to panic.
"Hold on to me" he whispers, though I cannot see him.
"They'll see me!" I whine, and stiffen when the guys come running, guns at the ready. They look left and they look right, and they look forward, right at me.
"Where the hell did they go?" one of them yells, spinning around.
Well I'll be, I think in surprise, I'm invisible AND flying!
Ridge begins to quietly move, tilting down so he was in a superman position and I could crawl further up his back, holding gingerly onto his coat. I didn't even know WHERE I was holding, and I didn't want to dwell too much on that.
We sail through London, and I look around, a grin plastered on my face. No one could see me. I could do everything in the world, and no one would even know!
"How do you NOT mess with people on a daily basis?" I question him quietly, and his back rumbles as he chuckles.
"You learn to control it. Trust me, it's hard"
The sun was beginning to set and I realize with a jolt it had taken us an hour to do all this. It was now 9 O'clock. Ridge pauses for a moment, looking into a television shop-the news had already gotten up.
"Disaster struck London today when two criminals broke into Picadilly Police Station today. The two criminals have been identified as world-famous criminal lord Ridgedog, better known as the Dog Father, and his accomplice, which has been identified as Valleycat, a person many believed to be fake, but whom has now been confirmed to be real by Ridgedog himself"
It followed up with CCTV footage of us handing ourselves in and declaring ourselves, before it showed us fighting in the hallway, and finally me calmly shooting people before bolting down the corridor with Ridge.
"The partners have taken files regarding the serial killers London has been trying to catch, and they are now missing. They escaped shortly after their break in, and the police are now asking that anyone who sees the duo should stay away from them and alert the authorities of their whereabouts immediately."
This was then followed up with a police officer, describing how many people had died.
24 people had died. That hadn't beaten my record of 54 in a row, but there you go.
"My mum must be so proud of me" I murmur, and Ridge chuckles again, earning the looks of startled passerby's.
"Let's go back to the hotel. These files are weighing me down" he complains, setting off again.
"Won't the hotel staff hand us in?" I ask.
"I payed them off. They tell, they die. They keep their mouth shut, they get payed" he sighs. "It's good being bad."
Rolling my eyes, we float up into the air, finally landing on our balcony. I stumble off him, clutching the rails for support.
"So? What do you think?" he muses, making us reappear.
"Think of what?" I yawn, throwing myself onto the bed. I was tired after all that work.
"Me and you. Partners" he smiles, gazing at me curiously.
"I'm Duncan's partner" I mutter darkly, but the excuse is lazy, and he knows it.
"More like his lap dog" he snorts.
"I'm your lap dog" I sigh.
"Is that another one of your pick up lines? You know all the good ones" he grins, and I roll my eyes at him, watching him discard files from his coat onto the desk.
"I don't know. About the partner thing" I mumble, gazing up at the ceiling.
"What's putting you off?"
"Having to put up with you for longer. Aren't I still your hostage?" I ask innocently, making him look up with a smirk.
"Forgot about that, actually" he admits and I grin, looking back up.
"Old age does that to you, I hear. Do you still hear me too or are you going deaf?" I snicker, yelling as he throws a pencil at me, making a "dink" noise as the metal end hits my head.
He heaves himself from the chair, stretching. His bones crack and I wince.
"Got some old bones there" I taunt, and he rolls his eyes again.
"I think I'm gonna go to sleep. Kinda tired" he muses.
I stiffen. "Ah. Sleeping arrangements" I murmur, sitting up. "I suppose I can-"
He flops down next to me instantly, tugging me down.
"Hey! Get off!" I yell as he cuddles me in close. He was surprisingly warm and soft, and I find myself snuggling in-flying had left me cold.
"You love it really. Your own snuggle buddy. Who happens to be a demigod who won't let anyone hurt you" he murmurs into my ear.
"You trust me on that, right?" he breathes, his mouth slipping closer to my neck and his arms constricting my waist and stomach so I can't move.
"Trust..." he whispers, pressing his lips to my neck, "that I will take care of you? As my partner?"
I swallow, and he chuckles lightly, making tingles go up and down my spine.
He begins to softly kiss my neck, and I was focusing hard on the door, trying not to think about it.
"Relax" he murmurs in between kisses. "Let go for once."
I hesitate. Is this what I wanted? If I gave in now, that was it-my control was gone, and he would have me. This was the big moment.
You knew this was coming, one part of me whispered, let him do it.
No! Another part piped up, the good part, the part of me which I had buried a long time ago. This could be the worst mistake of your life! He's dangerous!
What's more satisfying than being claimed by one of the most powerful men on the planet?
I relax the muscles I didn't know had tensed up.
Imagine what everyone will think. That you are the only one Ridge finds special, worth his time. You'll be feared. Sjin will tremble before you...
I turn round in bed, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him back with an urgency I didn't know I had.
You and him, the most destructive team on the planet. You'll rule the world together. All that power...take it Tia. Let him take you, and then everything will be fine. Duncan will fear you, Sjin will fear you.
Let go.
I shut my eyes and surrender to him.
Note: Yeah I'm not going into detail. To cut a long story short, yes they did the dirty :D FINALLY
Anyway, more POV's coming up in the next chapter. Tia and Ridge in London will be a kind of holiday for not only them, but their POV's, so we will be focusing mainly on the other POV's whilst those two...well, do stuff together :D
Want a teaser for the next chapter?
How will Lewis and Simon react to Hannah telling them what Tia had said?
What is Liam doing and is he REALLY safe with the Crafted gang?
What will Duncan do when he sees the news of the Dog Father and the Valleycat partnership?
And what is Deamon really doing in Ridge's mansion?
6909 WORDS xD 69 :D
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