Chapter 18: Two assassins walk into a bar...
Kayleigh's POV (O.C winner)
Shuffling awkwardly in my chair, I peer around anxiously. The room I was in was obviously an office, with white walls, one of which was blue. Dotted around the room were potted plants, spiky and freshly watered, and light shone from windows with brown panes that looked down from the 36 floor factory building. I was sat across from a dark brown desk, with various office clutter on top, from pencil holders to a laptop, and a half-opened packet of Jaffa Cakes.
Fidgeting with my fingers, I twirl my thumbs around, eyeing the room warily. It smelt like paint in here, a rather cloying smell that overwhelmed your senses if you inhaled too much.
The door squeaked open behind me, and I bristle, before resuming my calm posture. Part of me wanted to bolt from the chair and run all the way down the 62 flights of stairs, but I focused on why I was here.
"Miss...?" came a questioning voice.
"You already know who I am" I sigh, rolling my eyes. Typical Lewis-always cautious.
"Indeed. So, Kayleigh, why are you here?" he asks, and he comes into my view of sight. A red jumper, baggy sleeves, tracky blue jeans and messy brown hair. He didn't look good. His usual glasses were perched on the bridge of his nose, and he pushes them up, smiling at me tightly as he takes his seat in a brown leather chair behind his desk.
"I...know it's not a good time" I admit, studying him from my seat. He grimaces and I confirm my thoughts. His precious Lomadia had been taken for the second time, and there was nothing he could do.
But business in Honeydew Inc. went on as usual, despite the events taking place.
"Yes" he nods, masking his face with a calm expression.
"I want to help" I shrug, and he pauses, a brief look of confusion fluttering onto his face before he composes himself once more.
"Why?" he quizzes me, leaning forward and leaning his elbows on the table and clasping his hands into fists underneath his chin, coated in slight brown stubble.
"I need...the motivation" I smirk, and he narrows his eyes slightly. He was fully aware of my little...habit.
The habit of needing to kill people.
"I see" he grunts, leaning backwards in his chair, studying me with weary brown eyes.
I grit my teeth, waiting for a response,
"And what would you do? For your....motivation?" he notes, raising an eyebrow.
A smirk rises up onto my face, and I look down for a moment, memories flashing in my eyes before I look up, meeting his eyes.
"I want to kill the Ridgedog" I grin, and he rolls his eyes.
"Well, you'll have to join the cue" he chuckles and my grin fades.
"To be honest, I don't think you could, even if you wanted to" he continues.
My knife comes out so quickly he barely has time to blink before I lean forward and slam it into the wood of his desk near his arm, barely centimetres from his skin.
He stares at the metal of the blade, before heatedly glaring at me.
"I assure you that I can. In fact, I'll bring you his head tonight, if that is what you wish" I sneer, yanking the blade out of the wood and tossing it into the air. I catch it hilt first and observe the blade with a smirk, seeing my reflection in it-ice blue eyes, and long black hair.
"And what makes you so sure that you could kill him?" Lewis demands, shuffling some papers behind me.
Turning round with a scheming grin, I meet his eyes with a look of innocence.
"Because I know what can hurt him" I smirk, my eyes flickering to my red matter knife before I slip it into my sheath and leave, slamming the door behind me.
Tia's POV
Groaning, I relax on my bed.
Boredom was going to kill me.
Tossing and turning on the covers, I tug at the fabric between my fingers, staring into space. Ridge had gone to visit Sips and Sjin-apparently there was a 'toy" he had missed. God knows who that was-there were plenty of assassins in Mistral City to choose from.
What was really, really bothering me was what was written in that book. What could kill him? I needed to know. It's so annoying when there is something really important you need to know but you can't find out.
I did know red matter could hurt him though. But not kill him. How the hell did that even work? I would have to ask him one day..."Hey, Ridgedog my good buddy, can I stab you in the heart with this knife to see what happens?"
Pausing, I sit up quietly, frowning. I felt uneasy, like someone was creeping up on me. It wasn't the...typical Ridge feeling of an ominous death feel. It felt like...a predator hunting me down.
Sure enough, a floorboard creaks outside, ever so quietly, so quiet you probably would have missed it if the house hadn't been so quiet. And you hadn't been listening out for it.
Silently, I rise from my bed, taking out a small dagger. It was a simple design, stainless steel, about five inches long with a curved blade that I sharpened regularly when I was bored.
Creeping towards the door, I sneak a look through the crack of the door. I almost sigh in exasperation. Kayleigh Streets, one of the other many assassin girls in Mistral City. Icy blue eyes, black hair in a ponytail-she was a lot like me, in more ways than one. She didn't like people who weren't scared of her, she had a bad history of rejection...
That was probably why we never got on so well.
Backing away from the door, I quickly tiptoe over to the balcony and step onto the railings, launching myself silenty through the air to grab a window ledge. Ignoring the burning sensation of my muscles struggling to hold my entire body weight up-I was really going to have to cut back on the burgers-I yank myself up, landing silently inside the room. The door was miraculously open, and I quickly hide behind the door.
She walks past, unaware of my presence, and I smirk, getting ready to strike when-
I shut my eyes, hanging my head down. Of all the times my stomach had to complain about being hungry, it was RIGHT now!
She spun round and I barely dodged out of the way as she leapt through the air as graceful as a cat jumping from a tree, her knife already out. I realized with a jolt of panic that it was a red matter knife.
Spinning round, I move to push my knife into her arm, but she deflects the hit, the red matter knife nipping a slice of my skin off on my right hand. Cursing, I spin round, switching hands at last minute and manage to rake a long red line down her arm.
How ironic, I think, I was being Ridgedog's guard dog. Speaking of guard dogs...
Silva decided to get her moment in the sun and she appeared literally out of nowhere, long white fangs bared as she clamped down on Kayleigh's arm.
The girl yells out, shaking her arm wildly, blood coming down in streams as Silva continues to bite down, not letting go.
"Down girl!" I grin, and Silva backs off, licking the blood off her fangs before going to my heels, growling menacingly.
"Nice to see you again Kayleigh" I greet her, glancing swiftly down at the wound on my arm-only a cut. But it burned like hell-one of the many things I hated about a red matter knife. It didn't hurt much when it was actually inflicted, but later, it would start to sting like I'd burnt it on a kettle. Then again, I'd burnt myself on a kettle too many times so I should be used to it by now.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Duncan's pet?" she snarls, clutching her wounded arm as we circle each other, Silva playing slalom with my legs, winding herself around me as she followed me round, staying close to my heels, eyes burning on Kayleigh's movements.
"I've been kidnapped" I chuckle and her eyebrows furrow in confusion.
Wait a second, I think for a moment, I've been waiting days for a rescue party, and now one has come I attack her?
Looks like I really would have to live with Ridge for a while longer.
"Well, I'm trying to save you lot, so back the fuck off!" she snaps, and I let out a bitter laugh that startled me. It sounded...slightly manical, but at the same time, like I had given up and I was laughing at her in pity.
And for a moment I lost control.
"Save yourself why you still can" I taunt her, and when she runs to the door, I slam the door shut with my leg, making the door slam.
The dance began again, our knives clashing together with shrill screeches of metal as we spun around the room. She was wounded, so she lumbered around like a bear, but like a bear, once she hit, she hit hard. She clipped me hard on my arm, making me drop my knife for a moment, but Silva leapt out at her, preventing her from attacking me further so I could pick my weapon back up.
If I had to describe the way I moved, it was like...a ballet. A cobra. Dancing, spinning, twirling, stepping-a death waltz.
So this is what it felt like, I think, insanity. It felt like a dance and only you could make the steps work.
But more than that. I felt alive, more alive than ever. Adrenaline pumping, survival instincts whirring, the challenging thrill...
Now I could see why Ridge got a kick out of this stuff.
And then the final step of the dance ended, and my knife clipped the hilt of hers, the red blade spiralling through the air as it hit the floor.
Silva stepped over the knife, growling at Kayleigh when she bent to pick it up. Both of us were panting, bleeding heavily for several places.
With a sneer, I bow low, before spotting Ridge in the corner of the room, watching us, his eyes alight with amusement.
In the reflection of a nearby mirror, I spot myself. Bleeding, my hair going everywhere, but my eyes were wide, insane.
Silva runs to her master, and rubs her snout on his coat.
If I hadn't been staring at shock at the mirror at myself.
If I hadn't seen Ridge chuckle as he watched me with intense eyes.
I would of seen Kayleigh pick up the knife and snap her wrist as fast a snake, aiming the knife right at my heart.
Note: Cliffhanger :D
Niamver's character will be in the next chapter! Did you like this chapter? ^^
And @Robodude11, if you want me to change anything just let me know :D
BYEEEE -Valleycat <3
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