Chapter 17: Vengeance and Voxel Box
Note: This is going to be a slightly longer chapter to say thank you for 2K reads! :D
Sjin's POV
Gripping the sides of the cabinet, my knuckles turned white. My eyes were shut against the pale light of a nearby lamp. Too bright, too near...
My hand smacked out, whacking the lamp shade. It fell to the floor with a crack, shattering on contact. Sips glances up as the light it emitted faded.
"Smashing lamps won't get her back" Sips murmurs, his usual smug tone gone. The room we were in was the lower area of the abandoned church, the ceiling and walls cracked, streak marks of rain droplets scarring the wallpaper. I could have had more than this. The opportunity was handed to me on a plate but I turned it down...
Ridge's personal assassin.
I knew now he was tricking me. Wanted to see if I would trust him. But still...I could of lived the life of luxury with crimson red carpets, sipping a golden chalice full to the brim with expensive, fruity wine that was hundreds of years old. I could of walked along that red carpet every single day, dressing in the most expensive clothes, getting even the most arrogant woman.
"Thinking again?" Sips interrupts, watching me from his spot, leaning against the old cracked wall, the wallpaper peeling off. My mind snapped from the thoughts of a more exquisite life style to the room we were in now, the situation we were in.
"We made him a deal" I snap, running a stressed hand through my brown hair, a sigh escaping my mouth.
"Yeah, well, we should never deal with him, everyone knows that" he sighs.
I spin round, pointing at him accusingly.
"You were the one who thought of it!" I yell.
"Keep your voice down" he hisses.
"No! This is your fault! I could of had a normal life, and gone out with Minty, but you had to get involved, didn't you? Now look where I am! The one I love more than my own life has gone, I live in this dump of a place and criminals around the block are lining up for my head!" I roar, anger making my hands shake.
He stares at me in shock-I had never yelled at him before. He was my boss after all.
Marching out of the room, I hear him say my name once.
I keep walking, anger blinding my vision as I reach for the door handle.
"Sjin, come back."
His voice sounded so weak. So...not Sips.
Inhaling, I shut my eyes, calming myself down before I take a step back, turning round before freezing.
"Take another step and I'll kill you" she mutters harshly, bow in hand, an arrow already loaded.
Heroine. One of the other assassin girls, one that Ridge had somehow overlooked. He probably thought she wasn't worth his time. But here she was, an arrow half a metre away from me, aimed at my eye.
Long, flowing brown hair and purple eyes, she looked no more than a teenager. The bow she held tightly in her hands was magical, I could tell from here by the buzz of magic. It matched her eyes, a dark purple colour.
"Heroine" Sips greets her stiffly from the doorway-I hadn't seen him advance.
"Sips" she mutters, hatred turning her eyes white.
"What business do you have with us?" Sips asks curiously, a tight smile on his face. Typical. Someone was pointing an arrow at my eye and he wanted to discuss business. That's all I was to him-a distraction. Something he could throw away when he didn't need it, someone to be disposed of.
"I want the money you stole" she says in a matter-of-fact way, lowering her bow, pretending to fiddle with it absentmindedly.
Taking advantage, I whip out a knife, but she was quicker. Her bow was up before I could strike.
"Don't take me for a fool, boys. It won't work out" she purrs, a smug smirk on her face that I wanted to slap off.
"Hello" a voice muses from behind her, and she whirls round in surprise. Taking the moment to my advantage, I step forward quickly, pushing a knife to her neck, holding it still.
"Ridge" I mutter, eyeing him angrily.
"Sjin. Sips." he smiles, tilting his head as he stares at the girl.
"Who are you?" she spits, and Ridge waves me off. I back away, but smartly, she does not turn round. No one turns their back on the Dog Father. That was when he struck. When you were least expecting it.
"She's a feisty one this one, a fish when you take it from a tank" he smirks, and she spits at him. Not smart.
"I'm not a fish!" she snarls.
"You'll be a dead fish if you keep that up. Keep flapping and I'll make sure you die a slow, painful death" he smiles kindly, as if he was giving a homeless person a fifty pound note.
She opens her mouth to speak, but Ridge cuts her off.
"Honey, you don't know what I can do so shut up. Now, Sips, let's clear this up so I can take what I came for. Do you have her money?" he asks.
"No" Sips snaps, his face blank. He really didn't have it.
"Good! Glad that's cleared up" Ridge grins, clapping his hands together, before raising an eyebrow at the girl. "That wasn't so hard now, was it?" he murmurs, cupping her chin. She raises her bow at him, aiming the arrow at his eye.
"You sure you wanna do that?" he snickers, tilting his head, eyeing the arrow curiously.
"Yes" she smiles, letting it loose.
His eye explodes on contact, and he rolls his...well....only eye that was left. Heroine's eyes widen as he tugs the arrow from his socket, staring in disgust at the blood that dripped down onto his precious coat.
He tuts, waving a hand over his eye and it appears once more, the blood miraculously disappearing. Slowly, he takes her bow, ripping it from her tight grasp and he snaps it in two, smiling as he drops the pieces onto the floor.
"Now. Sit down there like a good dog and don't try anything else" Ridge smirks, and she follows his orders, sitting on the stairs, staring at him in a morbid fascination.
"Where is Minty?" I spit through gritted teeth, not afraid to step up to the Dog Father.
His blue eyes flicker around her home as he considers his answer. I wait impatiently, about to slap him in the face when he answers.
"Somewhere that looks a lot better than this dump" he sneers, glancing down. Out of nowhere, a small white rat with black eyes scuttles past, and Ridge bends down, letting it crawl onto his arm.
"What's this?" he murmurs, stroking it on the head.
"A pink unicorn" Sips mutters, rolling his eyes. In a split second, he falls back as Ridge whacks him in the face, not even looking in his direction. Hitting the floor with a thump, I hold out a hand, and he takes it, stumbling to his feet, trying to look professional as he fixes his suit.
"I know what it is, you idiot." he sighs, touching the rat on the nose. It reaches up and bites him on the nose, and he giggles like a kid, petting it on the head as he slips it into his top pocket.
"Gentlemen, I bid you farewell" he grins.
"Tell us what you're doing to Minty!" Sips yells, startling me.
Ridgedog stares at Sips with a smirk, before looking over at me.
"Making her wish she was never born" he grins, before doing a saluting motion, grabbing Heroine by her hair and disappearing.
Liam's POV
"But...but mum" I plead, shaking all over.
"Go on, get out!" she snaps, pushing me towards the door.
"At least let me get my stuff" I protest weakly, and she sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Quickly!" she sighs, and I glance at my dad, who shrugs his shoulders from his place on the sofa, and turns back to watch the football game on the television.
I was being kicked out of my own home.
Apparently I was old enough to go get a job and get a house. Apparently I was old enough to be walking the streets alone as I waited to get a flat.
The only relief I found was that I knew Tia would take me in. I knew she would hate it, since the stuff she did was pretty brutal. And I wasn't very safe. But at least I would be off the streets.
Grabbing a black backpack, I begin to shove essential items in.
Note: Try saying black backpack 10 times fast xD
First was my Ipad Air Tia got me-if worst came to worst, I could sell it for a decent amount. Next, my phone, with only five numbers-Mum's, dad's, the police, the home phone and Tia's. Not that she never had it on her. Then, I grabbed a small piggy bank from my cupboard and popped out the cork, tipping three scrunched up twenty pound notes and a couple of two pound coins onto the bed, before stuffing them into my pockets. Pausing, I grab Tia's favourite childhood bear, a waterproof coat, a water bottle which was only half full and a four pack of Twix bars.
By now, my back pack was full to bursting, and I hoist it over my shoulders, trudging downstairs. Mum and Dad don't say anything as I open the door, only stopping to jog back inside to the kitchen, grabbing a pack of small, snack sausages and carrot sticks from the fridge-the only food I could find, and a knife from the counter for protection, before jogging back out of the door, slamming it behind me as I enter the big, bad world.
I knew where I was going-I had been to Duncan's house many times. A tip, really. Old, cold and small. But it was better than the streets.
Inhaling deeply, I step forward, making my way towards the alley opposite the house.
My feet clacked against the cobbles as I listen to my breathing to calm me down, which was slightly fast. This wasn't good. Mistral City was the number 1 spot for criminals in the entire world and it wasn't safe to walk the streets alone, even in the daytime.
I eventually come out at a very recognizable main road and I stiffen when I see the face of one of the guys who had attacked me that day. He spots me from across the street and I quickly turn, my heart pounding as I walk the opposite way.
"Hey!" he calls after me, but I walk briskly away, staring at the floor until a hand grabs my arm roughly and spins me round.
"Don't kill me!" I squeak, shielding myself with my hands.
"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you bro" he laughs, with a Canadian accent. He was good looking, short, cropped brown hair, light brown eyes. He looked...nice for a criminal.
"Why are you out here with a giant bag?" he smiles, looking friendly but I was still suspicious.
"Parents kicked me out" I shrug, trying to sound like I didn't care, but a tear drips from my eyes.
His eyes soften. "You're Tia's brother aren't you? Bet you're looking for her, huh?" he asks, and I nod.
"Well, bad luck kid. She got kidnapped by a crazy immortal psycho serial killer" he says plainly.
Note: *slow claps* best way to break the news xD
I frown, my mouth dropping open. "Wh-what?" I gasp.
"Well, when we, y'know, messed around with you, she told you, and she came to us. Then we took her down, and took a picture of her and asked the crazy serial killer dude if he knew her. He said yes, then he captured us and started....torturing us" he shudders, swallowing. "Anyway, he recently went all crazy and kidnapped all the girls. Ashley from our group, the crazy red head, the owl girl, the other ones I can't remember...and your sister was one of them." he shrugs.
"W...what's he going to do to her?" I whisper.
He laughs, startling me. "Don't worry about your sis. One of the guys in the area who's a spy says she has been in a proper bedroom whereas everyone else is in a cell. She's living the life up there, he likes her." he chuckles.
"Oh...well...thanks, I guess" I half smile, turning to walk away.
"You don't have anywhere to go, do you?" he calls after me, and I turn to shake my head.
"Well...Tia made us promise to protect you, and since she saved us...well...we can only return the favour" he grins, beckoning for me to come over.
"What do you mean?" I frown.
"Want to come stay with us? Y'know, until the crazy dude lets your sister go" he smiles.
"Uh...sure" I smile, hoping it wasn't a trap.
"Come on then. We won't hurt you, after everything Tia did" he tells me, crossing the road with me. I felt strangely safe in his presence, even though he was the guy who started the whole thing off.
He led me down an alleyway round the back of a grocery shop I knew well-Tia went shopping there, and sometimes she would buy me a chocolate bar. Well, when I say buy, she'd steal it. Mum hardly ever let me have chocolate-the Twix bars were a gift from a friend at school who gave me them for my birthday.
We entered quite a clear area, and everyone looks up at my presence.
"Hey! It's Tia's brother!" someone calls out and they all advance. I flinch-if they tried to fight me, that would be it. I would die here.
"How come you've got such a big bag?" one of them asks. Fluffy brown hair, brown eyes, and a sly, cheeky look on his face.
"My parents kicked me out" I repeat, and he rolls his eyes.
"You know the story, dudes. Tia's gone, so this kid has nowhere to go." the Canadian guy exclaims, putting an arm round my shoulder.
The guy at the front, with curly brown hair and a golden amulet round his neck, stepped forward, eyeing me up with serious eyes. The guy who yelled at me when I tried to back away.
"Name?" he barks.
"L-Liam" I stutter.
"Age?" he asks.
"16" I mumble.
He studies me for a moment more, before a wide grin spreads onto his face.
"Welcome to the team" he grins, taking my hand with a firm grip that almost squeezed the blood from my knuckles, and shakes it.
I smile thankfully, sighing-at least I had somewhere to stay.
Ridgedog's POV
Quietly opening the library door, I don't look inside before shutting it behind me with a slight thump.
"Ridgedog" a voice sneers behind me.
"Deamon" I reply stiffly, turning to glance at him.
We both stare at each other for a while. Until a grin breaks out onto my face and he echoes my expression.
"It's been too long!" he laughs, moving forward, hugging me violently.
"Watch the coat, you bastard" I sigh, smoothing it down, but the smile still stayed on my lips.
"Well, you haven't changed at all!" he grins and I roll my eyes.
"Want a drink?" I ask, watching him flop into an armchair, sighing. He strokes the fabric, already looking content. With short spiky brown hair, mischievous chocolate brown eyes and a coat that matched mine, only it was a royal blue-people say he was the spitting image of me, like a younger brother.
"Hit me up. You know what I like" he winks and I smirk.
"Yes I do. I've heard you've been...warming Feather's bed?" I snicker as he scowls. Feather was a dick. That was all anyone needed to know about him.
"That was a joke, jeez. How many times do I have to tell people that?" he whines.
"I don't know Deamon, I'm still confused about your preferences" I smirk, rolling my eyes when he winks at me, blowing me a kiss.
"Anything for you, darling" he purrs.
"Shut up" I snort, and he laughs loudly.
"Nice place you got here. I should come here more often" he smiles.
"Oh please don't" I groan, grinning when he glares. My hand lazily reaches out, a bottle of champagne zooming into my hand, and I pour a small glass for me, and a large glass for him, handing it to him.
Note: Younger reads might not want to read this next bit. I'll put a message in bold when you can read again :)
"Jesus Christ, that's huge" he groans, taking a gulp.
"Is that what you said to Feather last night?" I wink, and he splutters, the drink going all over his coat and I hoot with laughter.
"Asshole!" he swears.
"I'm sorry, you like it up the what...?" I smirk, cupping my ear like I was deaf, and I yelled in surprise when he throws his cup at me, the glass shattering when it hits my head and the drink spurting all over my coat.
"What have you done!" I yelled, looking at the stains already growing on my coat.
"Look at you, all wet for me. I like you like this" he smirks, and I sigh, face palming.
"Jesus Christ, that's huge!" someone moans. There was some mumbling, and then the same person shouted "Asshole!"
"I'm sorry you like it up the what?" Ridge laughs from inside.
There was a loud shriek and the sound of a glass shattering.
"What have you done!" Ridge screeches.
"Look at you, all wet for me. I like you like this" the other person snickers.
Yep, I thought moving away from the door, that was the last time I let him hug me.
Note: This is escalating quickly xD You can start reading now younger readers :)
Ridgedog's POV
"Ugh, you've made such a mess" I snap, and he wiggles his eyebrows at me.
Cleaning my coat with my hand, I relax back into my chair.
"Well, now that the drinks are out of the way..." I murmur, and he snorts, glancing at the shards of glass on the floor.
"This is why I don't invite you" I sigh, and he rolls his eyes.
"So. Got any interesting news since I've been away?" he asks, and I shrug.
"The usual. Kicking up a shit storm, killing people, torturing them-the usual" I sigh, and he nods.
"Nothing new then?" he sighs.
I hesitate. "Well..." I start and he leans forward-you could almost see his ears prick.
"Go on" he smiles.
"I...kinda like someone" I start sheepishly, sounding like a bloody teenager again.
He wolf whistles, and I shake my head at him.
"But..." I start.
"But?" he repeats.
"She's mortal" I shrug and his smile fades.
"Ah" he says, leaning back in his chair. It was forbidden for all demigods to go out with a mortal.
"Been there, done that" he sighs, glancing at me sympathetically.
"Mm..." I hum, glancing at the door-I hope she wasn't listening in.
"Can I see her?" he smiles.
"She..." I begin, and he rolls his eyes.
"What?" he snorts.
"She' a bad history. She's always moody and upset and she doesn't trust anyone so..even you," I turn to grin, cheering up the mood slightly, "the great master entertainer in the bedroom Deamon will not turn her frown upside down."
He whacks me in the head and I wince. "Bitch" I mumble, and he whacks me again.
"Come on, dog, let's go see if I can put your theory to the test" he grins-typical Deamon. He was always one for a challenge.
Striding down the hallway, I hesitate, before pointing to a door. He opens it, and enters the room, me in tow.
Tia's POV
The door opened suddenly, and my head spins round to see the other demigod, a blue coat that had the same design as the one Ridge had, and he had spiky brown hair and brown eyes that twinkled in the light of the lamp.
He looked nearly identical to Ridge and it was freaky.
"Hello there!" he grins and I nod, my eyes flickering to see Ridge enter, rolling his eyes at me. My gaze turns back to Deamon, and he holds a hand out.
"What's your name? Ridge didn't say, he's an idiot like that" he smiles and I raise an eyebrow.
"Tia" I reply, shaking his hand, my other hand curling awkwardly round the sheets of my bed-I hated social interactions.
"Tia and Ridgedog, huh? Hm...Tidgedog!" he says proudly.
I stare at him, wondering what the hell he was going on about.
"She doesn't like you. Now get out and go back to the library" he sighs.
Deamon stands, pacing over to him before whacking him in the head. "Sit dog. Stay." he grins. Ridge rolls his eyes, sitting in mid air, his coat tails hanging behind him. He raises an eyebrow at Deamon, who ruffles up his perfect hair.
"Good dog" Deamon grins.
Suddenly, I liked this guy.
"If he ever starts doing something strange or messing stuff up in the neighbourhood, give me a call, I'll sort him out for you" he winks.
"What are you, the Demigod busters?" I snort.
He raises an eyebrow, before carrying on.
"Best way to take care of him is to put him on a lead. Take him for a walk for about half an hour, don't let him leave your side. Otherwise he'll run off and go poop in someones backyard" he tells me.
A smirk twitches onto my lips, and he claps his hands loudly, making me jump.
"I win the bet! Give me my free drink!" he grins, striding over to the floating demigod.
"There wasn't a bet to start with" he sighs and Deamon ignores him, flying past him.
Confused and very, very amused, I sat on the bed, wondering what the hell had just happened.
"Sorry" Ridge muses, still floating in the air as he moves towards me. "He's always been...forward" he smiles.
"What the hell were you two doing in there? A demigod slumber party?" I ask, and he facepalms.
"'s not what it sounded like" he grins.
I roll my eyes and he sits on the bed next to me.
"I thought you said he hates mortals?" I ask, letting him stroke my cheek gently.
"He does" he replies.
"Then why doesn't he hate me?" I frown.
"Because you're my mortal" he murmurs, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek.
"Aww, love birds" Deamon coos, and I glance at the door frame to see him with a fresh drink, sipping it.
"Piss off" Ridge mumbles, and I yell in surprise when Deamon leaps into the bed, drink on the bedside cabinet. He worms his way in between us, wrapping his arms round Ridge, who looked extremely uncomfortable and exasperated.
"My Ridge" Deamon hisses at me, looking actually menacing for a moment, before he breaks out into a grin.
"Go away" Ridge groans, trying to push him off.
"Funny, that's not what you were saying last night. Oh Deamon! Please! I need you!" Deamon moans in a high pitched voice, laughing when Ridge hangs his head, looking incredibly pissed off.
"What's he like in bed, Tia?" Deamon asks, and I smirk at the question, not even finding it offensive.
"When you two have stopped bullying me, I'll go-" he begins but Deamon cuts him off.
"Does he do it doggy style? Does he bark when he climaxes?" Deamon asks, and I splutter with laughter, not being able to hold it in anymore.
Ridge finally pushed Deamon off, and he hits the floor, still laughing.
"I'll be off then" Deamon grins, blowing a kiss at Ridge who rolls over, muttering curses.
Deamon disappears out of the door, and I still giggle, trying to stop and put on a poker face when Ridge regards me with a dark look.
"I'm sorry" I smile, holding in the laughter.
"Mm..." he hums, shutting his eyes.
"Ridge..." I start, hesitating.
"What?" he asks, his tone softer.
"Do you actually do it doggy style?" I muse, laughing when he groans, slapping me half heartedly in the face.
Note: Dirty chapter xD Ah well! This is to say THANK YOU for 2000 reads! Such a long chapter, I hope you managed to pull through to the end! :D
By the way, do you guys want to see more Deamon? I think he makes the chapters more funny :D
Let me know in the comments, and I'll put the other two O.C contestants in the next chapter.
BAIII ^^ -Valleycat
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