Fight! Fight!
As I was leaving school grounds, I could hear the chanting of the word 'fight' in the distance.
Curious as to who was fighting, I walked over to the scene.
In front of me was Megamo and Osorō, they were beating eachother blue and black.
The student council was attempting to split up the fight while the delinquents were herring on Osorō.
Before things got out of hand, I rushed in between the two as Ororō was about to hit Megamo. I took the impact and fell into Megamo, who was in as much shock as Osorō was.
Immediately the two came to a mental agreement and helped eachother take me to the nurse's office, even though hey were more injured then I was.
"Sorry to come to you after school hours," Megamo started, but Osorō chipped in.
"Heal him!" Osorō yelled, pushing me on the bed and giving the nurse a death glare.
Time Skip Brought By Yanderes!
A few hours later, Megamo and Osorō we're still sitting by my bed, as Nurse Mujo gave me more painkillers, along with the other two.
Not a few seconds had gone by and the door was kicked in.
My father was here.
I mentally groaned as I hid under the covers and prayed that it wasn't my father.
"IS MY BABY ALRIGHT, WHO HURT HIM I WILL KILL THEM!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, pulling out a dagger her kept in his sock, for emergencies.
"Father, it was an accident, it was my fault," I called from under the covers, face a bright pink out of embarrassment.
"Sorry sir, there was a fight and your son split it up, but got injured in the process," Mujo confessed, in his sweet voice.
My father breathed out, mentally counting to ten, then proceeded to put his knife back in his pocket.
Osorō looked a bit impressed but Megamo looked suprised.
My father quickly hugged me, suffocating me. I'm suprised I'm not used to this due to both him and Aso doing it every time I am in their vision.
Short but sweet <3
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