[The amount of guesses over the dagger is amusing. The dagger is getting more attention than cannon Roman xD]
"Oh Roman, darling~" a voice cooed put with false innocence. Romans breath hitched as he looked around. He was back in the Commons room wearing his old outfit. It was a dream..or a memory..
"Wh-who are you?! Who's there?!" Roman shouted out as he looked around. A pair of deep red eyes ignited in the corner and a Prince dressed in dark grey and Reds stepped put of the shadows. "It can't be.. Patton said..-"
"Oh? Is that anyway to greet an old friend?" The Prince asked with a chuckle. "Or should I say an old boyfriend? You really haven't changed much deary. Still the same old stuck up bitch I once knew, just more insecure."
"What are you doing here Römische? What did you do to Passion?!" Roman demanded. He summoned his katana as the dark Prince came closer to him.
"Can't you see, darling~ I was Passion. But you.. You and you're ungrateful cheating ass turned me into this.." The boy motioned toward his outfit. Roman frowned, not really able to picture the Prince in pink. "I'm not here to fight, not now at least. Besides, beating the shit out of you with Morality wasn't exactly what I would"
Roman flinched at the mention of the moral father figure. "But you did.."
"He threatened me. What else was I supposed to do?! Do you think that I wanted to kill you?! Sure, revenge foe corrupting me was fun but I almost killed you!" Römische growled out, his insecurities making the room darken with shadows.
Roman whimpered and backed away in fear. Römische's eyes widened and turned a dark pink as he placed a hand over his mouth.
"I-Im sorry.. I-I.. I shouldn't be here. Deceits going to be pissed if he catches me hanging around you.." The Prince retreated back into the darkness, the shadows following the Prince.
Roman looked at the pink handled dagger with P.S carved in it. "Passion..what have I don't to you..?" He asked himself softly as he fell to his knees.
A gloved hand gently wiped Romans tears away and four pairs of eyes exchanged a look as Roman mumbled in his sleep.
"The dagger isn't his.." One murmured softly as he picked the dagger up. "Roman hates the color pink. Something about the color upset him, and none of us have a connection to the letter P aside from Patton. Even still, I doubt he has a connection to the dagger."
"I.. I know who it belonged to.." Another spoke up. "But he no longer exists so let's not dwell on it."
The room fell silent as they watched their Prince sleep. He looked peaceful for now.
>We're tied up in this burning house<
Insanity's plan was in action and going exactly how he wanted it to go. Patton was wrapped around his little finger and the venom he had injected into the moral man was keeping him in a daze for now. Just a bit longer for some fun, then it'll be time to kill him off permanently. Not that anyone would care since a new (and hopefully better) morality would be taking his place.
Patton hummed softly as he listened to Insanity's crazed heartbeat. It was comforting to him for some reason and it made him feel sleepy.
"What are you doing baby?" Inny asked with false curiosity. Patton yawned a bit and looked up at him with lust and immorality.
"Listening to your heartbeat, Master," Patton replied before kissing him in a not exactly gentle manner.
Insanity hummed into the kiss as he kissed back. His nails once again injected themselves into the shorter boy, causing him to scream in pain once more. Insanity relished the screams before retracting his nails from the boy and holding him in a comforting way.
"Don't worry baby, it won't be for long."
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