[Platonic Creativitwins bonding moment!]
"Roman.. My son.. You are so much more than you think you are.."
Roman blinked in confusion. Who was talking to him? He wasn't anybody's son, nor was he related to anyone aside from Remus and technically King.
But King was long gone.
He's been gone for years! He and Remus came from the original Creativity! He's dead!
"Who's there?! Show yourself to me!" Roman shouted, looking around the inky blackness. He turned in circles, trying to figure out where the voice is coming from.
"Janus loves you and Remus as individuals just as much as he loved you as a whole. Please, don't deny that you deserved his love. Let him in.."
"Who the fuck is Janus..? I don't understand! You're not making any sense!" Roman groaned in confusion. He didn't understand anything that was happening or what was going on.
A figure walked out of the shadows. Orange was the first color he saw and his eyes widened. The black sash across his chest softened the vibrant orange of the suite. Soft green eyes, one lime and one dark, we're filled with tears and hidden behind white bangs.
"You've grown to be a very handsome prince, my son. Red really is your color.." King Creativity murmured. Roman couldn't stop himself before he was running full speed towards the man and jumped into his arms.
"Dad.." Roman breathed out quietly. "B-but.. you're gone! Patton split us..! H-how are you here..?" His own lime green eyes filled with tears as the older man held him in a fatherly way.
"Family is forever, Little Prince. I'll always be in your heart, and your brothers heart.." King kissed his son on the head as he held the depresso espresso bean. "Speaking of Remus, he's afraid that you'll leave him again.. He doesn't admit it, and only Janus seems to know, but you're his rock, Little Prince. You keep him out of his head just by being around him because you're two parts of a whole. If you can't stay alive for yourself then, please, stay alive for me and Remus.."
"I don't.. I-I don't want to be alive, dad.. Everything hurts and I can't handle it anymore.." Roman choked out, trying to keep from being a stuttering mess. "I don't see a point in being alive anymore.."
"I know, my son, but you will.. Logan loves you and he has a stronger friendship with you than anyone else in the mindscape. Virgil, despite your bad history, has grown to loving you just as much as he loves everyone else. Janus loves you, Ro.. He loves you in ways he will never admit to you.. and Remus loves you like a brother. You're his hero, but he's never been the best at showing it. You're Thomas' hero, no matter what anyone says.." King gently made Roman look up at him. He got down so he was eye level with the prince and wiped his tears away. Roman leaned into the foreign touch of his father. "You're my hero too, Little Prince.."
Roman felt something slip around his neck and King disappeared. He looked down with tear blurred vision as the locket that was now around his neck. It was King Creativity's locket. The crown and shield design mixed with the setting sun and rising moon made him realize just how much he and Remus took after their father. Opening the locket—
Warmth of a human glided across his cheek causing his eyes to open. Everything was blurry with unshed tears and his breathing was shallow. He could just barely make out Remus' face, but the mustache gave his brother away. "R-Remus..." he asked quietly.
"Yeah, it's me.. Virge and Lo were summoned by Thomas, and Dee had some business to attend to.." Remus murmured, helping his brother sit up. His eyes widened when Roman curled into his arms like a child that got hurt. "What's wrong Ro..?"
"I saw Dad.."
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