["I am on a solo quest to help save...myself.."
-Roman Sanders]
Roman was a mess of blood on his bed. He blankly stared at the ceiling, unmoving and unfocused on anything in particular. His vision was static-y and he couldn't hear well—as if everything was underwater. A knife rested in his other hand, the weapon used to make a mess of himself.
"Roman!" Someone shouted, trying to pull him out of his trance. He struggled to focus on the voice, barely making it knowledgeable that he can hear them a little.
Other voices filled the room and Roman started feeling like he was suffocating when he really wasn't. There was an underwater feeling and his vision blurred a little.
"Roman! Please open your eyes!"
Open? His eyes are open! At least..he didn't remember closing them. Roman attempted to open his eyes, but he couldn't move. He was just so tired.
"Roman! Roman, please don't die!" The voices were melting together and getting more desperate.
Roman tried to reach out. Tried to speak. Tried to let them know he was alright..
But it was worthless...
Remus shook his brother desperately trying to wake him up. Tears paraded down his face as ugly sobs left him. Deceit had to pull him away from his brother, not wanting Roman to get damaged from the shaking.
"It's ok, Remus," Deceit cooed softly, his eyes glowing a soft yellow color. Remus sobbed into Deceits chest, allowing him to lie just this once for comfort.
"Roman, you neeed to wake up! Please! Open your eyes for me!" Virgil begged, trying not to sound distorted due to his high anxiety. It wasn't working that well as some of his words had a double affect to them.
Logan summoned a first-aid kit and began to wrap up Romans cuts, trying his hardest not to cry himself. Roman was his best friend, and they had a lot closer platonic relationship than most sides had in the mindscape.
"H-he'll be passed out for a while, but he still h-has a pulse." Logan announced, trying (and failing) to hide his tears. Virgil hugged him tightly, causing the nerd to breakdown.
The group sat in silence for awhile, each trying to quiet their sobbing as to not disturb the others, but it didn't go well. Three of the four were sniffling and whimpering in their own ways, and one ugly sobbed. The ugly sons were muffled by Deceits chest in which Remus hid in.
"I-Im a h-horrible brother! A-all I did was hurt h-him instead of trying t-to make mends with him!" Remus cried. "I-I should've just stayed in the garden like h-he said, the-then he wouldn't've hated me s-so much..!"
"It's not entirely your fault Remus.." Deceit murmured. "We're all to somewhat blame as we all have had our quarrels with Roman. The only one to one hundred percent blame is Morality."
How he managed to keep his voice steady was unknown to even him. Maybe he was lying to himself about how much he didn't care about the Prince.
"I-I agree with Deceit. We each had our disagreements with Roman, but we always worked it out and apologized." Logan attempted to seem fine, but he was still half buried in Virgil's jacket, hiding from his pain.
"All we can really do is be there for him now," Virgil murmured, his voice still slightly echoing as he held Logan close to him. Eye-shadow and tears strayed down his face.
The others nodded in agreement and once again fell into silence.
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