[I need to update everything. Holy shit I'm so far behind-
I would advise that y'all go read the triggers again because I'm updating them. There's going to be quite a few things added-]
Remus hadn't been able to use his mace. As soon as the lights turned on, the only person in the room was him. "Goddamn it Insanity! That wasn't part of the plan!" He yelled at the emptiness in the room. Deciding to just let the chaotic boy handle the situation, Remus went back to the bedroom.
He slowly opened the door as to not disturb the peace and went in as quietly as possible. Deceit was awake and glared at him softly as Remus came towards the bed.
"You shouldn't have snuck off, Rem.." Deceit scolded in a soft tone. He didn't want to disturb the three still asleep boys. Remus sighed and crawled into his waiting boy's arms and rested his head on his brother's chest the best he could with the current pile of bodies. He just needed to make sure Roman was still alive.
"I know Dee, but I just.. Morality deserves to go through everything he put Roman through.." Remus replied. "Sure, we might barely get along but come on, he's my brother! Of course I care about him.."
"Shhh, don't wake the baby," Deceit hush him, not wanting Roman to wake up just yet.
"Ok Markiplier," Remus giggled and pulled the snake boi in for a soft kiss. "Are twins allowed to date the same person as long as the twins aren't dating one another?"
"Now's not the time for that 'mus," Deceit replied softly, kissing his boy back. "Roman needs time to heal before he does anything involving romance.."
"So I guess you'll–"
"Don't you do it."
"–wait for it?"
"There are approximately one million ten thousand and three hundred words in the English dictionary, yet I can never string enough together to describe how much I want to hit you with a chair."
"Don't throw away your shot just yet."
Inny giggled as Patton looked at him with terrified eyes. Blood dripped from the wounds Inny had created on Patton, and the smell of sweat mixed with copper filled the room.
"Patton, Patton, Patton.." Inny murmured as he circled the boy tied to a wooden cross. "You have some so much gruesome work and yet you're quivering in fear when punished with the belt?"
"Pl-please! Please don't h-hurt me anymore! I-Ill be a good boy!" Patton begged. This only caused the insane trait to grin and pick up a leather whip. "N-no! Pl-please n-no!" The moral man begged more.
"You're going to count to twenty and if you miss a number, we'll start over. Maybe if you take your punishment like a good boy, I'll let you take a nice warm bath and sleep in my room on a soft bed." Insanity murmured, grazing one of his sharp and poisonous nails along Patton's jawline.
"Y-yes s-sir.." Patton mumbled, tears filling his eyes. He yelped when he felt the first whack with the whip. His nude body earning yet another mark. "O-one!"
It went on for what felt like hours to the hurt boy. He missed count five times before he finally made it to twenty. He couldn't stop crying and his body felt really weak.
"Shh, baby, there's no need to cry," Insanity murmured as he unhooked Patton. He let the sobbing man fall to the ground as extra punishment before carefully picking him up. "You did so good for Master. Ready to take a nice warm bath and get some sleep?"
Patton wasn't sure what would happen if he declined but he wasn't willing to find out. He wouldn't have been able ro escape even if he wanted to because not only was he in pain, he was also in an area of the mindscape he didn't know a thing about.
Inny brought him up a staircase that lead to Insanitys room. He went into the attached bathroom and carefully placed Patton into the bath before getting undressed and hopping in as well. Patton flinched away from him as the water began to fill the tub up, but he couldn't help but tiredly lean against him as Insanity began to clean the blood off him.
"You're going to be such a good little slut for me, are you baby?" Inny murmured, tracing the wounds with his nails. "Such a good boy.."
He hadn't had this much fun since the Apathy incident and he hoped it never ends.
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