Time with her
Bruno's p.o.v
I started walking in to another school day when I noticed Leah walking to her locker , running I may say . Our talk in the bus was very funny , I think to myself while walking to my locker . I was meters away from Leah's locker and I really did want to start a new conversation with her . She may be very shy , but when you do end up talking to her she seems very talkative and funny . I like that side of her . I was cut off from my thoughts when a familiar girl came over to me and started speaking " Hey Bruno " I ignored her knowing exactly who she was . Lisa Martins . My ex-girlfriend .
I didn't want to be at all rude so I starting chatting with her . " Hello Lisa , nice to once again see you " " haha yeah . How have you been doing ? " " I've been fine , thank you . How's Luke ? " I said referring to her boyfriend " Oh , me and him aren't dating anymore acually " I can tell she was hurt by the way she looked down at the floor " is that so ? Well I'm sorry to hear that , I've gotta go . Catch ya later " " alright goodbye ." I really did feel sorry for her , she really did like that guy . What can I say though ? She's a guy after guy type of girl .
" Goodmorning Students , please take your homework out and set it right in front of your desks' , I'll come around to collect it " fuck ! I didn't even touch my homework yesterday ! Ugh . I'm going to look like an idiot next to Leah when the teacher finds out I didn't complete my homework . Shit ! What do I do now ? " Peter I've seen that you are the only one with nothing on your desk , explain yourself " shit shit shit shit shit what am I gonna say ? " Uhm well .... You see I had a really big headache yesterday night and fell asleep very quickly forgetting I had homework . I'm sorry " I say and just as I mentioned earlier , I look like an idiot next to Leah
" Well , you may turn it in first thing tomorrow morning . Make sure it's complete . " " I will ma'am , thank you " I then looked forward trying to forget what just happened . I noticed Leah writing on some paper . I think she caught me starting so she put it aside . Well , that was awkward . The teacher began to speak , I was bored out of my mind . I decided to write down some random facts about Leah . Beautiful blue eyes . Precious lips . Amazing body . Perfect smile . Very smart . Not to mention her - " Peter , what did I just say out to the class ? " ugh , she caught me . I have no idea what she was saying out to the class . Who even listens ? Math is overrated anyways " oh uh something about the algebraic equations ? " " Please pay attention up here Peter , you don't want to fail this class do you ? " " No ma'am I sure don't . I'll listen , I'm sorry " " Thank you now ... " while the teacher is talking , I end up ignoring her once more only not writing anything down this time .
20 minutes gone by and we're all still in here . Why is the clock ticking so slowly ? I wasn't into the subject of math . I'm always failing it anyways . I not into anything but music , always have been interested in it . Algebra ? No thank you . I just kept listening to the teacher speak which bored me till' she said " So students , I will be assigning each one of you a partner to work with on this project together , you will have a week to have it here next Wednesday completed " God I hope I get assigned to work with Leah . Please please please please ! I begged only very quietly . " Marie , and Mark . Angel , and Abby . Luisa , and Bryan . Leah , and Bruno " she kept going but I only stopped listening when I heard her call Leah and my name out , so I guess me and this pretty lady will be working on this alone .
" Remember it will be due by next Wednesday . Have it ready and complete " I was so glad to have Leah as my partner , finally we will talk . More than just a bus ride small talk . " So Leah , guess we're working together " " I guess so " she said not so pleased knowing I will be her partner for this project . Oh leah , Sweety , you're going to love working with me . I say only in my thoughts .
Authors note // this chapter was pretty boring . I'll make it a lot interesting in the next chapter . Vote and comment please (:
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