To escape into something dusty
Y/N, is a girl, who is a snappy and sassy girl. I was sick and tired of my crappy neighborhood with my crappy family, and I just wanted to have a better life. I heard a rumor going around that a mountain called Mt.Ebott is a place where children fall and never come back alive. It is said to hold the monsters that were banished, and it was in the place my vacation was at.
Yep. I get to avoid my crappy neighbors for a vacation, but I still had my crappy family.
The crappy family that forced me to sleep outside because there wasn't enough rooms in the house.
The crappy family that forced me to eat food that has gone bad and to only have one meal a day.
The crappy family that was my only thing keeping me alive.
They said that I should be grateful, because they could have aborted me or left me out on the streets,
but they took me with them to vacation. Probably just to serve them food and help out with literally everything. It's not pleasant, but it's all I have. It's all I live for. My crappy family consists of me, and my parents, who, are alcoholics and drug dealers. My crappy family didn't even give me a proper name. Heck, they didn't give me a name AT ALL. I named myself, after some letters that just seemed to fit in right, and fit me.
My crappy family never gave me anything extra, not even a break.
If we were going on vacation, it really just means that I am simply working somewhere else.
I hope all of this will end soon, so I have a plan.
It is to escape when I am sleeping outside.
We were at our vacation.
My parents just went to sleep, probably doing something in which a girl like me should not know of. I heard the slam of the door, and the shifting of the sheets went down to nothing, and I knew that this was the right time to run away.
I had prepacked the things I would need, but it was a pitiful amount. With only one pair of clothes that I had extra, some rubbing alcohol, and a whole wad of money, I thought it was rather pitiful. I had my plastic bag that was currently holding my luggage, and I went to the room with a broken window, also known as the study. I clambered on the bookshelves, and I eventually got to the window frame. I carefully threw out the plastic bag and I lunged out of the study and into the outside, but I accidentally kicked the bookshelf in the process, knocking it over in the process. This caused a loud BANG! and I felt fear course through my veins. I quickly grabbed my bag, and made a run for it.
I eventually heard voices coming from behind me, but I kept on running, not wanting to stop anytime soon.
I had no good direction of where I should run, since it was dark, but I felt something tell me it should be a certain direction. I went that direction and soon enough I came across woods. I blindly ran, and also held my hands out to make sure I didn't run into a tree or anything. I got snagged by branches a few times, and also tripped occasionally, but I felt the will to live, so I kept on going.
I eventually neared a pathway, and I couldn't make out the words on the sign that was in front of this pathway. I shrugged, and I ran up the trail. I swung my plastic bag, and whistled a simple tune that kept me sane.
Normal note, high note, normal note, low note.
I whistled the little tune until I felt no more rising ground underneath my feet. I brushed my foot on the ground to check for rocks, ledges and holes. I eventually made my way to a cave, and I sat down. I took out my stuff from the plastic bag, and just took out the extra clothes, rubbing alcohol and money. I tossed the bag, and wrapped the rubbing alcohol and money in my clothes. I got up and tried to be comfortable to try to take a nap, but then I felt air below my feet, and the next thing I knew, I was unfazed that I was going to die falling down the infamous hole of Mt.Ebott.
N o t
l i k e
r e a l l y
c a r e d . . .
I woke up.
I saw rays of light through my closed eyes. I covered them, and I sat up, only for me to wince in pain, but I got up nonetheless. I blinked and looked around, and I saw a pathway that probably led to another room.
My curiousity getting the best of me, I grabbed my stuff that was on the ground beside me, and I walked there.
There was another door, with a little ray of sunshine shinning down on a little grass area. I brushed my fingertips against the grass, and thought of how soft it was. I looked at the door ahead of me, which was ruined like everything around me, (except for the grass) and I saw that on the top, was a symbol of some sort. I looked at it, confused, but then I got up and walked through the door.
The other side held some already pushed buttons and an open door. I decided that someone must have not set it back, so I went through the next door.
Inside, were what I called the purple-brick-area-with-red-crunchy-leaves. Yeah, I'm not that original when it comes to naming things, but hey, it's better than naming the place Bob or ruins or something...
I walked up the steps and went through the other door.
It kept on going like this, finding traps that were already done, and for the spikey bridge one, well, I took leaves and tossed it around to see which ones were activated or not. I found a lot of dust though... I wonder if that has to do with anything. I eventually came across a house, and I saw that the door was open. I lightly knocked, and I saw that no one was home. I realized that this was the only place I haven't explored, so I went through.
I saw a rocking chair, rooms, and the stench of blood. I looked to where it was coming from, and I saw that it came from a... pie.
I shook my head to rid of the thought, and I took a look at one of the books that was near the rocking chair. It read: "101 ways to make a snail suffer." I looked at it, confused, and I noticed that all of the other books were related to the death of snails. I couldn't think of why someone would need these specific kinds of books. I shrugged, and I went down the stairs that were beside me. I was in a hallway, and then a big door, along with dust in front of it. I just don't understand what is up with all of the dust! I shrugged for the second time, and I pried open the heavy purple door.
I was met with the blast of chilly wind.
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