"Are you all ready?"
Thor looked around at the others as they shuffled awkwardly on their feet, trying not to seem too freaked out by the fact that they were about to be whisked away to a different planet. They stood in an empty field with only the moon and the stars as their light which was annoying Tony as he slapped blindly at his itching arms.
"This is safe, right?" Bruce muttered.
"He isn't fried to a crisp yet," Clint gestured to Thor, "so I'm guessing it has all the qualities of safe transportation."
"He's abnormal, I don't think that counts."
"For someone walking around like he didn't just have a heart attack earlier, you certainly can't talk," Natasha quipped.
Steve sighed as they began to throw snide remarks at each other and nodded at Thor. They were gathered in a tight knit circle and the god of thunder grinned before raising Mjolnir above his head.
"Heimdall, when you're ready!"
"Who is he talking to?"
"If you shutup, maybe we'll find out—"
Before Tony could respond to the grinning assassin, a great rush of air slammed down on their heads and they were surrounded by what seemed like every color of the universe, spinning and colliding with each other before it pulled them off of the ground and they shot into the sky. The motion itself quickly made Steve dizzy and he grabbed onto someone's hand, who it belonged to he didn't care at the moment as his stomach furiously flipped over and over. It couldn't have been more than a few seconds, but to Steve it felt like an eternity when his feet finally landed on solid ground and he carefully opened his eyes.
They had arrived in what looked like a golden dome. Huge circles varying in size with long spokes were all over the wall and on the sleek black floor were white rings that grew smaller until entirely disappearing. In the center of the room was a circular staircase that lifted to a platform on which a large man, dressed in heavy-plated armor was holding a sword almost as big as him. He had eyes of a golden rich color and an expression that seemed as if he almost disapproved of their presence, but said nothing.
"Mind if I have that back, big boy? You're cutting off my circulation although I could swing that way if you wanted me to."
Tony grinned as Steve dropped his hand, clearing his throat awkwardly and taking a step to the side.
"Mellow jazz...a relaxation if you need one, Captain," Bruce offered, looking around curiously. Natasha was gazing at the emptiness behind them in awe when Clint let out a low whistle.
"Budapest couldn't beat this."
"Heimdall," Thor walked to the bottom of the staircase and looked up at the man with the sword, "any sign of Loki?"
He shook his head.
"The Tesseract is here. How he got it into the royal vault is beyond my knowledge and sight. His antics unnerve me," he answered.
"If the cube's here, she should be too, right?" Steve asked Tony.
"Let's hope so. Consider searching this place a checkmark before we run one back home."
"Thank you for opening the bridge. I know the Allfather won't be pleased."
"Besides a little humorous bickering, your friends serve no potential threat to Asgard though you would be mindful of your actions. You may not look it now, but I know how dangerous you all are." He eyed them meaningfully.
"The Eye of Sauron is upon us," Clint said in a hushed tone.
Thor began to walk out of the dome and he waved them to follow after him.
Asgard was a breathtaking sight to see, they thought, as they walked down the bridge of colors—a rainbow mess that pulsed rhythmically towards the golden dome, and around them the great expanse of universes unknown, so empty yet full of more life than they could truly comprehend. As they made their way through the kingdom, they received many curious stares from Asgardians in simple yet dignified garments, whispering to each other and some even trailing after them. When they came to the great doors of the towering palace, the god of thunder looked at them uncertainly.
"I will speak. Unless addressed, say nothing."
They all nodded in agreement before he pushed the doors open.
The throne room was massive with a vaulted ceiling, soaring pillars and the gleam of gold everywhere they looked. Soldiers were placed between each pillar as they walked down the path leading to the great throne—an oversized chair, in Natasha's opinion, but with more regality especially considering the person sitting in it. He had on a breastplate similar to Thor's, but different in color with a strange helmet resting atop his graying head and over his left eye, a golden eye patch. Holding a tall staff in his hand, the king of Asgard looked down at them impassively.
"Allfather." Thor knelt at the bottom of the grand staircase.
"You've returned with haste," the king said, ignoring the Midgardians for a moment as Thor straightened.
"And Loki?"
At the mention of his name, a beautiful woman draped in a long blue gown with golden trimming appeared almost out of nowhere. Although the rest of her radiated elegance, she was twisting her hands about with a frantic look on her face that turned into confusion at the sight of the people standing behind her son.
Thor bowed his head.
"No, Father. He's managed to slip past Heimdall before. I have reason to believe he could be keeping one of my friends as his prisoner here on Asgard."
"And you've brought...," he cast his eye on the others, "them to help, I assume."
"Yes, Father."
Steve froze as the king looked at him. He bore no expression especially reassuring as the woman walked over to his side and whispered something in his ear. He contemplated her words for a long moment before speaking.
"I will allow it," he boomed, "take the assistance you need. Find your friend...and find your brother. Bring him home."
The woman gave a small smile to Thor who nodded in acceptance.
"Thank you, Father."
He grinned as the others awkwardly bowed their heads before ushering them away, through the palace and into what looked like a banquet hall. There they found four people—three men, one of them with an impressive beard and a block of cheese in hand, another that sat at the table watching distastefully and the last speaking in a low voice to a serious looking woman.
"It's hitting me that we could possibly be in a Shakespearean set." Tony knocked on the wall. "Nope. Real as rain."
"My friends!" Thor said loudly, gaining the attention of all four who immediately brightened at the sight of him. The blonde man jumped to his feet with a laugh and rushed to give him a big hug as the others followed, the young woman slowly trailing behind when she noticed the team.
"I knew you'd be in here."
"Followed Volstagg's appetite, did you?" The first man said cheerily before his eyes fell on Natasha, widening in awe.
"And who is this fair maiden? Another of Jane's friends?"
"Not at all. This is Agent Romanoff, Dr. Banner, Stark, Agent Barton and Captain Rogers." He proudly grabbed the one with the beard around the shoulders and faced them. "And these are my friends, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three—Hogun the Grim, Volstagg the Svelte and Fandral the Dashing."
"Dashing. Right," Natasha muttered as Fandral took her hand in his and kissed the back of it with a grin. Clint pressed his lips together to keep from laughing when the assassin's expression twisted into a grimace.
"Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?"
"Only on special occasions."
"Loki has escaped after the destruction he wrought on Earth and with him, he took the Tesseract and a friend—Captain Rogers's sister. We mean to search Asgard and I ask for your help." Thor explained.
"How could we say no?" Volstagg said cheerily.
"We should start searching immediately." Sif looked at Steve. "He is unpredictable and I would not chance her life in his possession."
"We'll split up in twos—Fandral, prepare the horses," Hogun ordered when Bruce held up his hands.
"Ah, I think I'll stay on foot. Me and animals don't really get along," he mumbled.
"That is fine, Banner. Agent Barton? Romanoff?"
Clint grinned at Natasha.
"When was the last time you were on a horse?"
She shrugged.
"I hate you."
Loki's still figure did not respond and Willow rattled her chains loudly before slumping against the wall with a huff as the god of mischief merely slumbered on.
After their small interaction, he had stomped down the tunnels and both times, he came back with a scowl on his face as if he has been expecting something to be waiting for him. Willow's summoning bracelet had been damaged—most likely when they'd transported—and she had spent hours regretting emptying her cuff. At least, she thought it was hours since there was no way she could tell what time it was. She obstinately refused to acknowledge his existence when he began to throw toolbox after toolbox off of the shelf angrily and into the metal walls that clashed with faded bricks she hadn't noticed the first time around.
Then, he simply sat down, closed his eyes and went to sleep.
"How can you sleep, anyways," Willow muttered, rubbing her knee as it had been reduced to a dull throb, "knowing how much innocent people you killed?"
"You'd do well to watch your tongue, little twit," Loki warned.
"Or what?" She shot back with a dirty look.
"Or I'll rip it out of your mouth."
"Go right ahead," she tilted her head back and stuck her tongue out, "whass doppin' ooh?"
With a huff of annoyance, the god of mischief surged to his feet and walked over to stand in front of Willow.
"You test my patience. Do you want to die?" He demanded, crouching down in front of her. She was staring at him as he did so when she quickly chained him around the neck and pulled so her arms formed a "x", choking him.
"Do you?"
He let out a strangled laugh in response.
"Take this thing off and let me go," she ordered.
"I'm afraid...I can't do that." He winced as she tightened the chain in warning before loosing it so he could speak.
"Even if I wanted to, there's no way out."
"What are you talking about?"
"The only entrance to this bunker has been sealed off, so I would depend heavily on your friends to find you—lucky me," he grinned despite the fact that she was trying to deprive him of oxygen, "as your body will do all the work while I sit and watch you decompose."
"That's disgusting."
Loki shrugged.
"If it's the right person, it can be entertaining."
Willow scowled and shoved him away.
Knowing him, he probably would rip off my tongue in my sleep, she thought begrudgingly.
"You've tried to kill me twice. What's stopping you now?"
"Believe me," he let out a cough and rubbed at his neck, "when the time comes, you'll be as good as dead by my hand. Unfortunately, nothing is going as planned as of now, but I still have you and as I said before, I can't kill you."
He retreated to the shelves, pacing back and forth as he began to mutter to himself.
"Moron," she mumbled and closed her eyes, about to take yet another nap when Loki suddenly shouted out in pain.
Her eyes flew open as he grabbed at his head, clawing at it as though he were having an agonizing headache and was attempting to dig right through to his brain. He fell to his knees, pushing onto the shelf for support when a big toolbox slid off the top and hit him right in the back of the head, effectively knocking him out.
"Loki?" She said uncertainly after a few beats of silence.
When he didn't answer she sighed and closed her eyes again, hoping and praying that he wouldn't wake up.
"I will lead them into glorious battle..."
"You question him? He, who put the scepter in your hand..."
"I was a king! The rightful king of Asgard! Betrayed!"
"You will have your war, Asgardian..."
"...I am a king..."
Loki watched from the shadows as Thor paced down the hall and stopped at the foot of the steps leading into the crowded throne room. The shuffle and murmurings of eager Asgardians waiting to see their new king made the god of thunder swallow loudly and Loki stepped into his view with a grin.
"Nervous, brother?"
"Have you ever known me to be nervous?" He tried to say in a casual manner and Loki shrugged.
"There was the time in Norheim..."
"That wasn't nerves, brother. It was the rage of battle."
"Of course," he pointed at Thor's eagle-winged helmet, "nice feathers, by the way."
Thor smirked.
"You really don't want to start this again, do you, cow?"
"I was being sincere!"
"You're incapable of sincerity."
"Am I?" The god of mischief put a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder with a small smile. "I've looked forward to this day for as long as you have. You're my brother and my friend. Sometimes I'm envious, but never doubt that I love you."
"And I you, brother. There's no one else I'd rather have by my side."
"Come, give us a kiss."
"Stop." Thor grinned and drew Loki in for a hug, the both of them holding fast to each other before he pulled away and clapped him on the shoulder. "Thank you...for everything. Now, how do I look?"
"...Like a king."
"We were raised together, we played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?..."
"A abyss..."
"We mourned for you...come home..."
"It's too late to stop it!"
"No. We can. Together."
"Sometimes, I'm envious...but never doubt that I love you."
"And I you, brother..."
Much to Willow's disappointment, Loki did wake up and to the teeth grinding sound of metal scraping against metal.
His head was stunningly sore from where he'd been struck as he sat up to see the super soldier rubbing her chains together in an attempt to break free.
"Stop it," he said, annoyed. Willow paused before continuing much more vigorously than before.
"You're such a pain."
"You're the idiot that kidnapped me."
"Yes," he stood and roughly began to brush at his coat, "I am an idiot for kidnapping someone so horribly infuriating. You'd do well to remember I still have the ability to kill you whether I need you or not."
"How was your nap?" She asked innocently when a loud gurgle caught his attention, this time twisting Willow's face as she subconsciously put an arm over her stomach.
She didn't answer.
"Of all the wretched places that cube could send us, a bunker with nothing to offer." He began to dig through the tool boxes that he hadn't destroyed and Willow watched him suspiciously when he lifted the lid off of one and plucked a brown package out for the young woman to look at.
"Is this food?" He demanded, throwing it at her feet.
"Then eat it."
Loki closed his eyes for a moment before raising them to the ceiling.
"Valhalla, help me to restrain from strangling her." He grumbled and faced Willow. "If you won't eat, I'll force it down your throat."
"I'd love to see you try."
The god glowered at her and stomped over to rip the brown package open, smaller silver ones falling to the floor. He scooped one up and squinted his eyes in attempt to read the big black lettering.
"It says crackers, dummy."
"I'd appreciate if you kept the commentary to yourself, pest." He hissed when a prickle of discomfort gained his attention.
Loki dropped the crackers at her feet and proceeded to walk down the tunnel, leaving her as he tried to sort out his mind.
He winced as his head pounded viciously and stopped, crouching to press his palms against his temples in an attempt to squash the pain. Still, the hurt grew and grew until it consumed every part of him, overwhelming his very being with the vile taste of hatred and suffering.
"Borne of childish need. That is what you are. A child."
"Get out of my head!" Loki snarled.
A merciless laugh seemed to echo through the tunnel and his knees gave out, the god of mischief panting at the strain of trying to expel what powerful force took command of his mind. He clenched his fists and slammed it against the floor with a shout.
"You're nothing short of a disappointment. A failure." The voice continued, crowing in triumph and amusement at his condition. "And yet, it surprises me not."
He looked up at the figure that was not there physically, but mentally, giving it a dark glower.
"I don't want to be a part of this anymore."
"It is too late. I warned you, Asgardian, of what your failure would bring. Now, you will die!"
Loki cried out as the figure quickly pressed a mutilated hand to his chest, heat swallowing the fabric there like a hot, branding iron and he fell to the ground, body shuddering and eyes rolling back into his head. When he came to, the figure was gone and he patted his chest cautiously—the coat had not been burned through as it had felt like, but when he slowly pulled it open, he was horrified to see the dark red mark that had been seared into his flesh, small tendrils of smoke still curling from the wound.
He lay there for awhile in a half-paralyzed state, feeling drained of strength as his healing sparks slowly moved over his chest, when he decidedly gave up and succumbed to the awful pain.
Closing his eyes with a sigh, he let his dreams drag him far, far away from his horrible reality and the torment of which he would eventually have to deal with. He didn't know what he found more agonizing—having to awake to the mark or Willow.
Loki wished he could stay asleep.
☀︎ celine's corner ☀︎
okay, but imagine thor showing them around asgard and
they all played tourist for the day....yes.
also, i forgot to put up and give credit to the amazingly
talented and fellow psychopath -whitethorns for the
beautiful banner she made me for Christmas! thank you again, ashley, i love it so so much!!! ❤️
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