Part Three - A Happy Place
Chapter Three: Viktor POV
Maybe it had taken longer than I would have liked to convince Yuuri to adopt, but when I thought about the long term effect rather than wanting to raise a child right this second, it all seemed worth it. It had always been a dream of mine to have a son or daughter; to be able to teach them how walk, to read, to skate. Those dreams were finally possible!
"Are you ready?" Yuuri called from the entryway just as I slipped on a pair of shoes.
"Nearly," I shouted back. I looked at my reflection in the mirror & straightened my bowtie. I tried my best to look like the typical dad this morning, but as I looked over my green sweater vest that was over a white button up shirt, I began wondering if I just looked like a dork.
"We have to be going," Yuuri called up again. I sigh & decide that it didn't really matter what I looked like. We were just meeting with a child protective agent to arrange a time for us to begin meeting with children. The process of adoption was more hectic than I had thought.
I grabbed my phone from the nightstand & made my way downstairs a bit faster than I normally would have. Yuuri was checking his watch, looked up as he heard my footsteps. "Well, don't you look sophisticated." He said with a smile on his face. I wrap my arms around his waist which comforted any nerves I had about the meeting.
"Yuuri," I plant a kiss on his lips. "Are you sure that you do want this?"
Yuuri tilts his head just a little to the left, eyes wondering.
"Yes," Yuuri smirks. "More ready than you are! You forgot your pants."
Yuuri POV:
"-and then in about six months we can have you meet with a child." The worker finished explaining.
It would take six more months to even meet with our potential son or daughter. Having to wait that long was discouraging, but maybe it was for the best. We could start preparing our home and talking to other people who had adopted before or even friends of ours who had kids. Raising a child, it would be so different from anything Viktor and I had ever known.
On the car ride home Viktor couldn't sit still.
"Yuuri, can we please paint the room yellow? Yellow is a good, bright, happy colour!" I smile to myself. How is it that I could marry someone so precious? "Oh and we can make the basement into a toy room! Can we get a tiny play house?"
Six months always ends up sounding a lot further away than it feels. Viktor and I spent those six months redecorating the guest bedroom and basement while also taking parenting classes and reading books. There were so many books!
"My son!" Viktor's mom exclaims as she walks through our front door. Viktor had been teaching a class at Ice Castle Hasetu so I had offered to pick her up from the airport.
While they embraced, I carried Mother Nikiforov's luggage to the new guest bedroom that had previously been the office.
"I am so happy for you to have me here to meet the little one!" Mother Nikiforov exclaimed. She is such a sweet woman, but her whispering was louder than my normal voice.
"I'm happy that you managed to get away," I say as I walk back into the room. "How is Ester feeling?" Viktor's sister had recently given birth to triplets and had needed help taking care of them.
Viktor places a hand on my lower back and we walk into the parlor with Mother Nikiforov close behind.
Viktor POV:
"I would like you to meet Mikinna," As soon as she was brought in the room a smile was plastered on my face. Her wide brown eyes quickly studied everyone in the room from head to toe. She let go of the woman's hand and sat in a chair across from myself and Yuuri.
"She is a bit shy so it might take a little bit for her to get used to you." The woman said before sitting down herself.
Yuuri was the first one to talk to her. "Hello," Yuuri stood and kneeled in front of the small girl. "My name is Yuuri," The girl reached out her hand for him to shake it.
After awhile Makinna opened up to Yuuri and began forming small sentences.
"What is your favorurite color?" Mkiknna smiled brightly and pointed to Yuuri's blue button down.
"Blue," She whispered. She looked around again as if she had forgotten where she was. Her eyes rest on me before flicking back to Yuuri.
She puts her hand up and gestures for Yuuri to come closer so she can whisper in his ear. "His name is Viktor," Yuuri says in a hushed voice, but just loudly enough for me to hear him. "He is my husband."
Mikinna stood to her feet, her hand fidgeting with the hem of her dress as she walked over to my seat. I rest my elbows on my knee so I was more eye level with her. Mikinna stretched her hand small out and I shook it.
"Hello, Mr Viktor." She said shyly. "I like your hair."
"Hello, Mikinna. You look very pretty in that dress." I look at Yuuri who was smiling sweetly. With that one look, both of us understood that she was the one.
A/N Wow, it's been a long time since I've written! I love this story so much. Before I posted it here I wrote it down in a notebook and while I was going through school stuff I saw it and got to read it again. There is one more chapter for me to post and I really can't wait!
Word Count: 986
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