{14} handled with the most delicacy
"YOU ARE A GODDAMN ASSASSIN- have you never heard of delicacy?!"
Tony's excessive shouting had been going on for the last hour and it was beginning to attract the attention of the team who were all cautiously creeping towards the lab.
Across the room, Natasha stood with her arms crossed firmly over her chest as she listened silently to Tony continuing his monumental rant. Her expression was crafted with care and gave nothing away to the whirlwind of emotions running through her- the constant ache of worry at not knowing where Peter was, was beginning to grate on her nerves. Natasha struggled to maintain her stoic expression.
"- and what the hell happened to co-parenting the kid Romanoff!"
Just out view of the lab doors that had been left wide open, Wanda winced minutely from where she hovered behind Harley's shoulder. "She got last named." she muttered, eyes following Tony's flitting movements as he rambled about irresponsibility.
"They're talking about Peter." Harley whispered under his breath.
His forehead was creased with concern and Wanda could sense his anxiety spilling from him. Her eyes shifted to watch the boy beside her for a moment; his jaw was clenching periodically while his eyes stayed fixed on the assassin as if he stared hard enough, he would be able to pick her apart.
"Use your weird powers?" He grumbled when his glaring was ineffective.
Wanda's attention snapped back to the lab as she hit his arm, hard. "I don't do that anymore." She scowled and Harley huffed beside her.
"What, magic? You're literally a Hermione Granger wannabe."
Barely reigning in her irritation, Wanda rolled her eyes and was tempted to shove him right into the awkward argument unfolding in front of them out of sheer spite. "Explicit permission." She hissed in his ear instead, somehow finding restraint. "You have no personal boundaries."
"Neither did you at one point." Harley replied, unaffected by the jab and teetering on the edge of being insulting. Wanda swallowed the bitter taste his words left in her mouth, knowing that they lacked any real heat- he was hurting and she trying to remember that.
"Why are we friends?" She complained, rubbing at her temples as if she was trying to stave off a headache. Harley looked thoughtful beside her for a moment.
"Because we're both unapproachable?"
Puffing out a breath, Wanda twitched her fingers and an invisible force roughly shoved Harley forwards. He was sent stumbling into the lab and cursed under his breath when two sets of eyes landed on him instantly. Only just managing to stifle her laughter, Wanda pressed the back of her hand to her mouth as she watched Harley flush an alarming red in embarrassment.
Wordlessly, Vision appeared behind her and smiled at Wanda's clear amusement before they both heard their names being called.
"Keener." Natasha regarded before her eyes flicked to the doorway. "Maximoff. Vision."
The laughter drained from Wanda as she quickly adopted a more serious expression and glanced ruefully back at Vision before she slinked out of the shadows. The android followed behind with a curious look that morphed his features. When they entered the room, Wanda's eyes jumped between Tony and Natasha critically; she could feel the tension that had mounted between them and feebly tried to block it out.
Harley stuck his tongue out at her when he caught her eyes, but he only received a glare in response.
Seething and only just managing to bite his tongue to contain his anger, Tony eyed the two teenagers now stood side by side, joined by Vision. He struggled to stomp down the urge to throw a lot of colourful language, (words that would have made Steve go blue in the face), at the assassin on the other side of the room who was yet to show a real reaction- Tony had thought they were closer.
There was a beat of silence before the rest of the team seemed to materialize around them; Thor and Bruce entered from the doorway having been unaware of the argument- they frowned in confusion at the amount of people in the lab and the palpable tension that you no longer needed powers to feel. Steve appeared from the same direction as the teenagers, except instead of tumbling in he entered with an air of purpose- Tony pondered if Steve could sense their arguing since he was wearing his mother hen expression, he had to swallow down his scoff.
Clint was the last member of the team to arrive.
He dropped down from the vent, his annoyance and anger hitting Wanda like a truck. There was a distinct rigidness to his shoulders and too much of a calculated precision of his movements to be natural which did nothing to soothe her as she instinctively took a step towards the man that the majority missed, too focussed on Natasha and Tony. Clint was angry.
At the new presence, Natahsa turned and faced him head on. Her eyes softened slightly as she raised her chin in acknowledgement. "Barton."
Clint didn't reply, just flexed his jaw as he stood in the middle of an open space. He was displaying the exact reason why were people were afraid of 'Hawkeye'; the guy was downright terrifying when he wanted to be as he stared back at Natasha, face devoid of any expression except a low, simmering rage that seemed to be boiling just beneath his skin.
The rest of the occupants of the room stood waiting for an explanation.
Impatiently, Harley vibrated in place as his eyes darted back and forth continuously between everybody. He was radiating nerves and Wanda was quick to shut it out as she brushed his shoulder with her own as Vision stood on her other side. The action did little to soothe Harley's growing need to know where Peter was, she was surprised he had even managed to stay as quiet as he had.
"Are we going to have a staring contest all day?" He snapped, despite facing down two trained assassins who didn't seem inclined to respond.
"Stay out of it, kid." Tony warned.
Harley had a retort wating on the tip of his tongue, but the look in Tony's eyes- the sincerity of it- made him close his mouth and fume silently for another few minutes. Even the billionaire himself knew when to step out of the way of the scary duo in front of him.
"I'm sorry." Natasha finally spoke, her eyes never leaving Clint's.
Clint swallowed hard before he fired back, "The hell did you even say to him?" He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Wanda thought he looked older with the strained expression of having to reign in his anger tugging insistently on his features.
Another round of a stifling silence descended within the lab.
Steve shifted awkwardly and was clearly debating whether to jump in between the two agents or wait it out and Thor and Bruce were watching off to the side with concern in their faces mixed with a slight confusion; Barton and Romanoff rarely apologised to one another with actual words.
"Something I shouldn't have." Nat breathed out, regret twinging her words. "I need your help."
Another beat of awkwardness.
Wanda breathed out before everyone else, having sensed Clint's anger slip away before his stance relaxed and he muttered, "Don't you always?" with no heat to the words. Natasha's lip quirked upwards despite Tony's hands curled around a tablet at the resolved tension; his own anger was growing strong despite his attempts at hiding it. Harley noticed and glanced worriedly at the mechanic before turning to Wanda whose expression mirrored his own.
"What happened?" Steve voiced, feeling safe enough to do so without getting a projectile to the face.
"Peter ran off." Natasha announced, lips downturned as she replayed the memory. "Fury was looking into his file and found that he had a living relative-" said file popped up as a hologram in the middle of the room for everyone to see, courtesy of Tony who barely grunted at the grateful nod he received from the woman, "- and it wasn't handled with the most delicacy." she added.
Briefly, Tony looked up before his gaze returned to the tech in his hands. Natasha cleared her throat, "I also discovered the he has some kind of power. I reported it to Fury."
Wanda stiffened, capturing Clint's attention instantly. They seemed to be tuned into each other's frequencies and usually the woman took comfort in him being able to read her so well, now she was cursing it as she felt his worry spike.
"You what?" She gaped. Her eyes stared directly at Natasha who seemed nonplussed by the glare.
"You knew?" Clint asked, though not accusingly.
"Recently." Wanda bit out, hands clenched by her sides. "Like, only a day ago recently." She confessed, remembering the vulnerable side of Peter that he had revealed on the roof to her- she could still feel his fear as if it was tangible in the air. "I was going to help him control it. He was scared."
Natasha twitched but no one could pinpoint the emotion behind it.
"Scared?" she echoed, a question in her eyes that only Wanda and Clint were privy to.
"Scared of himself. Of hurting others, of what you'd think of him."
For a moment, Natasha closed her eyes and her expression closed off like a door being slammed in your face; she clicked her jaw and looked back at Tony, eyes narrowed. "Find my kid."
He nodded. "Already on it, sunshine." Nat scowled at the name.
Everyone was still processing the information and Steve looked at odds, as if wanting to question the people in front of him further when Friday cut him off.
"Sir. Peter has just entered the communal area with a woman named May Parker."
All it took was a single look between the assassins and they were off like bullets, marching out of the lab without a glance back at their teammates- they were only rivalled by Harley who jostled his way to the front unapologetically. Everyone else quickly filed out after them.
Hope I did everyone justice in this- there were so many people and I suck at writing groups of characters at once- welp.
I also love that Tony cared so much and that Natasha went to him first :) makes my heart go warm and fuzzy. And Wanda and Harley bickering was peak.
Anywho! Let me know of any spelling mistakes! xoxo.
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