Chapter Ten Rivalry
Charlotte POV
The large dinning hall was empty and still this time of night. Every step sent eerie echoes around the room. They were especially creepy right now, since I knew the footsteps weren't my own.
"Well well, if it isn't the youngest Potter herself?" Bellatrix cackled.
"I won't let you hurt anyone." I stood my ground, cautiously waiting for Bellatrix to show herself.
"Oh, you silly little thing! Like your pathetic attempt at the Dark Arts could stand a chance against me?" She laughed.
"I have to try. I can't let you hurt those I love."
"Love? mean that little Muggle family of yours, don't you?"
"Leave them alone!" I yelled. "This is our fight! There's no need to get them involved!"
"Oh...see, it's a little late for that." She cooed as suddenly Bella was pushed into my sight from out behind a pillar.
"Bella!" I cried, rushing to her quickly.
She was tied up and bound at the mouth, silent tears streaming down her face. She was only twelve years old and I've already allowed her to be tormented like this.
"Reducto." I cast the Reductor Curse that disintegrated her ties.
"Charlotte!" She cried, latching onto me tightly.
"I'm so sorry Bells, don't worry, everything will be alright. I have to get you to Dumbledore." I soothed her, grabbed her arm, and turned to leave.
But Bella held on to me tightly, almost crushing my spine.
"Bella, Bella, you're hurting me." I squirmed under her grasp.
I managed to push her shoulders back enough to actually look into her deep brown eyes...that weren't brown at all.
They were a bright and terrible red.
"Crucio" she cast and suddenly I was thrown back from a sudden force of pain.
I screamed in extreme agony, I had never been put under the Cruciatus Curse before, it felt like knives were ripping me apart slowly.
"Charlotte!" I was vaguely aware of someone shaking me, but it only made the pain worse.
"Charlotte!" Bella screamed and I shot up off the couch and unto my feet.
"Charlotte, sweetheart, it's alright. You were just having a nightmare." Carlisle took my hand and tried to calm me down.
"It, it felt so real. Like I was actually there again." I mumbled.
"What happened?!" Harry burst into the room, hair a wild mess, panicked look on his face, and his wand held tightly in his hand.
"Nightmare." I responded.
"Oh." He slouched. "That bad? I could've sworn it was a Cruciatus Curse there for a minuet."
"It was. I was dreaming of a Bellatrix encounter, again." I sighed.
"She's hit you with one of those too?" He asked and my head snapped to look at him.
"Multiple times. You've been hit?" I asked.
"Yeah, rather not relive it. She's hit you multiple times with a Cruciatus Curse and you're not completely insane?" He asked astounded.
"I guess she enjoys torturing me so much she wants a chance to do it over and over again." I laughed bitterly, earning some worried looks from Bella and Carlisle.
"Except this time." Harry laughed bitterly with me.
"Right!" I broke out in hysterics, as did Harry, while Bella and Carlisle just looked at us both in horror.
"Um, sis?" Bella asked cautiously as Harry and I calmed down.
"Yeah Bells?" I asked, smiling.
"Dad wanted to know if you'd be coming to dinner tonight?"
"" I turned back to Harry. "Do you and Hermione want to come dinner at my Dads house tonight? You two are going to need a good meal after training today and, plus, I'm sure he'd love to meet you." I offered faintly.
"We would love too." He smiled brightly at me.
"Then tell Dad yes, and tell him we'll have two guest." I told Bella, who was smiling at me sweetly.
"What?" I asked, smiling in response.
"I knew you would start warming up to him eventually." Bella smiled.
"I'm not 'warming up to him'! I'm just trying to keep everyone from getting killed! He's a necessary means for your protection!" I stressed my point.
"Oh, come on little sis! Are you finally realizing I'm not all bad?" Harry played along with Bella.
"You better get changed and ready for training before I cast Cruciatus on you!" I threatened and he bolted upstairs.
"What did you say to him now?" Edward asked, confused, as he came into the room.
"Just a little threat, nothing major." I shrugged.
"Ready for school Bella?" Edward asked.
"Yeah, let me just go get my bag." She nodded and went upstairs.
"I'm off to the hospital." Carlisle said pulling on his lab coat.
"Bye, have a good day." I kissed him quickly.
"Don't kill your brother!" He laughed as he shut the door.
"Edward, can I talk to you for a minuet?" I asked meekly.
"Of course." He nodded.
"You'll protect Bella, won't you?" I asked, feeling dazed at the though of Bella getting hurt.
"Of course!" He assured. "I would never let anything happen to her."
"I know, me. If you sense anything strange, anything that even hints at danger, call me." I pleaded.
"You can count on me Charlotte." He smiled just as Bella bounded into the room.
"Bye Char, see you tonight!" Bella hugged me tightly.
"I'll see you later Bella, I love you." I squeezed her tightly, wishing I never had to let my little sister go.
"I love you too Charlotte, everything will be okay." She squeezed me a little and I let go of her, regretfully.
After seeing everyone to the door and wishing them a good day at school, I went out to the stretch of land in the backyard we use for training.
"Hey, you look...less deranged." Hermione complimented, I think.
"Thanks...lets get started." I stated, pulling my hair up into a high ponytail and pushing the sleeves of my training jacket up.
"Woah..." Hermione gasped seeing my scars.
"Are all of those from Bellatrix?" She asked.
"Most." I grimaced.
"You know, I have my own scars." She sighed, turning up her chin slightly, revealing a long faint scar across her throat.
"Her knife."
"Yes, I assumed you would know." She looked down.
"Thank you Hermione." I spoke softly.
"For what?" She sounded shocked.
"You're a very brilliant girl. I'm lucky to have you in my corner, even if it's only because we have a common enemy." I sighed.
"Bellatrix needs to be stopped, yes. But that's not the only reason Harry and I are here." She hesitantly laid a hand on my shoulder.
"He's trying to make things up to you. And you need a friend who I'm here." She smiled.
"Thank you, I know I seem like a monster-"
"You seem like someone concerned for their family, I understand. Not one person blames you or thinks you're crazy, everyone's just concerned for your health, mentally and physically. Everyone's just ready for this fight to be over." She smiled.
And I hugged her.
"Oh! Um-"
"Thanks." I smiled, pulling away.
"Alright! Time to get started Potter!" I called out to Harry.
"So how did everything go today?" Bella asked as I was helping her chop vegetables.
"Everything went great. They're getting better with defense charms, and they're even starting to catch on to the dark curses too." I responded.
"That's...great!" Bella smiled faintly.
It's strange to think sometimes that such normal conversations for me are strange to Bella. Like discussing magical training for defense against an evil Death Eater set out to kill me and everything I love.
"Bells? Char?" Dad called out, just coming in from work.
"In here Dad!" Bella and I called at the same time, causing giggles from both of us.
"Hey girls! Where are our guest?" He asked, searching the living room and kitchen.
"They're on their way. Listen Dad, we have something to talk about." I told him, pulling out a chair for him at the table.
"Dad, our guest tonight...One of them is Hermoine Granger-"
"The girl from Hogwarts? Your brothers friend?" He asked.
"She's coming? Why?" He asked confused.
"Because Harry is coming too." I sighed.
"Harry Potter?!" He cried in concern.
"Yes, Dad, they were sent by Dumbledore to help me."
"Why? What's wrong?" He asked, taking my hand in his tightly.
"It's Bellatrix. She's after me again, except-except now she won't stop until my name is completely erased." I spoke calmly, hoping he wouldn't panic.
He was quiet for a long time...and then he started to turn purple.
"Dad?! Breathe!" I cried and he took in a full lungful of air.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," he coughed "but you're in a lot of trouble aren't you kid?" He asked worriedly.
"Only a little, with Harry and Hermiones help we should be just fine." I offered him a little smile.
Someone knocked on the door.
"Oh! I'll get that." Bella announced.
"Hey, come on into the kitchen." Bella laughed.
"Dad, this is Hermione Granger and Harry Potter." I introduced them.
"Hi I'm Charlie, it's nice to meet the other side of the family." He smiled, shaking hands with Harry and Hermione.
"It's nice to meet you too, though I suspect you've known about me longer then I've known about you." Harry laughed.
"Excuse me?" Charlie questioned confused.
"Dad, Harry claims he didn't know about me until Dumbledore told him who I was." I told him.
"I didn't know you!" Harry cried in frustration.
"Oh please! We we're in the same house! The same classes! We were even on the same Quidditch team!" I yelled.
"Charlotte Potter-Swan I swear on the grave of our dead mother I never knew who you were!" He yelled back.
"Alright! Enough!" Dad barked. "You two fight like children, well, siblings." He stared us down.
"No buts young lady." He hushed me.
"No, we're all going to sit down to a nice dinner and talk like adults." He smiled and gestured to the table.
I helped Bella set the table and I ended up sitting directly across from Harry.
"So, little sister, shall I have the first word or will you take it?" He smirked at me.
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