Chapter Six She's Back
Carlisle POV
I was shocked at what I was witnessing.
Charlotte was currently looking into the mirror but it was not her reflection.
The man in the mirror was silver haired with a long flowing beard and bright blue eyes that shown with worry but happiness at the same time.
"Dumbledore?" Charlotte questioned, cocking her head to the side like I loved "What's of the matter?" She asked.
"Are you alright my Mage? I felt disturbed and I haven't been able to reach you." he answered in a voice that sounded old and graceful.
"I'm fine now, I had a little problem last night but it's okay. Everyone is okay." she smiled.
"What type of problem?" He asked running his hand over his face looking afraid to hear the answer.
"Nightmare, bit of accidental magic I believe. I set my room of fire while I was unconscious."
"Isabella and Charlie?" He asked worried.
"Safe and sound. No injuries caused by me."
"Good, good." he nodded "You look like Snape hit you with a book a good million times. Have you been having problems sleeping?" He asked.
"Haven't I always?" She laughed and I could tell it was forced.
"About that...your nightmare last night wasn't about...her? Was it?" He asked cautiously.
"As a matter of fact it was." she answered looking at the ground quickly.
He just looked at her with a look of pure concern and sympathy that I couldn't doubt that he truly loved her deeply.
"But it's okay because she's dead. She can't hurt anyone I love anymore. Right?" Charlotte smiled at him and he kept that look on his face.
"Right?" Charlotte asked again, her smile faulting, and he still didn't move.
"Right Dumbledore!" She screamed and tears started lining her eyes.
"I'm so sorry Charlotte." he looked heartbroken to see her upset "There's a problem."
"What type of problem? Bellatrix Lestrange is dead! We let Weasley think she killed her Dumbledore! We planned her death for years, I had to do it alone while I thought you were dead! Do not tell me what I think you are going to!" Charlotte starting crying, something I had never seen from her, she's such a guarded woman.
"Charlotte, Bellatrix Lestrange lives." he shut his eyes tightly as Charlotte burst into heavy tears and wrapped her arms around herself, a instinct I had seen in Bella.
"What do I do?" She asked after just a second, she was calm now, but silent tears still rolled down her flushed cheeks.
"Prepare. Learn all you must to fight against dark magic. Be aware of your surroundings at all times, she may not be alone." He instructed her.
"You-your going to have me fight alone?" She asked looking completely abandoned.
"The wizarding world is still in crisis after the war, no one is giving the credit to you even though I've explained everything in every conference I've attended and-"
"Dumbledore, I don't want to be recognizable, I want help!" She cut him off.
"I've had to seal all portals except those that transfer goods. Even those are examined tenfold as carefully as before. There is no one I can send to you. I'm so sorry." he explained, tears threatening to spill.
"There has to be someone! Someone in the common human world! I'm not asking big name I'm just asking for someone magically trained!" She pleaded.
"I can think of only a handful we had to send to the muggle world, but you wouldn't like them." he stated firmly.
"Send them. Don't tell me who, just send them." she spoke carefully as she ran her fingers through her hair.
"Should I tell them who you are?" He questioned.
"If you must." she responded, her eyes tightly shut as she kept a hand wound tightly in her hair.
"Contact me if you need anything, well, within reason." he laughed slightly as a smile crept onto her face.
"I miss you Dumbledore." she opened her eyes and smiled sweetly at him.
"I miss you too my little mage. Hogwarts isn't the same without your antics." he smiled.
"Dumbledore, in case something happens" she shut her eyes "I-I just want you to know..." she choked on her voice.
"I love you too Charlotte Potter-Swan, my little Mage, and my personal savior. Fight valiantly and you will always prevail." he smiled as his picture faded from view and Charlotte was left with her own reflection.
She looked utterly broken and terrified as she met my eyes in the mirrors reflection.
"I'm so sorry." Charlotte closed her eyes.
"For what?" I asked and her eyes snapped open in surprise.
"So much has been revealed so quickly." she turned to face me and the rest of the family. She looked around at everyone's shocked expressions with a very impassive look until she looked at Bella. Bella looked scared out of her mind and tears swelled up when they made eye contact.
"No Charlotte. No, no, no." Bella started to cry and Charlotte opened her arms. Bella ran into her embrace and Charlotte cradled her closely, making sure to keep her face calm.
"Why didn't you tell me she was dead? I thought she was still after you, I thought you were safe here, if she can still hurt you why didn't you tell me!" Bella pushed out of her arms and ran up the stairs. Charlotte shut her eyes tightly and just let her go.
"Who is Bellatrix Lestrange and why is everyone so scared of her?" Jasper asked.
"She is a very powerful and very insane witch. She's been out for me ever since I was little. She thinks I know more than I do. She specializes in dark magic, a subject forbidden from Hogwarts and punishable by law if you study it. It's very powerful and very hard to defeat using pure magic. She's captured me a number of times and I've caught her a few. She's-"Charlotte paused shutting her eyes again "She's tortured me countless times and broken my spirit many more. She terrifies me and I terrify her, it's a never ending cycle. Her life's goal is to destroy me." she spoke madly through her teeth.
"You're lying to them!" Bella screamed from the top of the stair case "Tell them the whole truth!" She screamed and slammed Edwards door. Charlotte took a deep breath and sighed.
"She won't stop until I'm dead and she's erased every mark I've ever left. No one left to remember me, no one who knows my story, no one who even knows a Charlotte Potter-Swan." she paused as a tear escaped her eyes and she quickly wiped it away with the back of her hand and shut her eyes.
"We're all going to die" she cackled a crazy sounding laugh.
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