Chapter Nine Twisting Realities
Carlisle POV
"Are they still practicing?" Charlotte asked as she waltzed into the kitchen.
She's looking worse and worse. Her hair is a mess of her once perfect curls, her once bright green eyes have dimmed, and her weight loss is frightening me. No matter how much I beg her to stop and rest she waves me away or tells me about the dangers of the situation again.
"Yes, they've been out there since the fight and you went upstairs." I told her as she watched them with calculating eyes.
After her suggesting they learn dark magic they had a very intense argument. Harry was so against even learning better defense spells he and Hermione stormed outside to practice while Charlotte went back to her work in the attic.
"They're going to get themselves killed." She rubbed her face in her hands.
"Maybe not, that spell looks pretty powerful." I rubbed her back in an attempt to cheer her up.
She brushed me of and threw one of the kitchen windows up.
"Potter! Granger! We need to talk!" She called and slammed the window back down.
They cautiously came into the kitchen looking unsure what Charlotte might do.
"What's up?" Harry asked.
"We need to get serious. Expelliarmus is not going to do anything against Bellatrix brand of dark magic." She sat at the table.
"I'm sure it will. We fought and lived through the war for a reason." Harry dismissed her.
"Oh really?" Charlotte laughed a strange giddy sounding laugh that was not even recognizable.
"Care to bet on a duel?" She smirked "If I win using dark magic then you have to let me teach you more effective defense spells. If you win...I'll quit dark magic." She smiled and a dangerous look crossed her features.
"I accept." Harry turned and went back outside while Charlotte followed.
"He's going to get himself killed one of these days." Hermione shook her head and went outside to referee the duel I suppose.
"Everyone, let's head outside." I called to my family members.
*********Charlotte POV**********
"Harry you're nothing but a fool." Hermione chastised him as he drew his wand.
"Charlotte? What are you doing?" Bella asked coming outside with the rest of the Cullens.
"Dueling. Its fun sport you should really enjoy this little sister!" I cheered feeling an overwhelming sense of adrenaline.
Harry nodded to me and we both walked five steps forward, he drew his wand, and I raised my hand.
"Where's your wand?" He questioned looking shocked.
"You don't need one when you're as powerful as me." I smirked, tipped my hand, and turned back to position and walked my five steps. I turned as did Harry, bowed, then raised my hands in spell casting manner.
"Enroulez et enveloppez votre cou!" Black arms extended towards Harry to wrap around his neck.
"Expelliarmus!" He tried to defend himself but it was no use against me. His wand dropped to the ground and I dispersed the spell with a wide smiled on my face.
"I win. Now you learn." I smirked.
"Charlotte! What was that?!" Bella cried in horror.
"A chocking charm. Simple really but very effective!" I laughed and I look of pure fear crossed her face.
I stopped dead in my tracts.
"What am I doing?" I looked at my hands horrified that I had used them for something so dangerous.
Tears welled up in my eyes, I was so ashamed of myself. Dumbledore always taught me tolerance and acceptance, kindness towards fellow man, and above all, fairness in fight.
"Shh, it's okay, you're okay." Carlisle's arms wound tightly around me and I realized I was hyperventilating.
"I've become a monster! I'm not even me Carlisle!" I cried out and tried desperately to catch my breath.
"Oh of course you're you Charlotte. You're just under too much stress that's all. Let's have you go lie down for a bit okay?" He asked as he picked me up and shot upstairs.
He laid me in his bed and drew the soft blankets up around me.
"I love you Charlotte Swan, never forget that. Rest now please." He kissed my head and left the room.
************Carlisle POV**********
"She's lying down. That's a start at least." I sighed walking into the living room.
"Harry's having trouble breathing." Hermione gestured to his black and blue neck.
"It felt like I was being chocked and I had no way to stop it. That was terrifying." He gasped as I started to examine his neck.
"Well your windpipe isn't broken and you're still experiencing adrenaline so it's safe to say once you calm down you'll be just fine." I smiled at him and he nodded his head.
"Carlisle? We really need to talk about what's happening in Seattle." Alice got my attention.
"Very well, If the problem continues we will have no choice but to go to Seattle and fix this ourselves." I stated and everyone agreed.
"What's happening in Seattle?" Hermione asked.
"We suspect newborn vampires are the cause of a recent surge in homicides." I answered and she shivered.
"Plus it's starting to affect us here. Bella's been targeted and I can't let anything happen to her." Edward spoke determinedly.
"Bella's in trouble?" Charlotte asked coming around the corner looking dazed and confused.
"Charlotte dear? Why aren't you in bed?" I rubbed her arm.
"Stop." She glared at me "Bella's targeted by newborn vampires and you didn't think to tell me?" She asked the room.
"We didn't want to put you under anymore stress sis." Bella got up and hugged her.
"But your in so much danger Bella bear." Charlotte hugged her tightly.
Suddenly the large mirror hanging on the wall over the couch spit a blinding golden light and again Dumbledores face was reflected.
"My mage!" He called and Charlotte snapped to attention.
"Yes professor?" She asked.
"I've received more information on Bellatrix whereabouts. It seems as if she is working with an old friend, a vampire to create an army of some sorts of newly changed humans. She goes by the name of Victoria." He explained and I cringed up along with my other family members.
"Thank you Dumbledore." She smiled at him trying to hide her fear.
"Be brave and courageous my little Mage. You will prevail." And with that he was gone.
"I'm guessing by your horrified faces you know this Victoria?" Charlotte asked.
"Her mate was the vampire that attacked Bella. She must want revenge." Edward grimaced.
"She wants you to feel the pain she feels. A mate for a mate." Alice nodded in realization "Of course! Why didn't I see it before! Who else would want to harm Bella enough to risk their exposer?"
"So Bellatrix is working with a revengeful vampire? Why?" Harry asked and Charlottes face paled.
"She wants to separate me from Bella. If she gets Bella killed she knows that would destroy me. Then she would be free to do whatever she wished." Charlotte rushed her words and clutched onto Bella tightly "You are not leaving my side." She started firmly and squeezed Bella.
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