Tw: death, loss, grief
Nick - Dad, mustache (something him and Dave used to jokingly call Nick)
Madeline (Nick's wife) - mom, mads
Elizabeth - mother, mom, ma
Juan - J, father, sir
Dave - papa, pa, pops
Elizabeth and Juan are his biological parents, Nick and Madeline are his adoptive parents.
They were all friends before Nick and Madeline passed.
Madeline passed a little before Florida could start having memories, Nick died years later.
Florida has a cat and dog, Nick used to feed them. They started staying with him after Nick passed. None of his other parents really liked them at first but all gradually warmed up to them.
Occasionally Elizabeth would go to check on the kids late at night and find the dog and cat sleeping on Florida's bed with him.
Elizabeth doesn't know how to show Florida she cares about him as much as she knows how to show the others and she always feels bad about it.
One day Florida tells her the fact that she's trying is more than enough for him, she gives him a watery smile and tells him she appreciates that.
Florida reminds the others of his parents in so many ways. He got the chaos grin from Nick and his sense of humor from Madeline.
He's been mistakenly referred to as Nick before and he managed to smile and say "it was fine, it was just a mistake," but he couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards.
Elizabeth always sends expensive gifts with stylish wrapping paper and a greeting card with a neat signature.
Dave usually sends food or a recipe with a card full of (usually) illegible writing.
Juan doesn't give gifts as often but when he does he usually sends money/gift cards with a signed greeting card.
Florida loves classic rock, he gets most of his music recommendations from Dave and Jerry.
Jerry likes almost all music but prefers alternative, Leo loves 90s music, and Tom loves Jazz.
Elizabeth wanted Florida to learn piano and violin, he hasn't told any of the others he can play. The first song he learned on piano was Chopin's Nocturne op.9 no.2. He's always held it close to his heart because it reminds him of home.
Florida loves the rain because it reminds him of starting over and growth.
The rain reminds Dave and Elizabeth of Madeline.
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