Sans was barely awake. When he woke up in the morning, it was Mina and Eijirou pressed to either side of his body. For the first time since arriving in the new world, Sans woke Eijirou up, and was proactive in getting ready for school.
Then he went back to sleep at the table. He wore his crumpled UA uniform as per usual, but he also wore Papyrus's scarf. Despite what happened, the scrap of clothing reminded him of simpler times. When Sans was looking after him and when Paps was a smol babybones obsessed with becoming part of the Royal Guard.
After Eijirou and Mina were awake and fully dressed, Ichika served breakfast. She made sure to shake her second son awake to actually eat. So yeah, Sans was nibbling on his fourth bacon, sausage. Egg, cheese, and tomato sandwich, barely awake.
After his seventh sandwich, Eijirou lifted him onto his back and he and Mina raced each other to school while Sans slept.
The familiar smells and rambunctious activities of the classroom was enough to make Sans wake up, but not completely. Eijirou and Sero were quick to laugh at Katsuki's seemingly permanent side part. Sans's sleep-addled mind wasn't laughing though. He shortcutted behind his boyfriend, slowly climbed on his back, and tried to fix Katsuki's hair, with no success.
"Even Sans can't fix your hair Pretty Boy!"
"What'd you call me?!"
Katsuki's hair poofed back to its natural spiky state. Being so close to Katsuki's head, Sans got a big face full. Sans was happy and rubbed his face into Katsuki's hair. He was quick to go back to sleep.
"Yo, extras. Make sure no one wakes him up."
Katsuki whisper yelled to his friends. Eijirou helped maneuver Sans so he clung to Katsuki's front. Eijirou ruffled Sans's white hair before joining the rest of his friends to quiet down the rest of the class.
Aizawa walked into the classroom with his coffee and sat down, reading something on his tablet. He lifted his eyes to the confused faces of his students and choked on his hot drink. Coffee was dripping from his chin as he coughed into his jacket.
He skimmed over his kids and his best and brightest was sleeping on Bakugo's lap. He had a koala ear headband on, a wooly sweater, a koala eye mask, and a little gray bowtie. Momo slowly hid a little plastic branch of eucalyptus. Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose and heaved a big sigh.
"I'm not gonna question this, just...Kirishima, put him in his seat."
Aizawa went on informing his kids about their final exam and his threat of summer school and reward of training camp. He knew either Bakugo or Kirishima would tell Sans everything he would need to know, but he wrote everything down before he dismissed them to their English class. He gave Yaoyorozu a slip of paper with a link to wild animal merch before she left.
Sans woke up three hours later in lunch, baffled by the blanket, pillow, eye mask, head band, sweater, bowtie, and plushie surrounding him. After a few seconds of confusion, he figured that Momo made everything at the request of others. He kept the headband on, the blanket on his shoulders, and the bowtie around his neck.
The plushie was frankly very cute in Sans's eyes. He didn't know what animal it was, but it was hugging a ketchup bottle. It was plush and very huggable. It was definitely something Papyrus would own if it came to the Underground. It would have a very special spot on his bed. Sans named the little plushie Nebula.
Recently Sans missed stargazing. Back in the Underground, there were no stars. But in his little personal lab connected to his father's, he had a small observatory. It was placed in such a way that his telescope was able to see through a hidden hole in the Underground.
The blue and white skies were nice; however the delicate blues, blacks, purples, and glittery star covered night sky was gorgeous. During his time in the new world the night sky and stars were the furthest things from his mind. Now? He was out a few nights with a hot drink and a blanket just looking up.
He was thinking of getting a part time job to get the money to get a new telescope and to set up a little observatory. He was positive that his new family would love to help out, and he planned to utilize them, but he wanted to get the money first for supplies first.
"Bro? You up now?"
"Hey Eiji. What time is it?"
"Almost time for hero training with Aizawa and All Might. Are you awake enough to do that?"
"Yeah, just lemme get a ketchup bo-... Where's Ground Zero?"
"Right here."
Sans was lifted from behind and was in a tight bridle hold by the very blonde he wanted. Sans's face went up in flames and smiled sheepishly at Katsuki.
"Bro, I'm gonna get you lunch! Bakugo, don't drop him."
"As if I would Shitty Hair!"
Katsuki's earlobe was trapped in Sans's fingertips and the pale boy yanked hard.
"Don't curse at my bro Katsuki."
"Ok, ok, let go! You're pulling my damn ear off!"
Sans chuckled and took a shortcut to the lunchline to snatch a ketchup bottle from some poor kid, and went back to the table. Katsuki sat there rubbing his ear and mumbling to himself.
"Sorry Ground Zero. I'll make it up to you next time."
Sans leaned over and gave Katsuki's cheek a little peck before sipping on his ketchup beverage. Katsuki hugged Sans and pressed his face to his boyfriend's shoulder. Eijirou came back with two trays filled with hotdogs, potato salad, and a couple bottles of milk.
"Here you go bro. What'd you think we're doing in Hero Training?"
"No clue, but considering All Might's "teaching" probably one on one or team fights. He's not really creative. If Aizawa is leading the class this time, probably nap class."
Sans snickered while taking a big bite from his hotdog. Katsuki shook his head, and stole a chip from Eijirou. After Sans ate his food, he was cocooned into his thick gray blanket and was slung over Katsuki's shoulder.
"Bakugo, is that Sans?"
"Heya teach. Sorry for sleeping so long, but I was, bone tired."
Sans was set on his feet and he put his blanket, sweater, and Nebula off to the side. He kept the headband and bow tie on, much to everyone's, (literally everyone's,) joy.
"Okay, so today we're going to be focusing on dodging, quirkless combat, and balance. Too many times I've seen heroes and villains get hit by very easy to dodge attacks and their combat deeply affected by uneven landscapes.
Both sides of the hero/villain coin also rely heavily on their quirks and brute force, which makes both sides predictable. As you all know, Erasure is not a physical or combative quirk, so I am well versed in quirkless combat. Gaining and perfecting these skills will make you better heroes. Obviously I will lead the quirkless combat group, but I am having two of you lead the other two."
Everyone looked at each other, but Sans grinned lazily. He could dodge in his sleep, so that is exactly what he planned to do.
"Asui, you are in charge of the balance."
The froggy girl "kero-ed" and blushed a light pink.
"And for the dodging group...Sans, you are in charge of that."
Sans groaned and hung his head. Shota's subtle message to him was clear. "You are not sleeping during this class period." Sans was not confident in his teaching abilities, at all. He tried teaching Papyrus how to shortcut, but it was...very unsuccessful. He shuddered at the flashbacks.
"No complaining. Okay now, this class lesson will be a four to six day project. You all will be separated into three groups to learn under me, Sans, and Asui. Depending on how quickly you learn the skills, you could move to the next group or help your current group leader. Some of you might need extra help, so you'll be able to spend an extra lesson or two working on it.
Sans, Asui. Both of you stand over here. It's time to separate you lot. For Balance training, when I call your name, stand behind Asui. Aoyama, Iida, Shoji, Midoriya, Kirishima, and Ojiro. For dodging, Ashido, Kaminari, Uraraka, Sato, Tokoyami, and Jiro. For quirkless combat, Bakugo, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Sero, Hagakure, and Koda.
Once you get into your groups, listen to your group leaders. If you have a problem with Sans or Asui, bring it to the attention of the adult supervisor. Cementoss is supervising the balance group and Snipe is with the dodging group. Get going."
Sans walked, unhappily, away from Aizawa and Asui. He found himself following Snpe to an area with raised circular and square platforms. Snipe leaned on a tree a couple feet away pretending to read a book.
"Okay so...dodging, dodging... How to teach you..."
Sans was working his brain down to his last cell to think of something. Then he smirked evilly.
"Let's get you all on these platforms."
Sans helped Denki, Uraraka, and Jiro onto their platforms. Everyone else had no problem getting up.
"Hey, Sans! What're we doing?"
"Good question, Mina. Hey Snipe, do you have any projectiles on you?"
"Always do."
Snipe kicked a box over to Sans's feet, eyes never leaving his book. Maybe he really was reading. Sans dug through the box, laughing sinisterly as he took out a potato gun and two bags of little, black and white bean bags.
"So, "class", time to start the lesson. All you have to do, is dodge. Should be simple enough right? I'm going to shoot these at you, after ten minutes, everytime you get hit is one push up. Go."
Sans was cackling. He repeatedly hit each of his classmates in their limbs and guts. By the end of his ten minute mark, each of them were doing at least twenty pushups, some of them did more but twenty was as low as the number got. Even Snipe was snickering from his place from under the tree.
Sans looked over to Aizawa's group and flushed blue with a soft grin. Bakugo was holding his own quite well against Aizawa. Oh, how he longed to nap on his boyfriend's back; alas the stupid grouping prevented him from doing so. He was salty, and he fully planned to take advantage of pummeling his group with bean bags.
<~With Asui T.~>
"Um, Mr. Ishiyama, can you make the ground uneven and difficult to move around in?"
"Of course."
The cement underneath their feet started deforming into jagged cliffs, rounded and slick bumps, and long bars similar to balance beams.
"Thank you, sir. I'll hop around and help you, but I want you all to run around. If you fall, I'm putting a red sticker on your back. Mr. Ishiyama will move the ground around randomly too, so watch out. Kero."
Tsuyu, true to her word, literally hopped around the area, helping people and putting stickers on their backs. Iida had the least amount of stickers at five and Aoyama had the most at seventeen. Eijirou did okay with only ten.
The froggy girl was far more merciful than Sans. By a longshot.
<~With Aizawa S.~>
Aizawa had his hair tied up in a bun, and he was evaluating his kids' natural strength. Unsurprisingly, Todoroki and Bakugo were tied for being the strongest without their quirks. The two tied for the weakest was, also unsurprisingly, Yaoyorozu and Koda. Koda didn't want to hurt anyone and Yaoyorozu, while fighting, was too nervous to hurt her classmates.
Aizawa had his work cut out for him. He looked over to the other two groups he assigned. Asui was doing a good job, helping her classmates improve with their footing and postures. Sans on the other hand... His other six kids were covered in black and blues, as they were pelted with little objects. Sans was cackling away like a witch and Snipe apparently saw nothing wrong with it, seeing as he was snickering right along with the pale "child."
Sans's group ended up doing multiple pushups after maybe ten fifteen minutes. Sans looked over to his group and watched Bakugo spar with Yaoyorozu, trying to help her gain confidence in her strikes. Sans's gaze said he was proud of his boyfriend, but he was also checking in on his other classmates. Most likely judging how he would teach them.
<~Back With Sans~>
Sans didn't think he would ever get tired of pelting his classmates with bean bags.
"Dude! Why do you keep hitting us like this?!"
Kaminari was whining as his noodle arms struggled to hold his weight during his pushups.
"Yeah! There's no way you could dodge these things! They're tiny!"
Uraraka was already done with her new set of pushups, but her arms and chest were littered with bruises.
"Oh? That sounds like a challenge to me."
Mina knew what was going to happen and was living for it. The class period was ending, so everyone was headed over to their group since they were the closest to the school.
"Well. If you think I'm that helpless...Hey, Snipe! Give everyone here a potato gun. It seems I have a reputation to uphold."
Snipe was very curious to how this would play out. On one hand, the kid got the stuffing beat out of him. On the other, he makes the other kids feel like dumbasses. Each child n the group got a potato gun and ten bean bags each. The only one who refused one was Ashido, with the reason; "Sans's got this! I have all the confidence in my bestie!"
Sans smirked and debated on putting on his new eye mask to really show off.
"One sec. Heads for blindfold, tails for sight."
Sans tossed a coin at Jiro who clumsily caught it.
"Kay, brb."
Sans took a quick shortcut to where he left his stuff and took it all back with him. Katsuki held his blanket and bag while he carefully put the eye mask on. After making sure he couldn't see, a lazy and slightly sleepy grin form and he gave a thumbs up while yawning.
Kaminari took the first shot, aiming for Sans's chest. A few centimeters from hitting his chest, Sans bent backwards, at a perfect ninety degree angle. Everyone stopped moving. Did that just happen?
"How'd he do that?"
Sato aimed for his right shin, but Sans straightened his back and jumped. Left leg, he jumped. Right shoulder, he turned a little bit. Forehead, he did a lazy and sluggish squat. It continued like that until they ran out projectiles and Sans was back in a perfect ninety degree angle.
"How is he dodging?! He can't even see!"
Kaminari was close to tear his hair out in confusion as Snipe collected the guns. When all the whispering ceased a quiet snore was heard from the podium Sans stood up. Uraraka floated herself up and took off his mask.
"He's sleeping?!"
Mina and Eijirou burst out laughing. Katsuki snorted and went to retrieve his unbelievable, adorable, and sleepy boyfriend.
Everyone came to the conclusion as to why Sans was put as the group leader. Even while unconscious, Sans was untouchable.
Mina started snickering and called someone.
"Bakugo catch!"
She tossed her phone to the blonde with the speakerphone on.
"Alright, go ahead!"
Sans's eyes snapped open with a slight yelp. He fell off his platform, into Eijirou's arms.
"Thanks Mandalay!"
"No problem, Kitten~ Bye!"
Vote, comment, and have a fantabulous day 😊😊💖💖
2588 words
This chapter is dedicated to JadeJokester They know why
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