Audrey's POV
"...it should be quite obvious now that I do not like failing which is why I did what I did", Jedi continued as she slammed a pile of paper on the table.
This was our third meeting since Mr Nelson gave the assignment and it was killing me. Okay, maybe not all of them since I had Felix. Speaking of Felix, I watched as he and Stephanie flirted all through the meeting.
"So now that you have done all of it, can we go now?", Stephanie asked.
"Sure you can.", Jedi replied sourly. I watched as Felix winked at me and mouthed the words " I get Stephanie appointment" and I giggled as I waved him goodbye. It was Saturday and I didn't have any class. Stupid Jedi insisted that we all met at the lecture theater in school instead of my place.
"... I said I need to lock up the hall. Move out." I looked up to see Jedi staring at me. For a moment I thought I saw smoke coming out of her nose.
"I'm so sorry, my mind wasn't there", I replied as I got up from the chair.
"Yeah, like that's my business", she murmured.
"Hey what's your deal?", I stopped walking to the door and stared blankly at her waiting for her reply.
"My deal is you're a guy and a huge ass dork", she replied as she sat down crying profusely.
Exactly thirty minutes and few seconds later, I managed to talk Jedi out of crying and also got her talking. She wasn't a bitch after all. Just one of those girls with Daddy issues. We finally managed to lock the hall. Us, because I had to wait for her and walk her out of campus.
"So what's up with you, Mr popular?. You're less in school these days and test starts fully next week. And you know what happens immediately after test is our exams huh", she shrugged my shoulder as she said the last word.
"Nothing really. Just girl issues". I replied and smiled at her.
" I'll take that smile as an I-don't-want-to-talk-about-it". She replied and smiled at me.
"Wa-wanna be reading partners?" I asked before I could stop myself.
"Where is that coming from?", she questioned as she burst into laughter.
"Trust me. I do not know. It's all for a great cause I hope." I replied.
"Sure. I'll send our personal time table tonight".
"...and I'll tell you all about Her".
As we walked to the school park, Uptight Jedi didn't fail to tell me everything I needed to know about her. In turn, I told her about myself too. Funny enough, we had so many things in common, plus she wasn't all flirty which really helped.
Turns out she as bad as you thought. My subconscious grinned at me.
"Why on motherfricking earth did you just roll your eyes?., I thought you said you stay off campus".
"Of course, that's where I stay na", I replied.
"I just asked if you'll take cab or I should order an Oride and you rolled your eyes at me".
"Oh, that". I replied laughing. " I was in a very serious argument with my subconscious joor. Let's take a cab joor".
"Fine, let's take that one there. I only sit at the back seat and it's not occupied.". She had pointed at one of the cabs parked in the park. As we walked close to it, I sighted someone familiar. Hannah.
"Earth to André", Jedi called out. "Does this always happen?. Do you always zone out?."
"I guess not but, um. I-i um j-just...". Before I could get my words straight, Jedi tapped my shoulder and motioned for me to follow her as she walked towards the familiar face.
"HATHAWAY'S BABY!!!", she screamed as she jumped on Hannah's body. My Hannah's body. I was walking slowly and with he way the girls were so caught up in the conversation, nobody had noticed I had already gotten up with them.
"...are you kidding me. I looked for your number on my phone and I didn't get it. My ever smoking hot childhood friend oh...". It was Hannah talking to Jedi. They were just one meter away and I could here them clearly. Obviously, even madam Jedi has forgotten she was even walking with me.
"André, come now", I heard as I looked up. Our eyes met.
Hannah's POV
Trust me, he was the last person I wanted to see. Who am I kidding. I missed him. Immediately Jedi said his name and I looked up, I felt my whole body shiver. Only André could make me feel that way. I looked up and our eyes met as he looked away immediately and walked towards us.
"Hannah, meet my boyfriend...", Jedi began.
"You're kidding right?", I replied. "André is your boyfriend?".
"How come you know his name. I swear on my life I didn't say it". Jedi replies. The quizzical look on her face was funny but now wasn't even the best time to laugh. Jedi was dating André.
"We've met", we both replied at the same time.
"Oh w-wow!," exclaimed Jedi as she kept staring at the both of us consecutively. "First of all, he's not my boyfriend.."
Good gracious.
"...secondly, how come you never told me you know him. Girl, this world is a small world oh".
"I know right." Audrey replied, grinning. " How have you been Hannah?. At least you can't ignore me here. Or may..."
"Wait wait, this is the girl issue, girl issue", Jedi commented as she air quoted. "Okay, now I have to excuse you guys".
"You know what?", I replied. " I need to go and see someone in the school hostel". I brought my phone out as I told Jedi to drop her number. She handed my phone over to me still looking as confused as ever.
"Errrrm, Audrey. I'll see you later. Bye guys", I replied as I walked away briskly. I literally ran anyways.
You're one hell of a douchebag. My subconscious screamed at me. I face palmed myself as I stopped a tricycle.
Hello people!!!
How are you holding up? !!!
I know ... I know... Thestonededitor has been fucking up and I'm sorry. I really am.
I'm writing a new book btw and I'll be updating every week...
Title:30 days clean...
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Stay safe guys.
Stay alive too.
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