"Sev! Severus, for fuck's sake, stop!".
The man stopped in the middle of the hallway, turning his fathomless eyes on Laurel.
She was breathing hard, her voice cracking, her pale face contorted with a rueful expression.
"Please, let's go back. Ron needs your help. No one better than you to concoct an antidote".
"The boy will survive." —The wizard's cold voice sent a chill down her spine. —"A poison obtained from the potions class pantry can be easily reversed with a bezoar.
Snape narrowed his eyes, studying the woman.
"But you already know that" — he continued, suspiciously. — "Why do you want to go back there?"
Her chin quivered, her hands grasping her stained robes nervously.
"They think I did. They think I am wicked enough to murder someone. Harry thinks..."
"Don't!"— Severus grabbed her by her arm, cornering her against the wall, his teeth baring in anger. — "Don't you dare feel any sort of commiseration for that sod".
Laurel pinched her lips together, her eyes widening at the sudden movement, at the unexpected intensity of Severus' rage.
"I can't" — she whispered. — "I have a heart".
"And you think I don't? You think I can let him slander you without doing anything? He raised his wand against you, against me! I'm sick of him."
"Maybe you should talk with him. He's in pain. You both have a lot in common. You both lost..."
Severus' face paled, his nostrils flaring. He moved closer to Laurel, the grasp on her arm tightened.
"I forbid you mention..."
"You forbid me?" — A dangerous light flickered in her eyes; a sudden rush of ferocity made her body tremble. — "Let go of my arm, Severus."
He snapped out of it, releasing her.
"Sorry?" — she spat coldly. — "I am getting tired to hear that".
A great weight fell down Severus' stomach. History was repeating itself. He was hurting her, just as his father had hurt his mother, just as he had hurt Lily.
He saw himself standing in front of the Fat Lady portrait, staring at the contemptuous look in Lily's green eyes.
"You remind me of her". — He said unwittingly. — "I want no harm coming your way".
"I am not her! I am not Lily!" —Laurel's voice was a mixture of indignation and sudden realisation. — "Can't you see me for who I am? Am I merely a cheap replacement, Severus?"
"You are not, Laurel. I don't want you to be." — His big hands cupped her face, apologetic. — "Today was close, so close, you could have been the one who drank from that glass. A poison is a poison, whether wizard, Muggle or Akardos alike. From now on I want you to carry this".
He searched for something attached to his belt, hidden under his frock coat. He handled her a tiny satchel.
"Keep it on you. It may save you. Bezoars, antidotes, basic ingredients to prepare remedies..."
"Like a first aid kit?"
"So to speak". — He let out a relief sigh thinking Laurel's temper subsided. — "It is getting dangerous, even in the school. I would never forgive myself if..."
"Do you love me?" —The woman interrupted him, the flare in her eyes alive again.
Severus froze, suddenly unable to give an articulated answer.
He was afraid of it. He was utterly scared of that emotion. He thought that after Lily he could never love another person again. His conscience was screaming for him to get away from Laurel, knowing their relationship was doomed. However, his attraction was stronger than his common sense.
He thought that his actions had already been clear enough to Laurel, but it was obvious that he had once again overlooked the will and desires of the woman he loved.
Yes, he did love her. A lot. But he knew he was living on borrowed time.
He opened his mouth, doubting if he should be honest, doubting if it was better to sink his feelings into an ocean of occlumency when they heard the rustle of long robes dragging across the floor.
"My apologies if I interrupt". — Dumbledore's voice was calm, his eyes darting from one another. — "A word with you, Severus. It is of urgent nature".
Severus looked at Laurel indecisively, but she turned her face, walking away from them at a brisk pace; leaving a feeling of abandonment in his heart.
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
A soft breeze ruffled the hair of the men.
They were on top of the astronomy tower and the breath-taking spring scenery was not distraction enough for an upset Severus Snape.
"Have you ever considered that you ask too much, that you take too much for granted?" —His voice was hard, his body tensioned. — "Has it ever crossed your brilliant mind that I don't want to do this anymore?"
"You gave me your word, Severus".
"Perhaps I have changed my mind!"
"Have you, really?" —Dumbledore stared at him over his half-moon glasses. — "Or is someone else deciding for you?"
Anger flared on his thin face, his arms stiffed, his hands locked into fists.
"You are overstepping. You and Potter. He is his father all over again, a bully..."
"I must admit Harry's behaviour today was completely unacceptable. I have personally assigned detention to the boy".
"What is it you will do? More one on one meetings in your office?" — Snape snarled. — "What are you doing with Potter, all these evenings you are closeted together?"
Dumbledore looked weary all of a sudden.
"I spend time with Harry because I have things to discuss with him, information I must give him before it is too late."
"Information" —repeated Snape. — "You trust him . . . you do not trust me."
"It is not a question of trust. I have, as we both know, limited time. It is essential that I give the boy enough information for him to do what he needs to do."
"And why may I not have the same information?"
The old wizard let out a sigh, drawing a condescending smile across his face.
"Do you really feel you are in the position to deal with such knowledge, Severus? You are reaching a breaking point. You just said you didn't want to go through with this anymore".
Snape blinked a couple times.
"I don't want to kill you".
"Ah, but you will have to, my friend. A promise is a promise. Have you told her about the Unbreakable vow?"
Severus couldn't meet the headmaster's gaze. He turned his face, and his eyes were lost in the vibrant colour of the daffodils and anemones that bloomed, lining the rugged grounds in the midday sun.
He wished he could have her now. He wished they could just run away. He would take her by the waist and release her from the prison that was now Hogwarts, flying into the blackness of the night. What the hell did he care about Dumbledore? They would run away together and hide in Australia, in Thailand, in some small island in the Pacific, and he would make love to her daily, until the fateful day the Death Eaters found them, or the Unbreakable Vow claimed his life.
"You will make her suffer. One way or another". — Dumbledore approach him, placing a hand over his shoulder. — "I understand your feelings".
"What would you know? I have given my life for your cause. My happiness, my safety..."
"Do not think that I underestimate the constant danger in which you place yourself, Severus. To give Voldemort what appears to be valuable information while withholding the essentials is a job I would entrust to nobody but you."
"So does that mean because I am useful to you, I should sacrifice her?"
"We all have to sacrifice something for the greater good". — Dumbledore exposed his blackened hand to Severus. — "Remember you will alleviate my suffering if you kill me".
"You refuse to tell me why you put on that bloody ring. You are hiding your plans with Potter, yet you expect that small service of me!"
"I prefer not to put all of my secrets in one basket, particularly not a basket that spends so much time dangling on the arm of Lord Voldemort."
"Which I do on your orders! Yet you confide much more in a boy who is incapable of Occlumency, whose magic is mediocre, and who has a direct connection into the Dark Lord's mind!"
Dumbledore sighed again, eyes gleaming with a somewhat satisfied expression. He had managed to peaked Snape's interest, herding him to where he wanted. Now, it was just a matter of logistics.
"Come to my office tonight, Severus, at eleven, and you shall not complain that I have no confidence in you..."
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
Laurel was sitting on top of one of the large boulders at the edge of the lake, half hidden among the leafy trees. She closed her eyes and let the cool breeze caress her face, bringing the scent of seaweed and moss. She lay down and took a deep breath, taking in the rays of sunlight sneaking through that March sky.
"Curious place to hide". — A male voice made her sit up with a start.
She smiled when she saw that it was Remus who was trudging between the boulders, wary not to slip on the pebbles and weeds.
"I thought Severus told you that you had better rest for a while."
"I was going crazy in that tiny room at inn, so I preferred to pay you a visit". — He said as he leaned against the stone and caught his breath. — "Besides, the cramps don't let me fall asleep. I was hoping he could help me with that".
Laurel held out a hand to him, helping him up and Lupin let out a deep groan when he was finally able to sit down next to her.
"You shouldn't make much effort, Remus".
"I didn't plan on it, but upon reaching the school grounds, I couldn't help but notice your trail on the path that leads to the lake. What are you doing here all alone?" — Lupin leaned towards her and sniffed briefly. — "Pumpkin juice? New fragrance?"
"Nothing can hide from your nose". —Laurel laughed, looking back at the landscape. — "I just didn't feel like staying inside the castle. After a while it starts to feel like a prison".
"Are you alright? Do they still stare at you?"
"No, they've gotten used to seeing me by now. I go unnoticed most of the time". — Laurel hugged her knees, the memory of Harry yelling at her ringing in her ears. — "But the truth, I would like to be completely invisible.
"Laurel, what's wrong?"
"Ron was poisoned. Harry thinks I did it".
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
"He's off his fucking rocker!"
"He is stressed, scared... I mean, he saw his friend convulsing, I can understand..."
"You are too good for your own good, Laurel". — Lupin shook his head. — "I am surprised Severus didn't curse him".
"You are always thinking too low of him".
"Ah, sorry, I forgot you both..."
"We both nothing". — She cut him off.
They sat in silence, staring at the magnificent castle on the other side of the lake.
"It's an impressive sight, isn't it?" — Laurel said in a conciliatory tone. —"You should bring Tonks here at sunset, it would be quite a romantic date."
"Dora has gone to visit her parents".
His voice had turned sullen. The man rubbed his legs absently, as he kept his eyes fixed on the dark water. Laurel stared at him, waiting for him to continue talking, but he didn't add anything else.
"When has she left?"
"Just a couple of days ago... She wanted me to go with her".
"And why you did not go?"
Remus turned to her, and Laurel could see a look of utter mortification on his wizened and scarred face.
"I didn't want to embarrass her".
"Embarrass her? What nonsense are you talking?!"
"None, it's the truth".
"Remus, I don't know if you've noticed, but Tonks is totally in love with you. I don't understand how you can think..."
"She can be, but it's not appropriate, Laurel. It wouldn't do her any good to have a relationship with me, not when I'm... Imagine what her parents will think..."
"They will think that their daughter has a good-hearted, sweet and protective man by her side."
"And that he is doomed to transform into a soulless, unconscious murderer once a month. Besides, I don't have a sickle on my name, I am lucky I have a roof over my head thanks to Dumbledore. What could I offer her? Just scraps".
"But you would make her the happiest woman in the world with those scraps. Unless you..."— She thought for a moment. — "You do not love her in the same way that she does. Do you love Nymphadora, Remus?"
"Yes, I do!" — His eyes shined suddenly. — "Or I think I do... I am not used to it, you know? For someone to want to get that close to me. Sirius, he was the charmer, and the women were always swept off their feet by him, no one really paid attention to me. But when I met Dora, I couldn't help but end up falling in love with her, and it was a surprise when I learnt the feelings were returned".
"So? She knows you're a werewolf. She accepts you, just as you are. What's the problem?"
"My whole life is miserable, why would I want Dora to suffer as well?"
"Oh, come on, you love to swim in your own misery, don't you? You have a chance at being happy, you dimwit!" — Laurel suddenly snapped.
Lupin looked down and plucked a few loose threads from his jacket sleeve.
"I am sorry, Remus. I didn't mean to be so curt. — she said, feeling embarrassed she had overreacted.
"You sound so awfully like Snape". — He murmured. — "But you are right. There is no way back. Her Patronus has turned into a wolf. Same as mine".
"The spell against dementors. Ask your favourite teacher".
"Oh yes, they study it in sixth year. —She remembered — But what do dementors have to do with love?
"Nothing. But Patronuses". — Lupin drew his wand. — "Expecto Patronum".
A blinding light came out of the wand, taking the form of a huge, four-legged beast. It took Laurel a couple of seconds to realise it was a wolf.
"To cast a Patronus you must recall your happiest memories, your more sublime feelings. When one falls in love, and I mean, real, deep, unchanging love, the memories used to cast the Patronus will revolve around the person the caster is in love with. It is a prove of true love".
Laurel watched as the silver wolf deftly leaped across the lake's surface, its luminescence brighter than the sun.
"It's lovely". —She whispered to herself.
"Severus can't make one." — Lupin put his wand away, giving Laurel a sidelong glance.
"No Death Eater can. They do not have enough capacity to love".
Laurel swallowed the lump in her throat and took a deep breath. As soon as the silver wolf vanished, she jumped into the lake.
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