chubby girlfriend
I'm writing this to help cope with my own insecurities about my body.
-loves it to death
-"there's more of you to love."
-helps you with your insecurities by talking about his as well
-if you're ever sad he'll tell you sweet things about your body to cheer you up
-"why are you so insecure about it? it's cute."
-always hugs you when you're feeling insecure
-"you. are. perfect. and if anyone tells you otherwise, then you can punch them."
-knows exactly what to say about your body so that he doesn't offend you
-a lot like bill
-thinks it's cute
-if you start saying bad things about it he'll kiss you to get you to stop
-precioussssssssss boyfffffff
-"i'm just fat and ugly."
-"i'M jUsT fAt AnD uGlY."
-basically that meme when you say anything bad about your body
-it always makes you laugh and makes you forget about it
-o h m y g o d s h e i s i n l o v e
-one of her favourite things about you
-"yyyyyy/nnnnnn you know i love your body."
-"never ever put yourself down about it. ever."
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