My Stupid Ass Forgot My Bag And Led Me Here
The place smelled like sterile alcohol. Then it reeked of oil and burnt wires. It was a warehouse in the middle of the woods. No one in their right mind would set foot in it, no one except me. Well, I'm not even sure. The thing is, I don't know if I'm still thinking right.
I saw glass tanks with glowing water, a skeleton tied to a wooden post, an anatomy chart and much more, weird stuff. The walls were dull and gray, it lacked life to be of any sort of human house. Well obviously it isn't, it was, in fact a WARE-house.
I snuck in here, stalking after the new student who caught my attention and more importantly my heart. That one thing no one wants. I took a step, and then another, cautious in case I step on something. I saw a lot of dusty mats and rags everywhere, but there was no sign of a body so that's good.
"Is that so?" An enigmatic voice spoke behind me, one that would send chills to my spine if I still had one. A hand tapped me on my shoulder when I didn't turn around. I didn't actually move and feared the worst until I decided I was just prolonging my demise. I slowly turned.
"Were you reading my thoughts?" I asked after realizing I haven't said anything before. I gulped when I saw the speaker.
"No sweetheart, you were talking out loud." It was him. He was wiping a cog with one of the rags I saw earlier. He was towering over me while I was crouched on the floor like a simpleton. As if I'd let that. I stood up, hesitating before walking around to stall. I couldn't think of a reason, as an excuse to why am I here.
"Making yourself feel at home, I see." He put down the cog and confronted me. He blocked my path and looked at me square in the eyes. "Look, lady, you're trespassing my private property. I'd like to ask you to leave or I'll call the authorities."
"Wait. What do you mean lady? I'm your classmate, don't you know my name?" I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. How guilty I am. I already invaded someone's place and I still have the gall to sass. I sighed at myself. I glanced around the place, seeing the light bulb doing horribly at its job. I looked at him again and he was chuckling nervously.
"You are?" He put his gloved hand under his chin. My goodness, he looks like a hot mess. Seeing his messy hair, dirtied clothes and perfect face could give me a bit of trouble down there.
"Sorry, I didn't recognize you. I actually have Prosopagnosia." He shook his head as if he's disappointed in himself. He walked towards the warehouse gate and opened it. "You being my classmate doesn't mean you can stay here, though."
"What's Prosopa– whatever you call it?" I didn't move. I didn't want to. I still wanna look at his-
"Facial blindness. I can't recognize people. Get out." He gestured to the gate.
"Is that something you were born-" I was cut off when a loud jagged sound screeched into the air. It came from a machine that started producing smoke and dangerous sparks that made me cautious. What is that doing here? Actually what is he doing here?
Swiftly, he grabbed my arm and tugged me towards the gate oh-not-so-gently. I tried to take my arm away but decided against it. I'm still trespassing and I could get in trouble for what I was doing. My mother would kill me if she finds out this is what I've been doing after school. I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by another loud sound, this time it sounded like an explosion that came from the same machine. What is it even? I couldn't tell anything but it had large tubes connected from the large tanks. The light bulb flickered and actually died. Allowing me to deftly slip through his grip and run away.
"Don't come back! I'm warning you!" He shouted at me as I ran away. He didn't know, I loved how smooth his voice were and how it rolled off his tongue. I'm a creep, I'm aware. This is why others avoid me, as if they didn't have weird thoughts themselves. I'm looking at you, judgemental people.
After getting a distance away, I stopped and sighed. I just trespassed a warehouse in the middle of the woods and I even discovered he has facial blindness. I just showed him how weird I am and probably he'll start avoiding me at school. Not like he approached me in the first place, just like everyone else. I looked around and saw a bird pecking the tree it is perched on. I caught its attention when I asked.
"What did I just do?"
"Wh-what! I didn't do anybody-" I gave it a thought and smirked. "Not yet anyways. Hey wait, what's a barn owl doing here during the day?"
The bird, as if I caught it red-handed, flew away silently. Well then. I continued walking home, thankfully remembering the way back.
I touched my tousled hair, my very imperfect nest hair, as everyone else says. But who's to say I can't act like it isn't? I felt my hair and found a branch. Never mind, it is a nest, all that's left is to find a bird that will lay its eggs on it. I walked home with my shoulders hung low. I looked like a drunk monkey who lost everything at the casino. I stared at the paved walk, seeing every little cracks and imperfections it has. No one else notices them, as they shouldn't. What matters it provides a path and does it job dutifully. Only if that bitch thought the same.
I faced my mother's house and sighed. I know she would be mad. The sun has gotten real low and that would mean my chances of surviving is low too. I stepped on the porch, trying to be quiet as possible.
It's like mission impossible except I'm not Tom Cruise and I don't have any training or gear, just myself on a quest to open the door and find a way to be in my room without being seen. Or not. The moment I twisted the door knob, the door opened revealing my mother.
"What do you think you're doing this late!?" She pulled my ear and dragged me to the living room. Forcing me to sit. I didn't really think things through, well I know stalking someone is bad know what, at this point I don't even care.
"I'm exploring, mom. Thanks for asking." I stood up and attempted to escape. I was tired of going home everyday, seeing nothing but my old and boring house. Also my annoying mom, can't forget to add her on the tourist attractions of this old zoo.
Our house was pretty decent- before. Now the floors creak so much you'd think someone was doing it below. We're too broke to even afford a change of wallpaper, the one in our house was peeling off and the curtains smell like shit. The couches smell like piss and the lights flicker more than those of horror movies. We're that broke.
"Wait a second, what on earth were you exploring? Didn't I tell you to come back early? It's dangerous coming home late! You could get raped!" She grabbed my shirt, preventing my escape.
"Yeah, I know. Like that's any different to what you do." There. I looked at her face and knew I struck a nerve. My mom was a prostitute, and that's how I came to be.
She let me go and at that I sprinted for my dear life. She gets angry every time, but I'm saying that truth. I know she regretted having me- that my existence is her punishment. She shouted after me, just like everyone does. Don't they ever get tired? I mean, I do and that's saying something.
I lay awake on my bed, hoping for a little miracle. It didn't matter how small, I just wanted to leave this pathetic life. My only escape was my dreams and the school. It wasn't better, but certainly not worse than here. I rather face school than my mom because there I don't have to listen to her rants of 'I gave everything up for you' blah blah blah.
I suddenly sit up straight. I remembered that I had a bag with me. I frantically looked around and saw nothing but my plain room. Which would mean I left it at the warehouse when he found me out.
The warehouse where the boy is currently at. Probably.
This is a big problem. I sound perfectly calm but this is a big deal. My bag contains evidence of what I was doing, proof that I was spying on him. Pictures, stolen when he wasn't looking or paying attention, especially when he is immersed in a book. How he loves those. He's incredibly hot when he smiles at the book- which is not my concern as of the moment.
The next day, I was at it again. Here at my stupid school, stalking like a creep, Axel was popular even as a new student, after all, he had the looks to make any girl swoon. Yes, that's his name and yes, I'm still stalking him. Quite a charm if you ask me.
This time I was more careful, since I have been doing this for days, I've gotten the grasp of the terrain. The branches were extra crunchy, just like those on the movies so the killer finds where you are. How cliché.
"Why are you still following me?" I heard the voice from behind, which made me leap 10 meters into the air in shock. I turned around and there he was, the gorgeous and ever so perfect Axel staring into my eyes.
"I wasn't. Bold of you to assume I was following you." I crossed my arms and deliberately turned away to run, this time he grabbed my arm before I can even get a step forward.
"I told you not to come back."
"I didn't, I lost my bag and well, at your place so..." He thought for a bit. Then looked at me with his ethereal eyes, I could see the oblivion from there. He smiled and gestured me to follow him. A sudden change in mood perhaps? Is he going through puberty right now? I'll never know. He went to the warehouse with me hot on in trail. For a second, he shook his head then faced me.
"Wait here, I'll go get your bag." He opened the warehouse door and assumed I wasn't going to let myself in. Well, I wasn't, he trusted me enough to leave it open although it was tempting. Isn't it weird that he hasn't questioned why I actually go here? I'm guessing he was also stalked when he was at a different school.
I waited for a long time. I mean, I guess it's really just a few minutes but I'm not a patient person. It has irked me by just standing still so I looked into the possibility of entering the warehouse again. Trust is a volatile subject so I'm having a dilemma whether I should enter.
I made up my mind when something metal screeched inside, it was like the explosion yesterday, I'm guessing it was created by a failure of a machine. This time, I'm taking chances. What is going on and what does he do in an old warehouse filled with dust and dirt?
I entered the place with chill slowly climbing up my spine. There was this eerie sound that makes it scary. Suddenly the lights turned off. This isn't a horror story for me to be scared, but this was what the author wrote for me.
I walk slowly, into a room that had the glowing water tanks. There I saw a silhouette with another silhouette, one muttering curses and the other was a machine, I think. Why else would it have cords, wires and even a tube attached from the water tank?
"Yes! The self-regulation protocol worked! Memory transference won't screw your processor now." The first silhouette let out a sigh of relief.
He frantically pulled the things that was attached to the machine. The moment he pulled the last wire, the machine glowed bright blue along its lines. Then I realized what it was, it wasn't a machine, but something far more advanced than anything I have ever seen. It was a robot.
It was Axel.
I screamed my lungs out. The most high-pitched and frenzied sound that I could ever make and that caught their attention. Axel wasn't a living, breathing thing. He was a robot and he was conscious and he was looking at me. No, they were looking at me. Both of them Axels.
The first one that was muttering curses was Axel as well. They were literal copies of each other except the Axel I followed was wearing school uniform and was glowing along the lines and the other was wearing a dirty mechanic's apron.
"Wha– what's happening!?" I stood frozen, only words and my remaining body heat rolling off me. It wasn't a sight you see everyday and it has obviously had me in a twist. It even had my stomach in a knot.
"Who are you and what are you doing here!?" The first Axel, the one who was fixing the other, boomed. He held up a screwdriver as if to fend me off, the wild savage animal. He didn't recognize me from yesterday. I was literally here, unless what he said was true. He does have facial blindness.
"Master, that's our classmate." The robot said, as his glowing lines slowly faded and appeared as human flesh, how deceptive he is. I had a crush on a robot. A robot. A damned robot. Shit, does this mean I'm robosexual?
"The same one from yesterday and the days before?"
"Yes, master."
Then the meteor hit the earth. I realized that he was fully aware that I was there, following him. I didn't fool anyone, just myself, how stupid I am. Just when I thought I was a ninja in disguise. Well I did say I wasn't Tom Cruise. Was he a ninja? Can't remember right now.
"Look." He approached me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Pretend that you didn't see anything and tell no one. This is a secret that none shall know."
"But tell me how is this possible? Why, why is it that you look like him? Why is he ho-" I was cut off when he coughed. Again.
"I'm sure, you have a thousand questions right now but I need you to swear to not tell anyone. If he," He looks at the robot, "gets discovered. Hell will break loose."
"Master, she came for her bag. That's what I wanted to tell you before my processor stopped." The robot looked at me, then at his original.
"Then get her bag, do I have to do tell you every command?" Axel scolded.
The other Axel moved, near the area that I crouched in yesterday. Is he looking for it? Gosh what if I didn't actually leave it here and it was in the forest- this would really be...embarrassing.
"Tell me, why is it a secret? If people know, wouldn't it be better? Advancement in technology is a good thing." I crossed my arms. Here I am again, being a pain to everyone. I'm the one who trespassed, again, and I have the spine to sass. I would lose my head if it wasn't attached to my neck.
"First of all, none of this is your business and you're trespassing private property. I could sue you, which in fact could get you in jail. Just leave and forget what you saw. Never bother us again, er...what was your name?" He asked as he crossed his arms.
"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy."
"What the...You know what, I don't care." He shook his head, trying to reel in the spite. "What's the hold-up V3? Where's the damn bag?" He looked at the robot that was staring at me. I bit my lip in nervousness.
"Master, it would seem that there is no bag left here."
"What?" He grabbed my shoulder. "What is the meaning of this? Are you a spy!?"
Ahhh...the sound of my heartbeat getting faster is never a soothing sound. I'm not a spy, considering Axel the metal boi had caught me stalking him. My intuition was right, for the first time in my life.
"No, no I'm not. I probably-"
"V3 take aim."
Now my heart is beating even faster. Guess this thing needs more oxygenated blood because I'm about to lose my breath. The robot, V3 as he calls it, moved to confront me, while Axel the douchebag moved back and held up the same screwdriver from before.
"I mean what I mean. Fire!"
Then I wake up. It was dream. A horrible, horrible dream. I was in a white room, and attached to a machine that gives me synthesized energy. I sit up and rub my head. My retina scanner blurred for awhile then it cleared. I saw my master in front of me. The same smell of sterile alcohol filled with my artificial nostrils.
"How are you feeling Carol?" He asked. He turned his head to the machine then to me, awaiting an answer, as if to give solace that I'm fine. I fell into an abyss of fire when he deployed me for a test job. It was to be expected. But I wouldn't expect him to care for a measly robot.
"I'm feeling fine, I just had a bad dream. Master Axel."
"Oh? What was it about?" He asked, while pressing something on the control screen.
"I- I was following and- and I had an infatuation with SRV3, and I was shot? I think..."
He stopped what he was doing and looked at me. "What do you think that was? Hm?"
"A dream, sir? It's probably not important." I felt my new synthetic flesh skin, all the burn marks have disappeared and I'm just like new.
"It probably is important. Robots don't dream, you know."
"Then, wouldn't that mean..."
"Yes, is what it means," He sighed and pulled on a pair of gloves, "You know what should be done right?"
"No...?" I gulped. I have sensed foreboding to where this would go.
"Of course you don't remember. Anyways, it's time for a memory wipe."
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