Time to wake up Ol...
꧁𝙾𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚊'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅꧂
Lando: "Time to wake up Ol..."
I heard Lando wished in my ear. I opened my eyes slowly letting them adjust to the light. I was lying in Lando's arms.
(This but then in a plane ofc)
I felt his warm lips plant a kiss on my forehead making me smile a bit.
Lando: "we're landing in London in about 5 minutes."
Olivia: "did I sleep the whole flight?"
Lando: "yes baby. You did."
I buried my head in his chest while he chuckled a bit at me. He was the perfect temperature to keep me warm and then his cologne filled up my nose. I loved the smell of it. After we landed Lando took my hand while we walked out of the plane. We picked up our suitcases and said goodbye to the team. We got in Lando's car and drove to his house. We finally arrived and he threw me his key. I opened the door and walked in the cold, dark house. I turned on the lights and turned up the heat. I hung up my coat and walked to the front door where Lando was just coming in with our suitcases and bags.
Olivia: "thank you baby."
Lando: "no problem pretty."
I smiled at him before bringing our suitcases and backpacks upstairs. I walked into Lando's bedroom and opened our suitcases. I started collecting all our clothes and other things to wash. I walked towards the washing machine and pushed everything in. I started the washing machine and then walked back to his room. I changed into some sweatpants with a crop-top and pulled one of Lando's hoodies over my head. I pulled my hair loose and then re-did it in a messy bun. I erased all my jewelry and left them off.
I walked downstairs and didn't see Lando. I looked around and then heard his voice coming out of his gaming room. I decided to let him be and got downstairs again. I just cleaned everything downstairs when I looked at the clock. 6PM was shown on it. I walked upstairs and opened the door to Lando's gaming room.
Lando: "hai Oli."
Olivia: "hai Lan. Do you want to eat dinner here?"
Lando: "no I will come eat with you."
Olivia: "then I will start dinner."
Lando: "thank you baby."
Olivia: "no problem."
I closed the door and walked towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge and looked at the things that were in there. Chicken, potatoes, milk, eggs and some other stuff. I decided to make chicken with potatoes. After everything was cooked I placed it on 2 plaits. Lando was still upstairs in his gaming room and I could hear him laugh from downstairs. I grabbed one of the plaits and walked upstairs. I opened the door again and placed his food on his desk.
Lando: "I will finish this game and then I will come down. Okay?"
Olivia: "stay gaming. Your enjoying it and I can entertain myself Lan."
He stood up and wrapped me in a hug. He placed a kiss on my nose and looked me in the eyes.
Lando: "your perfect."
I smiled at him, kissed him on the cheek and then walked downstairs. I took my plait from the kitchen counter and sat down at the dinning table. I opened my laptop and started working. I answered some emails. Some of them from people of the team and some of brands that want to sponsor me. After I finished eating my meal I placed the dishes in the dishwasher and made myself a cup of tea before siting down again. I finished most of my mails and then went upstairs. I took a shower and laid down in bed. I got a video call from Max, Victoria and our parents and talked with them over the phone. It was already 11:30PM when we finished the call. Lando was still gaming in his room. I texted him that I was going to sleep and then when I wanted to put my phone on silent I heard my phone ping. I looked up to see a text from Lando.
I'm going to sleep. Have fun streaming bby :))!
I will join you in a minute!
Wait for me :)?
Will try ;)
I waited a few more minutes for Lando but my eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep a few minutes after.
꧁𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅꧂
I closed my stream as soon as I received Oli's text. I quickly brushed my teeth and changed into my pj's. When I walked into the room she was already sleeping. Her phone was still in her hand and the blankets were half on her. I locked her phone, plugged a charger in and laid it on the night stand. I pulled Oli closer to me and then pulled the blankets over us. I kissed her head softly and then closed my eyes as well. Drifting off to sleep with my girl.
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