The Bubbler pt.1
"Wait!What!!!!!" Marinette shouted panicking. Ciana smirked and turned around, "What's the problem Marinette, I mean,it's not like you have a secret that no one knows about," Ciana said to Marinette teasing. "No,it's,huh,not that,I-I huh,isn't that invading Ladybug personal life as well as Chat Noir's," Marinette said stuttering. "But Marinette, I've had enough of season one,haven't you understand the song,it's a love square." You love someone, the someone loves another someone which is actually you,but you don't love the someone that loves you,because you love someone,"Ciana replied. "Eh?!!" Everyone said confused. "You'll understand after The Bubbler. Ciana puts the CD into Miss Bustier's Laptop and the video appeared on the board from the projector. Marinette is sweating. Gosh Marinette, stop whining,this show is also about Nino and he's not complaining." "What?" said Nino. "Spoke too soon," said Alix.
[Theme Song]
Scene:Marinette's room,Marinette is sleeping and then is woken up by her cellphone.
Marinette: (Wakes up)Huh?Happy birthday--ow!
(She jumps down the stairs and hits something.)
" Umm,Why are we watching Mari-Trash? "Cholé asked feeling annoyed and crossing her arms. " Y-Yeah!!!!Why are we watching me?" said Marinette. "Yeah like we don't know!" Ciana said under her breath. "Whose birthday is it?" asked Adrien. "Ugh!!!" said Ciana face palming.
Happy Birthday! (She gets on her computer and pulls up pictures of Adrien.)Ah! Happy birthday, Adrien. (Makes kissing noises towards the screen.)
"Eww!!?Turn it off I thought this was about Ladybug, not about Marinette dreaming about kissing Adrien not on my watch," said Cholé. "That's why you didn't want us to watch this episode!" said Alya nudging Marinette's arm playfully. Marinette was beetroot red and sat way back in her seat. Alix and Kim snicked at the way Marinette was behaving. Adrien was blushing too but not the way Marinette was,he turned around and rubbed the back of his neck saying, "I-I never knew you liked me that much." "I always imagined you telling Adrien that you liked him,but not like this I always think it would come out something like this:I-I, huh, daweee,Lo-Lo-lov-love y-y-you!!!!!" said Alya. Everyone laughed at Alya's comment. "A-Alya!!!!!!!" Marinette complained still blushing in embarrassment. They continued snickering. "You wish you could be with MY Adrikins, think again!!!" Cholé laughed. "Look we're watching Adrien now!" said Nino.
Scene: Adrien's bathroom. Adrien is brushing his teeth.
Plagg:Happy birthday, Adrien! (Brings a piece of Camembert cheese wrapped with a red bow.)
"Dude what's that talking to you?"said Nino to his best friend. " "Oh,thanks just Plagg,a high tech toy," said Adrien. "Oh,yeah!You can afford that," said Kim. "I wasn't showing off!" said Adrien justifying himself. " "Oh,sure you were," "I'm not like that," said Adrien. "He's right you know!" said Marinette. "Oh,Marinette you'll say anything to clear his name because you LOVE HIM!" said Alix all lovey dovey at the last part. Marinette blushed and sink into her seat being quiet and silently whispered, "Never Again." "Dream on Mari-Trash!!!" said Cholé And there was havoc and discard breaking out in the classroom until Ciana said,"Alright enough!!!" Marinette wasn't sure whether it was a kwami or what. When Ciana heard what she was thinking in her mind,she almost ripped her hair out.Almost.
Adrien: (disgusted) Ugh,Plagg!Get that filthy piece of Camembert out of my face! (Plugs his nose)
Plagg:Huh?(Eats the cheese)Mmm.
"Oh,it can eat too!" said Nino.
Scene: Dupain-Cheng House.Marinette is walking down the stairs with a gift in her hands while her mom is in the kitchen drinking something.
"Back to Mari-Trash,ugh!!!What about me,I'm so much better than HER?!!!!" said Cholé.
Sabine,don't forget to clean your room after school today.
"Yuck,I don't clean my room,the servants do it for me,Icould chip a nail!!!" said Cholé. "One more rude outburst about Marinette and I'm sure you'll be dead so shut the hell up Cholé!!!" said Ciana. Then Cholé made a big gulp,loud enough for everyone to hear it. Everyone snikered.
Marinette: But,Mom!It's Friday,am I'm already doing something with Alya.
Alya smiled at her best friend.
Sabine: Fine,I'll go ahead and clean it,but don't blame me if I come across any of your private stuff,like your diary--
Marinette: (makes a nervous face) Okay! I'll do it,I'll do it. (She goes up to her,gives her a kiss,and starts to leave.)
Everyone laughs at Marinette's nervousness. "That's a good way to make someone clean their room,isn't that right Marinette, what secrets do you have in that diary that made you clean your room. Is it Adrien and Marinette's fantasies?" Nino teased. Marinette sighed. Adrien just blushed.
Sabine:Have a nice day sweetie!
Marinette: (as she closes the door) Happy birthday--I mean,have a nice day!
Sabine:(surprised face) Hm?(shrugs)Hm.(drinks)
Scene: Agreste Mansion. Adrien is eating alone on a big dining table. He looks sad.
"Poor Adrien," said Rose.
Nathalie: (walks in) Your schedule, Adrien. (Hands Adrien a tablet)
Adrien:(takes it)Thanks Nathalie. (Nathalie starts to leave) Hey,um,my father get back to you about my birthday party?(his face lights up)
"From the looks of her face it looks like a no," said Mylène.
Nathalie: Well,um--He...doesn't think it would be a good idea.
"And I'm right!!!" Mylène said happily. Adrien looked sad."Oh,I-I'm sorry Adrien,"Mylène apologized. "Oh,it's okay,that's how my father is," Adrien said trying his hardest to sound happy,well let's just say he's not trying hard enough because everyyone can tell he's not happy.
Adrien: (he turns sad again and speaks softly) 'Course not.
Nathalie: Happy birthday, Adrien (She leaves)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scene:Outside of school. Adrien and Nino are talking. Meanwhile, Alya and Marinette are hiding nearby out of sight. Chloé and Sabrina are in the school but near enough to see what's happening.
Nino:(as he blows bubbles) Dude,seriously? Has your dad always been such a downer?You'd think he'd remember what it was like to like to be young and wanna party little.
Adrien: No,I'm sure he was a downer back then too. Well, at least I tried.
Nino:(wraps hand around Adrien) It's your b-day,dude! Insist!
Alya:[encouraging Marinette] You can do it,you can do it!
Marinette: I can do it,I can do!
Nino:You know what I'm gonna have a little convo with your pops.
"I was telling you he's not gonna listen but you never listened," said Adrien.
Adrien: Don't waste your time.He's not gonna change his mind.
"Told you so!" said Adrien,folding his arms and giving Nino one of his famous smirks. "I know that smirk,but the question remains, where have I seen it before?" Marinette thought. Ciana heard her thought. "This is getting very annoying you know,don't you too know each other very well!" said Ciana angrily.
Marinette: (pops up to look at Adrien while he's not looking) I can't do it,I can't do!
Everyone laughed at Marinette changing her motive immediately after seeing Adrien.
Marinette: Ah!(Stops right in front of Adrien)Um,he--Hey! (seems nervous as she holds her gift behind her back)
Adrien: (surprised) Hey.
Chloé:(as she looks at what's happening outside)Wait! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? Don't tell me it's Adrien's birthday!
Sabrina: (checks her tablet,is surprised and makes excusing noises while smiling)
Chloé: (facepalms) Ugh,do I have to do everything myself? Seriously, what are you good for?(storms towards Adrien)
"Harsh much!!!!Remember you didn't know it was Adrien's birthday also!!!!!!!" said Ciana and everyone glared at her.
"I,huh,well,I forgot...." said Chloé."And she did help you by looking on her tablet!"said Alya.
Marinette: (nervously) I,uh,I wanted to,Umm,gift you a make--i mean,gift you a give I made--I mean...
"What she's trying to say is,'I wanted to give you a gift I made you,' but her shyness and clumsiness towards Adrien has increased so her tongue swapped 'gift' and 'give' so they are not in their correct positions,said Max. Everyone laughed, causing Marinette to blush.
Chloé: (yawns while Marinette is talking and then shoves her away) Out of the way.(acts sweet) Happy birthday,Adrien! (Throws herself to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek) Mwah!
" Rude much!!!" said Ciana. "What?!!!She was in my way!!" said Chloé."Cholé, this is a no whining zone!!!" said Alya. "Try using a more nicer approach, as in 'EXCUSE ME'!!!" said Alix.And everyone was glaring at Chloé,including Adrien and Sabrina. "Adrikins!!! You too,And *Gasp*SABRINA!!!I thought you were my friend," said Chloé."Sorry Cholé but,they're right," Sabrina said.
"She wasn't her friend, more like her slave," said Nino. Everyone laughed. "*Gasp*Humph!!!" said Chloé.
Adrien:(surprised) Yeah,thanks Chlo.
Marinette: (on the ground, to herself) Dummy.
Everyone laughs, while Alya facepalms.
(Alya facepalms again.)
"Wow,past Alya and future Alya facepalms at Marinette's stupidity," said Nino. "We are the same person so we must think alike," said Alya to Nino.
Chloé:[to Adrien] Did you get the gift I sent you?
"SuperLiar!!!!" said Rose "No,No,No!!!!She's SuperPshyco,Lila is SuperLiar," said Marinette to everyone. "Hey!!!!" shouted Lila"How do you know that?" said Juleka. "Just a hunch, that's all,no biggie!" said Marinette. "Uggh!!!!" said Ciana.
Adrien: Uh,no.
"Because there was no gift," said Alix.
Chloé (annoyed) What? Oh,those delivery guys. I guess it was too heavy so they had to go back and get another guy to help. Those slackers. (wraps arms around Adrien's shoulders again) I'll make sure they get it to you by tonight. (gives him another kiss on the cheek)Mwah!(leaves humming a happy tune to herself)
Nino:(chuckles and playfully punches Adrien's arm)
Alya:[to Marinette still hidden]Get back there!Don't be a pushover,literally!
Everyone laughed at Alya's funny remark,because they knew what Alya was talking about when she being a pushover literally.
Marinette: (sounding defeated)Mmm. (Alya looks frustrated)
"I know what you felt," replied Nino shaking his head in disbelief.
Sabrina: [to Chloé] What did you get him?
Chloé: (mad)I didn't, you did.(pointing to her and sounding really angry) And it better be amazing, and it better not be late!
Sabrina:: (cowardly) Mhm.(nods)
Everyone glared at Chloé.
Chloé: (furiously) Ugh!(leaves)
(Sabrina taps on her tablet quickly while looking scared and following Chloé.)
Alya:C'mon,you can do it.
Marinette: (looking determined) Hm!
Adrien: (a limousine pulls up) (to Nino)Gotta go. Photoshoot.(He gets into the limo and leaves.)
Marinette: (to herself,next to Alya)Why can't I just mean what I say?
Alya:Uh,say what you mean?
Everyone laughed.
Marinette: Exactly.
Nino:(to himself)Looks like I've got some business to take care of with Adrien's old man.
Scene:Outside Agreste Mansion. Marinette and Alya stand at the gate,and Marinette tries to get the mailbox open.
Marinette: This mailbox won't budge!
Everyone laughs at Marinette trying to open the mailbox.
Alya: Ring the door bell.(points to doorbell)
Marinette: Are you kidding?What if Adrien answers the--
(Alya presses rings the doorbell,and Marinette panics and screams. A hidden compartment on the wall opens and a camera appears.)
Marinette: Um,hi.I'm in Adrien's class and I,uh--(she shows her the gift) Heh, did I already say that?Umm,(looks more nervous) Heh.(smiles awkwardly)
Voice:Put it in the box.(mailbox opens)
"When did you get me a gift,Marinette?" Adrien turned around and asked.Marinette replied with, "Just watch it and you will see." "Oh.My.Gosh.Marinette!!! You just spoke to Adrien without stuttering," said Alya squealing. After a full 3 secs Marinette realized what she did and started squealing. Adrien started blushing and quickly turned around.
Marinette: Uh.(puts the gift in the mailbox) Thank you! (Camera retreats and wall compartment closes. Marinette is excited.) Oh, I hope he likes it!
Alya:You signed the note right? (Marinette makes a surprised face.) Ah,girl,girl,girl.
"Typical Marinette!!!!" everyone shouted,except Adrien. He's still trying to figure out when did he get a gift from Marinette.
Marinette: [groans]
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