we're farthers now (Reddie x oc)
Breanna was definitely not having a hard time, not with the pregnancy itself it's the fact she pregnant with twins and she did not expect her stomach to as big as it had. Thankfully Jaymi had helped her threw it as she had been pregnant with twins before "don't worry bre, its gonna be just fine" Jaymi reassures her "thanks jay......oh its happening" breanna says as she feels herself go into labour "shit!" Jaymi yelled. She ran upstairs and grabbed the hospital bag then went and helped breanna into the car then she got in and drove to the hospital, breanna whines "I need my Ed's & rich" she begged "I'll call Eddie and richie when we get there, right now we need to get you to the hospital" Jaymi says as she kept on driving. When they get there Jaymi helped breanna get in the hands of the midwives then she called Eddie first "hey Jaymi what's up?" He asked very unaware of what was happening "you kids are being born that's what's happening Eddie" Jaymi says. Eddie was quite for a second then he speaks "shit I'm on my way now, have you called richie yet?" He asked "I'm calling him after you" Jaymi says then she hangs up and then called richie. He didn't even give her a chance to respond before he said "I'm on my way" then he hung up, Jaymi went in to the room so breanna wasn't alone while she gave birth "they are now on their way bre" she says and Breanna smiled. It toke less then half an hour for Eddie and richie to get there and ran right to the desk "what room is breanna Tozier-kaspbrak in?" Eddie asked "I'll show you, you must be the fathers to the babies?" The nurse says and the men nodded as they were shown to Breanna's room. The second they walked in breanna smiled "thank god you guys are finally here" she says "thanks for keeping an eye on her Jaymi" richie says "no problem rich, well I better head home but I'll be back again Tomorrow to check up you ya bre" Jaymi says as she heads out. Eddie and richie stood by Breanna's side and held her hands "god why dose this hurt so much?" Breanna asked "well we don't know" eddie says "but were gonna be with you threw it all" richie added on as he kisses her forehead.
*5 hours later*
Eddie had just fallen asleep when he was woken up by breanna screaming "their coming on" she yelled and richie ran to get the midwives while Eddie stayed and tried to comfort her. It's at least another 5 minutes before the first baby is born "congratulations it's a girl" the midwife says as she hands the baby to a different midwife then a minute later the second twin was born "it's a boy" the midwife says. Both richie and Eddie felt an overwhelming amount of pride in the hearts as they watched their children get cleaned, wrapped in blankets then carefully handed to breanna "their so beautiful" she says. Richie and Eddie stood either side of her "their perfect love, what should we name them?" Eddie asked "for the girls name I was thinking Nancy and for the boy maybe Steve?" Breanna says "those are perfect names love" eddie says and he and richie kiss her head softly. The two could only think of one amazing fact, one thing that they never actually thought could happen to ethier of them 'we're fathers now' they both think she they plant soft kisses on their kids heads.
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