names on wrists (stanbrough x oc & Reddie x oc)
Best friends Jaymi and breanna always talked about meeting their soulmate's and what they might be like. Unlike most kids at their school who only have one name the girls have two names on their wrists "I hope their not complete assholes" Jaymi says. Breanna nodded "I'm sure they'll be lovely" she says then the girls got called to the office by the principal "girls your families have both informed us that your all moving right?" He says "yes we leave in a couple days" breanna says. The girls were understandably confused "I just wanted to inform you that i contacted the middle school there and you two are in" the principal says and the girls smile. They were sent home after that as their getting a tour of their new school in two days while their families unpack their things "I can't believe this, what do you think the kids at this school will be like?" Jaymi asked and breanna just shrugged.
*2 days later*
The girls stood waiting for the school's principal to meet them out the front of the school, they watched kids walk in and go to their classes. Their attention was sooner drawn to a group of 6 boys and 1 girl, something about four of the boys was intriguing to the girls "hello you must be breanna ross and Jaymi Hanscom?" They heard a voice askse. The girls turn and see what must be the principal "yes that's us miss" Jaymi says "well welcome to derry middle school, I'll be giving you a tour and then I help you find your lockers and give you your schedules" the principal says. The tour was pretty fun but unfortunately the girls lockers were nowhere near each "well at least we have some classes together" breanna says and Jaymi nodded still having that nervous feeling in her stomach. As the girls walked out they bumped into the girl and one of the boys from the group they saw earlier "oh I'm so sorry, hey your the new girls right?" The girl asked. Breanna and Jaymi nodded "well I'm Beverley Marsh and this is ben Hanscom" she says and that's when Jaymi realizes it was her cousin she hadn't seen since she was 5 "well I'm brennan ross and this my best friend Jaymi Hanscom" breanna says. Both ben and Beverley looked at each was surprise then they smirked a little "well we'll see you tomorrow girls, we can introduce you to our other friends" bev says as she and ben walked off and the girls walked home.
With the losers they saw ben and Beverley's smirks and became suspicious "what's got you two smirking?" Richie says "well trash mouth we just ran into yours and Eddie's other soulmate as well as stan and Bill's" she says and the boys eyes widen. They wanted to know who "well you will find out tomorrow" ben says and the boys pouted "oh come please tell us" eddie begged "no...." bev got interrupted by shouting in the distance. With breanna and Jaymi they has unfortunately been cornered by Henry Bowers and his gang "just leave us alone!" Breanna yelled bute Henry jus smirks "oh I like em feisty" he says. He goes to step forward but felt something hit the back of his head so he turned to see the losers club all with rocks in their hands and the girls toke this chance the run over and hide behind the losers "don't want a repeat of last time do you bowers?" Stan says. Henry glares and walked away with his friends following "well thanks for that guys" breanna says as Jaymi couldn't speak up as she was stopping a panic attack from happening. For reasons they couldn't explain stan and bill got worried and went over to her "h-h-hey it's alright now" bill says as Jaymi slowly looked up at them, she saw the wrists and blushes a little bit as she showed them hers "that's our names, so that means...." stan says. Both boys hugged Jaymi and she hugged back Breanna smiled and she showed the group her wrist "wow Ed's we hit the jackpot" richie says making breanna blush "well I guess welcome to the losers club girls" mike says and the girls smiled.
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