always by my side (ben Hanscom x oc)
Amy had always made sure she was always there when her friends needed her, she especially was always there for mr ben Hanscom as she has always loves him and his kind heart and sweet nature. Unfortunately he likes Beverley Marsh and doesn't notice the hints she has tried giving him, mike however did notice and he made sure to support her and tried to help ben see that she has feelings for him. Amy even had a few fights with Henry bowers whenever he bullied ben even after the fight at Nebilot and she was the one who helped ben he still couldn't see that she was in love with him. She was actually started to think that maybe she should leave, the thing that tipped her over the edge was seeing ben kiss Beverley to free her from the hold of the dead lights so after the fight with pennywise she went right home ignoring the group calling out to her. She packed her bags and called her aunt asking if she could come live with her, it's the next day when bill came round "h-h-hey so the rest of the losers m-m-made a oath to come back if it dose" he says. Amy allowed him to cut her hand with and glass shard ceiling her into th oath as well "I promise bill that I will not hesitate to come back if it dose" she she says and bill smiled at her as he went home. Amy wrapped her hand up and it's the next day that her aunt came to pick her up, she looked back at her home for the last time "you okay dear?" Her aunt asked "yea I'm fine just gonna miss this house but I need a fresh start" amy says getting in the car.
*27 years later*
Its late at night and Amy is making her classes test papers as she had a quite tune playing in the backyard, she then heard her phone go off so she paused her music and picked up. The voice that came three was one she had completely forgotten about "Amy rose Duncan, its mike Hanlon from derry" he says and those memories came flooding back "hey mike, has it come back because correct me if I'm wrong but it's been 27 years" she says and mike conforms that. She said she'd come and she packed then on her way she dropped the rest of the test papers along with the answers to her coworker in the high school's English department. She kept her eyes on the road as she calmly drove, she was the closest loser to Derry as mike said so that's probably why she can remember so much of that summer. She makes it to the town house that she rented a room from and toke her bags up to her room and then plopped on the bed.
*the next night*
Well its finally the night of the losers reunion and of course Amy was the first to show up and she smile seeing mike all grown up "hey mike" she says and the man turns around "Amy you made it" he says and the two hugged. They chatted till bill shows up and mike hugged him tightly as he always saw bill as a brother figure "hey big bill it's been a long time" amy said and bill smiled "yea it has" he says and the next to arrive was Eddie "holy shit look at you guys" he says. Eddie hugged then all and as they talked to gong was hit they turned to see richie, Beverley, ben and stan standing there. Amy couldn't believe how much weight ben has lost, she rememberes him saying he'd lose his weight some day and he sure as hell lost the weight "amy?" Ben says in disbelief at the girl he used to know from childhood. The losers all had a laugh as they caught up with each other and amy couldn't take her eyes off ben the hole time, she then had a faint memory of a poem she wrote for ben but never told him it was her
*during the ruital of chűd bit at the end*
Amy and ben had gotten separated from the others "keep running!" Ben yelled as the ran into a wall "okay I think we're safe" amy says as the ground started to shake. They both sucked into different situations, Amy's was her stuck in her childhood bedroom and she heard soft nocking on her closet door and then she heard the one voice she never wanted to hear again "come out come out little sis" hear step brother voice says. She tried to block it out as her walls started to close in around "help me!" She yelled. She faintly heard Ben's cries for help "ben can you hear me!?" She yelled but he only kept on screaming 'okay here goes nothing' Amy thinks to herself "BEN I LOVE YOU!" She yelled out "Amy?" She heard Ben's voice call out. Amy started to resight the poem she wrote ben whilst trying to kick her door down "You are the sun that shines brightly throughout my day.
You are the gravity that holds me down in every way.
You are the moon that shimmers throughout my night. You are stars that glimmer oh so bright.
You are the oxygen that keeps me alive.
You are my heart that beats inside. You are the blood that flows through me" she says as she finally kicks the food down and sees ben getting buried alive "ben take my hand" amy called out and they both reach and take each others hands and amy uses all her strength to pull ben up. They both fall back and now they on the floor of the passage way with ben on top of Amy "You are the only guy I can see" amy says with a soft voice
"You have the voice of when a mockingbird sings" ben said with realision "it was you" he says and she happily nodded yes. They heard pennywise cackle and went to help their friends, they in the end had to make pennywise feel small by shouting insults at him and they all seemed to channel their anger from when they got bullied. After that they had to hurry out as neibolt began to collapse and they just made it out alive and toke deep breaths "well that was a close call" richie says and the others nodded. They went to the quarry and toke off their jackets and shoes then jumped into the water and cleaned themselves surprisingly Eddie didn't object to it "hey Amy?" Ben says and as the girl turn him she felt a pair of soft lips on her own. When ben pulled away he had the biggest grin on his face "finally, ben you found out she likes you" mike says "wait you knew?" Ben said "yep, I could tell just why the way she would always look at you when we were kids" mike says. Ben looked at amy "up I've been in love with you since we were only 13, It was your sweet nature and kind heart that made me fall for you" she says and ben smiles more. He felt a little stupid for being so blind as not only now realize that the girl he always wanted, one who went past his looks and loved him for who he is on the inside was right in front of him and always by his side the hole time.
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