"Suhani" Mom, Dad, and Beeji squealed as soon as they saw me. Looking at their face I realized how much I missed them. It was not even a complete day and I was already looking for them. There is no doubt Veer's family was nice to me and I know they will always be nice to me. They are a great family but I will always miss this home. This place has given everything to me.
" Without you this place seems lifeless. Thank God at least Vaidehi is here otherwise I would have gone mad among these boring people." Beeji Caressed my head lovingly.
I was welcomed inside with warmth and love. Mom served me all my favorite dishes. She ignored all my protests and kept feeding me until I looked like a Red Balloon. I tried to say I had a heavy breakfast but they were hell-bent on overstuffing me with food.
After all the talking and teasing I went towards Vaidehi's room who was still sleeping. She was tired of the wedding preparations.
I shook her and she lazily opened her eyes, stretching her hands she scanned me from top to bottom, "What the hell?" She screamed and jumped out of the bed horrified.
"What?" I looked at her perplexed.
"Y...You...You are pregnant? So soon?" She kept both of her palms on her mouth, her eyes bulged out towards my stomach.
"Don't tell me you were pregnant before marriage? How the hell did you reach your 6th month so soon? Your baby is some super baby or what? OMG! I am going to be Aunt. OMG! OMG! I can't believe it. But tell me first how the hell did you get pregnant? Wait! I know how one gets pregnant. I mean how did you get pregnant so soon and.."
"Shut up Vai" I threw a pillow at her that directly landed on her face making her shut up.
"I am not pregnant. This is all the food Mumma got me to eat by force you dumbass" I rolled my eyes sitting on the bed.
"Oh! " she sat with a sad face beside me.
"What now?"
"I thought I was going to be an Aunt" she looked at me with starry eyes.
"Go have Bath first you are stinking" I pushed her inside the bathroom.
This girl is too much. But the thought of bearing Veer's child made me blush unknowingly.
Oh shut up Suhani. What are you even thinking? All because of this stupid girl.
"So, Is that frog treating you nicely?" She sat beside me.
"Yes" I replied honestly.
"Good for him. Otherwise, I will break all his teeth." She flexed her almost nonexistent muscles in front of me making me chuckle at her.
"Okay fine, now go have your dhokla" I pushed her outside the room and laid down on the bed to relax.
It turned out to be an eventful day. We talked of our childhood, and how Saurabh used to be a possessive brother well he is still the same but that image of tiny Saurabh standing in front of me hiding me from my EVS teacher so that she can't scold me doesn't leave my head. He has been a great brother. He is the best I could ever ask for. In fact, my whole family Maa, Papa, Beeji, and Vaidehi. How did I get so lucky to get them?
All sweet and fun talks suddenly changed to emotional ones as the afternoon changed to evening. Veer was going to be here anytime soon and they were still to accept the fact that now I was married.
Soon the doorbell rang and Veer was welcomed inside like a king. My parents were treating him as if he was their real son. Meanwhile, Saurabh and Vaidehi stood in a corner glaring at him. Beeji scolded them to get gelled with him so for the sake of formality they just passed him a small smile and sat on the farthest couch.
Uff! these cartoons.
Veer silently followed all that my parents said. He talked to them nicely. He was a total gentlemen type in front of them as if he is the most innocent person alive on this earth. In fact, he is also not any less of a cartoon.
My parents requested us to have dinner with them and then leave. It was again a sight to see as what happened to me in the morning was now happening to him. They were turning him into a blue balloon. He kept denying but they kept filling his plate with more food. And being the most polite person on this earth he obliged.
We were heading towards his home. He was stealing glances at me while driving. No, I was not looking at him, I was more focused on the scene outside but whenever I would look towards him I found him averting his gaze from me. I wished he don't bang the car into something. I definitely didn't want to end up in a hospital bed.
"Umm...I... Actually, Dadu said we have to go shopping for the reception party " he coughed a little diverting his attention back to the road.
" I already have enough clothes. I don't think I need any more fancy collections. Moreover, it's quite late we should get going. "
"As you say"
"Do you want to go shopping?" I asked him.
"Nope. Same for me"
There was complete silence in the car for a while. It was a little awkward as we both were looking at each other trying to find a topic to let the conversation going.
I was glad at least he was trying and was not behaving like a rude jerk.
"Are you comfortable in the house?"
A small smile graced my lips as soon as I heard him.
No doubt I miss my family. I am habitual of them but the fact that his family was treating me with so much love and respect, they were already making a place in my heart.
Since the engagement time, they have been close to me, looking after every like and dislike of mine. It flatters me to know that they have already accepted me with so much love.
I nodded at him feeling his gaze on me.
"Everyone treats me well"
" Yeah you are already their 'Aakhon ka tara' " he chuckled.
I could very well smell jealousy in his voice but never mind I will ignore his jealousy for the sake of that pretty smile on his not-so-handsome face.
'Aakhon ka tara'
"You have to say What is love when I count till 3 okay? "
Vaidehi was directing our filmy love story. Somehow our group came to know about me and Veer. Well, not somehow when I was busily drowning myself in his thoughts every now and then. It just took 2 days for them to know what was going on between us. They observed us keenly and finally blew our minds with their ridiculous theories.
They were demanding something like a filmy love story but how were we supposed to say that it was something beautiful between us that we didn't want to name? Apparently, they were too excited to listen to us. We wanted to keep it as low as possible but when you have hyperactive friends it's quite tough.
"What is love? " I asked acting curious as per Vaidehi's direction.
"It's my dhokla" director mam replied eyeing her dhokla with predatory eyes.
"Love is a dish, just like my dhokla if you add any of the ingredients more than required or skip any of them it won't taste as good as it should" She added gobbling the dhokla down her throat.
Aarav chuckled at the dhokla explanation while she rolled her eyes at both of us.
By the way, this was happening after our final practical Slouching in the high school canteen, we were gossiping carelessly. More precisely fulfilling Vaidehi's stupid demand.
Riana joined throwing her lab coat on one of the chairs. "Phew! That was tiring. One hell of the shit".
She Shrugged after muttering a few more curses.
" Answer me, Guys What is actually called love? " I again enthused when Vaidehi glared at me ignoring Raina's cursing. If everything would have been like normal days I would have asked Raina about her practical but never mind my dhokla of a friend need a Bollywood story for her future children and as her best friend I was obliged to fulfill her threat.
"Love is serene, the intense passion and the obscure attractiveness. It just happens, you never know when, why, and how it happens. It feels Just like the pleasant air after the first rain. It just happens"
Veer jumped in looking at me intensely. I don't know why it didn't feel like acting. It felt real.
"Hi, I am Veer Malhotra " He forwarded his hand for a handshake.
"Dramatic much" I rolled my eyes,
Picking up my lab coat I left the place immediately without looking back.
Everything being part of director Mam's imagination.
"Well that's Suhani Sharma for you" Raina smiled wickedly at him when Vaidehi nudged her to say her dialogue.
"Wohooo! It's done, guys. You all did a great job" Vaidehi clapped excitedly. We heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, she won't bother us more with the Bollywood shit.
I again joined the team and sat on my chair tired.
"She can be a total drama sometimes" Veer Chuckled looking at Vaidehi.
"Me being the victim every time " I huffed.
"Aww. But aren't you, her 'Aankhon ka tara'? " He teased me.
Vaidehi used to say that whenever she would do something that would land her in some deep trouble and wanted my help. She would butter me up with that line. When Veer heard it he could not help but tease me for that knowing well how much it irritated me.
"Oh yeah right! " I rolled my eyes at him and he burst out laughing muttering, " My Aankhon ka Chanda" Beneath his breath.
My cheeks heated up and I coughed trying to hide my silly smile.
His naughty self was the cutest. I don't know this serious, rude, arrogant Veer. I knew only one Veer. My Veer. A gentleman with a glint of naughtiness. I hope he returns soon...
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.
Extremely Sorry for the late update💞 Both of us were busy with our sem exams.
Hopefully, the next update will be super soon.
Editor: - its_chahat_here ❤✨
Thanks for reading❤️.
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