Chapter Six: I Wandered Around And Finally Found
Severus couldn't help but smile as Harry squeezed his hand one last time before he rushed ahead of him, practically bouncing in his excitement to answer the door. Upon opening it, he drew back at the unexpected sight of Remus, Tonks, Albus, Minerva, Molly, Arthur, Ron, and Hermione standing there. Severus put a hand upon Harry's shoulder, and gently drew him back to his side; the protection in vampires ran deep, and Severus was no exception to that rule.
"To what do we owe the pleasure?" Severus asked, and Ron immediately looked away from him, while Hermione blushed, both sixth-years easily figuring out his less-than-calm demeanor. "It is rather early for socializing..."
"Severus, this conversation would be better-suited inside," Albus said pragmatically, and Severus rolled his eyes, but nevertheless ushered in the uninvited guests with a nod, and moved with Harry to an armchair beside the fire, and gently pulled Harry into his lap, which the young man didn't seem to mind; in fact, he snuggled closer to his husband.
"This will not be a delicate conversation," Minerva said gravely, and nodded to Ron, who drew something out of his pocket, which Hermione un-shrunk immediately. "Please give the paper to Severus, Mr. Weasley."
Ron nodded, squeezing Hermione's hand for a moment before he crossed the room, blushing red to his ears at the sight of his best friend in their potion professor's arms, and handed over the paper to the two of them. "Sorry, mate," he said to Harry, before he re-joined Hermione on the couch, where Albus and Minerva sat on her other side.
"What's this about?" Harry asked as Severus unfolded the morning's edition of The Daily Profit, which had likely only just hit the stands before breakfast.
In bold script upon the first page, were the words, Death Eater Marries Boy-Who-Lived in Secret Ceremony, and Harry felt a chill up his spine. He turned and looked at Severus, who remained impassive for the moment, although he suddenly shook with anger. Before Harry could read the article—which was published by none other than Rita Skeeter—Severus had thrown the rag into the fireplace beside them. Harry immediately ran his fingers through Severus's hair in an attempt to calm him, unsure of what else to do.
"We've already given Veritaserum to everyone who was present at the ceremony," Tonks told Harry softly, from where she was perched upon the arm of the chair opposite, holding tightly to Remus's hand. "None of the parties sold you out, Harry, you can be assured of that."
"None of this makes any sense," Molly said, shaking her head as she began pacing back and forth through the small living room. "I don't understand who would do such a thing. Naturally, we thought it was Draco, but..."
"But due to his love for Ginny," Arthur said, cutting across his wife from where he stood beside the fireplace, his hand resting upon the mantlepiece, "we knew it couldn't have been him and, even when questioned, he did not waver in his story."
"It's perfectly reasonable to assume how it was done," Hermione said, her tone biting, as Ron placed an arm around her shoulders.
"Miss Granger?" Albus asked.
Hermione sighed. "Perhaps you should learn to ask questions a bit better, sir," she said carefully, and rolled her shoulders. "Rita Skeeter is an unregistered Animagus."
Minerva paled at that. "Well, that certainly would explain things."
"What form does she take, Miss Granger?" Albus asked.
"A beetle," Hermione replied, her nose wrinkling in disgust. "I found out after the tournament at the end of fourth-year. "Kept her in a jar, too. However, when I did finally let her out, I made her promise not to write false stories about Harry anymore."
"Apparently, the promise had an expiration date," Harry muttered disdainfully.
Albus sighed. "Well, there's not much else to be done. Severus, your spying days for the Light are over."
Severus straightened in the chair he shared with Harry. "But, Albus..."
"Now, now, Severus, Riddle won't take too kindly to this news, and if something befalls you, Harry could be in grave danger," Albus said, cutting across him. "Now, the plan of action will be for the two of you to go into hiding as soon as possible."
"Hiding?" Harry demanded. "But Hogwarts is the safest place..."
"Honestly, mate," Ron said, interrupting Harry. "Where's the first place You-Know-Who will go looking for either of you?"
"Ron's right, Harry," Hermione said gently. "It would be best if the two of you fled, once loose ends are tied up."
"Loose ends?" Severus queried.
"Miss Granger has agreed to tutor Harry in his NEWT's, which Harry will then sit for this Friday evening," Albus explained. "We've no idea how long you and Severus must remain in hiding, Harry, and the sooner your magical education is complete, the better."
"Bill has arranged for time off from Gringotts," Arthur went on, "until a more suitable replacement for your classes can be found, Severus. If you would give him your instructor's notes between now and Friday, that would be wonderful."
"And Lupin Lodge has been made available to you," Remus said, speaking for the first time; he looked exhausted, and Harry was worried about him.
"Lupin Lodge?" Harry asked.
"My family home, located on the cliffs of Cornwall," Remus explained. "It's under the Fidelus, and the only other people who knew about its particular location were my parents, your parents, and Sirius."
"Not Peter?" Harry wanted to know, knowing full well that the rat could easily leak out the locations' information to Riddle.
"No," Remus replied. "Only five living people at a time could be keyed into the wards. Albus is now keyed in, plus myself and Tonks, which just leaves the two of you to be keyed in. I'll provide you with a Portkey to leave on Friday around nine o'clock, four hours after Harry is due to finish his NEWTs."
"And nobody will find us?" Harry pressed.
Remus smiled. "Muggles frequently go around there, due to it appearing as the ruins of Tintagel Castle," he explained. "However, they will find themselves growing bored of the fortification within ten or fifteen minutes, and they always leave well enough alone, never bypassing the wards in any way."
Severus sighed, and Harry moved to rest his head upon his shoulder. "And what about the potions that Poppy will inevitably need for the infirmary?"
"Bill has been brewing them," Molly said with a pleased smile.
Severus swallowed then, considering what it would be like to have Harry to himself. "And what about Riddle?" he asked. "Now that he knows about my status as a spy, there's no telling what he could do..."
"We think that he wants me, Severus," Albus said gravely. "He won't stop until he gets to me, for he initially believes that I block the way to his recruitment or execution of Harry."
"No," Severus said quickly, tightening his arms around Harry without hesitation. "I won't permit that to happen, Albus. I won't."
Albus nodded. "I know you will not, my boy. However, we cannot take any chances. Miss Granger," he went on, turning to Hermione. "Your tutoring sessions with Harry will commence forthwith. From now until Friday, you are excused from your classes, and someone will be on hand to take notes and collect your assignments for you. Mr. Weasley, if anyone asks, you are to say that Hermione has come down with a mild case of Dragon Pox, but is highly contagious and in the hospital wing."
"Sir, what if they ask about Harry?" Ron wanted to know.
"Ah, yes, and they will likely account for Severus's absence as well," Albus said, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "No matter. You will say that Severus and Harry are taking a honeymoon, which was approved by me, and that you know nothing else."
Minerva pursed her lips. "But, Albus, with Draco now living in Severus's rooms, he's bound to see the comings and goings of both Severus and Harry..."
"Severus will remain in either his private lab or his bedroom during the hours when Draco is going to be coming and going," Albus replied pragmatically. "And as for Harry and Miss Granger, they may use the Room of Requirement for their studies. The only professors who will know that Harry has remained in school will be Hagrid, Professor Flitwick, Remus, Professor Sprout, Severus, and Minerva. Of course, Bill will be the one giving you your potion's NEWT, Harry, for as Severus is your husband, his marking yours would be inappropriate."
"Better keep Hagrid away from the Firewhiskey, then," Ron muttered, and Hermione elbowed him in the ribs, to which he squawked, "Oi!"
"Ronald Bilius Weasley!" Molly said, her voice sounding identical to that of the Howler she had sent him in second-year.
"What?" Ron cried out, rubbing his side, which had proved to be smarting. "Hagrid'll blab to the first person at The Leaky that Harry took his NEWTs early..."
"A very smart presumption, Mr. Weasley," Albus said, and Harry had to hide his smile as Severus rolled his eyes. "I suppose we shall have to Obliviate Hagrid as soon as Harry has taken his exam. I hate to do it to him, but we must ensure your safety, my boy."
Harry sighed. "All right, then," he said, turning to look at Hermione. "I suppose it's time to hit the books, then?"
Hermione nodded. "It would appear so," she replied.
Draco paced around the edges of the lake, which had frost around its outer edges; it was early November now, and the coldness of Scotland was threatening to seep into his bones. He pulled his fur-lined winter cloak around his shoulders, which Hermione had put Sizing Charms on, for he could hardly go back to the manor, or write to his mother, requesting a new one. Ron had, surprisingly, shown Draco what he did for workout routines, and while they were decidedly a bit Muggle, Draco had flourished for the past few weeks, which had driven the whole thing about having the Dark Lord's essence inside of him. His shoulders had filled out quite nicely, and he had even grown a good two or three inches since term had begun.
"Draco?" Ginny called out from behind him, and Draco turned around at the sound of her voice, watching as she made her way down the footpath. Her hair was covered by earmuffs, and she was wearing a thick green jumper and matching mittens, likely made by her mother. Her brown boots caused the frostbitten ground to crack slightly as she approached, and Draco thought about how beautiful she looked, with her face flushed like that.
"Gin," Draco said, automatically drawing her closer, and pulled her up against him, and pressed his lips hungrily to hers, which caused Ginny to mewl ever so slightly into his mouth, and push her body up against his.
"Draco," Ginny whispered, her tone filled with hunger as his lips descended to her neck, and nibbled ever so slightly upon her jawline. "Sorry I'm late..."
"Forget it," Draco replied, nuzzling her neck.
Ginny giggled. "What's gotten into you today?" she asked, although she made no moves to complain about his treatment.
"Ginny, I need you to promise me something," he whispered, and pulled back, looking into those beautiful brown eyes of hers.
"Anything," she whispered, understanding the seriousness of his voice.
Giving a cursory glance to the terrain around them, Draco put up a strong Silencing Charm, before he turned back to look at her. "Harry and Severus are going to be leaving the castle by Friday night," Draco whispered to her.
"Leaving?" she whispered. "Because of what Skeeter wrote?"
"That's part of it," Draco whispered, his arms wrapped tightly around Ginny's waist. "Riddle is going to be after the two of them inevitably, and Hogwarts isn't seen as safe, for it's seen as an obvious hiding place."
Ginny nodded, looking concerned for the two of them. "Naturally, it's where You-Know-Who would look first, if someone affiliated with the school displeased him," she said, and immediately held tightly onto Draco. "But what does that mean for you? Is he going to be coming after you as well?"
"No," Draco replied, shaking his head. "I... I made a deal with him."
"A deal?!" Ginny demanded, looking fearful. "What did you...?!"
"I signed over my inheritance to him," Draco said simply. "It was an easy price, money for freedom. I hope to Merlin that he keeps it."
Ginny shook her head then, throwing her arms around Draco and kissing him for all he was worth, trembling in his arms. "I won't let you go," she whispered. "I can't, Draco. I won't. I love you so much..."
"I promise, Gin, I won't go anywhere unwillingly..."
Ginny swallowed, slowly letting herself down from Draco's arms, and looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. "Please don't hate me..."
Draco blinked, staring down at her and shaking his head. "I don't understand. I would never hate you, Ginevra Weasley. I love you."
Ginny gripped her lower lip in between her teeth, and found that she couldn't stop the tears which flowed out of her eyes. "There's a reason that I was late..."
"Gin?" Draco asked, lifting a hand and gently wiping away her tears. "Whatever it is, we'll figure it out together..."
"I went to see Madam Pomfrey," Ginny said quickly, her voice shaking, just as her body was, from the sheer nerves of what she had to say to Draco. "I've been feeling ill lately, and I've hardly been able to keep anything down..."
"Is it Wizard's Flu?" Draco asked, smiling down at her, and pushing himself closer. "I don't mind you infecting me, Gin. Doesn't bother me..."
"I'm pregnant," Ginny said, continuing to tremble in Draco's arms, unknowing how her boyfriend would react to such a revelation.
Draco felt his eyes widening then. "'s...?"
"You don't even need to ask, Draco—of course it's yours," she said, slightly annoyed that he would even ask such a question. "Dean and I only snogged—I never found that I was ready to jump into bed with him. But with you... I can't explain it. I needed you..."
Draco nodded. "I need you, too, Gin." He hesitated for a moment. "How long...?"
"Five or six weeks," Ginny replied, hunching her shoulders. "It was right after I visited you in the hospital wing, and we just sort of..."
"Lost control, I remember," Draco said. "Before that, I hadn't..."
"Neither had I," Ginny told him, feeling slightly relieved that she hadn't been the only virgin between the two of them. "So... What do we do now?" she asked.
"Do you want the baby?" he asked.
Ginny nodded. "I do, but not if you..."
"Of course I want the baby, Ginny," Draco assured her and, as he had been taught to do from childhood if he ever found himself in this situation, he took ahold of her hand and got down on bended knee. "Ginevra Molly Weasley, will you marry me?"
Ginny's mouth fell open. "Draco, I don't want you to propose to me just because we're going to have a..."
Draco promptly reached into his pocket and drew out a box, which he promptly opened, revealing a platinum band with a striking circular emerald, which boasted small circular diamonds on each side. "I was actually going to propose at Christmas, and I know it's soon, but there's going to be a war on anytime now," he said, flushing to the roots of his hair. "I got this in Hogsmeade over the weekend..."
"Yes!" Ginny shouted then, and threw herself at Draco, sending the pair of them to the ground and kissing his face over and over again. "Of course I'll marry you, Draco Malfoy!"
Draco grinned up at her, slipping the ring onto her correct finger, before he took her face into his hands. "I love you," he whispered.
Ginny smiled down at him, and Draco thought that she looked breathtaking in that moment. "I love you, too," she replied, and leaned down to kiss him repeatedly. "I suppose now all that has to happen is to plan for this baby, and for my brothers to potentially hunt you down to destroy you about deflowering and impregnating their only sister..."
Draco pulled back from Ginny, looking fearful. "They won't actually do that, would they?" he demanded of her.
Ginny grinned. "Oh, I'm sure a fair few will. But they'll be on the receiving end of the Bat-Bogey Hex if they so much attempt to come near the father of my child..."
Draco reached up then, cupping the back of Ginny's neck and pulling her down towards his lips again, hardly bothered by the cold ground beneath him.
Harry took his invisibility cloak out of his bag after the lunch-hour on Friday; he had spent over three hours that morning working on his NEWT studying with Hermione, and his mind was about to burst. Thankfully, his examinations were that afternoon, which he was both looking forward to and dreading all at once. He requested that the room grant him safe passage to Professor Flitwick's classroom for his charms NEWT, and knew that, in a matter of hours, he would, technically, be free to be with his husband.
It was a daunting experience, having a husband, for the bond itself had not technically been completed. What with the rigorous study schedule provided by Hermione, and the hours he spent with her in the Room of Requirement, they'd hardly had a moment alone together. Severus had been busy instructing Bill on the direction he wished the varying years of potions classes to go, and had been brewing around-the-clock for Poppy in the hospital wing. As such, they only had a few moments together in the morning or at night, but Severus promised that, upon the arrival at Lupin Lodge, they would be completing the bond through consummation.
Harry attempted to remember everything that Hermione had gone over with him for the next few hours of the afternoon and, as the Hogwarts clock chimed five, Harry filled in the final answer on his Transfiguration NEWT. Minerva praised him for finishing his examinations on such short notice, although something in her own green eyes filled Harry with trepidation. As she summoned his exam into the pile to be marked, Harry wrapped his Gryffindor scarf around his neck and slowly stepped forward.
"Is everything all right, professor?" he asked.
The woman sighed, warmth radiating on her face despite said trepidation. "I know that both you and Severus are fully capable of protecting one another, Harry. However, I cannot help but worry about the eventual outcome."
"As you said, professor, we'll be protecting one another," Harry told her gently. "I know that this is a frightening and uncertain time, but I know that we're doing the right thing."
Minerva nodded, reaching out and squeezing Harry's shoulder. "I sense that all will be well, once the two of you get to where you need to go."
Harry smiled at her. "Thank you, professor," he said, lifting a hand to her, before he summoned his cloak out of his pocket and draped it over himself. Leaving the Transfiguration classroom as quickly as he dared, Harry promptly made his way down to the dungeons, where he and Severus would spend the next several hours packing, and having a light supper before the headmaster brought them their Portkey. The password let Harry into Severus's rooms, and he immediately took off the cloak upon entering.
"Harry," Severus said, and let out an indulgent chuckle as his mate rushed forward, and threw himself into his arms. "Well, I take it by that entrance that you missed me."
"Terribly," Harry replied, nuzzling into Severus's neck. "I did my best on my NEWTs, Severus, but I make no guarantees."
Severus pressed a kiss to Harry's forehead. "I am sure you made out excellently, my love. Now, come. We've got to get some supper into us before we commence with the packing."
Harry walked over to the small table beside the kitchenette, which had been made ready for the two of them that evening. Harry inhaled at the sight of steaks, jacket potatoes, roasted vegetables on their respective plates, with goblets of wine beside them. Taking off his bag and tossing it onto the couch, Harry went over to his customary chair, and proceeded to place his napkin into his lap, and lifted up his knife and fork.
"Albus should be along no later than forty-five minutes past eight o'clock to deliver us the Portkey to take us to Cornwall, along with others to give us a proper send-off," Severus said with a quick smile at his mate. "Now, tell me, if you like, how your exams went."
Harry, who had already taken a bite of his meal, slowly placed his knife and fork down. "I guess you could say I impressed Remus in Defense Against the Dark Arts."
Severus arched an eyebrow. "Oh, yes? How?"
"He brought out a Dementor via a Boggart, and I had to perform my Patronus Charm on it for my practical examination," Harry replied.
Severus, who had been methodically chewing a carrot, forced himself to swallow the vegetation and too lowered his utensils. "Am I to assume that your Patronus has changed?"
Harry nodded. "Yes. Prongs is no more."
"I didn't want to alarm you, but mine has changed as well," Severus told him, and Harry looked up at him. "Would you like to see it?"
Harry nodded. "Yes," he whispered.
Severus smiled at his mate before he drew his wand without hesitation. "Expecto Patronum," he said, waving his wand in the proper motion, and the great lion came triumphantly out of its tip, gazing at Harry and Severus for a moment, before it turned tail and darted through the door. "I call him Alexander," Severus explained, smiling.
Harry, not wanting to be left out of all the fun, drew his own wand. "Expecto Patronum," he said quickly, and his wand glowed a brilliant silver light before the creature took shape. Instead of the stag, which he had had since third-year, a brilliant and lithe beast came forth, taking the form of a black panther.
Severus drew back at the sight of it. "Sweet Circe," he whispered, watching intently as the big cat regarded the pair of them for a moment, before it too slipped out the door.
"I call her Valentina," Harry told him.
Although he desperately wanted to knock their supper to the ground and ravage Harry atop the small table, Severus knew full well that his mate deserved better than that for their first time. He merely stroked the younger man's hand while they ate, before they indulged in some chocolate gateau and treacle tart for their pudding, and then made their way towards the master bedroom. It did not take long to organize their respective belongings, and Shrinking Spells were used more than once to accommodate everything, but, quite soon, the packing was done, and Severus had even shrunk down the bed, for he'd bought it himself, and couldn't bear to leave the thing behind for another professor to use.
Albus arrived at promptly eight-forty-five, along with Remus, Tonks, Molly, Arthur, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Draco, Neville, Luna, Dobby, and Winky to say goodbye. Harry was hugged from all sides, and laughingly promised to figure out how to stay in touch. Gazing at the cage which held Hedwig, Harry remembered Sirius informing him how recognizable she was, so he thought that owl post was decidedly out.
It came as a surprise for Harry to see Hermione, Luna, Tonks, and Winky gathered around a blushing Ginny, who boasted a beautiful emerald ring on her finger. Ron, meanwhile, was staring daggers at Draco, who looked equally nervous as he spoke to Molly and Arthur, the former of whom was crying, while the latter clasped Draco in a good-natured manner upon the shoulder. Neville had gone to stand beside Ron, who kept muttering and looking towards Draco, calling him "a slick git", while Dobby held tightly to Ron's legs, and Harry couldn't even begin to fathom what had gone on.
"Ginny has announced her pregnancy," Remus told Harry softly as Severus and Albus discussed the Portkey that he and Harry would have to take that evening. "Draco subsequently proposed to her in the aftermath."
"He didn't just because she's expecting, did he?" Harry demanded.
Remus smiled at Harry. "No, he didn't. According to Hermione, he had the ring in his possession already, but he was intending to wait until Christmas."
"She's fifteen, he's sixteen," Harry said, looking back and forth between them.
"You married at sixteen, Harry," Remus reminded him.
Harry sighed, dragging a hand through his hair. "Yes, I suppose I did, didn't I?"
After a final round of hugs and further promises to stay in touch, Albus escorted Harry and Severus outside the castle gates and the wards, just up the hill from Hogsmeade. Just as they passed through them, Albus handed over a weather-beaten spoon as their Portkey, and smiled at the two of them.
"Ready, my boys?" he asked.
Severus put an arm around Harry's shoulders. "Yes."
Harry nodded, leaning into Severus. "Ready."
"Very well, my boys," the headmaster said, pointing his wand at the spoon. "Portus," he said quietly, and a bright blue light came forth from the tip of his wand, causing the spoon to take on the same hue.
Harry gripped tightly onto Severus then, as they mutually felt the yanking behind their navels, and spun around, disappearing from Hogwarts. Harry, who had been holding Severus around the middle, somehow managed not to fall upon their arrival, and his nose was assaulted with the scent of the sea, and his ears with the crashing of waves upon rocks. Opening his eyes, he grinned upwards at Severus, who smiled back, before taking him by the hand and leading him towards Lupin Lodge.
Harry could see the ruins that Remus had indicated as Tintagel Castle but, once they passed through the wards, a beautiful patch of land awaited them. An impressive stone wall was built around the entirety of the property, while lush grass was just inside the black iron gate. A stone path led from the gate itself to the front door of the place, made out of gray-stone, which looked like a cottage straight out of a fairy tale.
Severus and Harry immediately pressed their hands into the door, and the wards seemed to accept them almost immediately. Once inside, the beautiful entryway seemed altogether welcoming, and Severus and Harry immediately hung up their cloaks upon the pegs provided to the two of them. Severus shut the door behind him, and Harry looked to the left of the entryway, which boasted an informal living room, while the right had a formal dining room. Down the hallway proved to be the library, formal parlor, and back entrance, leading directly to the twelve acres of gardens that Severus had expressed an interest in.
Peering over his shoulder at Severus, Harry grinned at him before he charged for the massive staircase just opposite them. Severus felt something akin to lust and desire flowing through him at the picture that Harry painted, arse perfect as he went up the stairs as quickly as he dared. It didn't take long for Severus to move to follow him, and found him in the master bedroom, which seemed perfect, were it not missing a bed. Without missing a beat, Severus summoned the bed he had brought from his own master bedroom, and reverted it to its original size.
Harry then stripped of all his clothes, and Severus felt his cock jumping and literally rising for the occasion at the display. He slowly began to strip as well, and advanced upon the bed, climbing atop his mate. Nobody was there to touch him but Severus and, after weeks and weeks of waiting for this moment, it was finally upon them. Severus could finally, once and for all, claim his young vampire mate, and he was slightly pleased at the notion that no one could knock on their door—within reason—and demand their presence in some way, shape or form.
"Are you all right?" Severus whispered to Harry.
Harry nodded, arching slightly so as their skin touched. "More than," came the reply.
"What do you want?" Severus asked quietly.
Harry bit down hard on his lower lip, his face flushing. "It's silly..."
Severus reached down then, gently easing Harry's chin up, so as the younger man would have to look at him. "Tell me, my love."
Harry swallowed. "I was jealous, when I heard about Ginny's pregnancy tonight," he whispered, feeling altogether ashamed of himself.
Severus nodded. "Do you wish for me to make you pregnant, Harry?"
Harry sighed, before he wound his arms around Severus's neck. "Yes," he confessed, before he buried his face into Severus's shoulder.
Severus gently eased his mate backwards, and pressed his lips to his. "Nothing would make me happier than to grant your wish, Harry James Potter," he told him.
Harry grinned cheekily up at his husband, all nervousness forgotten. "That's Harry James Potter-Snape to you, Severus," he replied, and smacked Severus's arse.
Severus's eyes darkened at the movement and pleasure which his mate had elicited from him, and subsequently pinned Harry firmly down onto the mattress, and felt the spark of delight form within him when his mate's heartbeat fluttered beneath him. "Touché," he replied, and leaned down to kiss him.
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