Chapter Eight: Just To Be Sad, Thinking Of You
The rest of the Christmas holidays saw the double wedding of Ginny and Draco, plus Neville and Luna, knowing that it was entirely possible that they would all ultimately have to go into hiding once the war broke out in earnest. Despite the fact that they were all Purebloods, they were all decidedly on the side of the light, something that Riddle despised above all things. Albus presided over the ceremonies, with Arthur Weasley giving away Ginny, Bill Weasley standing in as Head of Slytherin and giving away Draco, Augusta Longbottom giving away Neville, and Xenophilius Lovegood giving away Luna.
Hermione, who served as dual Maid of Honor for Ginny and Luna, cried during the ceremony as she held tightly to the three bouquets. Ron, as Best Man for Draco and Neville, remained tight-lipped throughout the ceremony. He was happy for Neville and Luna, to be sure, but he still slightly resented Draco for getting Ginny pregnant. Still, Hermione had reminded him more than once that Ginny was truly happy with the arrangement, and he resolved to be happy on her behalf eventually. It all helped when Albus announced dancing, with him pairing up with Minerva, Bill and Fleur, Molly and Arthur, Ron and Hermione, Xenophilius with Madam Pomfrey, Filius and Pomona, and the brides and grooms.
"It was a lovely ceremony," Hermione said softly, resting her head upon Ron's shoulder as he held her about her waist. "Didn't you think so, Ron?"
"I suppose it was," Ron allowed, turning his head to look at Draco and Ginny, the former of whom was gently caressing his sister's belly as they danced close together.
"Leave them alone," Hermione admonished him gently, "at least they're happy, and dancing somewhat traditionally..."
"What do you made of Luna and Neville'" Ron asked, turning his head to look at the second pair who had been married that day.
"Keeps the Wrackspurts away, according to Luna," Hermione said, watching wide-eyed as Luna and Neville danced in a circle, swatting their hands back and forth, up in the air. "I'm glad they found someone to make each other happy..."
"Well," Ron said, pulling Hermione closer against him, which caused Hermione to raise her eyes to his, "when we're married, it'll be a lavish affair, and we won't share the day with anyone."
"Married? Ron!" Hermione hissed, shaking her head at him. "It's bad luck to propose to your intended at somebody else's wedding."
Ron smiled down at her. "Regardless, I'm still going to marry you, Hermione Jean Granger, no matter what you say."
Hermione flushed becomingly. "Is that so?"
"Of course I'm going to marry you," Ron declared. "I knew I was going to marry you the minute you walked into the Yule Ball with Krum."
Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes. "You really did spoil everything that evening with your jealousy, Ronald..."
"I know," he said, gently tilting her chin up as they danced, "and I'm sorry. Merlin, am I sorry. I suppose I needed a right kick to the arse, because I wasn't prepared to address my feelings. I'll never forgive myself for it, 'Mione. I won't."
Hermione stepped forward then and rested her head on Ron's shoulder. "All I know is, when you were parading around with Lavender Brown last year, when she thought you were pants because of Dumbledore's Army, I wanted..."
"I wanted to claw her eyes out," she whispered.
Ron chuckled. "Well, now we know what your Animagus form would be..."
"I'm serious, Ronald," Hermione replied, righting herself then and staring into his eyes, unblinking, although she resented the fact that her lower lip trembled. "I've been in love with you for years, but didn't fully realize it until then. And now that I've got you, well, I'm afraid that someone else will come along, someone prettier..."
"Hermione," Ron said, his voice firm as he cut across her, "you're the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen. And when I make you Mrs. Weasley, it'll be the happiest day of both our lives, because you'll be mine, and I'll be yours, forever."
Hermione laughed then and shook her head at him. "Make it Granger-Weasley, and you've got a deal," she told him.
Ron promptly dragged her towards him and kissed her passionately. "Whatever you want," he assured her, and Hermione tucked herself into his embrace again.
Harry woke up during the first weekend in January, feeling the self-satisfied smirk encroaching on his lips at the notion that his husband's naked form was wrapped equally around his. He carefully turned and pressed a kiss to his forehead, before summoning his robe and slipping out of bed and heading downstairs. Since he had become pregnant, he was hungry at all hours during the day and night, but was relieved that no odd cravings had made themselves known.
Going down the staircase, Harry made his way down the hallway between the stairs and the living room, and entered in the back way of the kitchen. Opening the fridge, Harry took out eggs and sausages, and even snagged a few potatoes from the counter. He set up three different frying pans upon the eight-burner stove, and was content with the sounds of eggs, sausage, and potatoes sizzling in the pan. He sliced four slices of sourdough wandlessly and banished them into the toaster, summoning butter and a wide array of jams onto the table.
As Harry flipped their hot breakfast upon the stove, he felt the hands of his husband snaking around his waist and pressing a kiss to his neck. "Good morning," Harry said, leaning back into the embrace the man provided. "I didn't wake you, did I?"
"Merely your cooking, my love," Severus replied, gently easing the spatula from Harry's hand and shoving him towards the table. "You sit down. I should be doing this anyway."
Harry placed his hands upon his hips. "I won't be made a housewife, Severus."
"You're hardly a housewife," Severus replied, yanking Harry back to his side and kissing him fervently. "But you're also pregnant with our child and I don't want you tiring yourself out for anything, love."
Harry scoffed. "Fine," he said, throwing up his hands. He took the toast from the toaster and put it on a platter, before placing it on the table. "I need some air. Will you be all right for a few moments?" he asked.
Severus smiled indulgently at him. "Of course, love. If you're not back by the time it's all ready to be eaten, I'll let you know."
Harry grinned at his husband, pressing a kiss to his cheek before he wandered towards the kitchen door, and summoned his outdoor slippers, which zoomed immediately onto his feet. He was satisfied with the display, and gave a cheeky grin to Severus, who rolled his eyes, as he stepped outside. Snow was still on the land surrounding Lupin Lodge, but his slippers had a Warming Charm on them as well as Weather Charms, thus evading any untoward slipping. As Harry made his way towards the edge of the wards, where a forest surrounded the back of the house, he breathed in the smell of the salt air.
The waves crashed upon the rocks, which were several yards down from the base of the land, and Harry truly felt as if he and Severus were on the edge of the world. There was a great oak tree, separated a bit from the forest, which had a porch swing suspended within its branches, and Harry had often looked over at it, picturing sitting upon it with Severus, and now their baby, once it was born. As he peered over the edge of the rock wall and continued listening to the waves crash against it, he was suddenly startled by some whimpering from below and, lowering his eyes, saw that a tiny Crup appeared to be stuck in a crevasse of rocks.
"Oh, Merlin!" Harry cried out, drawing his wand from his robe sleeve as the poor thing continued to cry out. "Wingardium Leviosa!" he said, pointing his wand directly at the small creature, which brought it out of the crevasse. "Accio!" he cried out then, and the little thing came flying into his arms, literally. The poor thing was frightened, but Harry quickly shushed it and cradled it close against him, pressing a kiss to its soft head as he turned around and brought it back towards the entrance of the house. "Severus!" he called, bursting in, just as the man had finished plating up their breakfast.
Severus promptly banished the pans into the sink to wash themselves and rushed over, regarding the little canine beast in his husband's arms. "And where did you find this?" he asked, although his tone was kind, as he reached out a hand, which the Crup promptly sniffed.
"It was lodged in the rocks," Harry told him, immediately moving into the parlor and turning on the fire, while Severus put a Stasis Charm upon their breakfast. "I managed to get the poor thing out, but I didn't see or hear any others..."
"Must've wandered off and got lost, poor mit," Severus replied, moving to sit beside his husband, and Harry was shocked to see a bottle of milk in his hand. "It looks to be a fairly young creature, so milk is the best option for now."
Harry blinked. "How did you even...?"
"Merely by transfiguring a glass into a bottle, a cap into a rubber nipple, and using a Warming Charm so as it appears more appetizing," Severus told him patiently. "Here. Hold the little thing like a proper baby. That's it," he went on, his tone encouraging as Harry took the bottle from him, and offered it to the little Crup, who promptly got the hang of suckling from it.
"Well, seeing as we're feeding it, we'd better find out if it's a boy or a girl," Harry said with a light laugh, and Severus rolled his eyes.
"I assume you will want to keep it," Severus replied, lifting the tail. "Girl," he said promptly, and released it.
"Yes, I want to keep her," Harry said firmly, looking up at Severus innocently. "She's hardly old enough to be on her own, and this will be good practice."
"Muggles often have dogs before they have babies," Harry said offhandedly.
"We are hardly Muggles," Severus replied tempestuously, but found that he couldn't stop simpering at the little Crup in Harry's arms. "Very well. We may keep her."
Harry flashed his husband a smile then, watching for several moments until the Crup had finished her bottle, before he transfigured a throw pillow into a proper dogs' bed, and shrunk the couch's afghan into one of a suitable size for her. Tucking in the little thing, he pressed another kiss to her forehead. "Sleep well, Matilda," he said softly.
"Matilda?" Severus asked.
Harry looked over his shoulder at him and smiled, before leading Severus back into the kitchen, where he charmed the bottle to wash itself. "Matilda should've been the first Queen of England in her own right, upon the death of her father, Henry, and brother, William, but her wicked uncle, Stephen, ended up stealing the throne right out from under her," Harry told his husband. "After a war, they negotiated, and it was decided that Matilda's son, Henry, would be made Stephen's heir, as Matilda was intelligent enough to know that she wouldn't win. It means 'mighty in battle'," he explained patiently.
Severus smiled. "I think it's a beautiful name, Harry," he told him.
Harry grinned radiantly up at his husband. "I am glad you think so. Now, may we please eat our breakfast now? Our child doesn't like to be kept waiting," he joked, running a hand along his stomach, which caused Severus to chuckle, but nevertheless pull out a chair for him.
Ginny Malfoy gently ran her hands up and down her swollen belly, her pet Kneazle, Adelpha, nuzzling herself more deeply into her side. Ginny remembered the beautiful Sunday afternoon when she had walked down to Hagrid's with Draco, and picked Adelpha out of all of her brothers and sisters in the litter that the half-giant was minding. Hagrid was only too happy to give her over to the couple, but made her promise to ask Harry to come down for a visit as soon as possible.
"I hated lying to him, Delly, you do know that," Ginny said as the cat-like creature looked rather inquisitively up at her. "But Dumbledore was right about putting the Memory Charm on him, and at Ron's suggestion. Poor man can't keep his mouth shut..."
The door to their chambers came over then, and as Draco crossed the threshold and shut it behind him, Ginny smiled up at him. "And how are my wife, my Kneazle, and my son doing?" he asked in an indulgent manner, promptly kissing her.
"We're all quite well, darling," Ginny replied, watching as Draco dropped his bag, and moved to sit beside her. "Madam Pomfrey isn't working you too hard, is she?"
Draco promptly shook his head. "Of course not," he told her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and lightly chuckling as Adelpha nestled herself between them. "It's a great honor for any Hogwarts staff member to take a student on as an apprentice, let alone a sixth year."
Ginny peered up at Draco. "I never envisioned you as a healer..."
Draco smiled at her. "Neither did I, to be honest with you. But it's good work, and I could train to work beside Madam Pomfrey, or she could send me a reference letter to St. Mungo's. Merlin knows that when all of this is over, we'll need healers."
"Well, I'm sure your superior knowledge of potions is certainly beneficial within the walls of the infirmary," she told him, snuggling in closer to her husband.
Draco grinned. "It is. I got twenty house points today for healing Ron's head wound that he got in the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw Quidditch match earlier today."
"My wonderful husband," Ginny told him indulgently, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "He's still a bit torn up that I can't play anymore, now that he's captain as well as keeper. He wanted me to play seeker once Harry had to run, but..." She shrugged her shoulders.
Draco squeezed her shoulder gently. "Love, you can always play again once the child is born," he told her gently.
Ginny's red brows went together then. "You wouldn't mind, having me play Quidditch, and you being a healer?"
Draco shook his head. "Of course I wouldn't, darling. All I want is for you to be happy. I've found my happiness, both personally and professionally. Who is to say that you cannot go out and find yours?"
Ginny nibbled her lower lip. "I don't know. I suppose it would be so simple for you to resent me for this. In the wake of the wedding..."
"Gin, don't dwell on it," Draco said firmly. "We won't pay any mind to the letters from Lucius or Narcissa. The very idea that you trapped me is absolutely ludicrous, and it hurts me just as much as it does you, I'm sure of it."
"It was all so spontaneous," Ginny whispered.
"I know," Draco told her, "for I was there, and no passive participant. We are both equally responsible for the conception of the child, but I cannot thank Merlin enough for permitting such a wondrous thing from happening."
Ginny smiled up at him. "I was thinking of names today..."
"Were you?" Draco asked. "Tell me."
"I was thinking Arthur Draco," she said softly. "For the two best men in my entire life. I would want to name him Draco, naturally, but..."
"We don't want any juniors," Draco said with a smirk. "I quite understand, love. And I think that Arthur Draco is a beautiful name."
Ginny leaned down her head upon Draco's shoulder. "I just wish..."
"Yes, my love?"
"I just wish that things could stay as they are, in this moment, forever," she said quietly. "But the both of us know that they can only last so long."
"Quite right," Draco said, pulling his wife closer against him. "It always seems as if, the moment things are going well, all hell decides to break loose."
Hermione walked through the snowdrifts towards Hogsmeade from the castle, knowing full well why Ron had suggested The Three Broomsticks instead of Madam Puddifoot's. Since it was the day of the valentine, tables had to be booked weeks in advance, and it wasn't as if she and Ron hadn't been on a date there already. Wrapping her scarf more tightly around her neck, she jammed her gloved hands into her jean pockets as she trudged along.
She had received a letter from Harry the week before, and was quite pleased for the update on his pregnancy. It appeared as if Harry and Severus would be having a baby girl the following summer, and both fathers-to-be couldn't be happier. He had also mentioned that Matilda, their newly adopted Crup, was doing exceptionally well, and that Matilda should meet Crookshanks and Adelpha, as soon as it was safe to do so again.
It had come as a surprise to her to get a note from one of the Hogwarts owls that morning that Ginny was dealing with some morning sickness and wouldn't be able to meet for breakfast. As it was Draco's day off from apprenticing with Madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing, Draco would be staying behind as well to take care of her. Luna and Neville were using the Room of Requirement during the weekends to salvage an attempt at a honeymoon, for Hogwarts had yet to give the happy couple chambers of their own, and Hermione wondered when a pregnancy announcement would be forthcoming from the new branch of the Longbottom family.
Ron had been equally evasive, only staying long enough in the Great Hall for Hermione to have a cup of tea, while he all but shoveled his breakfast down his throat. While up until a year ago this would have been a normal occurrence, Hermione had gotten Ron to eat somewhat more delicately over the past several months. However, this had seemed to go all out the window, and he left the hall at the run, barely managing to give Hermione a kiss on the cheek. A quick-worded note had come later, written in Ron's slant-like handwriting, informing her to meet him at The Three Broomsticks just after lunch.
As Hermione finally cleared the stone bridge, she entered the village properly, but the frequent crowds were strangely absent. She sighed, shaking her head, knowing that the Wizarding World was a plenty unusual place, so perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad day after all. Shrugging off the trepidation that decidedly flowed through her, Hermione made her way towards The Three Broomsticks, remembering being shut out of there during third-year, when she and Ron had attempted to follow an invisibility-cloak-clad Harry, seeking information as to why there was a connection between him and Sirius Black. Hermione couldn't sense anything as she pushed the door open and removed her hat and gloves, but boy, was she in for a shock.
There was a spark of something then and Hermione was immediately on her guard, but her jaw dropped open when it was merely a banner suspended from the ceiling. Upon looking up, she saw Fred and George pulling a lever, bringing it down, permitting her to read the words which had been painted upon it. It declared, I love you, Hermione Granger! all done up in large, red letters and outlined with gold.
Hermione's eyes were drawn to the center of the room then, where she spotted Molly and Arthur with her own parents, and Ginny and Draco standing just beside them. A little off to the side were Luna and Neville, smiling at her encouragingly, and Fred and George came down the stairs quickly, Bill and Fleur just behind them. Hermione shook her head, unsure of all that was happening, as Ron came out from behind the staircase, Madam Rosmerta smiling indulgently at him, and Hermione took in Ron's new dress robes.
"What...?" She whispered, but found that she could only mouth the word. Looking around, she also spotted Professors McGonagall and Sprout standing at the bar, with Professor Flitwick standing upon a stool, and Dumbledore waving his wand just beside Madam Rosmerta, which directly caused fairy lights, in red and gold, to appear and light up the place, which caused Draco to playfully roll his eyes, while Seamus and Dean, standing just beside him, gently nudged him in the ribs on either side.
Ron had, by this time, made it about a foot away from Hermione, and she was fully prepared to throw herself into his arms and tell him that this was a wonderful gift for Valentine's Day, but her eyes filled with tears when she saw that he was going down on one knee, and reached up to take her hand in his. "Hermione Jean Granger," he said, and Hermione felt her heart thundering in her breast at his use of her full name, but even more so when he used his other hand to reach into his pocket, bringing out a black velvet box, "you've told me that I have the emotional range of a teaspoon, and I will never thank you enough for that. It would mean the world to me if you would remind me of that every single day, for the rest of my life," he said, and Hermione choked back a sob as he slowly opened the box. "Would you make me that happiest wizard in the land and consent to being my wife?" he asked, and Hermione briefly glanced at the gold-banded ring, which featured an oval ruby in its center, and was surrounded by diamonds, which spilled around the entirety of the band itself.
"Yes," Hermione breathed, suddenly aware that she would have to give an answer. "Yes, Ron, I'll be your wife," she said, and watched with glee as Ron slipped the ring onto her finger, before she grabbed ahold of his collar and yanked him upwards, catching his face in her hands and kissing him breathless.
Ron promptly grabbed ahold of Hermione by the waist mid-kiss and spun her around, while the whole of The Three Broomsticks broke out in applause. Peering around her fiancé's shoulder, Hermione could plainly see both Molly Weasley and her own mother crying, and they were likely doing so just as much as she was. She gripped tightly onto Ron, kissing him again as he gently lowered her back onto the ground.
"So... Surprise," he said.
Hermione gently smacked him in the arm. "This is what you were hiding from me?" she asked him, and shook her head. "I should've known..."
"You're not really an insufferable know-it-all, 'Mione," Ron said gently.
Hermione shook her head. "No, it's not because of..." She sighed and reached into her pocket before she got down on one knee herself, and flipped open the box she held, thus revealing a beautiful, highly-polished gold ring. "I may have planned on doing the same, Ronald Bilius Weasley, but if you don't want..."
"Bloody hell," Ron whispered before he yanked up Hermione without ceremony, and peppered her face with kisses. "I bloody well will marry you, Hermione!" he said, and Hermione slipped the gold band onto his finger, before he hauled her up into his arms again, much to the joy of the crowd around them.
Harry felt delightfully domestic as he was preparing dinner in the kitchen—roast chicken, potatoes, and roasted vegetables, his favorite this time around. Matilda was sleeping in her bed in the parlor, having been fed fifteen minutes ago, and Severus was downstairs in the brewing lab he had been permitted to set up by Remus. As Harry finished buttering and spicing the chicken, vegetables, and potatoes and put them into the oven, he found that he was slightly perturbed that Hedwig hadn't returned from Hogwarts yet. As she was a magical owl, she was able to fly a bit faster than normal, and it would've normally only taken her five hours, as opposed to the more traditional nearly twelve.
Harry wandered throughout the house, painstakingly tidying the rooms in an effort to keep himself occupied from the sense of dread which quickly managed to overwhelm him. In the wake of Ron's proposal to Hermione, a near fortnight had passed without a scrap of news. It was slowly but surely growing infuriating to have his husband merely state that his friends and the Hogwarts staff were likely busy, and couldn't be bothered to keep them both updated as much as Harry would like. Harry shook off the comments, straightening out books in the living room that didn't need to be straightened, craving a distraction, but finding none.
Severus had been very attentive of late as his belly grew; he was over three months into his pregnancy now, and his ankles were sufficiently swollen. Each evening, after brewing or reading and dinner had taken place, Severus and Harry would sit in the parlor, while Severus would rub Harry's ankles. Walking wasn't something Harry was prepared to give up, however, and although he didn't overtly complain about the matter, he knew that the waddling stage of his pregnancy was likely due to begin quite soon.
It was the sudden crash in the parlor, followed by the bark from Matilda, which alerted Harry, and he quickly dashed across the house towards it. Severus, meanwhile, came charging up the basement stairs immediately, and when they ran into one another, they'd barely exchanged pleasantries before they gazed down at whatever it was that was invading their sanctuary. Harry felt his jaw drop automatically then, for he quickly figured out that it was a Patronus, in the form of a lynx, which he knew to belong to Kingsley Shacklebolt.
"The ministry has fallen," came the man's voice, and Harry's sense of dread increased twofold as Severus enveloped him in his arms. "The Minister of dead. Death Eaters have begun to overtake Hogsmeade, with the intention of breaking through the Hogwarts wards. Get out while you still can. They are coming...they are coming..."
Harry turned around then, his eyes blinking back tears as he threw himself into Severus's arms and trembled within his embrace. "What are we going to do?" he sobbed.
"We're going to move," Severus replied, snapping his fingers, and a bag flew into his arms, which he put an Extension Charm on, and summoned everything of value into it. He cancelled the oven, cooking the dinner that Harry had so lovingly prepared, and banished the food, putting only non-perishables, fruits, and ready-to-eat vegetables into the bag. Their great bed came tumbling downstairs from the master bedroom, and was immediately shrunk, before summoned into the bag by Severus.
"And now?" Harry whispered, gently taking up Matilda into his arms.
"Now, to Grimmauld," Severus replied, wrapping his arms around Harry, before they Apparated out of the living room of Lupin Lodge with a crack.
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