Chapter 7
Harry walked through the glass door with golden spirals around it, "Government Headquarters," written in big, white bold letters across the middle of the door. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and simple v-neck shirt, black on black being a perfect choice to match his mood today. His curly mane was tied up in a tight bun that sat on top of his skull, pulling his skin tight and making a headache start to throb right where the bun rested.
He was here, against his own free will, to meet with his new partner. Like he even fucking wanted one. He was perfectly fine just fucking his way around the world without having some naggy ass female or male hooked on his hip, judging him for everything he's doing and draining his bank account while they're at it. He was expected to move in with them within a week of meeting, have a proper engagement four months after that, and a wedding exactly one year after the initial meeting. So much for romance, right?
Shoving his hands into his pockets, Harry maneuvered his way through the crowded hallways, eyeing the crying breeders and respected males who had just been paired. Emotional pricks needed to let it all out, knowing they were paired to that for the rest of their life. Fuck, he might even cry a little.
"Harry! Nice to see you again, son!" Elder Gerald said, him being the oldest member of the council that made the last decisions for pairings. He smiled at Harry with warm brown eyes and tugged him into a hug, long, red cloak wrapping around both of their bodies before he pulled back, oblivious to Harry's stiffness, and gestured toward a set of oak doors. "We know you appreciate privacy, so we pulled a few strings and got you your own room. Your partner isn't here yet, but how about you come in and share a glass of whiskey with me? Spend your last few seconds as a free man with this old man, yeah?"
Harry nodded and chuckled at the enthusiasm the old man showed, the wrinkles disappearing for a few seconds as he gazed at him and seen the thirty something year old who had took Harry under his wing after his father had died and showed him the world, and what it was like to be a man. Oh, he'd be disappointed if he knew how Harry treated males/females. The respect the old man had taught him, went out the window the moment Shirley left.
The building was mocking Louis. He pulled up and immediately found a parking spot but as he was turning his blinker on to turn in, some asshole zipped in and parked. Stunned, Louis rolled down his window to give the person a piece of his mind, when a little voice stopped him. What if he's your Dom? You don't wanna start off on the wrong foot and be miserable do you?! Louis' eye twitched and making sure nobody was within hearing range, grabbed a qtip and held it up, Shut up brain or Ill stab you with this! I mean it!!! Louis waved the qtip around then got out of the car, boots crunching the gravel beneath his feet.
"Here goes fucking nothing." He too had decided on a vee neck tee shirt, but in lavender. It was a size bigger than he normally wore to be more comfortable under the grey suit jacket he wore. His pants were grey jeans with the ends tucked into a pair of black ankle boots he completely forgot he owned. His hair had been brushed back, held there with a lavender hairband. And maybe he went with Zayn's advice of putting on some mascara to make his baby blues pop.
Nervously, he moved on autopilot before he chickened out and ran to his car and back home, but he'd have to suffer the consequences if he did that both from his Dom and the government run business. His heels clicked along the linoleum floor as he headed for the desk to sign in. His stomach was in knots and the breakfast of just dry toast and orange juice threatened to make a second appearance as he swallowed thickly and made his presence known.
"My name is Hayden and according to the records your Dom is already here. Please follow me, Mr. Tomlinson" A mousy brunette approached Louis just moments after he sat down. He got to his feet and gave Hayden a watery smile, not expecting the warm one the female gave him. "Nervous? I know I was when I got matched, but my Dom turned out to be pretty cool."
Hayden pointed at a bench outside a pair of oak doors then went to knock and stick her head in, "Mr. Styles' submissive has arrived, Sirs. He is waiting outside." She closed the door and reached a hand out to Louis, "Good luck, Mr. Tomlinson. I wish you the best." With a smile and a cloud of candy scented perfume, Hayden was walking back to her desk, the sound of her high heels echoing in the empty hallway.
Harry walked with the man through the heavy doors that groaned and squeaked in protest as they were pushed open, signs of how old this building truly, and was greeted with a chorus of cheers. Men and women from the council sat at a large, round table, each holding a cylinder flute nearly overflowing with bubbly pink champagne.
"You're a man now!" They cheered in unison, then he was swarmed with old, and young, bodies, twenty four pair of arms squeezing him until his lungs were on the verge of bursting and his head was about to spout off. "I've been more of a man than all of you since the day I was born," he boomed, joking with the familiar smiling faces. These were his people, the only ones he truly respected.
After forcing Harry to drink a glass of the overly sweet champagne, he had been trying to coax his Subs name out of whoever would tell him when Hayden, the one who had signed him in, popped her head in. Suddenly the light mood was gone and a dark cloud appeared over them, lightening crackling below it and threatening to strike Harry. Please, for the love of god, just kill me now.
With a flurry of voices, Harry was pushed up and out of his chair. His hair was fixed, flyaways pressed down with saliva, and his shirt was tucked in, looking both awkward and very wrong. Untucking his shirt just as the empty flute was torn from his hand, Harry tried to keep up with the swarm of people but he was pushed back into the window before he realized what was going on, and his bony ass became bruised as he fell on the metal windowsill.
"Sit still, look pretty!" Was the only voice that carried through the rest of the noise, then the double doors were opened and they all disappeared through it, their giggling dying down now that others could see and hear them. They had to be professional in this place, something they always forgot in the presence of Harry, the child they've all practically raised.
"Your Dom will see you now," Sarah, the first woman member on the council said, her unique grey eyes staring down at Louis warmly. She was the last one out of the room, the one who always choose to stay behind. She knew of their past, of their troubled relationship, and she hoped this was the push the two needed to realize they weren't meant to be together.
Jiggling foot nervously, Louis was chomping away at his nails, ignoring the incessant beeps from his phone telling him that someone had posted to their group chat, he'd look later. Drawing in a deep breath, he kept eyes on the door and when it opened and Sarah came out, Louis could have peed.
"Thanks." He got up slowly, going for the door right as Sarah was coming out, bodies bumping into each other. "I'm so sorry.." He held a hand out to Sarah who completely ignored it and pulled him in for a hug while whispering in his ear, "I promise you won't be disappointed with who your Dom turns out to be." Louis nodded and looked beyond council woman's shoulder, but all he could see was his Dom's silhouette. It looked slightly familiar.
"Hello, Sir. Im Lou - " He cut himself off when the Dom turned and he saw the face. A loud gasp came out along with a "are you fucking kidding me?! I demand a recount!" Louis gabe a huff and narrowed eyes at him. There was no way in hell he would marry that jackass.
Harry had turned in his seat at the window and stared out the metal bars. The only thing he could see from his place was the parking lot, and he watched with uninterested eyes as new couples parted ways before they got into their respectful cars and drove in different directions, knowing their lives were now over. Curling his fingers around one of the chilled bars, Harry leaned forward when he seen Louis' car parked amongst all the rest of them. He pitied the poor soul who ended up with him. He'd suck the life out of the fool and quickly squash his will to live.
When he heard the voice behind him begin to speak, words not really registering to him, Harry turned around and nearly fell face first. "No! Sarah! Malcom! Get your arses back in here! I'm not being paired with this idiot!" Harry yelled, heated eyes glancing behind Louis, where a line of the council members stood. A few winked, a few smiled, and the rest laughed. Their little group quickly broke apart, though, when Harry began to stomp towards them, but he didn't even make it to the doors before they swung shut, followed by the loud clicks of them locking.
"I will kill you all! This isn't funny!" He shouted, banging on the doors and rattling the door knobs. When he realized they weren't budging, he turned to face Louis with a glare. "You were in on this! Do you think this is some funny joke?"
Louis' ears perked up when he heard the door locking. "The fuck! Now we're prisoners? Good job, Harry." He glared at the curly haired Dom and then fished his phone from his pocket and dialed Zayn, "Zee, how fast can you get to the government matching center? The arseholes locked us i - why are you laughing? What do you mean its what they do to new matches? My match is Dr. Dickwad, Zee! Help m - hello? You did did." Louis pushed END and pocketed the phone.
A surprised look came over Louis when Harry accused him of being in on this, "Bitch, listen good. I fucking hate your froggy face and curls, why would i waste my time? I don't want this, to be married off against my will to someone who will treat me like a fucking toy!"
Pacing the floor, Louis crossed arms about his chest and started cussing under his breath as he weighed the pros and cons of being with Harry. The baby would be raised by their actual mom and dad, but how could he bring that up to Harry? Fuck!
"I need a fucking cigarette and drink!" Remembering that hed stashed a bottle of soda in his carrier bag, Lou flipped the flap open and uncapped his Mountain Dew, taking a big swig. "And to pee. . my life is hard."
Harry paced the room, fingers tugging his hair loose from the bun and even ripping a few strands out with his rings. He couldn't believe this, couldn't believe the nerve these people had. They knew how much he loathed Louis, yet the decided to pair them together. They really wanted him to go away for murder, or be put in a mental asylum.
Flopping down in one of the hard, wooden chairs, Harry palmed at his face and watched as Louis took a sip of his soda, fingers barely parted enough for him to see through the crack. "If this is real, might as well get started early," he mumbled to himself as he popped open a new bottle of champagne and drank it straight from the bottle, that being the strongest alcoholic drink they had in here. He then fished in his pocket and pulled out the pack of cigarettes he had.
"So hard," he said, snorting as he placed a cigarette between his lips and lit it. "Sit your fucking ass down and have a cigarette so we can decide what to do. I'm feeling like going on a murdering spree, but at the same time I don't think I'll look good in orange," Harry said, blowing out the lung full of the cloudy smoke before he threw his pack across the table to Louis, along with his lighter. He was far from amused, and being civil with Louis, when he had just called him a froggy face, was nearly impossible, but what else could he do? Bashing his own head in with this bottle didn't seem like a bad idea, but he didn't want to go to the hospital and raise eyebrows when he gets admitted into the psych ward.
As much as Louis despised the man, he still thought Harry was pretty and had to fight the urge to bat his hand away so he would stop ripping his hair out. Did he want to go prematurely bald? His eyes noted the rings on his new Dom's fingers as he sat down next to him and without asking, gently picked up Harry's hand to admire the jewelry and pick his hair from it.
"Thanks," Louis lit a cigarette, welcoming the slow burn as he held the smoke in as long as he could then exhaled it through his nose. He chewed his lip watching Harry's throat bob from ingesting the alcohol and wondering if one little drink would hurt him. He was already risking it by smoking.
"Um ok, so, like you said if this is real, I suppose I am expected to move in with you? How soon? And do you want kids?" Louis almost didn't ask that question, deathly afraid of the answer being no and then having Harry find out about his pregnancy and ordering him to get an abortion, which he would probably perform himself. "And, I'm allowed to keep my job, right?"
Harry watched Louis remove the hair from his rings, and about pulled his hand back, but then decided against it and just allowed him to do whatever. He rotated back and forth, taking a drink of champagne, then a drag of his cigarette, then another drink. "Within the next week, yes. Some bloody council member, no doubt Sarah, will be checking on us next Tuesday to make sure you're settled in," Harry said, wiping the champagne off his upper lip with the back of his hand.
He swallowed back his natural response, which was that Louis could do whatever the fuck he wanted, and get pregnant by whoever he wanted, knowing damn well the members were watching everything going on right now. He thought of putting on a show, and really saying how he felt, but that would be a waste of his breath. This was a done deal, unless he choose not to get married to Louis and moved to one of the camps where he would spend his days staring at the same four walls until he went insane and killed himself.
"I've never wanted kids," Harry admitted, chasing the truth with a swallow of the bubbly alcohol that tickled his throat. "And I've never wanted a sub. I was perfectly fine being alone, but I guess we have to make the best out of this ridiculous paring. Do you want kids?" he decided to flip the question around on Louis, offering the boy the half empty bottle of alcohol.
Color Louis surprised when Harry let him play with his rings. His petite fingers lingered on the one with a rose on top, running fingers around the design, that one was his favorite. They looked nice on Harry's long and slim fingers. "Next week, I got two days off in a row, so I'll start packing," No he wouldn't, he would wait until the very last minute to pack up his very messy apartment. "Er...I have a cat, her name is Molly. Can I bring her or do I need to re-home her?"
Louis bit down hard on his lip to keep from blurting out that he was pregnant. "I see. I want kids, lots of them. I only have a sister but she's managed to give me quite a few nieces and nephews." And he adored each and every one of them. He held a hand up to pass on the champagne. "Yeah ridiculous.." Louis echoed. He finished his cigarette then lit up another one. Stress smoking. "...I still have to piss."
Harry flexed his fingers against the cool table top, his fingernails digging into the wood before he relaxed them and let his hand fall lax. Louis' fingers were cold, but warm at the same time, and Harry had to brush off the memories of what those hands did in the back of his car. "I have an eight bedroom home, keep her away from me. As long as the rat doesn't bother me, I don't care," Harry said, not feeling the need to admit he actually liked animals and even had a soft spot in his heart for older ones.
"I have an older sister," he said, setting the bottle on the table after Louis declined it, trying not to show he was a little weirded out the boy didn't accept it. "She has a couple of kids," he remained vague with his answers, not wanting to disclose too much to Louis about his personal or family life. He actually loved his family a lot, and all of his nieces and nephews. Despite the cold edge Harry has, he isn't as bad of a guy as he leads most people to believe.
Gesturing towards a flower pot in the room that had some ridiculous looking tree growing in it, Harry took the last drag off his cigarette before he put it out on the table and grinned up at the camera in the corner of the room. "Take a piss in the pot. They're the idiots who thought it'd be a good idea to lock us in a room with no bathroom,"
"Will do, I'll keep her crap in my room." Louis assumed the two weren't going to sleep in the same room. He was mentally arranging the room in his head as his fingers involuntarily moved up to massage Harry's hand and wrist. "And she's a ragdoll Siamese and about five years old." It was as close to a kid as Louis wanted to get.
Nodding, he made a mental note about that then shifted on the chair. His ass was falling asleep. Jumping up, he decided to pace back and forth, to keep himself amused. And because it got his mind off having to pee.
Giggling at Harry's suggestion, he figured why not. Turning to face the pot, he undid his pants and pulled them down slightly then started doing his business, though he realized he had no toilet paper or anything to wash his hands with. "I work in half an hour. Hope they let us out soon." He looked around for something to wipe with, spotting napkins on the table, but out of reach, "Um, Harry, could you please hand me one of those?"
Harry had thanked god when Louis let go of his hand to stand up and finally take the piss that's been making him dance around in his seat. The slow inch of his fingers up his hand was both ticklish, and made some sort of electricity shoot up his hand and cease in the tips of his toes. Brushing off his strange reaction, Harry picked up his bottle of booze and walked back over to the window, trying to ignore the uncomfortable trickling noise of Louis pissing into the plant.
"Uh, sure," he mumbled, keeping his fingers wrapped around the neck of the bottle as he walked over to Louis, keeping an appropriate amount of space between them, and handed him the box of napkins. "I am going to assume that you'll also want me to stop sleeping around, yeah?" Harry asked, guzzling the bottle until it was nearly gone. He'd of course agree to it, but still sleep around behind Louis' back. Committing to one person wasn't something Harry did, and hasn't for a long time.
"Up to you, you're the dominant here," He purposely put emphasis on the word and finished wiping himself and threw the napkin into the garbage. He made a face at his hands, holding them up as he raced for his bag to grab the hand sanitizer he always kept for emergencies. "I do have someone, but he comes only twice a month."
Louis had been feeling light headed all morning, trying to play it off as not getting enough sleep. He wandered to the table to plop himself down then gave a yawn. "Do you work today? Never answered me."
Harry clenched his hand into a fist, knuckles turning white and his fingernails digging into the fleshy pset of the palm of his hand. "Two months, huh? When was the last time you got with him?" He asked, just curious even if there was some part of him that was... well, not jealous, but possessive? Louis was his now, after all. He could control him, and the realization had him laughing, teeth sinking into his bottom lip to keep any noise from escaping. Oh fuck, he owned Tomlinsons ass, and could now beat him bloody whenever he felt like it.
Harry walked to the opposite side of the table from Louis and set down, feet plopping on the table. He crossed his ankles and drank the last of his bottle, then threw it over his shoulder. He was hoping it would shatter, but it only clattered on the floor, and rolled to a stop by the wall. "I work my usual today," he said, pulling his phone from his pocket to check it. He had a few texts from a few random people, and ignored them in favor of opening Michael's contact. Group chat time. He added Luke and Gemma, then sent them a group message.
"Fucking kill me. These monkey faced assholes paired me with the baboon. As if I don't see enough of him at work. Send a search party if you don't hear from me in the next hour." He pressed send, then quickly added, "Michael, Luke, your arses are mine tonight. Bring plenty of boozes, he's asking about kids."
His own phone was pulled out when the incessant dinging of notifications got annoying. Laughing at something Liam and Zayn had posted, he typed back using just his thumbs then set the phone on the table to light another smoke, "It's been four months, he has a family." Never was it Lou's intention to be a homewrecker, but when the sex was that good, you tended to forget about everything else. Doctor Harry Styles wasn't getting jealous was he?
Opening his mouth to say something, the door opened and Sarah poked a head in expecting blood shed. "Everything okay in here?" Walking in, she was surprised to see both men sitting calmly. Clasping hands together, she walked to Harry, addressing him, "So Harry, are you happy with your match or do we find a new dominant for him? And so you guys know, the rules changed...the submissives have one week to move in, engaged within two months and married within six. The new head thought the rules before were too lenient. I hope that is okay with you?"
As the woman spouted things off, all Louis paid attention to was the months. Engaged in two months would make him four months pregnant and probably showing. He had to tell Harry before then. Or just let him find the bump and freak out! He deserves to be in the dark! That was true, but he couldn't bring himself to doing that. Then married by six would put him at...eight? Oh shit, he'd be a freaking whale at the wedding. Fuck!
"Fuck I'm screwed!" Louis didn't realize he had said that out loud til Sarah and Harry were staring at him. "Uh, gotta go! Time for work!" He got up and ran from the building, not stopping until he was at his vehicle. Using his inhaler, Louis pulled from the parking lot and right to the hospital. He had to find his friends.
Harry didn't say anything for a few seconds after Louis left, his eyes glued on the bag he had left on the table. He thought the boy would return to grab it, but when a few minutes passed, Harry sighed and glanced up at Sarah. "What are the repercussions for me if I do not want him as a sub?" He asked, not knowing the new rules since they had apparently decided to up and change everything. Six months? How was that enough time to decide if one was suitable enough match. Then again, the government didn't care, as long as they got what they wanted, which was a perfect population.
Neither one addressed the fact of what was wrong with Louis, or why he had ran or said what he did. It might have been because they didn't know what to say, or neither cared enough. He was a strange bean, that was obvious enough. He might have left his oven on at home and forgot, which would explain many things. He was a worrywort, too. Honestly, Harry had no idea how he would make this pairing work, if he even wanted to go through with it.
Not wanting to address the rapid departure of the sub, she took out her tablet and opened the tab pertaining to a dom rejecting a sub. "Any dominant who wishes to reject the submissive the council picks for them will be put on a six month probation and ordered to take refresher courses on being a dominant. Also said dominant will not be allowed to own a submissive up to two years." Sarah read off then peered over her glasses at him. She was a kindly older woman who was a grandmother with her first great grandchild due any day. Harry always had a place in her heart and wanted the best for him so when Louis came in the picture everyone at the council immediately agreed the two were a perfect match.
Rushing into the hospital, he went for the employee lounge where he'd asked his friends to meet him. Locking the door behind him, he made a beeline for the coffeepot. "So, remember the night I disappeared for awhile at that club?" All three men gave a nod. " really drunk and...went to Dr. Styles' vehicle with him. And, I'm currently two months pregnant with his child."
It was too quiet. Louis counted to ten and opened his eyes, almost bursting out laughing when his friends wore identical looks of shock. "Say something please?" He eyed Alex as he brought coffee cup up to his lips.
Harry's lips pursed as he traced a finger over them, honestly contemplating what he was going to do. Taking Dom classes didn't seem so bad, nor did not being able to have a sub for two years. "Wait, when you say the Dom in question isn't able to own a sub for two years, does that include for a night, when they are... Say.... Getting busy?" Harry asked, a little uneasy discussing sex with a woman who had witnessed him go through puberty and even helped him learn how to shave.
Louis was a horrible partner, and he didn't understand how they were even paired together. Usually a Dom and sub shared common interests, and even had a somewhat same mind set. Harry and Louis were the complete opposites. One enjoyed partying, and the other enjoyed simple nights alone at home in his boxers with nobody but his TV for company. And the fact that Louis was a little? That was information that was legally supposed to be told to the council when filling out their application.
Harry had specifically put on his, before he had even learned Louis little secret, "No sub with mental health issues, including ones who revert into littles, or enjoy hard-core bdsm." He would admit he enjoyed mold bdsm play, but thr hard-core kind where they suspended people from the ceilings and fucked them bloody? Those were the people he had no interest in. They were sick fucks.
Setting mouth in a line, Sarah rubbed at her forehead. Harry was clueless. The council had reasons for putting people together. She knew Harry's application had said 'no littles' but seeing as how his job involved working with children and they'd seen how Harry fawned over every child he attended to, she knew in due time Harry would overlook the fact that Louis was a little and eventually love him for him. "Oh Louis and you matched with a lot of greens, not so much your reds and yellows. He needs you just as much as you need him, Harry Edward."
Appalled that Harry would ask that, Sarah cleared her throat, "Especially one night stands, little one. Do you forget the time we put you in a cock cage for a week? It'd be a repeat of that. We keep a very close eye on Doms who reject subs, no matter their name."
Harry's mouth fell open, and he shuddered as he recalled that dreaded week of blue balls and the embarrassment he had felt. Gripping the edge of the table, he swallowed thickly and his thumb began to pick at a loose piece of wood beneath the table. "How, though? We have worked together for three hears and the only thing we have in common is our love for coffee. He's a little childish shithead, Sarah. How am I supposed to deal with him twenty four hours a day when I can barely stand him the few hours I see him at work?" Harry was still baffled by the thoughts running through the woman's mind, and all the rest of the council members. The two were incompatible. Nothing, and no one could change that.
"Working together three years, but did you two ever attempt to sit down and have a conversation without insulting one another?" Sarah pulled a sheet of paper from her briefcase, "What I heard of you two of your constant bickering. Both of you need to grow up and sit and talk like two adults. Stop poking at each other." What Sarah really wanted to do was backhand both men and lock them in a room for at least a day. Maybe then they'll get along. "I have watched you grow up, you were such a sweet little boy who befriended everyone, chanel him again for me."
Quickly disappearing after he dropped the bomb on his friends, Louis ran up to the third floor to check on the babies. His eyes lit up when he saw a new little one in an incubator that had previously been empty. "Well hello, little guy!" Louis cooed. He rubbed at the unnamed baby's belly, earning a leg kick. Laughing, he crept over to Olivia and picked her up. Standing up right, he experienced a major headrush, grabbing at his head and sitting down in a rocker so as not to drop the baby.
Harry stared down at the table and jerked his hand back when the piece of wood he had been picking at jammed beneath his thumb fingernail and drew a bright red droplet of blood. "It isn't that easy, Sarah. He's so annoying, and having a mature conversation is impossible. He gets defensive and records conversations in hopes to catch something he can use against me," Harry said, picking the wood from beneath his skin and watching as the blood trickled down his finger in a steady line. Give her what she wants, what they all want. You know you want him, too. His sweet little arse looked exceptionally appealing in those tight little pants, didn't they?
"I stopped being friendly to people when they began to treat me like a fragile child after Shirley left. Do you expect me to fall for Louis, to forget my "abandonment issues" (a direct quote from Sarah herself she had used a few years ago) and trust that he won't run when he is just as much a flight risk as she was-- is?" He rarely used the Shirley card, hated even bringing the woman up like she was a problem he had to face every day. She was his past, nothing more. She didn't deserve any more of his already short life.
"Sorry to say Harry, but maybe you give him a reason to be on guard and defensive? You come off as a jerk, baby. And if I was your mama I'd slap you upside the head then I'd slap Louis. Both of you need to stop. Quit accusing each other. Get along or else." Sarah gave him a warning look. "I'm not even going to address the hot mess that Shirley was. That is something i refuse to address." Sarah put her hands up then held out a packet to Harry, "A copy of Louis's information, everything his Dom should know."
Standing up, Sarah shook her head. "Get your arse to work and talk to Louis. I trust you to get along with him." She saluted him then walked out of the room.
"I didn't even decide if I wanted him!" Harry shouted after her, going to stand up to go after her but then he chanced a glance at the wall and noticed the time on the clock. He was going to be late. Growling, he grabbed the thick packet and stared dumbfound at it for a second. "Fuck. He's so fucking complicated he has to have a fucking novel of warnings and notes for his dom to know,"
Shoving the packet under his arm, Harry grabbed Louis' bag off the table and slung the strap over his arm, then grabbed his cigarette and lighter. "There's no sm— Ahh, sorry Mr. Styles, have a nice day," Hayden said when she seen the man walk out of the room with a lit cigarette dangling from his lips. Everyone here knew not to mess with Harry. Not because of his standing in the social world, or even his standing as a surgeon, but because of who his protectors were. The councilmen were dangerous people, people who taught Harry everything he knows.
A knowing smile was all Sarah gave Harry when he walked out of the room. She walked beside him for a few steps then ducking into her office. "Have fun with Louis. Looking forward to receiving an invitation for your wedding," Peeking head back out, she snatched the cigarette from his lips and snuffed it out. "Quit smoking Harry Edward." Snacking him hard on the behind, she waved then closed her door.
The sudden need to throw up came over Louis. He stumbled into the bathroom and released his guts, the only thing coming up was bile. Groaning, he flushed then rinsed his mouth out under the faucet. "Fuck you, kid!" Louis grumbled to his stomach. Checking his watch, he noted he had time before he was to report to the A&E.
Harry grinned at the woman and told her goodbye. Despite her need to fix everything, and see things that weren't even there in the first place, he loved her like she was his own mother. Of course nobody could take Anne's spot, but his mother had been part of the council, so he had grown up with all the original council members. When his mom had retired and moved closer to Gemma, he had, which is sad to admit, kept in contact with Sarah more than he has his own mother.
Pulling another cigarette from his pack, and a new sense of nausea and unease settling in his stomach as he placed the packet under the passenger seat in his car, Harry blasted some screamo music and drove to work. He needed to pull his head out of his ass and push aside his personal feelings for Louis to try and talk to him, and discuss what they were going to do. They could move in together, and get married like they were supposed to, but be like Zayn and his mutt and fool around behind each other's backs. It wasn't too bad of a situation, if you honestly thought about it. Aside from the fact you'd rather eat nails than live with Tomlinson, the prissy asshole.
It seemed the walk to the lounge took forever as Louis was exhausted and sank into the chair closest to the coffee maker. He put it off as a pregnancy symptom and pushed his cup under the machine. He chose a cup of French roast. Something strong. Leaning back as he heard the machine kick in with a whirr and the sound of the coffee dripping into his cup, he grabbed the canister of sugar and was about to get up to grab the creamer when he heard his name being paged. "Stay! Do not leave my delicious java..if anyone tries to steal you scream!" Oh dear god he was talking to coffee.
Running to the page, he got distracted by other things and as soon as he could slip away he was back in the lounge scowling at the empty spot where his mug had been. He was going to cut a bitch. Slamming another cup under the maker, he fought the urge to pick up the intercom and scream for his coffee thief to make themselves known so he could kick their ass.
A dark cloud of hatred and anger followed Harry as he made his may into the hospital that morning with Louis' thick ass novel under his arm and his bag over his shoulder. He originally was going to wait until he got home to read it, but his snoopy side got the best of him and he wanted to find out everything there was to know about Louis, and possibly why he's so fucked in the dome.
Three taps on the desk at the nurses station and a blondie looked up. "Where's Louis?" He asked, rolling his eyes when a protective look crossed her face and her shoulders squared. Calm down, sweetheart, I don't want him for reasons you think. Go find another bottle of bleach to fry a few more of the very scarce brain cells you have. "I have his bag. Wipe that look off your face and just tell me where he is," he said, scowling. Louis was his sub now. He had complete control over him and was legally eligible to know where Louis was at all times. But he didn't want to let anyone know. It's bad enough they know he fucked him.
The nurse gave Harry a disbelieving look. All the nurses were protective of each other, especially when one was singled out by the biggest asshole in the hospital. A new nurse named Bridget chirped in, wanting to obviously be on Harry's good side. "He is in the lounge getting coffee." Flashing pearly white teeth, she fingered a strand of her black hair and twirled it.
Fixing his coffee how he liked it, he took a sip and almost moaned loudly when the caffeine hit his system. "Fuck it. I'm marrying coffee and nobody can stop me." Louis got up to grab a magazine from the table as the room started to slip and fell back into the chair, hand pressed to his face. "Oh please don't make mommy barf again, he just got some yummy coffee and would like it to kick in. Please? Have mercy, kid!" Louis didn't care how stupid he sounded pleading with his unborn child.
Harry thanked the nurse, and made sure to shoot her his most dazzling smile before he turned around and walked away, completely pulling off the bright pink bag that hit against his hip with each step. He ignored all the comments he got, asking why he had such a feminine bag and who he had been paired with, as he made his way to the lounge room he very rarely ever visited.
"Before you shout how fucked you are, and run away without an explanation, sit your happy ass down and let me talk," Harry said when he walked into the room, only giving the other people in there a quick glance over. He walked over to the chair Louis was sitting in, taking note of his pale face and sweaty brow, and pulled out the chair next to him. "Also, you forgot this." He held up the bag and then set it on the table, his arm moving to lay over it as a sort of cushion.
Jumping when Harry made a random appearance, Louis almost fell over. He was already very unstable. The two others in the room rushed out leaving the lounge to Louis and Harry and no doubt telling everyone not to enter. "Shit. I'm so scatterbrained." He stood up to pull the bag to him when his vision doubled. Shaking head, he tried again, failing to grab the right one.
"Harry, I think something is wrong." Panic button was pressed as he jumped to his feet, only to stumble as eyes rolled to the back of his head and everything went black as he fell with a thud onto the floor.
Harry only had seconds to react. His knees hit the floor with a hard thud and he managed to catch Louis' head just before it smacked against the floor. "Somebody bring me a fucking gurney!" He yelled towards the open door, knowing damn well his voice would carry through the hallway.
He shook Louis slightly and tapped his cheek, panic setting in for only a second when he got no response, or even movement. He pressed his fingers to the side of Louis' neck and sighed when he felt a pulse. It was strong and steady, a good sign that had some of the worry leaving Harry.
A few seconds later, a gurney was rolled into the room with a flurry of people following it and Harry was shoved backwards by Zayn. "What the fuck did you do to him, Styles? Couldn't stand that he got paired with you, so you decided to drug him or knock him out? You're fucking pathetic." Zayn spat at him, literal saliva hitting Harry in the face. The older surgeon didn't even have time to defend himself. Zayn was out the door just as quickly as he had came, this time with the gurney in tow behind him.
Right as the gurney was pushed out the door did Louis start to stir. His head was killing him, the bright fluorescent lights not helping at all. Blue eyes slowly opened and he frowned, not seeing Harry. "Where's Harry? He was about to tell me something." He squeezed eyes shut. "Please get me some Tylenol?"
Zayn gave Louis a look. "Did you hit your head? You're asking for Harry, the same prick who's been making your life miserable since day one?" Louis went to shake his head, only to groan in pain. "I want Harry!" He opened his mouth and screamed for his dominant, slowly struggling to sit up, ready to hop off the gurney if he wouldn't comply.
"I fucking mean it! Harry! Please?" Overly tired, tears started streaming down his face. "Please? Please!"
Harry had been stunned by Zayn's accusations, but had shook off whatever spell he had been put under when Louis began to yell for him. Usually, he'd walk in the other direction and yell something very rude over his shoulder, but this time wasn't normal. Something was wrong with Louis, and Harry had to perform his Dom rules and assure the boy was in tip top shape.
"You heard him. Move the fuck over," Harry growled, hip bumping Zayn out of the way. This time it was the jackass who had been shocked, not believing Louis had actually been calling for Harry.
"Calm your ass down and stay still. You just passed out, and I don't want you moving until we find out what wrong." Harry growled down to his sub, shocking everyone when he began to push the gurney. The bodies in the hallway split like the Red Sea as they walked down it, surprised faces watching Harry like he had just grown three extra heads. "Fuck off and get to work,"
A "find me later" was mouthed at Zayn. He made a smoking motion then turned attention to Harry. This was their first Dom/sub thing since getting matched and Louis had to admit he loved that Harry had rushed over when the sub called for him. Zayn gave Louis a wink and ran off to probably tell Liam what happened, hed be bombarded with questions later.
Despite Harry telling him to stand still, he pushed himself up to a sitting position. "I just passed out. No big deal." Looking at where they were going, Louis sighed. He was feeling slightly better, "Do not come near me with a needle, Styles!"
When they took the corner leading to an exam room, Louis gabe a light whine. "Harry, I promise I feel better. Please?" He liked being on the other side when in an exam room, "..ok, ignore that. I have a migraine." He clenched his head and gave a low moan, shutting eyes tight.
Harry scoffed and reached up to swat Louis in the head for being dumb and trying to lie, but that wouldn't help any. If anything, it would make him cry more. Coming to a stop in the room, Harry grabbed a gown from the hook on the back of the door and handed it to Louis, then turned to a nurse who had followed them. "I want you to order a head CT scan, and a series of blood work. If we can't find anything from those, we'll move on to more tests," Harry said, arms folding off his chest when she just stood there. "Head Ct scan. Order. Now,"
The nurse scurried off with one look to Louis, closing the door behind her. "Don't retreat into your slobbery mind set when I pull out the needle to draw your blood," Harry said as he dug through a drawer for a rubber elastic to tie around Louis' arm. The last thing he needed was another sticky Louis who felt stripping from his clothes was a good idea.
His eyes got wide when he saw Harry's hand come up and he flinched then gave a soft yelp when that didn't help his head. Staring at the gown, he sighed and reached up to yank his scrub top off and toss it to the side. "Er...I can't...can I get up so I can take my pants off?" He didn't know why he needed to change into it.
Catching the look the nurse gave to him, he rubbed at his face. He was going to have a lot of explaining to do. "Oh fuck that, you ain't going near me with a needle!" Backing away, his bum slid off the edge of the bed, the rest of him almost going with if he hadn't grabbed the railing. "...jesus fuck!"
Harry didn't even have time to answer him about being able to stand up before the idiot was almost toppling off the bed. "Louis, make this easier on both of us and just let me do this. Or, I can hold you down on the bed, chance ripping open your vein, and get enough blood for the test. The choice is yours," Harry said. He wasn't in the mood to play Louis little tip toe games. They either did this, or he was leaving and finding someone else to do it, Dom rules be damned.
He set the packet on the counter and washed his hands before he put on a fresh pair of gloves and grabbed a vile for the blood. "While I'm finding a needle, get changed. When the needle is on the vile, I will get the blood regardless if you're willing or not," Harry moved to open a cupboard, searching for some needles he could use. Good thing he didn't find any suckers, or he'd have a salivating two year old adult at his feet.
Rolling eyes, he carefully slid off the bed to hide behind it and pull his pants down. He hated the hospital gowns and the breezy as hell backsides. Trying to reach behind him to tie it closed, he gave up and just held it closed. Leaning down he grabbed his phone from the pocket of his scrubs and crossed arms to watch his Dom.
He stared down at his bare feet, having removed his shoes and socks when putting the gown on. Wiggling toes, he leaned against the railing of the bed to rest his arm. "They're in the second drawer on the right, Harry." Louis walked over and slowly bent down to grab a packaged needle and handed it to his Dom.
Harry mimicked Louis in a high pitched voice, but took the needle from him and ripped the package open with his teeth. "Cover up your fucking arse, I don't want to see that!" Harry said when Louis turned around to retreat back to the bed. He covered his eyes to hide them from the pale bum, but peeked through the cracks because he was just that kind of pervert. An ass was an ass, and that ass was now his ass. Wow, try saying that fast.
He grabbed a small foil packet that had a alcohol wipe in it and held that between his thumb and pointer finger, his pinky finger curled to hold the vile and needle against his palm, and grabbed the blue elastic band with his other hand. "Decide yet?"
A low snort came out of Louis when Harry mimicked him. Stepping forward, he made sure his foot connected with his Dom's shin. "Oh shit! I'm sorry! Louis cackled then turned bright red when he got called out, already feeling the breeze up his backside, "Had no problem with this arse when you were fucking me."
Louis' phone beeped and he peeked at the group chat to see a whole bunch of question marks from Liam and Zayn with Alex asking what the hell was going on. "Huh?" Not looking up from his phone, he chewed on his lower lip and pondered exactly how to tell them, "My house .. eight .. Liam, it's your turn to bring food and and alcohol"
"Earth to fucking Louis. Are we doing this the hard way or the easy way?" Harry asked, choosing to be the bigger person and not retort with a harsh comment about fucking Louis. He gave the kid little credit. He was a nice fuck, and was both surprising and crazy for taking Harry without any prep that night. He kind of admired him for that, in a sort of way.
"Oh! Um, yes, pick an arm." He gazed down at his phone screen again. Liam was apparently typing something long and Alex was saying something about Ed being at the hospital today for a procedure and that a Dr. Horan was performing it. "Oh damn..he got that dick? He's almost as bad as Dr. Styles!" Zayn typed following it with an LOL."But we gotta be nice now, Lou got matched to that ass smear." Louis almost choked at what Zee had called his dom, face turning red as he started laughing. He couldn't help it!
Looking up at Harry, he held out his non dominant arm and then back down to the phone, "Is he playing doctor with you, Lou? Giving you his super special thermometer?" Zee was still going on, adding sexual gifs and making Louis turn even more red. "Oh dear fucking god Zayn is gonna die."
Lost in his own world, Harry took that as his opportunity and wrapped the band around Louis' arm and poked around for a few seconds before the blue vein began to pop out against the pale skin. He wiped off the area with the wipe, Louis still focused on his phone, and easily poked the needle into his skin. The bright red crimson filled the vile, and when it was full, Harry pulled it off and covered the hole with a cotton ball, then put a piece of surgical tape over it.
"While you're lost in la la land, no doubt talking shit on me with your arsehole friends, I'm going to and take this to the nurse, then see if they're ready for your CT scan." He said to Louis, untying the elastic from around his arm with a loud snap. He tucked the vile into his pocket, refrained from calling Louis a twat, and left without another word. Might as well get used to being ignored, unless he does decide to fuck other people on the side.
It wasn't done on purpose, Louis was trying to find words from all Zayn was saying, but he continued to turn beet red, blushing hardcore like some virgin. "Stop that, Zee! He was standing right here! Pretty sure he thinks Im an asshole!" Zayn's response came shortly after, "So??? Just because he's now your Dom, doesn't mean you have to drop to your knees and suck him off. You got two weeks until you're forced to move in with him" Louis snorted and typed back, "The rules got updated. . I move in next week. Gotta get engaged in two months and married by six. I need to tell him about the baby."
Louis had to make the decision quick. Harry would be back any second. Staring off into space, he rubbed at his flat belly, "I need to tell your daddy about you. But what if he insists I get an abortion?"
Harry dropped the vile of blood off to a nurse, then was on his way to the CAT scan room when Dr. Horan stopped him. "Middle aged woman came in with what appeared to be a simple flu, but her organs have started to shut down and she's on the verge of being put on dialysis. John needs you to take on the patient and see if you can figure out what's wrong with her before it's too late," he said, rushing out the words and trying to keep up with Harry's pace when he realized he wasn't stopping or slowing down. Arsehole.
Harry threw an exasperated look down at Niall, the doctor being much shorter than he was, and pushed through a pair of the double doors with his shoulder. "Monitor her closely for the next hour. Try to figure out where she has been the past week, and if she's traveled to any exotic place that gives you complimentary diseases with each leaf you touch," he said, wanting to dive head on into the case, but also needing to fulfill his duties as a bloody dom. Why the fuck didn't I just refuse him when I had the chance? His mind never answered(thank god), but this time it apparently decided to... in a taunting, sing song voice. Because you like Louis' bummm.
Fuck it. He's already gone insane. "Yes, b-" Niall began, but Harry shut him up with a shake of his head. "No buts. I am in the middle of a case right now. I understand her life's in danger, but so is my current patients. I trust you will take good care of her while I am busy. Now, buzz off, Dr. Horan. Stop wasting valuable time arguing with me when the outcome will only remain the same," Harry's eyes went into the slits, daring the man to say anything further and chance losing all the surgeries on his board for the next week.
Impatient, Louis tapped fingers on the countertop. He crossed arms and wandered around the room, doing circles upon circles, which was probably not the smartest as he'd just passed out, but being confined to a tiny room you didn't have very many options. It took another lap around the room to notice the pink bag laying there. He made a noise, not remembering if he'd been the one to bring it in there or Harry did, did he even have it when he left the center? Rushing over, he picked it up and pulled out a piece of paper. He already knew the pregnancy was a positive, but he'd gone and had himself checked for a second opinion and had the doctor confirm it on a piece of paper so he'd have backup if Harry flipped out.
"Well Bean, I think I'm going to tell your daddy today. I hope you're ready," Louis muttered to the paper and then set it on the bed. It'd be backup just in case Harry thought Louis was lying, which he could already see, the two didn't like each other, it was obvious. He looked to the door expecting his Dom to come running in, but apparently his super powers haven't come in yet and the door remained closed. "Ten more minutes and he's not back, I'm getting dressed and walked off."
Harry arranged for the patient that was next for a head CT to be pushed back, considering it was just to check for tumor growth, and made his way back to the room. "Why are you out of bed?" he asked when he walked into the room and seen Louis standing, ass towards the wall and face towards Harry, with his eyes focused on a small piece of paper on the bed. The boy jumped back, surprised, and shocking both of them. "What the fuck is your problem? You're acting like a teenage boy who just got caught whacking his willy," Harry grinned and raised and eyebrow, green orbs falling to Louis' cloth covered lap before they made their way back up to his flush face, "were you tugging on your snake?"
No boner usually meant he hadn't been doing anything that would arouse him, but the older surgeon liked being a dick and teasing people. Of course he knew when to shut up and when to be serious, so when Louis made no move to retort with some jab at Harry, the older mans eyebrows furrowed and he walked to the edge of the bed, glancing suspiciously at the paper he knew was the cause for Louis' muteness. "What's wrong?"
A hand was pressed to his heart when Harry came in. He should have been expecting him, but he was rehearsing how he was going to tell Harry that he'd be a daddy in seven months. He fluttered eyes shut and let in a deep breath then slowly blew it back out. "Harry, I can't get the CT scan. Im..I'm.." Spit it out, stupid! Come on!!
Thrusting the paper at Harry, Louis gave a small noise then engrossed himself in the phone. He tried to focus on the screen and not look at his future husband. Husband. Just saying that made Louis cringe as he fumbled for his bag and pulled out his gum. He couldn't very well smoke in the hospital, so he did the next best thing.
Harry managed to catch the paper, crumpling it in the process, and lift it up to read the small black letters. Blah blah blah, Louis' middle name is Williams, he weighs yadda yadda yadda, and then the paper fell from his grasp and Harry was stumbling back, heart hammering against his chest and his vision going blurry as his mind began to spin. "What are you trying to say? That it's my kid? Fuck you. It could be any other persons-- like that guy you sleep with every two months." Harry was shouting now, hands fisting his hair as he began to pace. This wasn't real. It was a joke Louis and his friends were pulling on him. They were trying to get him back for all the shit he's put them through.
Torn between turning around and slapping the man and pulling his hair out in frustration, he threw the gown off him and started to put on his scrubs, "I knew you'd end up acting like this! I knew you'd deny this! But to let you know? I haven't fucked the guy since May or June, he plans vacations for his family during the summer months." He rubbed at his nose as he tried to stop from crying. Damn hormones. Getting the scrub top over his head, he pulled it down then reached for his pants. "Fuck you back. I'm going to go have a fucking cigarette."
Ripping the paper from Harry's hands he stomped out of the room and down the stairs to the outside world. The light headed feeling be damned as he lit a Marlboro and took in a deep drag, holding it in then blowing the blessed smoke out. God he needed that.
Right after Louis stormed out, the nurse walked into the room and handed Harry the results from the bloodwork. "Iron deficiency, fucking great," he stomped out of the room, searched the hospital for Zayn, then shoved the piece of paper at him. "Your pathetic friend needs to have a shot. Get him in, and the joke you're playing about him being pregnant is low, even for you scums," he growled, then stormed off.
He understood Louis liked to be a prick, but even this was low. Faking a pregnancy to get back at someone? God damn prick. Deciding to keep himself busy, Harry found Niall in the women's room, who has yet to be diagnosed, and took her chart before he left to his office, not even bothering to meet the patient herself. Notes were in the side margarians of where she's been the past week, and Harry cursed under his breath when he seen she had spent the past five days in Vegas.
Unnecessary testing wasn't needed anymore. "Did you even bother to use your brain?" Harry yelled at Niall after he backtracked and pulled him from the patient's room. "Failing organs, vomiting, dehydration and diarrhea? Those are the classic signs of salmonella poisoning," at the dumbfounded look the surgeon received, Harry dropped to metal clip tray and palmed at his face. "The toxins can cause direct injury to the kidneys delicate filtering units; antibodies and other immune molecules can accumulate within the organs; or protein from damaged skeletal muscles can plug the kidney tubules and damage them, sending her into kidney failure. She probably got fed raw chicken, or had her drinks spiked with a solution to make her sick. Get a sample of her stool to check my diagnosis, then immediately get her started on an IV drip, loperamide, and antibiotics. The bacteria has already spread to her bloodstream. Next time use your fucking brain," You aren't mad at him. Quit being a dickhead.
The time it took Louis to smoke two cigs, he could have run to the store and back as he was having a craving for something chocolate. Heading back inside, he went straight for a vending machine hoping there'd be something in there to sedate his hunger. As he was sliding some money into the slot, Zayn came running up, all out of breath. " have to ... come to him... " He took a drink from his water bottle then held up a finger, "He doesn't believe you're pregnant either." Calmly Louis selected his treat from the trays and reached down to grab it then opened the candy bar and took a bite, "So why do I have to go see him if he doesn't believe me?" Louis scoffed as he took another bite, instantly wishing he'd bought two as the one was already halfway gone.
Zayn brought shoulders up in a shrug. He did know why, but he was also aware of the nurse's fear of needles, which was funny if you thought about it. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but let's go see Harry. Come on. Don't you wanna know why you passed out earlier?" Louis opened his mouth, but Zayn shook his head, "It's not because you're pregnant, believe me. Just come on," He grabbed his friend by the arm and started dragging him to the elevator. Realizing he should probably figure out what floor Harry is on, he picked a random one and prayed to whatever deity was up there that it was the right one.
Louis looked none too happy about the ride up and glared at Zayn. Since when did he become an advocate for Dr. Styles? Was it a clone? When the elevator beeped meaning they arrived at their floor, Louis stepped out and upon seeing Dr. Styles, tried to turn on his heel and enter the elevator again but Zayn grabbed his arm and pulled him to the surgeon, "Found him. And, to answer your rude comment earlier, do an ultrasound on him, you'll see he's pregnant, you idiot." Zayn then pushed Louis at the doctor and took off for the elevator they'd just come up on.
Harry was signing off of on a surgery, a thirty year old man had pissed his wife off after he ate some of the candy put up for Halloween, so she stabbed him in the thigh with a knife, when Zayn rudely interjected before he practically threw Louis at him. "Dr. Malik, I expect you to be professional when talking to the chief of surgery," Alice said, the doctor who was going to perform the surgery. She was a nice, blonde, petite woman who had a lovely wife... Of whom Harry has had a threesome with both of them on more occasions than just once. The nice thing about her is she is hopelessly in love with her wife. No chance she'll be pining after Harry, even if his stroke game can bring back the dead.
Leaning to Alice, Harry held the board up so Louis couldn't read his lips and said in a low voice,"This is the idiot trying to claim he's pregnant with my child. Snoop around and dig into it to find out if he's telling the truth, and see if you can find out how many sexual partners he's had in the last three months," Alice was the woman you went to when you wanted something to be found, rather it be a key you lost, or to know if your husband boned Vanessa Clarke when they were teenagers. She was good at what she did, and the best thing was, she never got caught.
"Yes, Mr. Styles," she said, winking at him in a way that made her blonde eyelashes actually noticeable against her rosy cheek. "I'll stop by your office later. Make sure to leave the door unlocked, or I'll just climb in through your window." Being an intentional flirt, she rubbed his arm and leaned up on her tippy toes to whisper in his ear, "Lover boy over there's mad dogging me. Keep him on a short leash, or mama will get jealous and pounce," before she playfully nipped his ear and placed a very loud kiss on his cheek, smacking her lips when she pulled away. "Bye, you two. Try not to get any blood on the floor,"
Harry shook his head and with fond eyes, he stared after Alice as she walked away, only remembering Louis was here when she disappeared around the corner. That, my dear boy, is a woman who knows what she wants and doesn't play games. Too bad he hasn't fucked her for a good eight months. Maybe her and Tamara would be interested in getting together soon?? "You have iron deficiency. I'll have someone give you a shot today, but after that you'll be responsible for taking dietary supplements and vitamins everyday," Harry said down to Louis as he began to scrub the red lipstick off his cheek. Damn it. It stains. No wonder the "other woman" always insists on wearing the darkest shade of red lipstick she can. Poor fool will be scrubbing his skin raw to get rid of it so his wifey doesn't find out he's boning the mail lady.
Not intimidated in the least by any of the people supposedly above him in the hospital. Zayn gave a snort and flicked Alice away with his wrist. "Begone you succubus hag," Louis cracked up laughing at Zayn's comment. Not caring the least that Harry was being so cold, he pulled Zayn close to him and whispered in his ear, not really saying anything but just to whisper to see if it affected Harry at all. He felt like being a petty little bitch right now.
"Oh hey, Zee. Remember hearing about that old woman who was caught sending pics of her saggy meat curtain to people online?" Louis made a gesture to Alice. Apparently Harry didn't know or if he did, he didn't care, it wouldn't surprise Louis if he was screwing the older lady. "Saggy tits too, like looking at her knees and all," he laughed hard then nodded at Harry to acknowledge he'd heard him and held a hand out to Zayn. "Let's go find Liam again. I think he was down in the A&E with his wife." Zayn wasn't bothered the bit that Liam had a wife, Emily knew what was going on when she married Dr. Payne.
As Louis and Zayn turned to leave, the new pediatric nurse walked in. Louis turned head to stare at the man, they'd met before, Louis was in charge of guiding him around and helping him get acquainted, which may have lead to a couple hot and heavy make out sessions in the on call rooms, but that's as far as they got. Skylar was shy and cute, Louis didn't want to be the one to away his innocence, "Hey Sky! How are ya?" Louis opened arms to hug the blonde nurse and pat him on the back. When they pulled away, Louis grinned hard and slapped him hard on the ass, giving a wink as he walked off, Zayn gaping at him as he walked off, "The hell was that, Lou?"
Alice hasn't sent her vagina or tits to any person online. She had pissed off a neurologist in the hospital, so he photoshopped her face on a bunch of older woman nude pictures and sent them to pretty much every person in London. Alice didn't care, though, because she had got back at him by posting pictures of his teeny weeny on his Facebook page, where his grandmother had seen it. He even went viral for a second, then he disappeared and nobody has heard from him since. That was before Louis' time here, though. He only hot told stories manipulated and twisted as it went on from newby to newby.
Not defending the woman and giving Louis what he wanted, Harry turned his nose up at them and walked away, but caught Louis slapping the nurses ass. He wasn't so much as jealous or possessive, as he was pissed off. Meh, who cares? He could always talk Alice into dry humping him outside the hospital when Louis goes home, just to make sure he seen. He wanted to see if it affected him in any way. "Nice work, Babe! I'll see you tonight, plus I have another favor," Harry said to the woman who had walked around the corner and just waited there. He held his hand up to silence her when she opened her mouth. "I know, I know. Beauty only pays for so much. I'll get you and Tamara a wine basket and a reservation to whatever restaurant you want," he would offer something more extravagant, but anything he could buy, she could buy. Why pay her with all his ammunition when he may need her again later. "Oh, and check out the new pediatric nurse. He's been here for a long minute. See if him and Tomlinson have ever gotten frisky in the janitor's closet,"
~~~~~ (SPERMIES :D ..ignore that lmfao )
All information gathered wasn't working in Dr. Styles' favor. She'd used her charm to flirt with the new male nurse, only finding out that Louis and him were friends who'd only made out. Alice believed him, she considered herself a good judge of character and knew a poker face when she saw one, but Skylar seemed to be telling the truth. Tracking down the male who'd done Louis' ultrasound scan, she made him grab the smaller nurse and do another one to confirm that yes, it was his and he was pregnant. More digging proved that the partner Louis had had in June was the last partner before Harry and there was no way he was the father of the baby, that had been five months ago and the fetus was only two months old. Sighing sadly, Alice texted Harry to meet her in her office and closed the door, seating herself at the desk and staring at the papers in front of her. Harry was going to be PISSED!
"Harry, darling, you know I love you, right? We've had the best time together and I wouldn't' lie to you, so..." She pushed the paper across the desk at him when he sat down and keeping an eye on his facial features.
The moment Harry had walked into her office he knew what she found wasn't what he had been hoping. Just chancing a glance down at the papers, Harry's spine straightened and he shook his head, pushing the papers back across the desk to her. "If there is anything in those papers I will not like, I would rather hear it from you," he said, trying to keep himself calm and appear unfazed by what was going on, but it didn't seem to be working. His resolve was bowing, threatening to snap the moment anything was said.
He stared directly into Alice's eyes, finding comfort in the familiar blue orbs. He wouldn't say he was in love with her, but he did love her and trust her. They weren't friends, or lovers, or even companions. They were two individuals who understood each other, who knew what the other wanted, who knew of their cravings. But right now, they were as good as strangers. He didn't know her, didn't even want to know her. He didn't want to know anyone.
Rising from her chair, she walked around the desk to sit in the chair next to him, a hand going up to put on his broad shoulder, fingers splayed to rub gentle circles in his scrub-covered arm. "It's okay, Harry. Isn't he the one you're supposedly matched with? You're the father of that baby, if you still refuse to believe it, get a paternity test after the baby is born." Alice suggested. Crossing legs, she pulled her skirt down over her knee and gave him a smirk. She wasn't like the rest of the doctors that preferred to be in scrubs all the time, she wore either a skirt or a dress, always looking nice for work and the highest heels to make her long legs seem endless.
"And besides, just because you're matched, doesn't mean you have to stay faithful right? You're the dominant, have others on the side, he'll never know about it and you don't have to explain yourself." Alice gave a smug look. She was the Dom of her marriage, but she wasn't a cruel mistress, if she planned sexual conquests outside the marriage bed, she usually included the wife. They were very popular in the swingers community and had switched partners with another couple for a few years awhile back.
Meanwhile, Louis and Zayn were wandering around the hospital. Louis was rushing to get up to the pediatric ward anxious to see Olivia and the new baby boy that'd come in during his absence when he felt light headed again. Realizing he'd forgotten to get the iron shot, Louis figured he could do it himself later or some iron supplements, no big deal. He was opening his mouth to speak when the fire alarm went off. Both men figured it was another false alarm, someone had pulled it in a panic or as a prank, it was a teaching hospital and some of the medical students could get juvenile. "Oy. Let's go . . " Louis was about to laugh it off and tell Zayn that it'd be nothing and by the time they walked outside, they'd be allowed back in because an actual fire wasn't happening when Louis went to pull open the stairwell door and it was hot to the touch and there was gray smoke flicking out under it. "Oh fuck, Zee. I don't think it's a false alarm!"
The touch from Alice was supposed to bring comfort to him, but instead it brought anxiety. He didn't want to be paired, didn't want this kid, didn't even want to be with Louis or even think about it. He just wanted the boy to disappear, and take the memories of the night they had spent together fucking in his car. He needed to erase his touch, of the way it felt when he clenched around his cock and called him those names that had been a fucking mantra in his head. And the closest person to him that could do that, was practically throwing herself at him.
Suddenly grasping Alice's wrists, Harry drug her up into a standing position and twisted her to push her face first into the desk, arms twisted around her back and pressed above the curve of her ass. "Do you want to be the other woman on the side?" Harry asked, leaning over her to nip at the shell of her ear, his body easily stretching over hers and smothering her. "Want me to fuck you anytime, anywhere, and keep it a secret from our subs?" He nestled his growing length between her ass cheeks and already felt the heat radiating from her vagina.
Pulling up her skirt, Harry let it bunch on her ass and he pulled down her panties and let them slide to fall around her ankles in a pool of pink. He nosed at the side of her vanilla scented neck as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his cock, the length not yet fully hard but hard enough to get started. Placing a leg between hers, he pushed her knees apart and made her scoot a little further up on the desk before he lined his aching cock up and thrusted up and inside her, burying himself to the hilt. They moaned in unison, and Harry screwed his eyes shut as his senses were thrown into overdrive.
"How the fuck are you already so wet?" the question was asked, followed by the loud blaring of the fire alarm. He chose to ignore it, figuring some punk ass intern was pulling another prank. Suddenly, when Harry regained full control over his own brain, and felt his cock surrounded by her warm, velvety skin, he realized he hadn't bothered putting a condom on, or even asked if she was still on birth control. "Are you still on that three year birth control, or have I completely lost track of time?"
Sprawled over her desk, Alice let out a moan when Harry entered her, his thick length filling her up nicely. Shifting herself, she pushed back against him when he was all the way in, hands on either side of her body. "I'm on the birth control, Harry, no worries." Her head jerked up when the fire alarm went off and she gave a gasp, fingers sliding between them to rub at her clit when he started moving in and out of her.
Finally escaping the heated hallway, Louis separated from Zayn, figuring he'd find him outside. Running for the front door, he glanced at the person doing the head count, only to see the prominent frown on his face. "What's up, John?" The man looked up from his counting to see it was Louis and smirked. "Two people are missing from our count. Will you go see if you can find them? Last they were seen on the main floor near Alice's office."
Why did John pick Louis to do this? He grumbled and turned around to run the way he'd come, taking a left into the main hallway instead of right to the stairwell. "Harry? Alice?" He called as he ran past every room. Getting to the end, he was about to head for the stairs to try the next floor when he heard simultaneous moaning and froze. He recognized the male moan and bristled, seriously, they'd just gotten matched. "Guess that means I can fuck whoever I want to too," Louis grumbled to himself as he walked towards the voices and opened the door. He was quite surprised to see Alice being pummeled by Harry, blinking a few times.
Harry began to fuck Alice against her desk, the picture frame that held a photo of her and Tamara on their honeymoon rattling with every thrust. Papers and folders fell to the floor, flying in all different directions and scattering into a mess Harry had no intention cleaning up. "Fuck, it's been too long," he moaned, fingers grasping her hips in a near bruising grip.
The sound of the door opening had Harry's ears perking, but he didn't slow down his thrusts or even try to cover his body when he turned his face to look over his shoulder at the intruder. Ahh. So now the fun begins. Eyes locking with Louis', the corner of his lip tugged into a smirk. Was Louis going to do anything? Try to stop his Dom from claiming another as his own, even if it was only for a little while.
It was like a train wreck, Louis couldn't stop watching as Alice and Harry fucked on her desk, the furniture rocking at every thrust his Dom gave and their moans merging together into one song. Finally he was able to tear himself away when Harry looked over at him, of course that cocky attitude was on his face as Louis slammed the door shut after running out and stumbled to the stairs, almost falling as he collapsed on the top step and started sobbing. God he hated his life right now.
When Louis failed to show up again, Zayn got nervous. He looked at John then at the doorway Louis had run through then back at John then at his watch. Seeing how uneasy Zayn was, John silently pointed behind him at the building, giving Zayn permission to run inside and find the now three people missing. Rushing to the main hallway, he stopped at the intersection, trying to decide if he should move to the stairwell or to the main hall, when he heard the sound of someone sobbing. Turning the corner, he almost tripped over Louis and blinked, "What's going o -" but what he heard next was the sound of something knocking against something else and two voices moaning, "Someone's getting it on while the fire alarm is going off?"
Harry laughed out loud as Louis ran away, feeling completely ruthless and in control. The nurse now knew that Harry didn't care of the pairing, of the supposed fetus, or any of the rules a Dom was supposed to abide by. Nobody else did, anyway. Not telling Alice who had just came in, Harry was thankful the slamming door hadn't been heard about her continuous moans. But just as he was reaching the peak of his orgasm, toes curling and fingernails digging into the soft flesh on Alice's thigh, the door was thrown open again.
"Hey, idiot, while you're in here getting your rocks off, Louis is practically suffocating from inhaling the smoke from the fire you two fucking rabbits have chosen to ignore," A voice, who Harry learned belonged Zayn when he turned around, said, dark brown eyes burning holes through Harry that was full of nothing but pure hatred for the curly haired man.
Stopping mid thrust, Harry gazed past Zayn and into the hallway and just not seemed to notice the heavy smoke that hung in the air. Aspen. "Fuck, I thought it was a prank," stumbling back, Harry tugged his pants up and forced his erection into his underwear, making it so it ran down the length of his thigh, and took off out of the room. Zayn, Alice, Louis, everyone was forgotten as he booked it to the pediatric floor, but the elevators were down. Not even thinking twice about it, Harry ran back the way he had come and was fully prepared to run up the stairs, but upon opening the doors Louis was still sitting in front of, he seen the smoke barreling up the staircase and down. He was trapped down here.
His lungs were filled with it, the urge to breath in growing strong but no matter how many times he inhaled, he was left with the same stale, putrid air thick with the grey smoke. "Are you all morons? Get out of here!" He shouted to the three people who just stood and watched him, elbow crooked over his face so he wasn't breathing in the smoke as much. "The buildings on fire! Fucking leave before you can't!"
Louis was coughing bad, his lungs feeling like they were on fire as his asthma was trying to kick in and block his ass from breathing normally. Gasping loudly, his eyes bulged at seeing the smoke filtering through the open door, "OLIVIA! No! I gotta get her!" Scrambling to his feet, Louis stared up at at the smoky stairwell, eyes squinting when they started hurting. He put an arm over his face and looking over his shoulder at the three, trust through the smoke and up the stairs to the pediatric ward where the smoke was worse. It seemed a fetal monitor had had a short in it causing it to spark. "Oh fuck... HARRY? I need you up here!" Louis screamed behind him. The flames were dangerously close to Aspen's room and she was on oxygen, the oxygen tank plus the fire would cause a huge explosion, nobody would survive that. "NOW!"
Zayn was staring at his friend who had run up the stairs. He turned to face Harry and then Alice then looked back at the stairwell. "WELL FUCK, I'm going outside to grab a fireman. Come with me, Alice." He held a hand for the woman doctor, who had managed to get herself straightened up after the quickie with Harry. Eyeing the dark haired doctor's hand, she made a face and ran off towards the fresh air leaving Zayn to curse and run after her. "Didn't have to be a bitch about it!"
Alice was always the type of woman who thought about herself above everyone else, and while it was a bad quality for a doctor, Harry admired her for it. Not really caring about them anymore, Harry pulled his scrub top over his face to cover his nose and mouth and followed the sound of Louis' voice, the smoke so thick now he couldn't even see his hands anymore. "Check the nursery, I'll take care of this," Harry shouted, narrowly missing a wooden beam falling from the ceiling that was engulfed in the orange flames with the yellow tips.
He knew damn well going into that room could get him killed, and with an apologetic smile to Louis that didn't show, Harry mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do and took off running. The rubber around his tennis shoes began to melt from the heat of the fire, which look like it started in the nicu. Lucky, it had been emptied out. Dancing around the fire, and feeling as it licked at his feet and scorched the ends of his pants, Harry grabbed the scalding hot door knob and twisted it open before he stumbled into the empty room. Aspen was gone, they had managed to clear the entire floor. Relief instantly shot through his body like lightning.
Frantic eyes shot around the room, looking for a solution to his very big problem. His heart was beating hard against his chest, bruising his ribs and on the verge of exploding. Suddenly, his flight or fight kicked in, and with a rush of adrenaline, Harry pulled the window open with his hand that already had angry looking blisters appearing all over his palm, and began to throw the tanks out into the thick bushes below. When it was cleared, he stuck his head out the window to take a large gasp of fresh air before he went after Louis.
"Louis! We have to go!" Harry shouted, which probably wasn't a good idea because he inhaled the smoke and instantly after began to cough. His lungs hurt, throat scratchy and eyes watery and bloodshot. Everything burned, but he pushed through the pain and ran through the fire that had spread across the floor, now reaching into Aspen's room. "Louis!" He couldn't hear past the crackling of the fire and the blood rushing through his veins. Silence.
Coughing hard, Louis could barely breathe. He was very dizzy, his eyes hurt and he was pretty sure if he stopped moving he'd just collapse. Louis ran for the nursery and peered into the big window, seeing that all the incubators were emptied, he breathed a sigh of relief, or at least tired to. The moment he tried to inhale, he started gagging on smoke. Bending over, he put hands on his hips and dry heaved. Shit, he needed to keep moving, just keep moving. Rushing away from the nursery when something fell over and a small explosion was heard, he turned to see an oxygen tank had broken loose and was rolling toward the fire. Oh shit, that wasn't good.
"Harry?" Louis cried out. He tried to see his new Dom's silhouette against the flaming orange light, but saw nothing. Biting his lip, he wandered to where Aspen's room was and called again, "Harry? Where are you?" Fuck this smoke! Rushing towards the stairwell, he glanced down to make sure their path wasn't all that obstructed then looked back, "Harry! I'm not leaving without you, get your ass over here now!"
Harry had pushed through the uncomfortable pressure in his chest to find Louis. He had almost thought the sub had left him until he heard the frantic calls coming from the same way he had just left. "Louis!" He rushed towards the direction of his voice and through the curtain of smoke, he seen the boy standing there, looking like complete shit. "Can you walk?" Despite their differences and disdain and hatred for one another, Louis was still a human; a person who now had two beating hearts echoing within his body. Harry was a cruel man, and sometimes even pushed the limits, but if it came down to it you bet your ass he'd carry Louis out of this hospital.
It was like a beacon to see his Dom standing there as Louis had a similar thought. He couldn't help but collapse into Harry's arms when he saw him, tears of relief streaming down his soot-covered face. "I'm fine, Harry. Are you?" Without a hesitation, he brought up to gently touch Harry's face then neck and to his hand. He hissed seeing the weeping blisters on the surgeon's large hand. "Let's go?"
Outside Zayn had hazel eyes trained on the building. He was muttering come on, come on, under his breath and squeezing the life out of Liam's hand. "They'll be fine, Zee. Tru - "
Liam was cut off by a loud crackling as the second floor collapsed from the heat making the windows shatter and part of the building cave in.
"Holy fucking poodles!" Zayn screamed. He grabbed for Liam's shirt.
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