Chapter 6
The whole thing going down at the hospital, trying to get revenge on Harry and it blowing up in his face did serious damage to Louis' self esteem. Sleep wasn't a thing anymore, he maybe got four hours a week, if that, and food was frowned at, the thought of eating anything made him literally sick, though the vomiting had just started up two days ago. It was three weeks to the day the incident happened in the club and if Loius wasn't a nurse, he'd dismiss the symptoms as a bug, but he knew better. Scrambling for the bathroom, he pulled out a couple pregnancy tests he'd actually stolen from work because of another incident like this that happened awhile back.
"Please god no," Louis prayed to the white stick as he finished his business and set it on a piece of toilet paper on the sink then washed his hands. Perching on the edge of the tube and staring at the test, he nibble on the skin around his thumb as he waited the recommended minutes to check the test for confirmation. "Son of a fucking bitch!" He swooped in to pick the test up, cursing loudly when he saw the pink plus sign in the little window. "Fuck, I am so not having that bastard's baby. Fuck that!" Tossing the test away in the bin and washing his hands again, Louis stomped out of the bathroom, scrub coat flying behind him as he ran to grab his phone and keys to head off to work.
Never dreading work, Louis sat in the parking lot and stared at the building. It was intimidating. Suckng down a cigarette, he took a deep breath and went for the side door he always used. Pausing to get the last drag, he pinched the tube between his fingers and gave it a flick into the grass before entering the hospital. Nodding at the people he saw, Louis rubbed a hand over his face, smelling the stale cigarette smoke and unwashed body on him. He would be disgusted if he was totally with it, but by now, he was running on fumes. His last bit of energy had been used swearing that morning at the pregnancy test, now he gave a gaping yawn as he scratched at his head and went to the nurses' station for his duties.
Harry hasn't spoken or even seen Louis in the three weeks that's passed. He's heard all the comments made about the boy and has even had a few confrontations with Zayn, but Louis himself had been a ghost, and that was what Harry had wanted in the first place. He stayed busy too, taking on case after case, and even staying late at night to finish paperwork just so he didn't end up running into Louis and doing something he may regret, like asking him how many binkys he's gone through.
His stomach had grown thin from the lack of food he hasn't been consuming in the last few months, but he still didn't think he had a problem. He just wasn't hungry anymore. Wiping the crusties away from his eyes, Harry dried off his hands and walked out of the operating room, where he had just spent the past three hours trying to realign a kids leg bone and fish out all the bone fragments. He's been here all night, even though it wasn't necessarily against his own free will. He had stayed voluntarily.
Grabbing a teddy bear from the gift shop, Harry passed Louis on his way up to Aspen's room but didn't say anything to him, or even acknowledge his presence. The loose fitting salmon colored scrubs flowed around his thin waist, but nobody seemed to notice, or even pay attention to his well being. The black bags under his eyes were just from the late nights he's been having, not because he hasn't slept more than an hour because everytime he closes his eyes Louis is beneath him, moaning, or the continuous nightmares he's been having that Aspens lungs have finally gave in and she just slips away before Harry can say goodbye.
Knuckles rasping on the door, Harry walked in and smiled as brightly as he could at the wide awake girl, tiredness clinging to his eyes, and lifted up the brown bear with a white lab coat. "Look what I got you." He said to the little girl, only nodding in acknowledgment to Rose, who sat in the corner of the room. God, her wheezing his getting worse. What is her oxygen level? The infection had spread in her lungs already. One time of her doing something too over the top, like walking around the hospital to find Harry, and her lungs could just collapse.
The little girl lit up when Harry entered the room, scrambling across the bed to shakily stand up and put arms out demanding to be held. Her mother stood up to stretch her bones and claim she was going to go get some fresh air now that Harry was here. Aspen gave Harry a wide smile, the wheeze apparent when she drew in a deep breath then winced when it hurt, "Harry! Look what I did!" Aspen pointed at the tray table that could slide over the bed where dozens of papers covered the surface along with crayons. "That one you and me!"
Once Harry picked her up, Aspen set to playing with the stethoscope around his neck, the shiny end of it catching her attention. Humming to herself, she picked up the disc and poked at it then brought it up to Harry's face to press against his cheek, giggling when it left a mark behind.
The blue eyed boy didn't acknowledge Harry either. He had to tie his scrubs extra tight that morning so they wouldn't risk falling down his bony hips. Louis' small frame was getting smaller with every pound he lost, but in a few months time he'll gain it all back with the pregnancy. IF he decided to go through with it and birth a demon spawn that would more than likely look like the surgeon with his brown curls, bright green eyes and dimples. Asshole. He went behind the counter to start doing charts, it was a rare quiet morning and Louis was going to take advantage of being lazy. Extremely lazy.
A few familiar faces came and went, but to Louis they all blurred together and he caught himself almost dozing off a few times. He figured he'd be better off with a coffee and headed for the employee lounge and grabbed a keurig to brew up, not caring which one he'd picked, he just wanted caffeine.
"Louis, are you okay?" Zayn and Liam had been worried to death about the nurse. Usually Louis texted them several times a day, but that'd stopped. He constantly invited them over for a pizza or take-out then some video games and beer, but that had also stopped and both men were worried about their friend. They'd voiced their opinion to Alex, who'd only shrugged, being told he was left in the dark, too. Louis hadn't stayed in touch with him either. He was pretty much shutting himself away from the world. "Talk to us, man." Zee tried again, his voice softer like one would speak to a child causing Liam to roll his eyes and put a hand over his boyfriend's mouth, "Shh, just sit there and look pretty."
Liam turned to Louis and frowned, "Lou, what's up? You've been acting sketchy since that night at the club. And you got even more weirder after Styles posted those pictures about you. This is not the Louis we knew, he wouldn't let this shit consume him."
When the coffee was ready Louis doctored it up how he liked and took a sip, welcoming the warmth flowing down his throat. "It's like this. Someone I know is pregnant and they're not sure if they should keep it? I mean, they're single and it was a one night oopsie by a real jackass, the friend was really drunk when it happened so yeah.." Liam perked up and got himself a cup of coffee, too, choosing to keep his black, "So basically, your friend got raped? OR...?"
"No, I said they were both drunk. It's not rape." Shit, he never really thought that out did he? Louis swallowed hard and took another sip of his coffee, "It's a one night stand that never should have happened. Now my friend is panicking because he's pregnant."
Zayn kept himself quiet, eyeing the two's coffee until he got up to make himself one and happily tossed a couple spoonfuls of sugar into it, having a sweet tooth and all. "Maybe, they should . . adopt it out? Abortion is killing it, don't kill innocent babies." Louis gaped at Zayn for saying something intelligent once. That was a first. "Er...but, the person doesn't want to go through the whole nine months of pregnancy only to give birth to it? They want the problem gone."
Harry waltzed around the room with the little girl, careful not to make her breathless, then as both of their laughter died down he set her in her wheelchair and grabbed her oxygen tank. He hooked it on the back of the chair, put the mask over her face, then grabbed the four stuffed animals Harry has recently bought her, and Donny. "We're off to see the wizard!" He cheered, pushing the clapping girl through the door.
He took a detour from the lunch room when they reached it and decided to sit in the large glass room that overlooked the front of the hospital, where trees and wildflowers were growing along the path of the sidewalk. "Sorry, Bugsy, you know we can't go outside," he apologized to the small girl whose eyes went sad and a frown down turned her permanently purplish lips. The infection in her lungs was caused by a virus, and having her down here when it has progressed so much was a bad idea, but she deserved a change of scenery.
They hadn't even been sitting there for five minutes, discussing anything and everything Aspen wanted to, when the little girl suddenly went stiff in her seat, wide eyes rolling into the back of her head. "Bugsy? Aspen! Hey, what's wrong?" He reached out to touch her, but as his voice grew more frantic, she flopped back in her chair and her body began to convulse, causing her arm to contort and bend behind her body, on the verge of snapping.
Fear struck through Harry's heart, and everything happened in slow motion from then on out. He was quick to his feet, but his movements were slow to him as he yelled over his shoulder, "I need a gurney!" he cupped the back of her jerking head and lifted her up to transfer her to the gurney, the mask falling from her face and snapping against the hard plastic of the wheelchair, then he rolled her onto her side, in the recovery position, to assure her airway isn't obstructed and breathing ensues. Without touching the rest of her body or restraining her, he climbed up on the bed to kneel next to her and cup her head in his hands to keep it from hitting the metal bars. "Third floor, now!"
A low whine escaped Aspen after she started to come to form the seizure. Eyes darting around in a panic, she looked up at Harry when he climbed onto the bed next to her. "'Arry" Aspen had tears running down her face and started wiggling, the rails of the bed being up was making her nervous along with an extra body on the bed meant she didn't really have room to move around. Seeing the walls and people rushing by fast, Aspen tried to lift her head to see where they were going, but it was being held by Harry.
Wandering the hallways, Louis barely registered the gurney with Harry on it rolling by. His friends had texted him to meet them in the shower room, of all places. His footsteps echoed through the room as he pushed the door open with a 'hello?' Zayn and Liam came out of nowhere, ambushing him and pushing him towards one of the shower stalls. "Sorry Lou, you freaking reak and I can't stand the smell of dirty hair any longer. You're getting a shower!"
Ten minutes later of an intense scrub down by Zayn and Liam, Louis was glaring at both of them while shivering under what the hospital called a towel, when actually it should be called a washcloth as it barely covered his tiny body and the fabric was so worn though. "I hate you both," Louis shivered as he went to his locker for the scrubs he remembered to restock it with.
"We had to! You were leaving grease marks where you touched and even Norman was complaining about you," Zayn said. Norman was the janitor everyone at the hospital hated. He belittled, he purposely tripped people, and he, never took a bath or brushed his teeth by the smell of him. His BO was so bad, John Hackle ordered the man to only do his business when nobody was around or use some deodorant.
Harry wandered the hospital hallways, completely lost and not knowing where to go or what do to. He wanted to go and yell at John, and demand the man pull a few strings to get Aspen the lungs she needs and deserves, but at the same time he just wanted to be able to let go of the girl crying in the room upstairs because it hurts. He finally had to leave her room. He couldn't take it anymore, and he could physically feel her pain, though his would never be cured.
Aspen's lung had collapsed, a condition called pneumothorax, and when that happened the air began to leak around her lung and crush it, making it so the lung couldn't expand and bring in enough oxygen. As her lungs began to work on overdrive, something Harry didn't notice, the lack of oxygen caused her to have a seizure. After getting her stable, she was hooked up to a ventilator and moved to the pediatric intensive care unit, and she would be monitored there. Harry ordered a new round of steroids that could possibly help strengthen her lungs until she gets a new pair, if she ever does, but now they just had to play the waiting game.
"Dr. Styles," a feminine voice called behind him, making Harry pause and glance over his shoulder curiously. Ahh, Lexi, the new pediatric nurse. He forced a smile into place and let his eyes do a once over of her body. She was on the tall side, with tiny breasts and a thin waist. Fiery red hair was pulled up into a ponytail that still brushed her shoulder blades, and she had simple makeup on, just enough to draw attention to her bright blue eyes.
"Yes?" He asked her, gladly accepting the change of thought. Picking apart what has happened and trying to decide if there was anything he could have done isn't helping anyone.
After Zayn and Liam did their business then ran off before Louis could reciprocate, he made the choice to go find harry and tell him he was pregnant. The father had a right to know. Turning to the elevators, he had just been about to push a button for a random floor, when his pager went off telling him he was needed on the peds floor. "Well, i guess I'll find him later." Louis lit the button for the third floor and waited.
Ever since Lexi started at the place, she'd been hearing nothing but good things about Dr. Styles. The bad things from the nurses who'd had sexual conquests with him said otherwise, but she chose to ignore those, it wasn't her fault they weren't worth more of the doctor's time. The smile on her face was wide enough to make her eyes crinkle as she brought a slim hand out to the doctor's, "We haven't met yet, have we? I'm Lexi Adams. "
"Fuck you elevator!" Louis screamed at it when it took forever to get to his floor. His pager went off again and he unclipped it from his waist, while pulling cell phone out and texting the person who kept paging him. I'm waiting for the elevator..hold your damn horses! And pushed send, right as the elevator door opened. Finally! Stepping onto it, he pushed the button for the pediatric floor. When it opened again, he was just stepping out when he saw Dr. Styles talking to some gorgeous nurse, the nurse not knowing what personal space was as she had her hand on Harry's shoulder and was laughing hard at something he said. He isn't that funny, bitch! Lous thought as he briskly walked past the two to the room he had to be at. So much for telling Harry about the baby, he can go fuck himself.
After only a short discussion with the nurse, which involved a lot of her laughing and flirting as she playfully swatted Harry's arm with the hand she insisted stayed on his body nearly the entire time they were talking, the two found themselves in the on call room with the door locked. All the sounds she made as Harry fucked her doggy style on the bed was muffled due to her face being buried in a pillow, and the surgeons mind was blank, all worries and stupid thoughts gone.
When the deed was done, he pulled the cherry flavored condom off, that being the only on the nurse had on her at the time, and twisted the top before he wrapped it in a napkin and tossed it into the nearest bin. "You are a good fuck," Harry said, voice still slightly breathless, as he cleaned himself off with a napkin and pulled his pants up. "If you ever want to get together again, just page me," he winked down at the woman still sprawled across the bed and left her, treating her exactly as he treated everyone else. She was just a quick fuck.
Leaving the room, Harry tugged his scrub top straight and grinned at the passing people, curly hair tugged into a sloppy bun to keep the flyaways at bay. "Have a nice day, Leann!" He called to the nurse he'd just fucked senseless, unintentionally getting her name wrong.
The procedure he had to do didn't take long and he was out of there within fifteen minutes. He was just walking past the room Harry had just left, doing a wide berth to dodge the man. Nothing was going to be said until he heard the doctor calling out to the nurse, of course he did. She was another notch in his headboard. Like he was? Ugh. Louis shuddered and hurried down the hallway to the elevator to take him down to the A&E. Apparently someone had come in asking for him.
It turned out to be one of the men he'd treated awhile back, a druggie named Jackson, who feigned another injury to get more morphine and a prescription. Louis knew what the guy was up to before he even opened his mouth and after a quick examination, he decided to call in someone higher up and paged the head nurse to come down and look at the guy, just a precaution, Louis said.
When Belle got down there, Louis took off again to the employee lounge to grab more coffee. He felt better now that he was cleaned up and actually wearing clothes that didn't stick to his body, Louis refused to eat anything though. He simply wasn't hungry and knew it was bad for the baby to do this, but he wasn't sure he was going to keep it, which meant he should be talking to Harry about this.
Harry had just barely made it to the first floor to do his rounds when hid pager began to beep obnoxiously loud. Rolling his eyes, he checked who had been pahing him before he made his way down to the ER. "Male, early fifties, has abdominal bloating and blood in his stool," the paramedic said, passing Harry as she pulled his gurney through the double glass doors and paused by the desk, waiting for further instruction.
"My Lenny has been having cramps and blood in his diarrhea! You have to help him!" An elderly woman who followed behind the paramedic shrieked, tears staining her eyes and causing her mascara to streak down her cheeks.
Harry walked over to the edge of the bed, ignoring all the noise around him, and focused on the patient as he began to lightly poke his stomach. He ran his fingers down the man's ribs and all of his symptoms began to click in his mind as he ran through all the different possibilities of what it could be. "Have you suffered from weight loss and fatigue?" Harry asked, removing his stethoscope to listen to the man's stomach and chest.
Upon the nodding, the man flinched and began to complain of the pain. "Start him on Immunosuppressive and steroids. He has Crohn's disease," Harry said to one of the young doctors who had too been paged. "I'm on call, so if his condition worsens, call or page me after you schedule a Bowel resection surgery," replacing the stethoscope into his pocket, Harry turned and walked away briskly, irritated he had been paged for such a simple thing.
It was like Louis was on auto pilot. He nodded at the right times and made sure to take detailed notes with every case that came up, but when the ER case came with the fifty-ish year old man, he started walking toward the bed where the man was being worked on, but upon seeing Harry, turned on a heel and walked off. "Casey you can take this right? I gotta go do something!" Louis took off out of the ER like a bat out of hell and up to the nursery where he usually found solace.
He walked down the rows until he reached the right bassinet. A small fuzzy haired little girl was laying there, eyes wide open and dimples cutting into her cheeks when she noticed Louis was there. Suddenly her whole body became active as little legs and arms kicked out and tongue bobbed, showing how happy she was and begging for the small nurse to pick her up, as he cooed at the baby.
"Livvy happy to see me? Yes I think she is!" Louis made his voice higher and soft as he reached in to gently pick up Olivia and cradle her against his chest a hand going up to support her head as he backed up to the rocking chair. He was familiar with the room, having come up to visit Livvy the second he had a chance. The infant's mother had passed away from complications during childbirth and Louis had kind of gotten attached to the little lady, as he'd been the one to help deliver her, they kind of had a bond. And if he could, he'd be the one to adopt the baby, but with his current situation, it wouldn't be a smart choice. The least he could do is make sure she went home with a good family.
As usual, he spent a good chunk of time in the nursery, glad he had an actual excuse to be there, just in case any busybody came in. He was a pediatric nurse, but oversaw the NICU from time to time to give Janet a break. Louis was about to sit back down when his pager went off again. Oh yeah, he had to scrub in for a procedure this afternoon. Sixteen year old with cysts on her uterus. Louis crossed his fingers the surgeon wouldn't be Harry as he gently set the baby down and rushed out of the room to the elevator.
Harry had packed his bag and was ready to walk out of the hospital, case work caught up and all his patients taken care of, when his bloody pager went off in his pocket. He hated being on call. Throwing his bag at the wall, Harry stomped down the hallway and pushed the OR doors open to the first room, dark eyes heavy with sleepless nights falling on the misfortunate soul who had paged him. "Dr. Horan had a family emergency and they need you to fill on his surgery. The girl has size six cysts on her uterus," the young nurse said, wringing her scrub cap between her thin, frail fingers.
"You just made an enemy. Watch your back, and pray to god you don't work with me ever again," he growled at her, knowing it wasn't her fault but she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yelling profanities in the closed off glass room, Harry scrubbed in and got all dressed up in his surgical gear. "You'll be suctioning," Harry told the girl in front of all the rest of the nurses and residents, knowing it was the lowest job one could possibly do when involved in a surgery.
The first one to the operating room, Louis quickly scrubbed himself in and took his place by the table where the teenager was just about to get put under. Louis chose to stare off into space when Dr. Styles' voice broke him out of his reverie. He blinked slowly and turned head to speak to Anya, excited she was scrubbing in, too. Then he wouldn't be stuck making small talk. The OR was always too quiet as Harry seemed to be against blasting music as he worked. Louis preferred to work with those doctors, you were never bored and actually allowed to sing along.
"Lou, meet me in the cafeteria after this. I got to talk to you about Olivia." Louis perked up when the nurse spoke of the baby. Livvy had been born with congestive heart failure and had a couple surgeries already so Anya knew the little girl and about Louis' protective stance over her. "It's good, nothing bad, babe. Trust me."
Harry had about turned around and walked away when he seen Louis standing there, really not in the mood to deal with him or any comments he was bound to make, but then his eyes fell on the girl who was already dead to the world, her eyeballs moving behind her pale eyelids as she dreamed of something he would never know about. It was such a magical thing, dreaming. He only wished his scarce dream world didn't always consist of horrible scenarios.
Brushing his cheek against his arm as a non existent itch began, Harry stepped up to the bed and stared at her peaceful face for a second before he looked up at gabbing nurses. "Is my surgery getting in the way of your gossiping? Please, let me know so I can put off removing this girls cysts, and chance them rupturing, so you can gab about an infant whose adoptive parents are up meeting her right now," he said, eyebrows moving up and underneath his surgical cap. He had zero tolerance for people who insisted to chit chat when he was performing surgeries. He found peace in the silence.
There was no rule against talking in the OR, so when Harry had to open his big mouth and try to embarrass them, that's when Louis gave Anya a nudge, "Hold that thought, darling. Apparently Harry isn't getting enough attention so he's throwing another fit." Louis glanced up at Harry and gave him a look, but it was lost on him as the mask was covering his mouth, but his eyes and eyebrows pretty much says it all. "I'm sorry that you have none of your minions here to talk to, but maybe you should learn to be nicer to your co-worker instead of acting like an holier than thou asshole all the time?"
A few giggles were heard, including the nurse Harry had been rude to only moments before for absolutely nothing. Rolling eyes, he turned to face Anya again. "And I can't wait to meet the people interested in Livvy. I'd adopt her myself, but I just found out I got matched and he might be a huge jerk who doesn't want kids that arent his bloodline."
Harry's tongue poked the inside of his cheek, but then a wry grin tugged at his lips as he was handed a scalpel. "I will treat my coworkers like people, and even possibly respect them, when they give up the binky and blanket and handle stress like a mature adult, rather than retreating into a two year olds headspace," Harry said, eyes flickering to the man who had pink tufts of hair sticking out from beneath his surgical cap. He knew Michael wouldn't say anything and cause a scene. He was too much like Harry in that area, which is why the older man respected the pediatric surgeon.
"Harold, come on, give me the same banana you gave Louis last month. Maybe I'll call you Daddy right here, right now, too. Or is little Mikey over here not included in the conversation?" The pink haired man said, clearly not interested in being professional when his best friend was getting insulted and belittles by a nurse who had literally no idea how to do his job. He made sure his pout was evident even behind the bright yellow surgical mask he wore, green eyes filled with humor flickering up to meet Harry's chilled green eyes. He winked at the man, knowing shit was about to go down now that he let the little secret Harry had told him in private out in the open.
"Hey Anya, how sad do you have to be when your insults are repeats? And, not being open-minded enough to respect that people handle stress differently than you?" Louis' eyes sparkled as he smiled wide behind the mask, "Poor baby couldn't handle being picked on so he attacks the "little people"," Louis did the air quotes.
The nurse doing the suctioning gave another laugh and gave a nod. "He got upset I told him he had to step in for Dr. Horan. Have you ever thought of getting anger management, Dr.? Because you fucking everyone in the hospital is going to come back and bite you in the ass. i pity the person who you ever do knock up. No child should ever have you as a dad,"
The whole time time, Louis was fidgeting. When she got to the part about his sexual partner getting knocked up, he drew in a sharp breath that Anya heard. She was the only one who knew about Louis' pregnancy. "Shh, Lou. Its ok."
Harry stayed calm the entire time the nurses spoke about him, unfazed by what they said because he had long since come to terms with his anger problems. "Now, listen carefully while I speak to you, bug eyes. You may feel like you're fitting into to Louis' little group by speaking bad about me, but I will have no more of it. I do not care of your personal opinion about me, or how you feel about my sexual endeavors, but the moment you disrespect me in my OR, is the moment your time in my Or ends. Give the suction to someone else, and leave. And you can go and tattle to me to John, he will do nothing about it and will agree with me. This is my area, I am the head of the surgery department, and many of you forget that," he said, not even bothering to give Louis the satisfaction of answering him.
Then he looked over at Michael and cocked an eyebrow. "As for you, my minion, outing me and my sexual partners experiences is a no go. You of all people should know this, so I will ask you as a friend to shut the hell up and just watch," the man with pink hair knew he was on Harry's bad side when he was told to shut up. He gulped loudly, Adam's apple visibly bobbing, and nodded. It may not seem like it, but Harry was a very, very powerful man and could do as he pleases, whenever he pleases, to whoever he pleases, without repercussions. And Michael knew it was bad to get on Harry's bad side.
A loud laugh escaped Louis, "You are NOT the head of the surgical department, thats Dr. Altman. The guy who's been here forever and started the tradition of blasting music in the rooms. What would John think about you saying this? I can let him listen to that tape i made on my phone if you want? Remember? You threatening me outside the cafeteria?" Louis hated bullies. He stared icy eyes at the surgeon.
"Wow. And then you threaten your friends? Jesus, you really are a piece of fucking work." Louis really wanted to tell Harry that he was pregnant with his child. He was changing his mind about having an abortion, Olivia was getting in his mind. "How do they let you work around children? I bet that little Aspen girl is yours, her mom is always here, but no father present? And you're always with the kid.."
Harry set the bloody scalpel down on the table with the blue cloth and scoffed, grabbing the next instrument he needed to remove the cyst. "Have you already forgotten? Altman retired. I was appointed head of the surgical department three months ago. And do you want to know why he retired? He had the most patient deaths in this hospital, and the fact that he was the only surgeon to blast music speaks volumes," Harry said, pushing aside the layer of fat to get beneath to the young girls ovaries, but then his hands stilled and he looked up at Louis.
"You need to keep your mouth shut about things you don't know about. Aspen's father abandoned her when she was first admitted into the hospital, not that that's any of your business. I highly advise you to keep her name out of your mouth. Her and her mothers already been through enough, they don't need you dragging their name through your filthy trap," Harry snapped, the protective side of him overpowering his professional side. He was close to Aspen, that was evident enough, and he was more protective of that little girl than he was of his own nieces. He didn't consider her his daughter, and she knew he wasn't her father, but the connection the two had was pure and Harry would be damned before he let Louis say another thing about her.
At just the thought of the little girl, Harry's heart constricted and he was momentarily frozen in the moment she had crashed right in front of his eyes the first night she had came here. He didn't know what to do to help her. Her body fought against all the medication they had used. A sudden rattling on the table drug him from his thoughts, and he looked up just in time to see the bug eyed girl set the suction tube down before she left the room, knowing she had stepped over a line she never should have crossed.
Apparently Louis wasn't in the social circle of the hospital - yeah right, he knew the gossip - or more then likely he heard about it and didn't really care so he forgot about it. "There are other surgeons that blast music, music is soothing if you pick the right kind. Dr. Van Wyhe has classical music going, Dr. Greer does Broadway and others so classic rock or country. They all have good success rates so maybe Dr. Altman was getting up there, he did have the early signs of Alzheimer's."
Seeing the nurse leaving, Louis rolled his eyes and turned to face Harry again, "You're awfully defensive about that little girl. The mom sure is a beautiful woman isn't she?" He knew he was pushing it, but didn't care, he was tired of Harry being a jackass. "I mean, since you laid most of the hospital, i wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't next."
Louis' beeper went off. Cursing, he turned and exited the OR to rip his gloves and gown off to check the device then picked up the phone to dial the number.
Anger turned Harry's vision red, and he ended up biting a hole through his lip to keep himself silent so he didn't lash out on Louis and make a big scene in the middle of his OR. He kept silent, the rage barely kept at bay beneath his skin, and finished removing the four cysts, all ranging in sizes, and put them in a metal dish. "Michael, close up. I'm going home," Harry said, the exhaustion creeping back over him and threatening to sink it's claws in him and pull him under, but the anger had it burned out of his system just as fast as the exhaustion had came.
Ripping off the bloody clothes, Harry balled them up into a loose ball and threw them into a bin, then he scrubbed up and left the room without another word. Like a fierce mantra pounding away in his skull, Harry kept telling himself he was at work, and that murdering Louis wasn't worth it. Talking to him was a waste of breath, and he'd no longer waste his valuable breath on such a pathetic excuse for a human being.
He didn't even think about where he was going, he just found himself standing in front of Aspen's new room door, the cool wood staring back at him a cruel reminder that he would soon we shutting himself out of her world. "Hey, Bugsy, how have you been today?" Harry asked in a soft voice as soon as he opened the bedroom door and stepped into the spacious room.
"Good! Momma got me jello! She'll be back in a minute, she went to get Emily," the little girl said, divulging too much information like she always did. She shoved a spoonful of the red, wiggly jello into her mouth and sloshed it around, the cherry flavoring coating her tongue and turning it a dark red color.
After running up the stairs to the pediatric ward, Louis took a left turn to run to Livvy's room. He'd been told she was spiking a fever and wouldn't be well enough to meet the potential adoptive parents and would Louis be the one to tell them that? He blinked a couple times at the logic of his coworkers, he hadn't met the parents! Whatever. Promising Liv he'd be back later with a bottle, the baby simply blinked at him and gave a squeal. He took that as a good thing and left the nursery.
A squeak of a shoe made Louis pause as he heard someone else in the hallway. He peeked around the corner seeing none other than Harry walking out of Aspens room. "Surprise, surprise," Louis whispered under his breath. He waited until the curly haired surgeon was on the elevator to walk rapidly to Aspens room. He grabbed the chart from the outside of the door to peek at it then put it back in the holder.
"Hello! I'm Louis and I need to check Aspens lungs once." He gave them a wide smile, showing his white teeth then pulled the stethoscope around his neck and began listening to Aspens lungs. He noted Aspens mother and another woman, both of which were watching him.
"Oh, you're the one who found Aspen that one day she escaped. I forgot to thank you for that!" Rose said, giving the woman next to her's hand a squeeze. Louis gave her a soft smile, "Actually, she came running up to me then Harry took her."
The new woman smiled at the surgeon's name, "Harry is a godsend doing so much for us while Aspie's been here. He's paying for our hotel room. Tried to help pay for Aspens hospital stay, but we refused. Rose had good insurance through her work as do I." The woman held a hand out to Louis, "Emily Gladstone. I'm Rose's fiance."
Louis blinked, mouth going open. That was a plot twist if he ever heard one. Now he felt slightly bad about what he said in the OR.
Harry had visited with Aspen for a little while, and talked with her two moms, then he decided to call it a night and left. Leaving his cell-phone and pager on, he left the hospital and drove home, excited to just kick back and finally be able to get some sleep, or at least attempt to, after working a thirty four hour shift.
As soon as he walked into his house, he kicked off his shoes and pulled his scrub top up and over his head, then pulled off his pants and grabbed some leftover Chinese food from the fridge and a few bottles of beer. "Fina-fucking-ly," he groaned, collapsing back on his couch and popping his feet up on the table in front of his TV. Eating cold Chinese food, in his boxers, while drinking beer and watching some stupid TV show was definitely how he wanted to spend the rest of his day. He just prayed to god he didn't get called in.
The two were chatty, Louis would give them that, he was tired after managing to escape, he went to clock out. He couldn't wait, even if he couldn't drink to celebrate. Placing a hand over his still flat belly, he gave it a pat then went into the lounge to clock out.
"Lou! Let's go get a drink!" Zayn had followed him to clock out, coat folded over his arm as he clocked himself out and turned to face the nurse. "Come on, you can meet Charlie. He's young but cute, you like that right?"
"Nah. I'm going home and playing some video games. Don't feel like being social right now." He eyed the coat in his friend's hand and then peeked out the window. "Is it cold out?"
The two started for the front door, Louis fishing his keys from his pocket and aiming it at his car to unlock it. It wasn't that cold out. Louis found when they were outside the hospital and going to their respective vehicles. "Can I get a raincheck on that drink?" Zayn nodded and got into his Jeep. "I guess, Tomlinson. See ya at work tomorrow?" Louis nodded then waved as they drove off in different directions.
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