Chapter 21
It was Louis who made them sleep apart the night before, not wanting to bring bad luck to their wedding, and Louis was slightly superstitious. Scurrying to the church their wedding would be at, Louis had his tux, shoes, and coffee at the ready as he waited in the bridal suite - he was the bride, but he wasn't about to wear a dress, but he did have something on for after wedding sex. Nervous, Louis was chewing hard on his lip as he carefully smoothed down the light grey jacket of his tux then made sure the peach and cyan handkerchief was still in his pocket. His mouth was dry, palms sweaty and he was sure he'd either faint or throw up. Rubbing at the bump under his jacket, he whispered soothing words to their daughter. She must have sensed Louis' anxiety.
Popping a piece of gum in his mouth, he chewed vigorously as he uncapped the stick of eyeliner and carefully outlined his blue eyes. It looked good, made them pop as he eyed the mascara. "Zee, will you help me with this? I hate putting it on myself." He held the tube out to his long time best friend and "maid of honor". Zee smirked and shook the mascara then applied it to Louis.
"I made sure you got the waterproof, you tend to cry a lot at weddings." Zayn gave Louis a wink as he put the mascara on himself then threw it in his bag.
The entire 'waiting to see your bride until the actual wedding' concept was ridiculous, but Harry stayed locked safely in his room, afraid that if he tried to go and see Louis again there would be more than one old woman beating him with her purse full of hard candy and stale dinner rolls from twelve weeks ago. Rubbing at his sore arm, littered with tiny bruises shaped like butterscotches, he blew out an irritated breath and checked the watch on his wrist that wasn't even there. Like he expected, the time hadn't changed much.
"Why the fuck can't I just go out there?" He groaned, in a whiny mood since he didn't even get a proper bachelor party. Prissy ass John insisted he worked a night shift to assure he wouldn't try and sneak to see Louis, so not only was he running on only two hours of sleep, but he was a grumpy groom who was way too fucking sober for this shit. And nervous. Fuck, his hands haven't stopped shaking since he rolled off the couch in his office this morning. His heart wouldn't shut the fuck up either, even though he's tried reasoning with it and even tried bribing it with a promise that he'd stop eating greasy food. Fucking weddings.
"Nice try, mate. Pretty sure Elizabeth has brought back up," peeking his light blonde out the door, Michael quickly pulled back right after and barely missed the floral printed sandal that hit the same wall his head had been in front of seconds prior. Eyes wide, he gulped loudly and smoothed shaky hands down his dark grey suit. "There's twelve, Harry, and they're done with playing games. They want blood."
Waving his idiotic friend off, Harry pulled on his light purple suit jacket, leaving the buttons alone for the time being. Throwing the horrendous rainbow tie Louis has picked out for him on the couch, Harry unscrewed the lid on the whiskey he had stuffed in his bag and took a large swig of it, the burning a very pleasant distraction from his stomach twisting and turning as large ass bats flapped away in there.
"I better get a proper send off after this shit. Murderous granny's, no titty bar and I have to be sober enough to tie my own shoes? Fuck that. I want a hotel room stocked full of booze and joints after the baby's born. You and Luke can watch the fetus-baby thing." He was done. It has gotten to the point that Vegas was sounding welcoming and a shotgun wedding no longer seemed like a ridiculous thing hillbillies do. Fuck, he'd turn into a hillbilly if it meant he could tell this place and all its occupants to just fuck off already.
When Zayn left, Louis took off running for his bag, he couldn't drink, but he could call Harry to find out where he was so they could maybe bang before the ceremony. His nerves were shot with each hour that passed. He didn't know about Harry's antics or run ins with any relatives out there, most were Harry's, the only blood he had was Lana and the kids, so they had no specific seating arrangement for the church.
Slipping away from the suite, he peered into the main part of the church then went for the bathroom. Hurrying back out, Louis' stomach was growling, he had been too nervous to eat anything, even under the watchful eye of Zayn. Now, it was coming back to bite him. "Wonder if I'd get in trouble for ordering in a pizza?" Wandering past the guest book table, he stopped to see if anybody had written in it yet and was surprised to see Dr. Niall Horan had scrawled an illegible message. Did Harry invite the whole hospital?
A few guests were still filtering in as Louis made his trek back to the bridal suite. Waving at ones he knew, Louis grabbed a handful of mints from a table, shoving them into his jacket pocket. Feeling a hand grab his elbow, Louis jumped, hand going up to defend himself when he heard the soft voice of his best friend hiss in his ear that they were about to start. Oh shit. This was it.
Harry wanted to be two sheets to the wind, but just as he was taking only his second swig of the bitter liquid, someone was knocking on the door. He froze for a second, but then quickly defrosted when he remembered how superstitious Louis was. It wouldn't be him. Just to stay on the safe side, though, he quickly took a large drink before screwing the lid on. Warm brown droplets tickled his chin, but he only had enough time to squish the bottle between the couch cushions before Michael was opening it. Ass.
Relief swamped Harry's body when he seen his mother there, thin body hugged by a lovely lilac dress that would compliment Harry's suit. Wonder if Gemma is wearing fucking purple too. Jesus. "They're ready for you," she said, small smile curving her lips stained with a light tan color, most likely nude lipstick.
And despite the bats that have now turned into fucking dragons, Harry offered a smile in return and nodded, fingers moving to wipe away the alcohol on his chin. "Fine, alright, let's go," as they all walked down the quiet corridor that smelt like freshly blooming flowers and light perfume, the nerves and reality of this all began to sink in. This was his wedding, the only one he would ever have, and it was with a man carrying his child. Months ago he would have just showed up to this thing drunk and probably would have ruined it for everyone, but today he couldn't wait to be married to the fuzzy little rodent, and he surprisingly wanted to be nearly sober.
Without looking around, in fear that seeing the room and it's decorations would make him back out, Harry took his place next to the priest, alone and terrified. Michael and Luke would come in first, followed by Gemma and Jax, Lana and her new boy toy, Ashton and Emily, Zayn and Liam, then Louis. Despite having multiple people offer to walk him down the aisle, Louis refused, and his stubbornness both amused and irritated Harry.
Pacing in the chamber, he had his nails chewed down to the point of almost bleeding as he tried to take deep, calming breaths. When Anne came to let Louis' party know they were ready, a soft screech came out. He grabbed his small bouquet of peach colored roses, the bunch tied up with a cyan ribbon, then smoothed down his suit and tugged at his silk tie. This was it!
Following the crowd to the double doors that were open, the path from them up to the altar would be where he'd leave his maiden name behind and become a Styles. He couldn't wait, even if they did it ass-backwards and got pregnant before a marriage happened. Playing with the leaves on his bouquet, he kept eyes downcast, the temptation to look up and see his husband was too great. Not until you are right next to him!!
When the wedding march started and everyone rose, Louis looked up. He swallowed hard and took his steps, feet making soft shh-ing noises on the white fabric they laid down. Smiling wide, he walked past rows, each one adorned with a white lantern and either a cyan or peach ribbon around it. Louis wanted the decorations simple, something in the pews and up front where they did the unity candle. There they'd displayed photos of people who played a significant part in their lives - related or not.
Hurrying up the last step to his husband, Louis finally took in Harry. The man always took his breath away. Sliding hands into his, Louis' lip twitched with the urge to kiss him, but that'd come later.
The room that had been buzzing with activity, so much so Harry could literally feel every movement made and every word said as they crawled across his skin and twirled around his heart, clenching it, was now silent. Breathing normal was no longer an option, and keeping a steady hand was a joke. As a slow, sweet song started, Harry's attention was immediately grabbed by the couples walking down the aisle, setting up the anticipation for Louis' big reveal. One after another, they all kept their paces slow and their heads high, footsteps never once faltering.
It felt like too much. Every set of eyes was pinned on the door, but he could feel them watching him, judging him for getting a male pregnant out of wedlock. He's never been perfect, despite the image he has built at the hospital. He has always like to believe he was untouchable, immune to everything in the world, never to be made weak or feel out of control. In his eyes, he was a sort of superman; invincible.... Until his kryptonite would show up, if it ever did.
But then it happened. Like a string was wrapped around his heart, he felt this insistent tugging that had his eyes moving to the doors just as his bride appeared before them, any and all thoughts slipping from Harry's mind as his jaw nearly dropped. And if everything wasn't so fucking right in that moment, he didn't think it ever would be.
Proudly showing off his swelling belly, Louis took his time coming down the aisle, eyes never straying from his feet though Harry was silently pleading for him to look up. Just one glance, that's all he needed. He carried himself with such confidence, with ease. His indifference to those around him remained, even if every pair of eyes was glued to him. And he was fucking beautiful.
Then, they were finally face to face, bodies aligned. Fingers twitched as Louis' gentle ones wrapped around them, and Harry's entire body began to hum. He was sure he was imagining it, but the moment blue eyes so carefully rimmed with black peaked up at him, he felt his entire body become jelly. Perfection was an absurd word most often used by self conscious girls fishing for compliments or claiming their bitchy attitudes were normal, but in that moment -cheesy or not- that was the only word that popped into Harry's mind. He was absolutely perfect; the definition of perfection.... Even if most days he was a tiny asshole.
"I think you've stunned every person in this room," Harry whispered quietly, needing to say something-- anything. "You and your need to make a dramatic entrance. You were born to get married," he was rambling about nonsense, but in reality he was secretly fonding over his boy. Oh Christ. His boy.
"I was nervous I'd trip. I kept repeating over and over, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot." If they weren't in front of a large crowd, Louis would bury himself in Harry's front, feathery hair tickling the older man's chin and nose as he laid kisses everywhere. He was longing for Harry's touch, but that would come later. "And I do not need to make a dramatic entrance.. all the time."
His mind drifted as the priest began to speak. Harry and Louis had given him some fun short stories and antics to talk about, but it seemed the man liked to hear himself talk and spoke as slow as Harry. Darting eyes around, he fought back a yawn as he gazed to the man standing next to him, his best friend of twenty something years, standing here to watch him get married. Shifting to the audience, his breath caught in his throat when he seen two people who looked like the last two men he wanted to see in his lifetime, let alone at his own wedding. He had to blink and look again, the faces morphing into relatives of Harry's who wore confused looks.
Squeezing Harry's hands hard, he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, jutting out his hip. It was uncomfortable standing in one place too long, his feet and back were killing him, and yes, Louis did consider getting married in a pair of comfortable trainers. Wish the damn priest would hurry the fuck.. I mean freak up.
Harry caught himself the few times he went to tell the priest to hurry the fuck up. They were on a schedule, and the old fucking man was saying maybe one word every five seconds. Ironic. He talks like this on a daily basis. His foot began to tap impatiently, a mixture of nerves and irritation causing his skin to grow warm. The only thing that was keeping him somewhat sane was the small hand holding his, a reminder on who he was doing this for. Christ.
When the time finally came for them to exchange vows, Harry realized his mind had completely went blank, his long, well thought out speech forgotten, buried in the pits of the unknown. Fuck. He was starting. "Uh, urm..." Eyes moved to the audience, finding everybody was watching him. Then he turned and found Louis, and nothing else mattered. "The day I met you, you were a stubborn nurse just starting his first real job. You created problems for me, and always had something to say back. I hated you, as most can attest to," there were a few muffled laughs, but nothing else.
"Then we got paired and I found out I got you pregnant. I didn't want you at first, or our child, and I was okay with leaving you both to fend for yourselves," you're mumbling, Harry. Go mushy. "But then, through some freaking miracle, something changed. Rather it be from your stubbornness, or your constant need to be reminded that you are wanted, I began to realize maybe I did want you. It wasn't until I had already left you that everything began to sink in, but I stayed away, figuring I was no good for you, that I had to let you go so you could finally be happy,"
"Then you came back, and I refused to let you go again. My guard was still up, but I was starting to trust you more. The more time we spent together, the more I found myself craving your presence, your attention. I couldn't get enough of you, but I also didn't cherish you. My own stubbornness refused to allow me to see that I was hurting you, hurting us. It wasn't until my ex fiance came that everything began to fall into place," he paused, not caring he was just fucking rambling, and grabbed the ring from his pocket, the band beautiful yet simple.
"The day I finally let go of her, I began to really want you. And I want you everyday for the rest of my life. You annoy me, and piss me off, and some days my office couch looks way too appealing, but I would rather give up everything I have, than lose you. You are my other half, and I guess I should have realized the first day that I seen you that you were my ending, my good as it gets."
The titters from Harry saying he hated Louis, made a smile crawl on his face. Every word that his soon to be husband said, his eyes swam more and more with tears, appearing like liquid sapphire. Thank god Zayn had used water-proof mascara. These were words he didn't expect Harry to ever use, Mr. Cold heart.
When it was his turn, Louis gave Harry's hands a hard squeeze, breathing in then out to steady his nerves. "You, were a complete dumpster fire to work for. That huge ego, the sleeping around with most of our co-workers and getting moody at me for daring to break your concentration during an operation, made me want to grab the scalpel and stab you with it. When you found my daily planner and my um.." Humming to try to think of how to phrase it without giving it away, he furrowed brows, nothing came to mind except, "Uh condition.. and threatened to blackmail me with both, I was at the end of my rope. But then you swept in and saved me from my demons and bullies and that fire," Louis brought a hand up to gently touch the scar.
Licking over his lips, he heard people shuffling behind them, a man cleared his throat. "I.. thought you were superman. I thought you were my forever, and you are my forever. All the shi.. stuff," He corrected himself, feeling cheeks tinging pink and some giggling, "we went through was a test. Like that song says, I'm missing half of me when we're apart. I love you, Harry Edward Styles."
Words have never slipped his mind, and his tongue has never felt so heavy, his heart full of bittersweet ashes. This was everything he wanted, but didn't realize he needed. One small breath from Louis and he would blow away, body decaying into fiery ashes that would finally set free the tornado of emotions he has kept bottled and hidden within his heart. Every Clark Kent needs their Lois Lane, but christ if he didn't strike out and get someone even better.
"And I, you, Louis William Styles," it wasn't an admittance. It was just a way to get everyone off of their backs. Louis knew of Harry's growing emotions and followed him with every step, so the older man knew his words wouldn't be taken to literal. But Styles? Fuck, that sounded better than anything else he's ever heard.
The ring was held so carefully between two steady fingers, pinched so hard that etched into his pads would forever be the "LWS" carved into the front of the diamond band. Time for the bloody traditional vows his mother made him promise to do."I, Harry Edward Styles, take you, Louis William Tomlinson, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." And the ring was slipped on to the small finger, looking so perfect with the engagement ring. The two didn't compete for the attention. They were both beautiful, both complementing each other.
The tears started coursing down more, as Louis tried to calm himself down enough to say his vows. His full name with his married new name sounded like angels coming from the surgeon's mouth. He wanted to kiss Harry as he felt Zayn nudge him to hand him Harry's ring. Oh yeah.
"And I, Louis William Tomlinson take you, Harry Edward Styles to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part," His voice wavered and hand shook as he pushed the ring onto his Dom's hand then slid fingers through it to hold it once again. And now it should go faster so they can get to the limo and have sex before the dinner.
With the ring now a heavy reminder, the couple turned to face the priest, waited for permission to finally seal this and have it be done. The Dom's lips twitched, the urge to kiss Louis too strong. The room was silent, everyone's breath held as the old man finally lifted his hands and announced them as wed, telling them to kiss their partner. Harry didn't waste a second.
He spun Louis towards him and their lips crashed together, a new hunger settling in his stomach as a hand moved to cup the side of the subs head to deepen their kiss. Their audience was forgotten, the two easily getting lost in the other until a hard, firm kick was felt against the front of his stomach. Laughing breathlessly, Harry pulled back, forehead resting against Louis'. "I think she's happy," and daddy will be too when he gets to fuck mommy into oblivion and finally have a legal claim over him.
Laughing when Harry spun him to capture his lips, Louis' eyes fluttered closed as he returned the kiss, hand moving up to cup his husband's face. Husband! He was definitely on cloud nine right now and would never come down. Pulling away, he blushed hard when the audience erupted into applause, their sisters looking pleased as punch. Lana gave him a wink, as he grabbed Harry's hand and nodded to the exit.
Their daughter was indeed happy as Louis took off running, dragging his new husband and not letting go until they were outside. He grabbed for the handle of the limo and crawled in, eyes wide like a child's. Finding the button to open the sunroof, he stepped on the seat to push his body out, head and shoulders appearing. It was too tight to go any farther. "Look Harry, I'm a jack in the box!"
People laughed and cheered them on, small pieces of rice sticking in Harry's hair as it was thrown at them. And despite their size, it fucking hurt to get pelted by one of those things, let alone hundreds. Shaking his head at Louis and his childness, the dom slipped into the back seat of the limo and set on the seat facing Louis' crotch. Before the sub could react, or even sit down for that matter, Harry had his pants down and was swallowing his cock in one go, not at all surprised to find he was already half hard.
The bitter precum assaulted his gag reflex, but he pushed past it and let the prickly pubes tickle his nose, vanilla clogging his nostrils. "I wanna make you cum this way. Stay up there," despite having a cock in his mouth, his words were barely muffled, proof that he's done this one too many times since being with Louis. Hands grabbed both of the boys hips to anchor him in place, ensuring he couldn't bend or squirm his way down from the sunroof.
Disturbing or not, Harry enjoyed the idea of pleasuring Louis while strangers on the street watched, completely oblivious to the fact that the boy grinning like a fool with the air disturbing his hair and making it fly in every direction, was actually getting head.
Waving at everyone happily, he was about to duck down, when he felt Harry's warm mouth around his cock. Not at all surprised, Louis maintained a grin on his face, fighting back the moans wanting to erupt. He cleared his throat, trying to keep a straight face as he waved at his new mother in law as Anne got closer to the vehicle. Beside her was the aunt Louis had fallen in love with.
"Haz, your mo... fuck.. " Disguising it as a cough, he reached a hand to the women. When Anne asked where Harry was, he kicked a leg, purposely getting his Dom in the leg. "He.. is busy on the phone with his boss." He sucked in a breath, the two women promised to find Harry at the reception later as the families would be sitting together.
When nobody was looking their way, the din of the crowd making it hard to hear, Louis gave a strangled moan, "Fuck.. Haz, fuck.. me.. please."
Harry grinned around Louis' lengthening cock, the ache in his shin way worth it to hear as the boy stumbled over his words, entire body shaking as he fought against his natural responses. Fingers moving to rub at the boys arsehole through the material of his pants, Harry grinned again and pulled off for a second, a line of saliva still connecting his lips and Louis' cock. "Nope. I'm waiting for tonight. Give you a proper first fuck on your wedding,"
Then he was swallowing Louis again, throat constricting around his length when he felt the tip of his thick head brush against the back of his throat. He began bobbing, cheeks hollowing and tongue swirling as he made absurd slurping sounds, enjoying this far too much for just being a giver. His own length was thick and heavy in his pants, so, just to kill two birds with one stone, he unzipped his trousers and freed himself, cock springing free and bringing with it a splatter of milky precum.
With one hand still gripping Louis' hip, Harry picked up his efforts as he began to jerk himself off and suck Louis with an aggression he almost feared. His need to be gentle was forgotten, even with the damn bump hitting him in the forehead everytime he swallowed Louis far enough that his chin hit his balls. He was just starving, a hunger he knew wouldn't be satisfied until he had Louis sprawled out on their mattress, begging to be fucked already with handprints marking the pale skin on his bum. Fuck. But this would have to do. He wanted to wait and properly fuck Louis in their bed, considering it would be their first time as a married couple.
Thank god the crowd was thining as the people congregated to their cars. Usually the wedding party was the first to head out, but the driver had been given specific orders to wait until everyone was gone. He waved off his sister and her brood as the strong burning began in his groin.
Not able to suppress this moan, Louis felt it reverberate in his throat and down to his heels. Whining, he wiggled foot from his shoe to rub against Harry's crotch. "Please Haz, I want... fuck...," Very close, he wedged his hand down into the vehicle to grab at Harry's hair, giving it a hard yank when the feeling of wanting to just spill it over came. He felt sorry for whoever had to clean the car.
Jerking hips in Harry's grip, Louis let himself go into his husband's mouth. He felt slightly better, not completely, but satisfied. When he was allowed back in the car, he collapsed on the leather seat with pants still down and dick hanging out. He'd felt the ghost of a touch to his hole earlier and intended to get it filled.
Pushing Harry onto a seat, he straddled his Dom's lap, attaching their lips so Louis tasted the bitter and salty tang of himself. He'd been too nervous to eat anything that morning, surviving on nothing but coffee and several pieces of gum to keep his mouth busy. "Can I ride you?"
Harry followed shortly after Louis, his cum splattering across the back of his hand and the floorboard of the car as silk rope after silk rope of Louis' semen shot down his throat, hot and bitter. He swallowed every last drop though, and didn't pull off until he was sure Louis was spent. The milky liquid of his seed stood out against the black of the floor, but he didn't feel bad about it. Everybody knew what happened in the backs of these things, and if he was being honest, what him and Louis just did was very mild.
Arms heavy with the after affects of his orgasm, Harry barely managed to lift them to wrap around Louis' waist, a streak of his cum marking the spot on the seat next to him where he had wiped his hand. "Not yet," he whispered against the boys lips, intending to stay true to his promise. He wouldn't fuck Louis until tonight, even if he did already feel himself getting hard at just the thought. Fucking hell. He couldn't even walk around on his wedding day without a tent pole in his pants.
A soft sigh, Louis pressed lips against Harry's again. Cuddling up against his husband, Louis yawned widely, jaw clicking at the effort and eyes watering. He would have to keep himself content even if he wanted nothing more than to feel Harry deep inside him. Wow, he was a nympho. Sliding off Harry's lap when eyes went to the mini fridge and television set. Damn. He wanted a limo now.
Fiddling with the remote on the tv, he opened the fridge to dig through it, frowning at everything being alcoholic. Seriously? They didn't think of people who didn't drink or couldn't? Feeling the limo stop at a red light, he threw an ice cube across the car at his Dom, pegging him on the head. "We're finally fucking married Haz. Can you believe this?"
Zipping up his pants but leaving the button undone, Harry leaned across the seat to roll the window down a crack, needing the fresh air to come in and wash away the heavy stench of cum and sweat. He didn't even have a chance to dodge the ice cube before it was hitting him, forehead aching as the tiny shards of ice that fell on his cheeks melted and left a trail of cold water on his face.
"I'm starting to rethink my decision," he mumbled, rubbing at his temple before he wiped at his face. Leaning down to grab the ice cube, he tossed it back at Louis and managed to hit him in the shoulder. "Next time, throw something at me that has alcohol in it," his nerves may have been calmed from his orgasm, but they were still there, still sizzling beneath his skin. He needed something, anything, to calm himself down. And a bottle of alcohol sounded just right.
Humming, Louis ducked down, bum in the air as he rummaged through the fridge and pulled out a bottle of champagne. He wasn't going to throw it. Standing upright, he almost lost his balance at the limo taking a sharp turn, grabbing onto his husband's leg for leverage then held out the alcohol. "There's another bottle of this and some sodas and water." He held up his own Coke can, snapping it open.
The cool air felt good. Louis crawled over Harry's lap to pull it open more. "They probably have wet wipes in here. Want mw to clean you up?" Louis winked, being the nosey bunny he was and going through every nook and cranny. He gave a laugh, coming upon a few different bottles of lube - flavored in vanilla, butterscotch and chocolate, Louis maybe pocketed the vanilla one, then found what he'd been looking for.
"Hold still." Louis climbed into Harry's lap, ripping open a pack of wet ones and started wiping at the surgeon's face then brought hands to his hair to sweep away the grains of rice from the baby curls. "I love you, Froggie."
Harry grumbled the entire time Louis was cleaning him up, nose stinging as the scent of the nasty wet wipe clung to his face. He felt like a two year old.. Oh, a two year old with alcohol. Arms wrapped around Louis' waist, for the sole purpose of opening his bottle of champagne. Harry quickly got it opened and threw the cork and weird wire thing on the floor, hands becoming sticky as some of the drink fizzed out of the top. Slurping at it, he rolled his eyes and tipped the bottle back, filling his mouth with the chilled drink. "Trying to butter me up on our wedding night?"
Eyeing Louis suspiciously, the surgeon suddenly turned to look out the window when he realized the vehicle was moving. How he didn't notice before was beyond him. Way beyond him. "Where are we going anyway?" No I love you back, or even kiss to show he accepted the affection and sappy sentence. He was... He had strong feelings for Louis, and he was in no rush to admit something he wasn't even sure of yet.
Kissing Harry's nose, he swiped the bottle from his Dom to sniff at it, making a face at the overpowering sweet smell. "Yuck. When I can drink again, I'm getting Kinky Blue." He smirked when Harry asked where they were going and turned to look out the window. "We have some time before the dinner, so I thought we could just cruise around. Anywhere you wanna go?"
He took a long slurp from his Coke then set it into a cup holder. Yawning again, he pressed hand to his mouth, squeak coming out. "I couldn't sleep last night. Too nervous and anxious at the same time. I've been waiting for this day since you proposed." Louis groaned, shifting on Harry's lap again. "And I think our daughter is getting antsy to meet us. I've been having Braxton-Hicks for a few days now."
Cruise around? Wow, Louis really out did himself with planning this car ride. Rather than being a sarcastic asshole like he wanted to though, Harry simply nodded and kept his mouth shut. He didn't have much room to talk. He didn't take much part in planning the wedding because he claimed it wasn't his thing, when in reality he would have went overboard and tossed out all of Louis' ideas. He just needed to be extra, and he wanted to give the boy a chance to do something by himself.
"Idiot. You've been pushing yourself too far. After today you are resting, fuck work and your stupid college classes," Harry said, irritated Louis hadn't told him until just now he was having Braxton Hicks. "Don't give me that look," the dom quickly said, "I'll chain you to a fucking bed and let you do nothing more than go to the bathroom and eat." The sub pushed himself any further, and he could end up going into preterm labor. Fucking idiot.
Sucking in a breath, he narrowed eyes at his husband. "Resting.. and how long do you plan on me being out of commission? I didn't pay to skip classes," Whipping out his phone to look at his schedule, Louis shook his head. "Two tests coming up. Paper due. Not going to work." Looking out the window, he pointed at the park, "Remember you cornered me at this park when I ran away from you and your friends? I didn't like you very much then." He gave Harry a wink as he reached up to slide the window open, the fresh breeze feeling awesome.
Loosening his tie, he swallowed down some of his drink. "And, I'm not too far from my due date." He swiped a hand through his hair, tugging at the locks. Leaning back in the seat, he tried to pull legs up to sit Indian style, but his belly wouldn't allow it, causing him to huff. He gave a pout and climbed into Harry's lap again, tucking head under his Dom's chin.
It was Harry's turn to move. Sliding Louis from off of his lap, he shimmied from underneath his leg and stood in the car, crouching so the top of his shoulders brushed the roof. "You're eight months pregnant, Louis. Now isn't the time to start pushing yourself. You can take time off from school and work. If you don't, you'll be dropping both,"
He set the bottle of champagne in the rack on top of the mini fridge and turned around, eyebrow cocked. "Don't push me," straightening his spine, the dom shoved himself through the small sunroof and instantly choked on the air. "Fucking windy City," he growled, trying to wedge an arm out to lay across the cold roof but all he managed to do was get it stuck for a second before he finally popped it out, arm slightly aching.
The wind was cold and stung his eyes, but once he adjusted to the thousand tiny crystals stabbing at his eyes, he was able to take in their surroundings. The park Louis had been talking about was already a few blocks back. They were by a few stores now, homes a few random spots in the distance. It still felt surreal. As he took everything in, he tried to imagine a time he looked at this road; these stores when he wasn't with Louis, and it just felt wrong. His gut twisted as his brain worked to try and recall the memories, but nothing came. It was like he's always been with Louis. Not just a few months, but always.
Not happy with being moved, Louis gave a light growl. There's Harry being Dom again when they just got married not even an hour ago. Opening mouth to say something in protest, a soft burp came out instead and a wiggle of his hips when the cold air hit him. "Crap. I need to piss."
Eyeing his husband copying what he'd been doing, Louis got an evil look on his face and got up to quietly stand below his husband. Slender fingers undid his fly then pushed his hand in to wrap around his girth. He flexed his wrist, fingers rubbing the underside, skin rapidly warming up from the friction.
"I just got the new job at the library. They're already going to be short staffed when I go on maternity leave, please don't make me quit," Louis purred, peeling Harry's boxers down to take him out, licking at the tip."
Harry froze, fingers clawing at the roof of the car in search of something to cold, but when his fingernails just scraped against it his entire body tensed, the unknown of what Louis intended to do nearly overpowering how good it felt. "You don't even need the fucking job. I don't care if they will be short staffed, you are either going to stay home and be allowed to go out as long as you aren't working or going to school, or I'll put you on bed rest." His words were a slight muffle due to the wind carrying them away, forcing him to shout and have a few people on the streets eye him.
Growling, Harry got himself unstuck and climbed back in the limo, hands moving to push Louis and his mouth away. "You make everything so fucking complicated. If you think you can do a better job, why don't you be the fucking dom?" His cock was half hard, awkwardly resting against the crease where his thigh and stomach met. He wanted the blow job, and knew it would help calm him down, but he didn't just want to forget about this. He wanted Louis to actually hear him when he was speaking, not blow him off.
Eyes flashing with anger, he scooted away from his husband. He could hear Harry shouting through the open window. Feeling slightly embarrassed and glad the windows were tinted, he pushed the button to roll it up. When the sunroof was clear, Louis made sure to close that, too, so the whole city wouldn't be privy to their argument. "Go out as long as I'm not working or going to school? Basically with you then? And you will NOT put me on bed rest, I get so damn bored easily. "
Letting out a scream, Louis snatched up his bouquet and started smacking Harry with it. "I never said I could do a better job at being a Dom, don't put fucking words in my mouth," Popping open his soda, he took a drink then set it back in the cupholder. Ignoring Harry for the time being, he grabbed a bag of goldfish crackers from the fridge and tore them open, pretty much inhaling the food.
Harry had enough. Hell, he'd had enough three weeks ago, but has played nice for the sake of their wedding. But he didn't have to be the perfect fucking fiance now. "First off, you will not tell me what I will or will not do. You are my sub, my husband-wife, whatever the fuck you want to be called, and that is the my child. You will listen to me, Louis, or I will be a big enough dick and take everything from you, including your chance to become a drama teacher,"
Zipping himself back up, the mood gone as well as his erection, Harry folded his arms over his chest and scooted down the seat so he was pressed against the door. "And I never said you did say anything. I was simply saying if you think you can do so much fucking better, be my guest. I'd love to be a carefree idiot who gets to prance around all day and be pregnant and happy."
With more room, Louis rolled eyes, sliding to lay on his back to soothe the pains. Sighing heavily, he rubbed a hand over his swollen belly, resting it there. "If it deals with me, yes. I am not laying in bed the remaining months i have left. I'm too active a person to sit down or be still for long periods of time." Closing eyes, he pulled leg up to his body, undoing the buttons of his tux to pull it off.
"Fuck you for even calling me an idiot you bitch kitten. Not my fault you were born with a humongous stick up your ass." Rolling to sit up, Louis found himself trapped. Eyeing the floor, he pushed off the seat, right as the car turned another corner and landed Louis at Harry's feet like a turtle stuck upside down. "Shit!"
Is he being serious? Bitch kitten? Harry laughed at the entire fight, but he was far from amused. He was just laughing off his irritation, hoping it would help so he didn't end up blowing up and losing his shit. "Go fuck yourself Louis. If you aren't going to listen to me and take it easy the last month of your pregnancy, then I want nothing to do with the child or you until it's born," when Louis ended up on the floor, he eyed the boy for a second before he popped open his car door and climbed out, the limo stopped at a red light.
"You have fun at our wedding reception. I'm going to walk. If I make it there, so be it, but don't fucking count on it," slamming the door shut, and leaving Louis stuck on his back, Harry took off at a fast paced jog across the road, not having a single idea where he was going but also not caring. Louis could be such a fucking dick and not listen, and Harry always kept his calm but sometimes it just got to be too much. He needed a break, needed to get as far away from Louis as he possibly could right now.
The limo driver wasn't the most observant person. When it arrived at the venue, he was surprised to see one person in the back. After helping Louis up and driving away, Louis gulped. He could either strut into the reception and answer millions of questions about where his husband was or find a restaurant nearby and chow down. His stomach was trying to eat itself, plus there was a huge meal waiting for him. Food won this round. Counting to ten, he entered the building with the fakest smile on his face, teeth on display.
The room erupted into applause as the deejay announced the married couple only for it to die out when they realized half was missing. Waving a hand, he grabbed the microphone, explaining it was only him for now and to go ahead and eat. Setting his coat on a chair beside Zayn, he joined the dinner line, feeling like everyone's eyes were on him - they were, but nobody made a move to ask Louis for details even if he could see the look in his in-laws eyes, particularly Anne and Gemma's.
Harry walked for a long time, legs carrying him this way and that way before he found himself going in complete circles. He finally made his way back to the park they had drove past earlier, the playground vacant except for a bird sitting perched on the long metal bar above the swings. Kicking at a few twigs, he quietly walked over to the swings and collapsed back in the hard plastic that instantly made his butt and arse ache.
He stayed there for what seemed like forever, not one single thought running through his mind as he absentmindedly kicked his legs back and forth, only getting enough speed for the swing to just barely move. His fingers were curled around the cold metal chains that squeaked and whined in protest with every move he made when a kid suddenly came out of the shadows, long blonde hair pulled up into a small bun and freckles littering his small face, seemingly framing his bright blue eyes.
"Why are you dressed like that?" The kid asked him, voice soft and nose wrinkled. "My daddy has a suit like that, but his is black." He didn't seem to care about stranger danger as he made his way over to Harry, taking a seat on the swing next to him. Harry told him he'd just gotten married, which earned him wide eyes and a few small giggles as curious blue orbs looked around the park.
"Where's your wife?" He asked, short legs pumping fast. He tried to mirror Harry, even if his legs were four times shorter.
"He's at a party," Harry simply told him, curious as to where the boys parents were. "You ask a lot of questions,"
"My Muma tells me I talk too much. But why aren't you with your wife?" damn kid didn't give up.
"Because, I'm mad at him,"
The boys mouth went into an 'O' shape before he nodded, sniffling quietly. "My muma and papa get mad at each other too, but they always tell me if you love a person, you can't stay mad at them or it will break their heart,"
"Did they now?" When the kid nodded, Harry did too and sucked in a breath through his teeth. "Well, I don't think I can break my wife's heart. He's too stubborn."
A voice off in the distance suddenly caught both of their attention. It was a young woman who looked exactly like the little boy next to him, with freckles and eyes to match. "Timothy! You can't run off. Come on, now. We have to go get your papa,"
The little boy let out a sigh of defeat as he jumped from the swing, eyes suddenly sad as he looked back up at Harry. "That's my muma. I have to go," he went to turn around, but before he did he held out his hand and offered a rock to Harry, "Muma said if you love someone, give them something pretty, so I think you should give this to your wife so he knows you aren't mad anymore. My muma is stubborn too, but my papa buys her pretty stuff all the time." Dropping the rock in Harry's hand, Timothy smiled at him, all crooked teeth and dimples. "I bet your wife is pretty, but pretty people can still be hurt, even if they don't want to,"
Then he left, and Harry was left with a small blue rock with purple dots littering it resting in his palm. The kid talked a lot of shit, but at the same time he made a lot of sense. And fuck anyone judging him for taking advice from a kid. He didn't want that to be their kid one day, telling a stranger about how much mommy and daddy fought, and hoe daddy bought mommy stuff to keep her happy. He wanted to make a life for their child, one where she didn't have to worry about shit like that, or even know what a broken heart was until she was fifty. Fuck it. He's blaming it all on electronics.
The dinner went by quickly, thankfully nobody brought up toasts. Chugging down a glass of water, he stood up to point at Liam and Zayn then at the dance floor. Of course, there was a dance for his besties and him, then one for Lana and him, then his nieces and nephews. It made up for not having a mother or father involved.
When the dance with the kids was done, Louis was pooped. "Uncle Louis is going to go sit down. Your cousin is making me tired, I need to go potty then I'm going to sit for awhile." Hurrying to the bathroom, Louis did his business then took his seat next to Zayn. Checking his phone, just in case Harry texted or called. It was hard to hide the disappointment when nothing new was on the screen. Louis sighed, resting his chin in his hands and fighting back the urge to cry.
Harry left the park soon after the boy left, the odd colored rock tucked safely in his pocket. He was slow to get back to the church, long legs refusing to pick up speed even as he watched the seconds turn into minutes and minutes into nearly an hour. He was taking his time, admiring the city he already knew and loved, and allowed himself to sort through his thoughts. He wasn't going to back down, let Louis throw himself into preterm labor because of some stupid dream. He was going to make sure he stayed home, off his feet, and got as much rest as he could.
By the time he reached the church, an hour and a half has already passed since he last seen Louis, since he childishly stomped down the street. He quietly made his way into the building, sneaking into the dance room where he watched for a second as two families merged into one, as strangers became friends and.... Two seperate people became one. Blue eyes immediately found green, and everything disappeared in that moment, Harry's breath hitching in his throat. Their story wasn't some fairy-tale, it was far from it, but he'd be damned if he ever thought back on this moment and didn't remember the exact second he realized Louis was his happily ever after, dressed in his shiny blue armor with his tattered heart wore on his sleeve. Fuck.
For once, his legs moved when he wanted them to, and in several hushed strides he was standing in front of Louis, a hand offered to him. "May I have this dance?" He was a fuck up, but fuck you if you thought he'd let this party end without one dance with his.... His boy.
Standing on the dance floor just moving foot to foot, he giggled at a move Zayn made with Liam, then spun himself around, singing to the song. Groaning when the music turned slow, he was about to step back to his seat when he saw those beautiful green eyes he'd fallen in love with and the body they belonged to. Louis had been sure the Dom would be walking out of his life forever. His blue eyes watered up and he made grabby hands for his husband, "Yes, yes you can."
Melting into him, Louis tucked head under Harry's chin, eyes closing as he listened to the steady heartbeat and breathing of his forever. Sliding arms around Harry's skinny waist, he rubbed circles into the fabric of his jacket, eyes wetly staring adoringly at his Froggie Prince. "I love you, Harry Edward. I'm sorry for what I said earlier."
The crowd around them thinned, and left to dance in an off rhythm circle was the main couple, both completely contempt with just swaying back and forth lazily. Humming, Harry kissed the top of Louis' head before he hooked his chin over it, easily slotting Louis against his body. "Not now, love. Later." He kept his voice quiet, just above a whisper so the boy could hear him above the slow song echoing throughout the large room.
And they just danced to Christina Perri's voice, the soft words speaking more volume to Harry than they ever have before. It was crazy to think that, even after all this time, after listening to this song on repeat, he was only now just hearing it. The depth, the connections, the emotions, them. Louis and Harry, Harry and Louis, two fucked up men against this fucked up world. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
Sleepily cuddling more into Harry, the world around them forgotten as he listened to the song and Harry at the same time. He let his eyes closed until the song ended and a faster paced one came on. A questioning noise came out when he was jostled from behind by an overzealous dancer. Not recognizing the person, Louis snapped at them then buried face more into his lover's shirt. "We can leave early can't we? I need to be naked and finish that blowie I was giving you in the limo."
When a hand tapped his shoulder, Louis almost turned around to scream, but the perfume invaded his nose and he knew who it was immediately. "Lana, babe." Turning to hug his sister, he grabbed the baby from her arms to plant kisses on her. "Hi my little bit. Uncle Louis loves you."
Lana laughed and pointed at Harry, "Hey new brother in law, could I have this dance? Louis is busy with the baby now." She nodded to where Louis headed for the table where his nieces and nephews were. They'd made sure to keep the parents and siblings of both sides on the same table.
Harry paused for a second, lips drawn into a tight lipped smile as he watched Louis retreat, leaving him alone with his sister, who would no doubt give him the talk most big brothers did, and try to intimidate him. Brushing off his discomfort and overall displeasment for the entire party, he offered Lana a hand and forced his smile to twist, a grin soon stealing his face with two craters on each cheek. "I would be honored,"
He didn't dislike her, quite far from it, but he was still pleasantly surprised that she could dance... And also a bit disappointed. He now had to kick himself in the ass and force his limbs to awaken from their thirty five year slumber. He could dance, was actually quite good at it even though he played it off like he couldn't. He just didn't enjoy it. But something about having a woman this close to him, with his now wife watching them, he felt like showing off.
So he did.
When their bodies weren't pressed together, one of his hands splayed across her lower back in attempt to get his wife's attention and make him jealous, then he was spinning her in circles and dipping her, never once allowing the woman to catch her breath, a shit eating grin on both of their faces. They danced easily together, surprisingly, and were familiar with the others moves only a few steps in. "Is there a reason you asked for this dance," Harry asked breathlessly when the song was drawing to a close, Lana's chest pressed against his with her forehead nearly brushing his chin. She was short, but damn could she keep up.
Hurriedly rushing for the bathroom, Louis perched himself on the lid of the toilet trying to make the nausea go away. When he felt he had it under control, he ran a cool cloth over his face and neck then headed for the drinks to grab a strawberry lemonade. Sucking through the red and white straw, Louis turned to the dance floor to see his new husband and sister dancing better than he ever could. Huffing slightly, he counted to ten then slammed drink on the counter and marched out to grab his Dom.
It's just your sister, she isn't trying to steal Harry. Shaking off the voice, he gave a growl, stopping short when he noticed how close Lana and Harry were. Mine!!! The green-eyed demon roared in his mind as Louis squished himself between his husband and sister, hand sliding to slot into Harry's easily. He loved how well their hands fit.
"Scuse me. I need to steal my husband," Yanking Harry from the dance floor, he didn't stop until he found an empty room. Pushing the Dom in, he locked it then turned to give Harry the once over. "You are mine. All mine. "
Attaching lips to Harry's, his free hand slid the surgeon's fly open enough to fit his hand in, wrapping fingers around Harry 's girth as he gave a squeeze, fingernail teasing the underside of his cock. "All mine. " Louis repeated. Jealousy was not a good look on him.
Lana didn't have time to give him an answer before he was rudely ripped away, his fingernails no doubt scratching the side of her hand after he had unconsciously gripped it tighter in an effort to stay put. He followed closely behind Louis, not having much choice, and didn't even offer a sympathetic look over his shoulder for Lana. She was a grown up, she'd live.
Harry didn't argue, didn't even fight as his cock was yanked out of his pants and was being very manhandled. His body seemed to melt against the wall he was pressed against, every word dissolving in his tongue and turning into ash that tasted so bitter yet so good. His attempts to push Louis away were futile. "Yours. Yes. Yours. All yours."
Happy that Harry complied and didn't try to fight him, he licked into Harry's mouth then slowly got down on his knees to lick at Harry's cloth covered dick. Growling still, he yanked the boxers down to expose his husband then take him slowly in his mouth, remembering the advice from Thanksgiving and wrapping hand around the part he couldn't fit. Louis was getting better at the blowjobs.
The only sound in the quiet room was the obscene slurping Louis was making, mixed with their breathing and the dull thump of music still being played. He knew Harry wanted to wait until tonight for actual sex, so he might as well make this last him until then. Pushing more of Harry in until his nose hit the coarse pubic hair, Louis moved hand to squeeze at Harry's balls.
Hands fisted the material of his shirt to keep from pushing Louis' head down, not wanting to choke the boy by forcing him to take more of him than he could. His head fell back against the wall, the sound of his brain sloshing around in his skull ricocheting around in his head and overpowering the rapid thump of his heart. Noises strangled him, wanting to be set free even though he was aware someone could walk past the door at any moment and catch them in the act.
But then he decided fuck it and let a loud, low pitched moan rip his throat raw, tearing through him and his only hope was that Louis could hear how he made him feel, how desperate he was for more. The caged animal within him grew impatient, the chains using to hold it growing weak. He just wanted to set it free, to bend Louis over and fuck him, to make him beg for his cock, to make him scream. "I want you-- christ. Leave. I wanna leave, plea--" his pleading was cut short when Louis bared his teeth, lightly scraping them down his shaft. Pleasure skittered up his spine and shot throughout his entire body, green orbs sizzling with the electricity sparking under his skin.
The sounds finally erupting from Harry made him preen as he pulled off to catch his breath, hand taking over for the time being. There was a reason Louis chose the room farthest from the reception. He had first thought of going into the bathroom, but with people downing drinks from the open bar, they'd get interrupted quite a few times.
Harry's pleas didn't fall on deaf ears, he wanted to get fucked badly. Pulling off again, he got up to grab Harry's hand. "You want to leave our wedding early?" Louis ' eyes twinkled like sapphires as he got to the door and peered out. It was empty, everyone was enjoying the dance and drinks. Rushing from the room and dragging Harry with, he ran for the double glass doors, pushing the bar to open it. The cool evening breeze swept up to meet them as Louis went for the limo, climbing inside.
Harry's dick wasn't even put away. It bobbed freely, the sharp zipper stabbing into the underside with every step they took. Feeling like a child ditching school, he looked around to make sure they weren't followed before he went outside, the cold air instantly turning the saliva on his dick into a chilled blanket. A shiver ran down his spine, but with his heart pumping as fast as it was he wasn't even bothered by the cold, or the old woman passing them who turned to gape, dentures slipping to rest on her lower lip.
"Have a lovely night!" He called out, waving his hand through the dark air before he climbed into the limo, too. The moment he was seated he was attacking Louis, the boy pulled to sit on his lap with the curve of his ass digging into the tip of Harry's cock, where he continued to grind as the dom pulled and sucked on his bottom lip. His taste buds were assaulted with this sour tinge, mellowed out with this sweeter berry flavor, and he found himself realizing this was suddenly his favorite flavor, even if he hadn't a clue what it actually was.
A low groan when Louis was set on Harry's lap, feeling the cock brushing against him. Licking over his lips, Louis kissed Harry back, fingers finding the chocolate locks as he gave them a hard yank. Reaching to undo his own pants, Louis got the zipper down, along with the material sliding down his hips so the only thing between them was the thin material of Louis' boxer shorts.
Gasping, he rubbed his hole over the cockhead, feeling it catch. He wanted Harry in him now, too impatient to wait the entire ride home. Rolling thumb under the waistband of his boxers, he pulled them down, the air conditioning causing the exposed skin to break out into goosebumps. Whimpering into his husband's mouth, Louis shifted to get the boxers out of the way, leaning forward to reach between them for Harry's cock and tease it against his opening.
They rutted against each other, Harry's hand moving to brush over Louis' cock as the boy rubbed his puckered hole against the tip of the dom's dick. Lost to each other, they forgot everything around them, too focused on the feeling of the others body to really pay attention to anything else. And Christ, did he love the subs body. When the limo suddenly went over a really harsh bump, Harry was jostled forward which resulted in him barely sliding into Louis' hole, just enough that he got a small taste of what was awaiting him when he got home.
Moaning, Harry gripped Louis' hips to still him, thumbs rubbing impatiently at his sharp hip bones. "Stop, breathe. I need to breathe." He felt like he was suffocating, too far gone to remember how his lungs were supposed to work. His eyes were hooded, yet still sharp as he peeked at Louis from beneath his curtain of curls, hair growing fast. He was heaving, fingers flexing around the meaty flesh on his sides. "Just a second." he couldn't go any longer without needing to fuck him.
Breathing heavily, Louis stared up at his Dom, the urge to rub against him like a cat was strong. Ducking head down, he slid it under Harry's chin so feathery locks brushed against the underside of his chin as a soft purr came out. Groaning when Harry entered him briefly due to the bump, he twisted hips to get the feeling again, body wanting his Dom more and more.
Louis froze when Harry told him to still. His blue eyes going wide as he looked around for the intrusion. He made a humming noise, ducking back down to his safe spot with ear next to Harry's heart, the thump and harsh breathing soothing him.
What began as a moment or two stretched out to be a minute, then a few more. Arms snaked around Louis' waist to hold him in place, to meld their bodies together and allow their heartbeats to steady and match in rhythm. There, he could feels Louis' heartbeat fast and strong against his chest, creating an almost thrumming in his body that registered as a whisper in his ears. Almost like it was asking permission to enter. As if he hadn't already let it in.
Forever was impossible, and everything good had to end, but Harry created a small little forever in his mind of this moment, locking it in his brain so on days he simply wanted to look back, he could remember how strong and solid Louis felt against him, how he reeked of cologne and tasted of sweet berries and sour lemons. And how, even with their hard cocks aching and begging for attention, they seemed to only be paying attention to the others eyes.
He may have liked to pretend before, liked to hide how he felt, but he knew now that was ridiculously impossible. Blue ocean eyes with rough waves and sparkling with life locked with murky green ones, where monsters hide below the calm water and hope seemed to not exist; but as the two stayed there, testing the others water, they seemed to merge and create their own little place. A place where the monsters were banished away, and the blue water now darker in color was calmer, life and hope sparkling in the dull sunlight.
And he was gone, heart wore on his sleeve as a soft smile curved his lips. "I think I love you, Louis Tomlinson," an admittance that stopped the world.
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